Read Rescue Breathing Online

Authors: Zoe Norman

Rescue Breathing (31 page)

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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We walk in silence for a few more blocks
until we reach my apartment building. I reach to grab her hand, but
she pulls it away, folding her arms across her chest.

I slow my stride and pull at her shirt,
trying to get her to stop. “I'm sorry that you keep running into
women from my past. I was worried that this may happen on
Damn it,
Olivia, we
've talked
about this. I've been honest with you, but you're not giving me a
chance here. Any woman before you meant
to me. They're in my past, Olivia, but
re my future.
't that be

What did you just say?” she asks with her
back still towards me.

I take a deep breath, not because I'm
winded, but I'm relieved. “I said you'
re my future Olivia.
” I walk towards her with my arms open, ready to
hold her and put this behind us.

Olivia slowly turns around and puts a hand
up, stopping my approach. “Don'
t touch me,
” she
says coldly.

I stagger back, clearly misreading her.

Olivia angrily pushes a tear from her
cheek and continues. “I have a hard time feeling like I'm your
future when I run into women who are all too willing to talk about
the fact that they blew you at the firehouse a few
ago, Owen.
I'm not sure that's something I can get

I tilt my head back and let out a long,
frustrated scream. This again. “You want to know the truth,
Olivia?” I say, my voice tight. I'm tired of playing

Yes, I deserve the truth, don't you
think?” she replies callously.

Here it is, beautiful. Yes, there was a
woman who gave me a fucking
blowjob at the firehouse. How you found out about that, I'm
not sure, but I won't apologize for it.”

Olivia throws up her hands in victory, no
doubt feeling like she's finally getting the truth.

I fucked women whenever and however I
goddamn pleased. But that was
I flew out to Seattle. That was
I met you in that airport bar. That was
the plane ride where I got my
first taste of you. That was before I started falling for you in
Seattle, and that was before you changed my
life.” I spit out. “
is the truth. I have a past.
have a past, and if you'd ever share it with me, I might
understand why you fucking run all the time.”

Olivia looks up at me, a fat tear falling
from her eye.

You're the only woman I've been with since
Seattle, Olivia,” I say, my voice turning gentle. “You're the only
one I
to be with.
If you need me to tell you all the ways I want you,
ll do it.
I could go on all night. What
this is between us, it's good, Olivia, and I don't want it with
anyone else. You own me, Olivia. Don't you see that? I want you to
be my future, but you need to want that too.”

A sob escapes Olivia
's mouth as tears flow down her cheeks. “I
want to be able to let this go so badly, but when I think about
other women with you…you touching them the way you touch me…I can't
take it. It hurts. And maybe I don't have a right for it to hurt,
but it does and I can't stop that.”

My eyes relax as I begin to understand
where her head is. The thought of another man touching Olivia or
making her come fills me with an insane rage that scares me. I get

I know I owe you explanations, stories
about my past,” Olivia continues, “but I can assure you they
stories that
involve me having had sex with multiple partners or in interesting
places. I want to tell you, but I'm not ready, Owen.” She shakes
her head while looking at her feet. “I'm not ready.”

I lift Olivia's chin up to meet my eyes.
“We can make our own memories, Olivia. I'm not looking to recreate
anything. I want everything to be fresh and new with you and for us
to experience things together.” I bend my knees to look her in the
eyes as I hold her waist. “When you're ready to tell me about your
past, I'
But it won't
change a thing about how I feel about you. I need you to understand

She tries to look away from me, but I take
her chin in my fingers again. “I'm not a patient man, Olivia. But
if waiting means having you, then I'll wait as long as it takes.”
Olivia nods silently as I wipe a stray tear from her eye with the
pad of my thumb. “Come upstairs with me. No more running

I offer her my hand and she takes it. Her
hand is warm, her skin soft, and I immediately think about how it
feels when she drags her fingers over my sensitive flesh. Silently,
we walk up the sidewalk to my building, go inside and climb the
stairs to the front door of my apartment. As I fiddle with the keys
in the lock, she squeezes my hand lightly, her way of letting me
know that she's back with me. I turn to look down at her, and when
her eyes catch mine, they darken. My pulse rises and all the right
places on my body start to tingle.

Before I give her a chance to react, I
place my hand on the back of her neck and pull her towards me,
kissing her. It's possessive and loving all at once and so sexy. My
tongue laps into her mouth and she groans involuntarily. Olivia's
arms come around my neck as she tugs me toward her, matching my
intensity. I start to kiss down her neck and realize that we're
still in the hallway.

” Olivia whispers, pleading.

I put my hands under her knees and hoist
Olivia up so her legs wrap around my waist.
We push open the door and walk in, Olivia
clinging to me like a spider monkey, and I kick the door closed
behind us.

I continue to kiss Olivia as I carry her
into my kitchen, resting her perfect ass on the cool granite
countertop of the island as I part her thighs and nestle my hips
between them. My hands cradle her face as I lick and suck at her

You have no idea how much I need you,” I
moan as I kiss down her neck. Olivia moves her head to the side,
offering it to me.

Over the past few months,
've come to learn what
my girl likes, and she repays me with groans of pleasure,
encouraging me. I slip my hands under her top, inching my way up
from her waist to the underside of her bra and over its thin
material to squeeze her breasts. Olivia's hands are in my hair,
tugging just the right amount and causing me to groan. I reach up
and grab one of her hands, bringing it to my waist.

