Reservation (Preservation Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Reservation (Preservation Series)
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I rubbed at my eyes beneath my sunglasses and stationed myself in front of the entryway, inches away from Dean’s face. “Kate won’t mind me seeing the dresses she tries on. We’ve discussed it. I won’t be in the room with her; I’ll just stand there in the hall like you are.”

“Don’t be sneaky, Professor. You’re not fooling me, so march your happy ass out of this shop or I’ll get Carter over here to beat you to a pulp and send you packing.”

A dry laugh came from behind me, and I pivoted around to find Carter holding a digital camera. “Right. Like that’ll happen,” he said. “Mr. Olympic Swimmer over here versus this.” He rolled his eyes and gestured to his thin, lanky physique. “Now step aside, fools, and let me in. Kate sent me out to the car to get her camera . She’s a natural-born Bridezilla already.”

Dean’s look of mock horror was priceless. “By Jove, chap! What kind of monster have we created?”

“A bloody good one, if I do say so myself!” Heads began to turn throughout the shop as their jovial laughter rang out, and I stepped back to study a rack of veils and pray to God no one associated me with the loons.

“Excuse me,” a woman said, nudging her way from behind Dean. He stepped aside to let her pass through.

“Sure thing, sweetie. Oh, don’t you just look fabulous! I think that dress is the winner!” He spoke with a lisp and swished his wrist, planting his hand on his hip. “Schnookums?” He looked to Carter. “Doesn’t this woman give Cher a run for her money?”

The girl blushed a bit, then glanced between Carter and Dean as if to say
aw, what a sweet couple
, and then thanked them for their praise before scurrying off to browse the other side of the store in her fluffy white gown.

“Don’t you dare judge us.” Carter gave me the evil eye. “This is the only way the owner will let us in the fitting room with Kate and Crystal.”

“Uh huh. Sure, man.”

The curtain stirred around Dean again, and Kate called out. “Carter? Oh, thank God.” Dean reached across to try to stop her from pulling the curtain, but it was no use. She put him in his place like she always did and yanked the curtain open. She found herself face to face with Carter, while I so gracefully smacked my forehead into the top of the veil rack.

She was unbelievably stunning.

A satin, strapless ivory gown clung to her body and accentuated her phenomenal cleavage and svelte waist, flaring out at the bottom like a mermaid’s tail. As beautiful as it was on her, I only knew one thing.

I wanted to fucking destroy it.

It took a mighty dose of willpower and all the common sense I could muster to keep me from lunging forward and dragging her into that fitting room. I wanted to ravage her, then run the tip of my tongue over every single inch of her. I’d start with the curve of her jaw, her earlobes and throat, then move on to—

“Ryan!” she squeaked when she spotted me. Her hands self-consciously moved to the bodice of her dress, and rested on her torso. “What are you doing here?” Crystal was behind her, smoothing the train of her dress. Her eyes widened when I came into view. Dropping the train and stepping back, she smiled a hello and sank into the shadows next to Dean and Carter, giving us our moment.

My breath caught when Kate moved to meet me and I saw a glimpse of her bare back. Without thinking, I took her hand and spun her around to get a better look.

“Ry, I really don’t want you to see the dress yet,” she pouted, glancing over her shoulder.

“What did I tell you?” Dean waved his hands in the air.

“Carter?” I asked, eyes still glued to the bare skin of her back. I reached out a hand and grabbed the nearest veil off of the rack, without even looking at it. I thrust it towards him. “Go ask the clerk if we can order this veil in ivory to match this dress. Would you mind? Take Dean.”

“Like hell I’d mind! I just got back from the car, and before that I had to wait to ask if we could order this dress in Kate’s size...”

Dean interrupted and tugged on Carter’s arm. “Ah, let them have a moment, man. Cat’s outta the bag, now.” He leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Way to kill her dreams, Professor.” With a pat on my back, he disappeared with Carter, pulling a quiet Crystal along behind him.

