Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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“’ve got the bride-to-be blues.”


“You think?”


“Sure, I was a wreck before my wedding don’t you remember.”


“Oh yes I remember.”


Liz takes a moment to look at Susan and says, “I want you to know regardless what happens, before, during and after your wedding day; I am always here for you. Susan breathes a sigh of relief.
Oh Liz, if you only knew of the doubt I’m struggling with and the man who has unknowingly captured my heart.




Susan can’t stop thinking of Nick as she views the edited video of his fire house interview. Every time she looks at Nick’s face or even thinks about him, she hears her father’s voice in her head,
“Trust me now and wake up. Wake up to the wonderful things I have in store for you.”
Susan reaches the point that she can’t ignore her father’s words any longer. Susan thought, “Dream or not; daddy wants me to be with Nick. That’s what it has to mean. This can’t be coincidence. I never hear daddy’s voice when I’m with Tom only with Nick.” Knowing in her heart what she has to do but still having thoughts of fear and confusion, she hears her father’s voice again saying,
“Don’t be afraid Susan. I’m in your heart. Always have been and nothing can ever keep me away.”




I’m on shift tomorrow and it’ll probably be the last time I see her sweet face.
Nick wonders. Knowing the next time he sees her, she’ll be married.
I wish I was the guy marrying her.”



Chapter 24



Nick arrived fifteen minutes earlier to roll call on Friday in anticipation of talking with Susan for a few minutes before his 24 hour shift started. Susan didn’t disappoint as she came into the station garage shortly after Nick.


“I saw your coverage report on the carbon monoxide call on Tuesday night’s news. Great story! Nick said.


“Thanks. I’ve learned so much from riding with you guys. How were your days off? Susan asked.


“I had so much time off when I was on leave that those 3 days felt like a week. Besides I was looking forward to coming back.” Nick said.


“Couldn’t wait to get some more adrenaline on your next shift?”


“Actually, this being the last day of your news story, I wanted a chance to say goodbye.”


Susan knew what he meant but wanted to tease him by saying, “Goodbye? Are you transferring to another fire station or leaving Chicago?”


“No but this is your last day riding with us.”


“True, but it doesn’t have to be goodbye. I could bump into you on the field one day and you can give me an exclusive or I could see you in the supermarket shopping for recipe ingredients. After all, we both live in Logan Square, so instead of saying goodbye, let’s just say see you later. Deal?”


“Ok deal.”


“Don’t forget. I’m looking forward to my last dinner at the station house.”


“Oh, I haven’t and it’ll be a dinner you won’t soon forget.”


“I’m sure I won’t and here’s your recipe book you lent me. Can’t wait to cook some of them myself.” Susan said smiling as the captain began roll call.


Little did Susan and Nick know that they would both have to take a rain check on tonight’s dinner.


It was about 4pm when the call came in. The firefighters were dispatched to an auto accident on the west side of I-90/I-94 between W. Fullerton Avenue and Logan Boulevard. Dispatch had already informed Captain Miller that officers on the scene reported one of the drivers was trapped and suffering from back injuries. When they arrived at the scene, both accident vehicles were on the shoulder lane. Captain Miller told Troy to park the fire truck right next to the vehicle with the injured driver so it would provide a safety buffer for them as they rescued the driver from the vehicle. The paramedic truck parked on the shoulder in front of the crashed vehicles and proceeded to grab the gurney once they noticed fire truck #1 was providing cover from oncoming traffic.


Captain Miller and Nick where the first one’s out of fire truck #1 and the captain ordered Nick to grab the cutters. Susan and James where already filming the incident from inside the fire truck cabin to capture an elevated view from the truck but also to stay out of everyone’s way. Troy stayed in the driver’s seat until told otherwise. Alex jumped out to and the captain told him to check the driver of the 1
vehicle who seemed fine standing by his car.


A Chicago police officer named DeLuca was already on the scene directing traffic, walked over to fire truck #1 and said to Troy, “What the hell ya doing? Rush hours startin and you’re blocking 2 lanes. You need to move the truck to the shoulder now! Officer DeLuca shouted.


Nick didn’t appreciate the officer’s attitude one bit and put up his hand to Troy to wait and said, “Wait till you get the order from the captain.” Looking at the very annoyed officer, Nick said, “We need the truck to stay where it is to provide us a safe working area so we can rescue this person and not worry about getting hit by a speeding motorist.”


Looking at Nick as if he was no one of importance, he said, “Why do you think I’m here for. I’m to make sure everyone goes around you but the truck can’t stay here.”


“There’s no way you can guarantee our safety,” Nick told the officer. “Besides we’ll probably be done here in 20 to 30 minutes.”


