RESTORATION (a science fiction novel) (RESTORATION (the science fiction trilogy)) (27 page)

BOOK: RESTORATION (a science fiction novel) (RESTORATION (the science fiction trilogy))
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Some of
it’s probably useless now but allot of it was fairly new stuff that he purchased within the last five years or so.  A lot of the instrumentation and electronics items might prove useful in putting together and fixing the equipment when it comes in from the heist.

Dodge knew this was probably the best they could get in such short notice.     

“When can you get possession?”
         “Just a few days, I’m wiring the funds into my Aunts account tomorrow, she’s so excited that she’s already packing for her trip to Georgia.  I hired a team of professional movers to go help her out.  She was elated because she’s getting old and can’t do things like she used to.   She would have probably taken a year or two moving out but this way it will only take two days.  The movers are on their way there now and I even gave them a bonus to be extra sweet to my aunt.  I told them to do whatever she wants and I’ll pay them another bonus on top of their regular fee after it’s all done.” 

“Sounds great Bro, I can’t wait to see this place.”
         “So when do you think the Black Ops team should strike and where?” asked Dodge.
         “Well I’m still working on that but I am also letting them advise us on it.  These guys are good and they are doing some poking around.  They are looking for life centers in police zones that have the slowest response times and then cross referencing that with distance between districts and a few other factors to make a determination on the safest targets to consider.” 

“Oh, wow, they are good huh?”
         “Oh yeah, these guys are pros’ man, they’ll do plenty of research before they strike.  They’ll even have alternate escape routes complete with diversionary vehicles in case of a police chase, these guys don’t get caught.” 

Dodge was impressed.     

“Okay Buddy sounds good, hey how did Amanda take the news about all of this?”
         “Well frankly my friend, she flipped out, she said it was just too much and she’s scared to death.  I told her we would stage a spat out in front of the house; she could announce that she was going to her mothers in Virginia for a while to sort things out.  This way she can leave town until this blows over.” 

“Good idea man, no need to have additional bodies in harm’s way, and we certainly don’t want her blowing our cover.”
         “Yeah, exactly, and I think she will be just fine when this is all over.”
         “I hope so Buddy, she really seems like a great gal for you and she’s not hard on the eyes at all.”  John laughed.      

aint kiddin bro, she’s a keeper! How’s Linsey holding up?”

“Well, she’s in a little deeper now and has nowhere to run, just like you and I.  She says that she can handle it, and she seems to be playing along nicely, she’s a pretty tough lady especially when someone messes with her family.”
         “Good I’m glad to hear it, I always knew she was tough because she puts up with you!” 

“Very funny, but I would have to agree with you, I don’t know how she does it.”
         “Okay Buddy, stay tuned, when I hear back from the Black Ops on when they intend to make their move, I’ll call you so that we can discuss the plan, fine tune it, and then give them the go ahead.” 

“All right talk at ya soon.”  As Dodge ended the call, he realized he had been down there a little too long, so he hurried back up to the kitchen.  Linsey and the kids were finished eating but were still at the table talking.  He sat back down and finished up his plate while they all talked about their plans for the day. 

As soon as the kids got up and left he and Linsey went down to the basement for a few minutes and he filled Linsey in on the details of the plan.
         “I’m scared,” she said.
         “I know Hun, I am too, but we have to be strong.  This is bigger than just us, this is really a threat to our entire way of life, we still don’t know exactly what these guys are after but I’m sure it’s big.  If we wait until we know everything, it might be too late.” 

“Why don’t we just go to the authorities?” asked Linsey.
         “Because, we don’t know how high up this thing goes, we don’t know what people they have in their circle.  We have to find out more but in order to do that we need to work at it full time.  We can’t work at it full time because they are watching us for precisely that kind of activity.  This is why the lair and the clones and all the secrecy is necessary.  Once we find out exactly who and what we’re dealing with then we may be able to go to the authorities with it.  Until then we’ll just have to act normal and wait.”
         “Okay, I’ll do my best,” said Linsey in a somewhat reassuring tone.


Chapter 14
It was time.  Alan Kerrington was coming home today at 10:00 a.m.  With the phone call from John and all the thoughts churning in Dodges head he spaced it.   He was brushing his teeth when he remembered and he shot a quick glance at the clock on the bathroom wall.  Phew! It was only 9:15 they still had time to get over to the house and put out the balloons and the banner that the kids made. 