I couldn’t help myself. I pulled Kate’s back up against my chest and skimmed my fingers down along the curve of her spine, eyes travelling with them to devour the plunging cut that stopped just above her ass. She let out a quiet gasp and gripped my forearm, which was now clenched tightly around her waist. “I must have misunderstood you, baby. I thought we talked about this the other day. You said you didn’t mind if I saw the dress.”

“I meant before the big day, Ry, after I pick one. Not while I was trying dresses on....I still want to surprise you.” She peered up at me over her shoulder with those soulful eyes and I smiled, my heart doing the damn swelling thing that prompted an overwhelming ache in my chest. It fueled my need to right every wrong she’d experienced—including my monumental fuck-ups—and to become a man worthy enough to be called her partner.

“Honey, you could wear a paper bag and you’d be gorgeous. Any dress you choose will surprise me, I promise.” I nudged her ear and kissed her hair. A sigh of contentment escaped me as she relaxed into my chest, letting her head roll back. “But I’ll let you shop in peace if that’s what you want.”

“Well, a paper bag would certainly elicit surprise.”

.” I rested my chin on top of her head and shut my eyes, and we stood there, front to back, easy as breathing. No one else existed in the shop. The register’s
, the shuffling of footsteps, and the catty chatter all disappeared around us. “Before I leave, though...”


“I vote this one.”

“You like?”

“Oh, I more than like.” My fingers dipped into the low cut above her ass, skimming her flaming hot skin. She flinched, and a warm blush crept across her pale cheeks. I loved that the red color still assaulted her skin, just as it did the first time I’d touched her in the university pool. Lifting my sunglasses, I did a quick scan of our surroundings and guided her to the right, into a corner near the fitting room.

“Ry, what are you—”

.” I spun her around and pressed her back against the wall, thrusting my groin into her pelvis to make sure the full impact of my heat was delivered. “You do serious things to me, Ms. Parker.”

She gasped when I hit her in just the right spot, lifting her arm to brace herself on my shoulder. Her fingers reached up to graze over my stubble, her eyes following their contact. “Why, Ryan Campbell, are you getting fresh with your bride in a public place?”

“Are you opposed to me getting fresh in a public place?”

“Not at all. Although this dress is pretty restrictive, wouldn’t you say?”

I shuffled her to the left toward the fitting room and past the curtain, my desire growing. To hell with staying away. Her cheeks were rosy, her breathing accelerated, and a wild guess told me her pussy was wet and ready for me. She wanted me here, so damn if I wasn’t going to take her.

Just as we reached a fitting room, dramatic gasps rang out, causing us to stall in our tracks. I turned Kate in the direction of the women gaping at us, placing her directly in front of me to conceal my raging arousal.

“Uh, Ryan,” she whispered, “maybe I should change and—”

“Are you...are you Ryan Campbell?” one of the girls squealed, gripping her friend’s arm, her eyes wide and full of hope. “
Ryan Campbell?”

“Who? No, no sorry, I think you’re mistaken.” I cleared my throat and lowered my sunglasses from my head, letting them drop over my nose. “Kate, I love the dress,” I said seriously, while cupping my hands over my crotch. “I’ll meet you out front.”

“Yeah, okay,” she said, still sounding winded. The women began whispering and giggling, peeking after me as I darted out of the dressing room. Thank God none of the employees or owner witnessed that.

While I waited for Kate to change and meet me out front, Carter, Dean, and Crystal were back with the veil.

Carter and Dean were exchanging all sorts of nervous glances, whispering amongst themselves while Crystal stepped in front of them to speak to me. She placed her arm on mine, her blonde hair brushing my shoulder as she leaned in, keeping her voice hushed. “Is Kate just about ready? We tried on three dresses and I’m pretty sure she liked the last one, but...”

“What is it, Crystal?”

“We really need to get out of here. There are some media hounds gathering out front and we just saw something at the front counter.. A magazine one of the sales clerks was reading. I think Kate should know—”

“They’re on to you, man,” Carter said, jumping in and nudging her away. He gave her a look and she quickly relented, releasing my arm to return to Dean’s side. “We better get going.”

