Rescuing A Runaway Bride (19 page)

BOOK: Rescuing A Runaway Bride
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Jake pulled back. “Don’t rush me, sunshine. I do my best work when I go

Slow wasn’t what she wanted. She ran her hand down his body, taking his erection in her hand. He groaned, surging forward under her ministrations.
That is more like it.
She wanted him just as hot for her. She could feel his leashed power, as his hot velvet shaft pulsed in her hands.

He caressed her, tracing lines of fire down her quivering abdomen until he reached her inner thighs. Her legs opened for him. His teasing touch tempted her, leaving her wanting more. She needed him, had to have him. Finally, when she thought she’d go mad from need, his fingers touched her femininity. She gasped, as he inched first one and then two fingers inside her. She knew she was wet, her body weeping for him. “Oh, yes.” She
against him, her hands running down his back to knead his tight buns. She felt him buck against her and reveled in her power to excite him. “Now, please.”

“Yes. I can’t wait any longer either.”

Jake surged between her thighs, entering her, filling her intimate center.

She cried out at the sensation his possession ignited in her. His hard shaft moving in and out, rubbed against her most sensitive spot, sending a thousand shards of pleasure through her. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him deeper, making Jake groan. She trembled, shivering, as shimmers of orgasm overtook her.

Jake groaned as he surged into her one more time, crying out his own triumph. He went still, his breathing slowly slowing to normal. “I think those love lessons have created a monster. Lord, sunshine, you’ll wear me out.”

“As long as
some of you left, I won’t complain.” She smiled up at him, noting his surprise at her words.

He grinned. “Demanding little cuss, aren’t you?”

“When I see something I want, yes.” She saw his satisfied expression as he rolled to the side, taking her with him. Samantha nestled against him with a smile. They’d had a breakthrough in their turbulent relationship. She drifted off to sleep, confident that their troubles were all behind them.


Chapter 13


The phone rang, jolting Samantha awake. She leaned over Jake to answer it. “Hello.”

“Samantha, honey,” Samuel Logan said, “let me talk to Jake.”

Samantha glanced at Jake’s sleep-rumpled, sexy naked body lying beside her and smiled. He’d actually stayed in bed with her. That had to mean something. She tugged the sheet up to modestly cover her breasts. It was amazing. Her father’s gruff voice made her feel just like a wanton teenager caught in the act. “I’ll go see if I can find him.” She put her hand over the mouthpiece and thrust the phone at a grinning Jake, who seemed to read her reaction very well. “It’s my father.”

Jake ran a caressing finger over her cleavage before taking the phone. He held his hand over the receiver for a moment to say, “Good morning,
. Why don’t you go fix us a pot of coffee while I take this? Then we can spend the rest of the day in bed. We need to work on love lesson number ten.”

Samantha slid an appreciative glance at him before getting out of bed. She belted her robe around her. “I can’t wait.”

Jake took his hand off the receiver. “Hello, Samuel. Samantha came to my room to tell me you were on the phone. What can I do for you?”

Samantha winked at Jake and walked out of the bedroom, making her way into the kitchen. She put a filter in the coffeemaker’s basket and reached for the dark roast blend Jake liked so much. She’d surprise him with breakfast in bed. And then they’d spend the day in other pleasurable pursuits. Love lesson number ten. She tingled at the prospect.

She heard the bedroom door open.
Shoot, so much for surprising him.
Oh well, he could whip up one of his awesome omelets while she toasted some English muffins.

Jake walked up behind Samantha, slipping his arms around her waist. He pulled her against him, bending to nuzzle her nape. “Sorry, sunshine, I’ll have to skip breakfast.”

The tendrils of hair that escaped her topknot stirred when he breathed. She arched her neck loving the warm sensation he created. “We could eat breakfast after.” Rubbing against him, she realized he was already dressed.
What a waste of time.
She’d just have to take them off him again.

“I wish,” he said with regret. “I’m
duty calls. Samuel has a lead on the broker for the dummy stock sales. I’ve got to go in to work and run down a few leads. This time I think we’ve hit pay dirt.”

Samantha was disappointed, but she knew Jake’s duty to the firm came first. Whatever it took to wrap up this caper was worth it. She turned to face him with a bright smile, eager to be in on the clincher. “I’m going with you. It’ll take me ten minutes to get dressed.”

Jake went still. “No.”

Samantha set down the coffee scoop and slanted an inquisitive glance his way. Wondering why the sudden change of mood in him. “You can’t mean that. Remember, I’m your partner. You can’t just up and leave me here to twiddle my thumbs.”

He faced her displeasure calmly and resolutely. “I meant every word I said. Stay out of this, Samantha.”

She wrinkled her nose as she frowned back at him.
Why is he being such a jerk all of a sudden?
They’d had this argument before, and she’d won. They were partners whether he liked it or not. It wasn’t fair of him to try to change the rules now. Was there more to her father’s phone call than he was saying? The thought scared her a little. “Why should I stay out of it? We’re talking about white collar crime here, not murder, incorporated.”

He arched a brow. “Have you forgotten being stalked and attacked at the cabin?”

