Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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Disappointed with his brother, Nick says, “I can’t believe you did that. She’s engaged. Or did you fail to see that bright shiny rock on her finger called a diamond?”


“Relax bro! She wants to thank you for saving her life. Is that so terrible?”


“We save lives Mike. That’s what we’re trained to do.”


“Fine, fine but she may have a friend you could meet.”


“Mike, how many times do I have to tell you I’m not interested in dating right now!”


“It still doesn’t hurt to expand your circle of friends other than the guys in the firehouse. Besides it’s not all about you, she might have a friend for me.” Mike winks at his brother and Nick returns a slight smirk.


Shaking his head Nick says, “Why did I ever agree to let you move back in?”


“Because without me you would’ve been bored out of your mind.” Mike said making Nick grin.


And because Amy wouldn’t want you to be alone
. Mike thought to himself.




The next afternoon at Susan’s hotel room, she received a knock at the door just as she was getting ready to leave. Tom walks into the room but Susan notices he’s not himself. “Well, you don’t look happy?”


“That’s because I have to fly to Houston tonight.”


“You usually bring me flowers when you have to go on a trip.” Tom didn’t appreciate her humor at the moment.


“OK, OK, just kidding.”


“Can’t your firm send someone else?” Susan asked.


“Why would they send someone else when it’s one of my accounts Susan?” Tom replied in an annoyed tone.


Feeling somewhat uncomfortable to Tom’s reaction to a simple question Susan said, “I was just asking since it looks like you truly don’t want to go.” Tom didn’t respond and just stared out the window. “What time is your flight?”




“Ok well that gives us some time. Would you care to join me for a walk?” Susan asked.


“A walk? Where would you like to go?” Tom gave Susan a surprised look.


“How about the Navy Pier?”


The Navy Pier, thought you said that was just for tourists? Tom had a puzzled look.


“But this way I can take some pictures.” said Susan.


“Pictures? Pictures of what?”


“Anything, I don’t know the, ferris wheel, people, boats, scenery whatever comes to mind.”


“Don’t you think you should focus on preparing to go back to work instead? Besides, when did you take up photography Susan?


“I’m not going back to the office until Monday next week and I took photography when I was 13 so I can get a position with the school newspaper. Don’t you remember when I told you?”


Tom shook his head “No actually, I don’t remember that but what I really need to do is pack for tonight’s trip.”


“But it’s still early?”


“I also have to prepare a quick presentation for this Houston trip.”


“Ok, I understand but before you leave let’s pick a day so we can get together with Liz and Joe?”


“Hmm, that going to be difficult said Tom.”


Surprised at his answer, Susan says, “It’s not difficult. You just pick a day and don’t plan anything else for that day.”


“Problem is I don’t know when I’ll be back from Houston and you know how tight my schedule is. I don’t want to commit to something and have to disappoint you later.” Susan just gave him an understanding look.


“I have to go, I’m sorry.” Tom gave her a kiss goodbye and left.




Liz opened the door to O’Malleys and headed towards the back of the restaurant where Susan was already sitting at a booth. The waitress brings over Susan’s meal as Liz sits down, “I went ahead and ordered. I had them hold yours but now that you’re here.” Susan glanced at the waitress and the waitress mentioned, “I’ll be right back with the other order.”


“A cheeseburger. I’m going to tell Tom you’re no longer on the vegetarian track plan. Liz gives Susan a devilish grin.”


“Very funny. How’s work?”


“Fine. I had 2 new hires today so that made the afternoon go by pretty quickly. When are you coming back to the office?”




“So how’s it feel to have your own house?” Susan asked.


“Great! We love it. Can’t wait for you and Tom to come over and see it. I also painted it exactly as you suggested and it came out fabulous.”


“I want to see it.” Susan said.


“Well check with Tom’s schedule and let me know.”


“My schedule is wide open and I would really love to see the place.”


“Really,” asked Liz with a surprised look.


“Sure why wouldn’t I.”


“Last time you didn’t seem so interested.”