“Damn it,” I mumbled. Well, at least Kate was able to try on a few gowns before my world came along and trampled all over her dress shopping experience. “Alright, let me see if she’s ready.” I found her at the front counter, filling out some paperwork and handing a credit card to the woman at the register. I snatched her card and replaced it with my own. “Hate to rush you, baby, but it appears my cover is blown.”

“You have a cover?” She cocked a brow and smirked, eyeing my sad excuse for a disguise. Her gaze lingered on my hat.

“Hey, it’s better than nothing. Come on.” I took her hand and we met the others at the front door. The moment we stepped out onto the sidewalk, we were ambushed, cameras flashing everywhere while prying questions were shouted down at me from every direction. Thank God we’d elected to take my dad’s Mustang. There was no way in hell we would have made it home by public transit without being swarmed.

Making a run for it, we all banded together and charged down the sidewalk, darting into the parking garage and speeding off the minute we threw ourselves in the car. Luck must’ve been on our side because we made it out of the garage relatively painlessly and managed to huddle up in Kate’s apartment twenty minutes later.

We spent the afternoon listening to Dean and Carter play their latest set list, cracking open some beers and pretending to sing along. We didn’t know the words yet but we were getting there, and the journey to learn them was a riot.

Kate and Crystal played domestic in the kitchen, baking a cake to bring to Sam and Jess’s for dinner that night, while I showered and prepped myself for what would probably be one of the most normal, stress free nights I’d have for a while. I was determined to soak it up and make it last.

We piled into the Mustang at 7 p.m. and drove to Sam’s place, waiting patiently at the door while Jess worked to calm the three dogs down before opening for us. They barked and howled in excitement, Jess’s cooing sounds and shushes filtering into the hall from the other side of the door. Kate fidgeted next to me, her eyes on her toes.

“Hey,” I turned to take her chin in my fingers. “What’s up?”

“Just nervous.” She smiled, looking all demure and completely fucking edible. She was sophisticated and sexy from head to toe in that black sleeveless dress of hers. It hit just above her knee, complemented by tall, black leather boots that made me want to spread her across the nearest kitchen counter and drive into her.

“You? Nervous?”

She playfully tapped my shoulder. “Yes, me. They’re not just anyone. They’re...important to you. They’re important to me.”

I pinched her chin tight between my fingers and bent down to peck her forehead. “They’re going to love you. Guaranteed. Now stop worrying.”

The door swung open and Jess tackled us both in hugs and kisses, making a dramatic display of assessing Kate from head to toe. She gave me a knowing look and pulled us inside, greeting our friends as they filed in behind us.

Sam turned a corner from the hallway, her face lighting up when she saw us. “Hey, baby!” she squealed, wrapping me in a hug. She fixed her gaze on Kate the second she let me go, her lips curling in a smug smile of approval. “Good God, woman, where have you been all my life? It’s about damn time you settled him down and talked some sense into his stubborn ass.”

“You must be Sam,” Kate said, her voice filled with just as must enthusiasm.

“Hell yes, the one and only. I inked your boy, here. He already told you, I take it?”

“Yup, and you did a crazy good job. I love your work.”

“Thanks, honey. The minute he told me about you, I knew you were a keeper.” She winked. “Now keep saying shit like that, and I might just steal you all for myself.”

“Hey, now, lady, don’t get any ideas.” Jess playfully rolled her eyes and came to join Sam’s side. She smiled brightly at Kate and shook her hand. “Never mind Sam’s ego, love. I’m Jess. It’s great to meet you.”

Kate laughed, accepting her warm handshake. “Same to you, Jess. Thanks for inviting us over.”

Dean introduced a very timid Crystal, presenting her with pride. The poor girl. She was so down to earth and an all-around sweetheart, but she was definitely out of her element, surrounded by such a lively, boisterous crew. Had to hand it to her, she had guts showing up and knew when it was important to be there for Dean.

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