“Move the truck now!” Officer DeLuca yelled back


Unbelievable thought Captain Miller, hearing the argument, he walked over to the truck and said, “Under no circumstances do you move this truck!” Troy nodded in agreement. The captain directed his attention to Officer DeLuca and said, “Like my firefighter explained to you, we need a safety barrier. We shouldn’t be here that long anyway So don’t make a big deal about a little traffic.”


Walking away so he can focus his attention on the injured driver, Officer DeLuca grabs the captain’s arm and begins to argue with him about jurisdiction. Captain Miller pushes Officer DeLuca’s arm off of him and says, “Are you crazy? You want to risk the lives of my firefighters from safely rescuing this person because of some petty traffic?”


Ignoring the officer, Captain Miller said, “Nick start cutting the door so we can pull that guy out.” The captain ordered. Nick nodded but looked at Officer DeLuca one more time, wondering what the hell was his problem.


Relentlessly Officer DeLuca confronted Captain Miller again and yelled, “I’m giving you one more chance to move that truck.”


“I’m giving you one more chance to come to your senses and let us do our jobs!” Captain Miller answered angrily!


“That’s it! You’re under arrest! Put your hands behind your back.” Officer Deluca commanded.


Doing as the officer instructed Captain Miller told him, “I’m going to make sure you lose your badge for this.” Reading the captains rights as he was walking him to his patrol car, Nick got in between them.


Oh God! What are you doing?
Susan thought. “James! Are you getting all this? Susan asked.


James gave her thumbs up so his voice wouldn’t come over the audio recording.


Nick asked, “What’s the charge?”


Officer DeLuca put his hand on Nick’s chest to push him aside and said, “Stay out of the way or you’re next.”


Nick didn’t budge at all. “You still haven’t answered my question. What’s the charge?” Nick countered.


Officer DeLuca, riding really high on his superiority complex, let go of the captain and pushed Nick with both his arms. He pushed Nick so hard that he tripped over the mechanical cutter cables making Nick hit his head on the expressways pavement. As he lost consciousness, the last thing he remembered was Susan screaming.



Chapter 25



NICK! NICK! Susan screaming as she jumped out of the truck to check on Nick. Once Officer DeLuca saw the cameraman filming the situation, his heart sank. Alex and Troy came to look on Nick but with the captain under arrest and Nick unconscious, Alex was now in charge of this call. Alex ordered Troy to cut the door so paramedics could get the injured driver to the hospital. Starring at Officer DeLuca, he grabbed his radio and called dispatch, “Engine 43 to dispatch. Firefighter down, requesting additional paramedic assistance over.”


“10-4 Engine 43. Will advise on paramedic ETA.” The emergency dispatcher said.


“Dispatch – Engine 43. Please inform the Fire Chief that Captain Miller has been taken into custody.”


Controlling his anger and disgust towards Officer DeLuca, Alex demanded to know, “What precinct are you taking him to?


“14,” Officer DeLuca said.


“Dispatch – Engine 43. Be advised. Captain Miller is being taken to police precinct 14.”


“10-4 Engine 43. Standby.”


Looking to notice that Troy successfully removed the car door and the paramedics were already caring for their patient, Alex refocused his attention onto Officer DeLuca and said, “Hope you got a good lawyer because camera man over here, got you on video. Alex walked away to check on Nick but it was now Susan’s turn to really give Officer DeLuca a piece of her mind.


Already having her microphone in hand, she confronted Officer DeLuca saying, “ Susan Taylor. Chicago News 7. Having witnessed and captured your actions on video during this rescue attempt, can you explain what reason would compel you to arrest Captain Miller of Engine Company 43 and forcefully knockdown one of his firefighters Nick Gates who is now unconscious?”


Knowing that he allowed his anger to get the best of him, Officer DeLuca hesitantly answered, “No comment at this time.”


Oh no! You’re not getting off that easy
, thought Susan. “What is the charge against Captain Miller?”


“Obstructing justice.”


“How did you come to that conclusion? The only thing he was obstructing was a traffic lane to keep his men safe while answering a medical call.”


Noticing that a fellow patrolman was arriving on the scene to take over while he took Captain Miller down to the station, he replied, “No comment.”


Susan turned off her microphone, had James turn off the camera, stared at Officer DeLuca’s cold eyes and said, “You coward. I’m disgusted to know that there are men like you that carry a badge and a gun. Just remember this was all you’re doing and I hold you personally responsible for whatever happens to that firefighter.


Officer DeLuca, noticing that the camera was not on him any longer, simply smiled and walked towards the arriving patrolman. He shortly got into his patrol car and took Captain Miller to custody.


Noticing that Nick was still lying unconscious, Susan heard the sirens of the distant ambulance as it was making its way through rush hour traffic. Walking back over to Nick, Susan realized that Alex had removed his fireman’s coat so he wouldn’t overheat in the mid-August heat. Taking the coat and holding it up to provide some shade from the sun on Nicks face, Susan asked Alex, Why isn’t he waking up?”

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