Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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Susan and Liz have been childhood friends since elementary school and even though they didn’t look anything alike, everyone thought they were sisters because they hardly left each other’s side and valued their strong relationship. Missing the frequency of their get-togethers, the always made the best of the time they spent together, especially since they both worked for the same TV network Chicago news 7.


Susan was an investigative reporter and Liz worked in human resources. With Susan constantly on the go chasing stories for the news room including her hectic deadline schedules and the fact that Liz was married about five months ago, it’s no wonder why they didn’t see very much of one other these days.


Liz did notice a considerable change in Susan’s work performance over the past year. She became more competitive and aggressive but thankfully maintained her friendliness. Susan’s looks didn’t hurt her either. She was 31 years old and received her light golden brown hair, full lips, and long legs from her mother. She was also blessed with hazel eyes from her father. As Susan became a more seasoned reporter in the past year, it meant fewer coffee breaks together, no more lunch dates or Friday after work drinks; just work, work, work. Except for this night, which both ladies were incredibly grateful for.


“I really enjoyed that movie but you know what? I’m not ready to call it a night. Are you up for a few drinks at O’Malley’s?” Susan asked Liz as they were leaving the theater. Liz was actually excited to hear those words come from Susan’s mouth because O’Malley’s was a family sports bar and restaurant they grew to enjoy since they both reached drinking age.


“Sounds great, I love it! I’ll buy the first round.” Liz said.


Excitedly Susan said, “O’Malley’s here we come!”


O’Malley’s always drew a crowd not only with the locals but with businesses as well. Loaded with multiple flat screens that could be viewed from any seating location, it was an excellent choice for a sports fan dining experience. As far as Susan was concerned it was the only place in town that made the perfect Angus beef cheeseburger. However those burger days, were few and far between ever since she met Tom, her fiancé. Tom was a business consultant for the Millennium Consulting Group, a global management consulting firm who advised clients on business strategy.


“Now you know I love Tom but Ryan Reynolds is so freaking HOT!” Susan confessed. “Susan when was the last time you had a beer? I think it’s effecting you.” Liz said jokingly.


Quickly changing her demeanor, Liz answered in the most ironic tone she could muster, “I’m a happily married woman now and don’t look at other men in that manner anymore.” But then quickly blurting out in her normal voice, she said “Except this one time. Yes Ryan Reynolds is so freaking hot!”


They both laughed uncontrollably.


After gaining their composure Susan asked, “How’s Joe doing?”


“He’s good. Decided to take advantage of our girl’s night out and have a boy’s night out for himself. So he took his dad and his younger brother over to Tavern Ale House to watch mixed martial arts fighting,” replied Liz.


Susan gave a disgusted expression, “UGH, what do men see in that sport anyway. It could be really brutal sometimes.”


“I completely agree with you. I’m just grateful he’s not fanatical about it. What was Tom doing?”


“From what he told me he was just staying in and going over some spreadsheets and put the finishing touches on his powerpoint presentation before he has to fly out next week.”


“My gosh! Does that fiancé of yours ever take a break and actually go out with friends?” Liz stressed the word friends.


“How about round two! That rounds on me,” completely avoiding Liz’ question about Tom. Liz tried again with more compassion in her voice, “Susan seriously. Does Tom have any strong friendships like the one you and I share?”


Susan responded hesitantly, “No. He socializes with a few guys from his office from time to time but it’s usually tied to some business function. He’s just really focused on the goals that he wants to accomplish so we can have a strong future together.”


Liz asked, “Have you discussed a wedding date yet?”


“We’ve talked about it but I’m just not in a rush,” and Liz knew for sure that was a lie. Of course Susan was Liz’s maid of honor in her wedding and remembered how genuinely happy she was for Liz. She knew what Susan wanted and more than anything she looked forward for her turn to walk down the aisle of matrimony.


“Susan, I love you, I just want to know that you’re with somebody that loves and accepts you for who you are and I don’t know Tom all that well.”


“I know Liz, I love you too and I want you and Joe to get to know Tom better. I’ll tell you what. Let’s have dinner over at my place when Tom comes back from his trip.”


Liz was delighted. “I would love that.”


Susan said, “I’ll give you a call with a couple of dates, let me know which one works for you and Joe and we’ll set it up. How’s that sound?”




“Ok then. Let’s get round two started shall we?” said Susan.


“Let’s do it.” Liz answered. “I’m so thirsty I was wondering when you were going to stop talking.”


They both broke out in laughter.



Chapter 3



Now that all the fire trucks were backed up into the station house, everyone was getting out to put their gear away and get cleaned up. Nick rode back in a different truck from his younger brother so when Mike saw him he said, “Great job bro on finding that kid. I saw she was unconscious when you brought her out, how’d she make out?”