“Well I’m interested now.” Susan’s iPhone rings and rather than answering it she turns it off. “Look at you.” Liz said.




“You remind me of the girl I grew up with.”


“You know I keep thinking about the night of the fire; how close I came to dying. If it wasn’t for that firefighter, I wouldn’t be here with you right now.”


“And I’m so glad that your still here because I know a lot of wonderful things are in store for you.”


Susan pondered at Liz’s choice of words and remembered that was the same thing her father told her in her dream.
How bizarre
, she thought.


Liz asked, “Did you ever get to thank your hero?”


“No not yet. Unfortunately, he wasn’t there but I did meet his brother. He gave me his number and I should call him but…,” Susan sounding apprehensive.


“Do it!” Liz said. Come on, the guy saved your life.”


“Yeah, but maybe he doesn’t want to hear from a complete stranger.”


“Please, every man wants to be told that he’s a hero.”


“They do need to hear that every once and a while, don’t they?” Susan asked.


“Hey the same way us ladies need to regularly hear and feel that we’re loved.” Liz said.


Something Susan wasn’t feeling lately from Tom and wishing he would be more affectionate towards her regularly.


Distracting Susan from her thoughts, Liz picks up her beer mug and tells Susan, “It’s good to be here with you.”


“It’s good to be here with you too Liz” and picks up her beer mug as well. Cheers!



Chapter 12



The next day Susan is working on her new laptop that was messengered over by the news network computer department. She’s working on catching up on emails that have been sitting in her mailbox and preparing for Monday’s return to the office. Glancing at the salvaged photo of her and her father, she remembers that she never called Nick to thank him.


Nick’s at home cleaning the kitchen when the house phone rings. Rather than answering, he allows the call to go to voice mail. The welcome message recorded by Mike says, “Hello you’ve reached the Gates residence. Don’t be shy. Leave a message, unless you’re a telemarketer.”


“Hello Nick? It’s Susan Taylor. You saved me from the wretched fire over at Albany Street.”


Feeling guilty because he told Mike he would answer if she called, Nick hesitantly picks up the phone. “Hello?”


“Hello Nick, this is Susan Taylor from the fire at Albany Street.”


“Yes, I remember. How are you?”


“Outstanding, thanks to you and that’s why I’m calling. I wanted to express how grateful I am for being there and saving my life.”


“There’s no need to Miss Taylor, it’s what I’m trained for.”


“Please call me Susan and I really feel awkward doing this over the phone. Can I thank you in person?”


Feeling awkward because she’s engaged, Nick asks, “Can you assure me that no jealous fiancés won’t beat me to a pulp?”


Making Susan laugh, she responded, “I can assure you that mine won’t.”


Enjoying her witty response, Nick asked, “I feel secure already. Where did you have in mind?”




Susan invited Nick to O’Malley’s and ordered 2 beers. She purposely sat at a table facing the front entrance so she could be on the lookout for Nick. Unfortunately she started focusing her attention to a volleyball game on one of the hanging TV’s and as she took a sip of her beer, Nick had entered from the side entrance and startled Susan by saying “Big volleyball fan?”


Spilling some of her beer on her blouse and grabbing some napkins from the dispenser, she answered “Yes. Nice ninja move sneaking up on me.”


“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Nick gestured to the booth seat, “May I?”


“Yes please. It’s so good to meet you now that I’m conscious.” Susan said jokingly. Getting over the slight embarrassment of spilling some of her beer on herself.


“Nice to meet you too. So do you enjoy playing volleyball?”


“Oh yes, very much!”


“In that case, you should sign up with Chicago’s beach volleyball meetup group on the web. They play often and they’re a great group of people.


“So you play as well?”


“Not anymore.” He tried to play a few games but it reminded him of Amy too much.


“Why not?” Susan asked.


“Just doesn’t interest me anymore.”


Susan slid a beer mug across the table, “Oh and I took the liberty of ordering this for you and dinners on me.”


Surprised, Nick said, “Ok, remind me to save your life more often.”

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