Rescue My Heart (16 page)

Read Rescue My Heart Online

Authors: Jean Joachim

Tags: #romance, #love story, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #pugs, #contemporary love story, #pug dogs

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You do?” Rory stopped
what she was doing to stare at him.

Of course. I’d never say
that to you if I didn’t think you had a chance. A good

I made mushroom soup

I love
mushroom soup.”
Damn. She’s sexy,
brilliant, and a great cook.

When Hack’s watch alerted them that
three o’clock had arrived, he pushed to his feet and stretched. “I
love what you wrote today.”

Even the sex

He blushed. “Yeah. It was hot.
Memorable.” He headed for his jacket, but Rory was in the way.
Quickly, he surrounded her with his arms, pulling her into him for
a real kiss. His mouth descended on hers before she could protest.
His hand cradled the back of her head while his lips insisted she
open for him. He pressed his chest against hers, his other arm
encircled her waist, pinning her to him.

Rory’s eyes closed. She opened when
his tongue caressed hers. Her arms wound around his neck, and a
soft moan escaped her throat. She moved her fingers up and into his
glossy hair. He combed his through her silky locks.

Suddenly, he stepped back. “I’m sorry.
So sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I wouldn’t blame you if you
called the judge and had me hauled in for assault.”

Rory put her hand on his arm and bent
down until her eyes made contact with his, which were aimed at the
floor. “Don’t apologize. That was…breath-taking,” she said

I mean, I’m engaged, and
I shouldn’t be thinking about, let alone kissing, or touching, or
anything with another woman…”

Rory stopped him with her mouth. Her
lips closed over his while she got a sturdy hold of his shoulders.
She moved her hips against his. He responded, folding her into his
embrace and taking over. His hands caressed her back then one slid
down to squeeze her behind. His other hand stroked her hair, his
fingers playing through the soft strands again and

He kissed her gently this time,
waiting for her to kiss him back. His lips nibbled on hers, his
hands slowly, sensuously, seducing her with every touch. She
offered no resistance, encouraging his exploration with her soft
moans. When they broke, only ragged breathing disturbed the
silence. They stood looking at each other as sunlight streamed in
the windows. He fought the urge to take her again.

The sun on your
hair…beautiful,” he said, reaching for his jacket. “You’re amazing…
Some man’ll be very lucky to spend his life making love to you. It
can’t be me. Dammit. Not now, not yet. I’m sorry. You’ll never know
how sorry.”

In a flash, he was out the door and
down the steps.


* * * *


bewildered Rory stood at the open door, fighting tears.
What happened? One minute flowers and kissing,
then goodbye forever?
After finishing a
lonely dinner, she turned on the television to break the quiet. The
phone rang. It was her friend, Janice, at pug

Alfred’s in the kill
shelter. Can you pick him up tomorrow?”

Yes, give me the
information.” Rory searched for a pen and paper.

There was a short silence.

This one’s different,
Rory,” Janice said. “Sammy was in good shape. We found a home for
him. But Alfred isn’t. He’s thirteen. His owner was in and out of
the hospital for months before he died. Alfred was neglected. For a
whole week, no one even fed him. He messed all over the house and
nearly starved. Who knows when he last went to the vet? I heard
he’s sick. I’m not sure how much time he has.”

He’s going to die?” Her
breath caught in her throat.

I don’t know. The woman
at the pound said he didn’t look good. They’ve been giving him
extra food, but she wants him out of there right away before he
catches something. Are you sure you can handle it?”

Rory paced. “I’m on it.”

I’ve contacted Helen.
She’ll take him for however long he has left.”

My vet friend’ll look him
over. Bet he can save him.”

We can’t save them all,
Rory. That’s the hardest part. We lose some. Can’t help

Please, don’t give up

It’s not up to me. Are
you sure you can handle it?”

Can I handle it? Alfred needs
me. I have to handle it.
“Yes.” Her hand
fisted at her side.

All right, then. For a
day or two. Helen’s been through this before. She’ll make sure his
last days are great.”

Her chest tightened. “His last

We have to be realistic.
I know this is hard. You’re very important to us, Rory. If this is
too much, I’ll find someone else. I understand how it

No, no. You can count on

We do everything we can.
If we lose a pug, it’s not through our neglect. Remember that.
You’re not responsible for the bad things that happened to

She took a deep breath and let it out
slowly. “Thanks, Janice.”

No, thank you. We
appreciate you so much. I know this is hard. Call me anytime.
Please call Helen to arrange pick up. Okay?”

Right. Got

You’re sure you’re okay
with this?”

Had to happen sometime,

Try to think about all
the ones we save. The ones who get new, great forever homes. Alfred
will be well cared for. I’m sure he’ll be grateful to see

Yeah. Hope I don’t fall
in love with him.”

I’ve been through this
myself. My heart breaks a little every time I have one like Alfred.
But I can’t let it stop me.”


Call me if you need

will.” Rory closed her phone. She stood by the window, watching the
birds in her feeder. The sky had clouded up. Wind whipped brown
leaves off the trees and sent them swirling to the ground. She
zipped up her sweatshirt against the cold air seeping into the
drafty apartment. A shiver went down her spine.
I’m coming, Alfred. Hang on.

The next morning when Hack showed up,
Rory greeted him coolly. “We have another pug to get from the kill
shelter. This one may be sick.” She plucked her jacket off a hook
behind the door.