“She’s going to make it.” Nick said.


Captain Miller turned the corner from the front of the fire truck walking towards the two brothers and interrupting them, said to Nick in his calm but commanding manner, “Get showered up. When you’re done come meet me in my office.”


“Yes sir.” Nick answered unconcerned.


Just before the captain walked away, he gave Mike a quick glance. Mike took the look as a message saying, this is serious, so learn from your brothers mistakes. Looking at Nick with worry on his face, “That can’t be good.”


Nick responded sarcastically “You think.”


While Nick was showering all he could think about was his stunning wife Amy. He was having memories of when they used to go on hiking trails together at Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve, the ballroom and salsa dance lessons they signed up for at a Solao Dance studio, playing volleyball in the summer with their friends in the Meetup club, and the first kiss they shared that night on the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel, which shortly after led to their wedding day. Their marriage had been the highlight of his life. He had never felt such immense happiness as he did on his wedding day. That happiness continued for 5 years.


Then that dark evening popped into his thoughts to remind him about life’s cold reality. Amy and Nick had just finished having dinner and they were clearing the table when Amy mentioned that a splitting headache just came over her from nowhere. Nick went over to the bathroom medicine cabinet to get Amy two extra strength Excedrin tablets. Amy swallowed them and told Nick about an hour later that she was starting to feel better but was exhausted and was heading for bed. Nick thought that was strange as she usually goes to bed around 10 o’clock and it was barely 8:30 but maybe she had a rough day at work today. He kissed her goodnight, told her he loved her and would join her after seeing his favorite show


Amy was always the first to wake up at 6 am but the alarm kept ringing. Nick, who has never been a morning person, finally woke and realized that Amy wasn’t moving. He called out to her without looking at her but she didn’t respond or move. He turned his head and saw her face was off color and when he touched her, she was so cold.
No no no no no…
he checked for a pulse, nothing. He attempted CPR, nothing.


Troy, a fellow fireman, called out “Nick.” But Nick was still lost in thought about that dreadful morning.


He took Amy to the closest emergency room.


Troy called again, “Nick.”


The ER doctor pronounced her dead on arrival.


Troy called louder still, “Hey Nick!”


I’m sorry Mr. Gates;
the doctor said compassionately,
report shows that your wife suffered a brain aneurysm.


This time Troy yelled, “YO NICK!!!” Startled and realizing he was still in the shower, Nick snapped out of the memory of that dreadful morning. Into the cold reality of knowing that his precious Amy was gone forever and the empty void in his heart could never be whole again.


Nick looked at Troy, “What’s up?”


Troy spoke strongly, “Captain wants to see you! Man, what’s wrong with you? I called you like four times!”


Ignoring Troy’s question, Nick answered, “I’ll be right there.”




“Took you long enough. Take a seat,” demanded Captain Miller.


Nick sat down and prepared himself for another one of his captain’s speeches.


“You decided on another solo act again. You broke protocol by running into a burning building, confirmed reports of top floors losing stability, not waiting for a ladder and not taking your partner with you. Explain yourself.” Captain Miller asked calmly.


“Pardon me Captain, but aren’t we here to save lives?” Nick replied sarcastically.


“You’re kidding me right? That’s all you got for me?”


“As far as I’m concerned I was doing my job so I really don’t understand why we’re even having this discussion.”


“Then allow me to refresh your memory, a month ago you jumped between two buildings and you didn’t even have a safety line tied around you, two weeks ago you had 15 min. left in your air tank and you stayed in that warehouse until your partner threatened to report you, now he didn’t so don’t go blaming him, I’ve got my ways of finding these things out myself. And then today’s stunt.”


“Captain, I made the decision to go back into that building and it was mine alone to save that little girl!” Nick argued back.


Speaking powerfully now, Captain Miller yelled, “You don’t have the authorization to make that decision. I make that decision and you never ever tell your partner to stay put when he’s there to back you up. Every fireman in this company works as a team; as one. Did you ever stop to think that the floor would have given out on you? Did you ever stop to think of the men whose lives could have been lost if I had sent them in after you?”


Nick knew the captain was right, he should’ve waited for the trucks aerial ladder and never have gone in alone. The captain wasn’t done yet but what he said next took Nick by surprise.


Lowering his voice, the captain asked, “Gates, do you want to die? Do you want to end your life and join Amy? Is that it?” Nick was angered by the captain’s questions and he looking deeply into his eyes said, “You’re getting personal captain; let’s keep the topic on what happened today.”

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