Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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Susan smiled, “It’s the least I can do for someone who put his life on the line for me.” It wasn’t every day that Nick had dinner with someone he’s rescued and appreciated her kind words and generosity.


“You’re welcome.”


“If you don’t mind me asking you, how did you come across the fire? When I first met your brother at the fire station he mentioned you were on leave?”


“I like to take evening walks and I never went down your street before. When I realized how long of a road it was, I was about to turn around and retrace my steps to head back home. That’s when I heard you calling for help.”


“Thank God you didn’t turn back earlier because we wouldn’t be sitting here right now sharing a beer.”


Susan raised her beer mug for a toast and said, “Here’s to being alive!” Once their beer mugs connected for the toast, she felt like crawling under the table. She noticed his wedding ring and realized that it was the stupidest thing to say knowing that Nick was still grieving for his wife.


“Oh my God, I am so sorry. When I met your brother at the fire station he said you were taking some time off to work to grieve for your wife. I’m truly sorry for your loss.”


Seeing the sincerity in her face, Nick said, “It’s OK. Mike said I should get out of the house more often, see friends meet new people, it’s OK, don’t worry.”


Feeling relieved Susan said, “Your brother just wants you to be happy again. But what’s happy? Especially after what you’ve been through.”


Sensing Susan had lost someone close to her as well, he became curious, “Sounds like you know from experience.”


Nodding her head, “My dad. He was there for me every day of my life until I was fourteen and then one day his heart just stopped. That’s when everything changed.”


“I’m sorry. What about your mom?”


“She died giving birth to me.”


Now it was Nick’s turn to feel awkward, feeling regret for having asked the question. He just stared at Susan with compassion and feeling a tremendous amount of respect for her. Here’s a gorgeous woman who never got to know her mother and then loses her father during her pivotal teenage years, Nick could only imagine how so much loss could have affected her life.


“After dad died, I went to live with my aunt and uncle from my mother’s side. We always had a close relationship so it wasn’t too awkward when I moved in with them.”


Wanting to end the topic of loved ones gone, Nick was ready to change this conversation to a happier topic and he felt like she read his mind that very moment.


“Is it me or are you hungry too?” Susan asked with the most beautiful smile Nick had ever seen.


“Oh yeah, I could go for one of their famous cheeseburgers”


“I love their burgers! I don’t eat anyone else’s burgers but theirs! Susan answered excitedly and needing to ask Nick a question that’s been bothering her since she met him.


“Has anyone ever told you that you…,” and they both spoke at the same time, “look like Ryan Reynolds?”


“I’ve actually signed a few autographs.”


“No you haven’t.” Susan giggled.


“No. I haven’t but I have been asked.”


“That I believe.” Susan said smiling


“I guess if I ever get tired saving people from fires, I could always go to Hollywood and become a stunt double or something.” Nick added jokingly.


“Not a bad idea.” Susan said.


“Seriously though, What made you become a firefighter?”


“I wanted to make a difference in the community and be a part of something that was bigger than me. I never saw myself working in an office. One of my neighbors where I grew up was a firefighter, so after a few stories with him, I felt that being a fireman was a good fit.”


“Any regrets for making that career choice?”


“Other than our sleep getting interrupted now and then…none whatsoever. I love what I do. I could win the lottery tomorrow and still show up for my shift.”


“Would love to catch you guys in action someday.”


“Who knows? You being a reporter we’re bound to bump into each other again.”


“Hmm…you’re giving me an idea.”


The waitress approached to take their order.


Nick ordered 2 cheeseburgers for the two of us and asked. “Would you like fries or another side with that?”


“Fries please.” Susan said.


“Make that two orders of fries.” Nick told the waitress.


Susan thought she may have to start another fire so her hero could come to her rescue again. Nick thought what a vibrant, courageous, beautiful woman, both her parents dead, she almost dies and loses everything in the fire but she presses on through life. He believes he could learn a thing or two from her as he marvels at the happiness that just gleams from her.



Chapter 13



Monday had arrived and Susan was sitting down in the conference room where all of the news reporters and department heads were present. Margaret, the assignment editor, gave Susan a warm smile and began the meeting, “Susan from all of us here at News 7, I want to personally welcome you back to work.”