Hack put his hands on her arms. “Are
you all right?”

I heard you yesterday,
and I agree.”

Do you?”

Absolutely. While you’re
taken by Miss Bean Pole, we need to be hands off.”

It’s killing me,” he

Rory sloughed off his grip. “You’ll
live. Come on. Alfred’s getting sicker.”

Hack followed her, and they descended
the stairs without conversation.

It took an hour to retrieve Alfred,
sign the paperwork, and leave. The vet at the shelter had examined
him and said he was weak, undernourished, and dehydrated. Hack
flagged down a taxi, and it wasn’t long before they had returned to
Rory’s apartment. She held the door while Hack carried Alfred
inside. He laid the small pug on the floor.

He needs to have his
nails clipped. He’s filthy and looks like he’s coming down with
something. His nose is running. I’d better take him to the clinic.
Don’t want Baxter to get sick, too.”

Rory nodded.

Of course, I’m still your
slave for another hour and a half.”

Please, go. I give you my
blessing.” Rory put a dish of fresh water down in front of Alfred.
He drank.

That’s great. Give him
water, so he can pee all over me on the way.”

But he’s

Bleeding heart…” he

Can you say the same of
Miss String Bean?” She stared at him.

Why do you care if I’m
engaged to Felicia? You think I’m arrogant and smug.”

I did.”

arched an eyebrow. “You

Go…take Alfred. How I
feel about you doesn’t matter. We have a life to save.” Rory
fastened one of Baxter’s coats around Alfred, and Hack tucked him
under his arm.

Call in about an hour.
I’ll know more then.”

She nodded, petted the pug, and closed
the door. Rory tried to concentrate on the book she was writing,
but Big Apple Pug Rescue called to check-up on Alfred. As soon as
she hung up, Rory went down to the clinic, unable to wait. She
checked in at the desk with Mary.

I remember you. You’re
the lady Hack…I mean, Dr. Roberts had that run-in with in the park.
How are you?”

I’m fine. Healing. Dr.
Roberts brought in a pug, Alfred. He’s a rescue. We picked him up
from the kill shelter this morning. Can I see him? Can I talk to
Dr. Roberts?” Rory shifted her weight.

Of course, dear. Dr.
Roberts’s with a patient. Wait a moment. I’ll tell him you’re
here.” Mary got up and went into the back.

settled herself on a bench. The waiting room was empty. The window
near Rory was cracked open three inches, letting in cool air. She
turned to close it when she saw Felicia standing outside, talking
on her cell phone. Rory shifted to one side of the seat, where she
wouldn’t be visible and could listen to the call.
I shouldn’t be eavesdropping. Can’t

The high-pitched voice of the slim,
young woman came through loud and clear. “I know, Paul. Yes. I’m
doing everything I can. Of course I intend to marry him.

Then silence.

I’ll get the money. What?
When? Tell Chet he’ll have to wait. Hack won’t miss a hundred
grand. I know it’s taking longer than we planned. The new line’ll
have to wait. I’m working on him as fast as I can.”


Of course I want to make
next fall! Are you crazy?”


Come on, Paul. Give me a
break. Please be patient.”

Felicia moved a few steps to the
right, a little farther from the window. Rory inched

We’ll get there. Yes. You
and me. I know. I don’t want to do this with anyone else. Do you
feel the same? Good. Trust me. I’m turning on the heat. Gotta

Rory scooted to the other side of the
bench, away from the window, as the door opened and Felicia
strutted in. She glanced over at Rory and frowned. “You here again?
Don’t you ever give up? The man’s taken.”

I’m here to pick up a

Oh? Your dog?”

No, a rescue…you wouldn’t

Probably not. And I don’t
care, either. Leave Hack alone. He’s not interested in

what you think.
Rory bit her tongue, but
refused to fight with the woman.

Felicia paced the room. “Where’s

In the back.” Within two
minutes, Hack came out, carrying Alfred. He nodded toward Felicia
as he approached Rory.

How is he?” She took the
pug from him.

He’s got an upper
respiratory infection and God knows what else. This poor dog hasn’t
had very good care. I clipped his nails.”

Janice at Big Apple told
me his owner died after being sick for a long time. No one got to
Alfred for at least a week afterward.” She petted the dog with
long, gentle strokes.

He’s probably older than
thirteen. I have some medicine for him.”

Rory could feel the pug’s labored
breathing. Emotion choked her throat. “But we got him. He’s out of

I know. We’ll do
everything we can. But…no promises.” Hack cupped her

looked into his eyes and didn’t like what she saw.
Sympathy. As if Alfred is doomed.
“We can try, can’t we?”

Of course. Here are his
meds with instructions.” Hack put two bottles in her

How much is all this
going to cost?”

Zero. I’ll take care of

She looked up at him, and her eyes
watered. “Thank you,” she mouthed. Then, she picked up her purse
and headed for the door. Hack opened it, and Rory left, looking
back at him once.

When she got Alfred home, she gave him
a quick bath. She opened her oven and turned it on, drying him with
a towel in front of the warm air. Then, she brushed him.

Baxter trotted over to sniff the new
visitor then returned to his small bed and fell asleep.

He’s our guest, Bax. Hope
you’re okay with that.” Rory said. She wrapped Alfred in a clean
towel and curled up with him on the sofa. Rory sat back, having a
cup of tea, watching the old pug sleep.

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