Get these pants off,” I say as I dip to
run my tongue along her collarbone.

Olivia lets go of my hair, only too happy
to rid me of my jeans. I pull away from her and stand up straight
to watch her unfasten my belt, unbutton my jeans, and undo the
zipper. They are loose on me, easily sliding over my hips and
falling to the floor. I'm left in my tight boxer briefs that I know
she loves. They leave little to the imagination as they cling
perfectly to my muscled thighs and ass—and of course the outline of
my engorged cock. I'm rock hard already, and my cock is just
peering over the band of my briefs. Olivia runs a finger over the
tip, feeling the bead of pre-cum there and rubbing it over the
head. I groan, a sound she elicits from me every time she touches

I look up at her and pull her shirt over
her head, quickly following it with her bra, both of which I toss
to the floor. She'
s left
in just her jeans and heels.
I take a step back, assessing her. I love to look at her.
At first, Olivia found it terribly embarrassing, but with time,
she's come to realize that I'm drinking her in, worshiping her, and
now she embraces it. I think even finds it a bit erotic.

,” she breathes.

I guide Olivia backward onto the counter,
laying her flat. My fingers quickly undo the button on her jeans
and I pull them, along with her panties, down and off her

Olivia,” I say, bending down to quickly
slide my tongue along her glistening wetness. “Fuuuck, you taste so
good. Baby, let me go bare with you,” I say, surprising myself, as
I dip my head to lick at her folds again. “I want to make love to
you with nothing separating us. I've...I've never gone without a
condom. Ever. It could be a new memory that belongs only to you. To

Olivia goes still for a second, no doubt
overwhelmed by what I've just asked. “I've never done that either,”
she pants.

I lean up and over her body, giving her a
smile that is half “
I can't wait to fuck you
” and half “
I really cherish you.

Is that a yes?” I ask.

She looks at me and nods.

Holy fuck.
This is really

I pull my boxer briefs down in one fluid
movement, and putting my hands under her knees, I pick Olivia up
and carry her to the couch. As I sit down, Olivia straddles my
knees. It's dark, but we can see our faces well in the moonlight.
It's more than erotic. It's romantic. And my horniness has changed
into a desire, a primal need to be as close to her as I

Olivia rises up on her knees and leans
forward as my head dips to take a nipple into my mouth, my hands
grabbing at her ass, kneading her flesh. Olivia's head falls back
as she groans, “Yes, baby, just like that.
Ohhh God Owen...

My lips quirk up around her nipple and my
fingers dig into her backside.
I feel my penis tap against her lower belly as I grow
longer and thicker. Reaching down between us, Olivia grabs the base
of my cock and strokes it slowly. I groan at her touch as I latch
on to her other nipple. Olivia takes my cock and slides it up and
down her wet slit, teasing me.

Owen, please…”

As the head of my penis slides along her
entrance, I raise my hips and thrust into her as Olivia
simultaneously sinks down onto me. As she envelopes me, I start to
get lightheaded. I was expecting it to be soft and wet, but she was
so fucking warm as her inner muscles contract around me like an
encouraging hug.

I grunt.
“You're incredible, Olivia… Fucking amazing.”

Olivia holds me tighter, groaning into my ear
as she experiences me for the first time too.

Once she's reacquainted with my size
again, Olivia starts to move her hips, grinding herself onto my
cock before sliding up almost all the way. I look down between us
where our bodies are joined and watch her as she takes me again and
again. I can see and hear how wet she is for me, and I bite my lips
from the pleasure.

I don
't know how long I can last like this, Olivia. It's too
fucking good.” I bite her shoulder, trying to stave off what's sure
to be the most intense orgasm of my life.

She's breathless, her eyes closed tight as
she savors the ride our bodies are taking her on. I put my hands on
her ass, helping her to rise and fall, and I watch our joining with

Olivia takes my head in her hands as she
lifts and lowers her body. She tilts my head back, her eyes darting
from one eye to the other, and then she kisses me sweetly,
lovingly. This is the most intimate two people can be. We're
physically connected like puzzle pieces and emotionally connected
like soul mates. It takes my breath away.

Tell me again…what you said…outside…”
Olivia says between panting breaths.

re my future,
” I
say into her ear, knowing what she needs to hear. “You're the only
one I want.”

She groans at my words, and I can feel her
insides quiver. I pull her close and thrust hard and fast into her.
I am so tempted to say the words that are sitting on the tip of my
tongue, three words that would irrevocably change the course of our
relationship. Words that I've never truly understood the weight of
until this very moment, but I can't.

Owen, make me come,” she

Turn around. Ride me facing

Olivia effortlessly switches positions
like this is a choreographed dance and slides back onto my
I fall to my
side, taking Olivia with me, my cock lodged deep inside her. As we
lie together side by side on the couch, I lift her leg back and
over my hip. My hips thrust slow and deep at first, allowing her to
feel my entire length. As my pace quickens, my fingers flutter
across her engorged clit.

Oh God, Owen!
” she screams. “More...Please…”

My arm slides under her to grab her breast
as I continue to thrust harder and deeper. My balls slap against
her and she cries out in ecstasy, throwing her head back against my

Owen…Owen...coming…now…fuck me,” I

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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