“Of course not.”
She sighed. His closed expression told her she had little chance of changing his mind, but she had to try. “Those were just random acts of violence. Everything’s been perfectly fine since we returned.”

He shook his head. “In this case, I’d rather be safe than sorry. You’re staying home.
End of argument.”

Samantha scowled up at him. How dare he think he could order her around? That wasn’t his function anymore. He’d better learn that fact, and fast, or he’d be out on his ear. “I’ll go on my own then.”

A nerve pulsed in his tense jaw. “You do, and I’ll see to it that you can’t sit down for a week,” he said dryly.

Samantha gasped at the barbaric threat. Gazing at the steely look in his eye, she suddenly decided that she wouldn’t put it past him to resort to spanking her to control her. She automatically backed against the counter. “Lay one hand on
and you’ll draw back a bloody nub.”

The tension seemed to roll off of Jake as he flashed
her a
startled grin.
“Bloody nub?
Don’t be so dramatic, sunshine. I’ve got to go. I don’t want to keep your father waiting.”

She fumed, but realized she was being just as unreasonable as he was for her own reasons. She was worried about his safety. But the best way for him to stay safe was to focus all his energy on the task at hand. She’d probably just be a distraction if she were there. “Fine
. Save me from the bad guys. I’m just a weak little lady, who needs a big strong hero like you to save me.”

He flashed
her an
apologetic smile as he walked toward the door. “Don’t you dare try to follow me down
I told the security guard to bar you from the building until further notice.”

Samantha scowled as she followed him toward the door. “That’s just peachy.”

He stopped at the door and bent to brush a quick kiss across her lips. “I’ll make it up to you when I get back.”

“I might not be here,” she said.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to slant a panicked glance her way. “Don’t even joke about walking away, sunshine.”

“I just meant that I might go into the shop.” She read the concern in his eyes and knew that he was concerned for her safety.
“All right.
I’ll stay put until you get back. I guess you should get going.”

“Later,” Jake said, walking out the door.


Jake pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll call Laura to sit with you.”

She didn’t relish the idea of company right now. Her emotions were too raw.
“No, thanks.”
When he hesitated, she hurried to reassure him, “I don’t need a babysitter, Jake. I’ll be fine. Besides I’ve got this nifty little alarm you put in to protect me.”

“I hate to leave you alone.” He gazed at her rebellious frown and slid his phone back in its holster. “Okay, you win. I guess I’ve pushed my luck far enough this morning. Just make sure you set the alarm. And don’t forget the panic code.”

Samantha smiled up at him, hoping to reassure him. “I won’t forget. Thanks to you I have my new alarm system to protect me. You need to leave now, or you’ll be late.”

Jake glanced at her appreciatively. “You’re something else, sunshine. I’ll definitely make it up to you when I get back. Get ready for love lesson number ten.”

Samantha locked the door behind Jake and slumped against it. “Dear Lord,” she prayed, “please
let anything happen to him.” She paced the confines of the living room for a moment, and then went into the bedroom to get dressed. Stewing over Jake’s mission wasn’t going to do either of them any good.

As she pulled on her clothes, she couldn’t stop worrying about Jake. He was fast becoming the most important person in her life. She should have told him she loved him, now she might never get the chance. His concern for her safety made her wonder about his. Could he be right? Could the attacks on her be related to this case? Maybe she should drive to Logan Industries and lurk around outside.

She wandered back into the living room, and a tap on the door jolted her out of her reverie. Had Jake called Laura anyway? It might be nice to have someone to talk to. Suddenly glad of the company, Samantha hurried to the door and tore it open. She realized her mistake in an instant. But by then, it was too late.
“Oh my God.”
She gasped and backed away. Grayson stood on the step, pointing a black revolver at her heart.

Her eyes widened as she took in the anomaly of her usually dapper ex-fiancé dressed down in a ratty flannel shirt, worn jeans, and blue baseball cap. It was the same combo her stalker wore. Suddenly it all came
the random acts of violence she’d experienced after she’d left him hadn’t been random after all. He’d probably worn the clothes for affect. Her rejection must have totally unhinged him. The smirk on his face told her that he was enjoying himself.
The creep.

* * * *

Jake pulled into his parking slot, walked through the front door, and headed for Samuel’s office.

Tad bumped into him in the hall and fell into step beside him. “I’m surprised to see you leave Sammy’s side. What’s up?”

“Samuel’s got a lead on those stock sales.” Samuel looked up as Jake entered his office with Tad on his heels. “You made good time, Jake. Did you come solo?”

I had a tough time of it, but I eventually managed to make her stay home. I had to threaten to turn her over my knee.”

Tad let out a whoop of laughter. “I’d like to see you try it. You’d draw back a bloody stump.”

“That’s pretty much what she said,” Jake admitted wryly.

“I could have told you my darling daughter doesn’t take discipline well. I tried spanking her after she ran into traffic when she was six. She bit me. Hard! But let’s move onto less amusing subjects. Here’s the full report.”

Jake took the paper Samuel handed him. He glanced at the investigator’s report and felt his shoulders tighten. Somehow he wasn’t surprised. He’d always thought it was an inside job. “So the money trail from Sun-Worthy Investments led straight to Delbert Logan.”

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