Everyone in the conference room began to clap in agreement.


“Thank you all for your emails and flowers while I was in the hospital. It’s good to be back.” Susan said.


“Susan, this being your first day back, let’s begin with you. I need a story on this guy named Phillip Brooks, who served 20 years in prison for rape and then gets his charges dropped on a 60 year sentence. Why was where the charges dropped? Pardoned, DNA proved otherwise. Find out what you can. Roger, you’re still on for coverage for the immigration protest. Let’s see, sports department, Chicago Mustangs Derrick Howard came out of surgery for his torn left knee ligament; how’s he recuperating? And next Health and Fitness; Looks like Karen has a pitch for us. Go ahead Karen.” Margaret said.


Karen began her presentation saying, “This story will be titled, “14 Days to a Sexy Body.” I’m going to talk about meal plans and empowering thoughts that are a great way for both men and women to get their bodies to start losing fat in the least amount of time possible! For example, two weeks before I took a trip to Aruba, I planned and wrote down what meals I would eat for the week. I also visualized what my body would look like prior to my trip, while I was exercising, eating and before I went to bed every night. My goal was to lose 5 pounds but I lost 8 in total. Needless to say, I liked the way I looked in my bikini. By taking the action that I did, it opened my mind to new possibilities.”


Margaret was pleased with Karen’s presentation “I’m happy to hear your using your personal experience in this story, Karen. This sounds like one from the heart and that’s what separates the OK stories from the excellent ones.”


After the meeting everyone started heading back to their desks and Susan caught up with Karen. “Hey Karen, your story sounds very interesting. Can’t wait to hear more about it.”


“Thanks Susan. That really means a lot coming from you.”


“Karen are you still open to new possibilities?”


“What do you mean?”


“Dating.” Susan asked.


“Hmm…I wouldn’t mind getting to know someone new. What did you have in mind?”


Susan smiled, “Do you find Ryan Reynolds attractive?”




Nick was in his garage giving his motorcycle a tune up. Mike walked in and congratulated him for getting out the house once again. “Good to see you off the couch and in a different area of the house.”


“Ha, ha. Make yourself helpful and pass the ¼ inch wrench.” Nick’s cellphone rang and his face showed a slight grin which Mike noticed.


“Hey Susan!”


“Hi Nick. Do you have a moment?”


“Sure. Go ahead.”


“Please forgive me if I’m crossing the line here but I know this girl at work.”


“Ah, the girlfriend from work routine.” Nick said.


“She’s young, attractive, intelligent and available.”


“You make her sound perfect. What’s the catch?”


“No catch. I just thought it might be fun.”


“I don’t know Susan.”


“Come on, it’ll be fun. You could just go for a drink. Going put you on hold for a moment. Yes?”


Margaret was passing by Susan’s desk and stopped to say, “Good job on the Phillip Brooks story. I’ve submitted it to the news room and it’ll air on the 5 o’clock news spot.”


“Thank you Margaret.” Susan said.


“Nick, are you still there?”


“Yeah, I’m here. OK, I’ll go. What’s the worst that can happen? If anything, I made a new friend.”


“That’s the spirit! Tonight at O’Malley’s. Is 5:30 fine?” Susan asked.


“Sounds good”


“Oh is Mike there? I need to ask him something.”


“He’s at the station house, you need the number?”


“Nope, got it right here. I’ll give him a call and I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.”


“If I don’t, you owe me another dinner. Just kidding.”


Susan laughing, “Ok bye.” She starts dialing the fire station number. “Hello is Michael Gates available? Yes I’ll hold.”


Susan hears a fellow fireman yell, “Yo Mikey!!! The phone!” A few seconds later, “He’s coming.”


“Thank you.”


“This is Mike.”


“Hey Mike, this is Susan Taylor. Remember me?”


“Sure, sure.” Mike thought,
how can I not forget a beautiful woman.


“What can I do for you?”


“I’ve got an idea I want to share with you. Mind if I head over to the station so we can discuss it in person?”


Feeling curious Mike said, “Assuming we don’t get called out for duty, sure. Come on over.”


“Great. I’ll see you in 30 minutes.”



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