It didn’t really matter that he forgot because he knew Linsey hadn’t forgotten.  She was really good at remembering times and appointments.  Alan would have preferred no fuss, but that wasn’t going to fly with Linsey and the kids, they loved doing that kind of stuff.

He quickly finished up and ran downstairs where Linsey and the kids were rolling up the banner and putting rubber bands around it for transport.  Linsey had a tote complete with balloons ribbon and some clear tape.
         “Oh, good, I’m glad you came down.  Grab the cake off the kitchen table and we’re ready to go.” 

They all filed out to the garage with everyone carrying an armload of things. Linsey had a tendency to overdo it sometimes but it was always well received because everyone knew she meant well. 

They arrived at Alan’s house with just enough time to blow up the balloons to put out on the light pole in the front yard, hang the    “welcome home young grandpa” banner on the front porch and plop down in the chairs to wait. 

Sure enough right on time the limo arrived.  All the life centers provided a free limo ride home for the newly restored.  It was a really neat way to come home, like starting a new life with a little celebrity status.

  Alan spotted them as the car rounded the corner, he popped out the sunroof and began waving at the imaginary crowd on both sides of the street as if he were in a major holiday parade. 
“What a nut!”
The kids loved it.  Alan was so happy and full of life, it made them all feel great. 

As the car pulled into the drive, Alan had the door open before it stopped and bounded out of it like a youth.  He threw his arms up toward them.

“I’m home!”

They all went out to greet him.  Dodge and Bobby both tried to shake his hand but he pulled them in for a hug.  Linsey and Sarah were both tearing up and gave him hugs and kisses.  The limo driver presented them with a fruit basket and a bottle of complimentary bubbly, as was their standard procedure, before quietly leaving them to their little celebration. 

They made their way onto the porch where Alan thanked them for the banner and balloons and then they went inside and enjoyed Alan’s favorite cake, pineapple upside down cake with ice cream. 

The kids went outside to talk to some neighbor kids that they always liked to play with when visiting.  Linsey, Dodge and Alan sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed some coffee and conversation.  While it was still going on, Dodge pulled a note from his pocket and handed it to Alan.
         “Just keep talking to Linsey, act natural.”  Alan knew it must have to do with the hackers so he did exactly as instructed.

He and Linsey did their best to continue a normal conversation as they watched Dodge.  He got up, pulled the detection device from his pocket and began moving around the room.  The device was silent and only had blinking lights on it to indicate if a bug had been found. 

He spent about two minutes scanning the room including a few seconds standing on the chair he had been sitting in so that he could scan the light fixture just above the kitchen table.  He jumped down and returned the device to his pocket.    

“All clear,” he said as he sat back down.  Alan was looking at him like he was a loon or something.     

“You two mind telling me what the Sam hill is going on?” 

“Remember what I told you about right before you went into the
         “Yeah, I figured it had to do with that.”
         “Well it’s gotten a little more complicated.”
         “Apparently!”  Alan said sarcastically. 

The next half hour was spent bringing Alan up to speed. They explained that he might also be under surveillance and that he really needed to act normal but to be careful.      

“Don’t be looking over your shoulder all the time,” said Dodge.
         “Don’t worry you two, I’ll be acting normal but I’ll be on high alert.  Remember I’m a veteran and I have seen plenty of action.  I can keep a cool head under pressure.  You two stay safe and for god sakes carry some protection!”

“We don’t have carry permits Dad,” said Dodge.

“Come down to the basement with me.” 

They went downstairs and there on two large tables in the middle of the room lay an entire arsenal of weapons.  They were all cleaned and loaded, with extra boxes of ammo next to each one. 

Linsey let out a little noise of some kind.

“Oh god, I don’t like this, I really don’t.” Alan turned and grabbed Linsey by the shoulders.
         “Listen young lady you’re the sweetest, most precious thing in my life.  When Dodge brought you home that first time to meet Mother and I, we knew right then and there that he couldn’t do any better.  You’re the best daughter-in-law any man could ever ask for and I love you dearly.  Now I want you to listen to me because you know how much I love you and I would never steer you wrong.”  Linsey was shocked by his sternness, and she had never seen that look in his eye. 

“Listen,” he said.  “There’s this old Clint Eastwood movie where he’s holed up in a cabin with some friends that weren’t used to fighting.  They were about to get into a gun battle when Clint gave them a little advice.  He said, “When things get bad, and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, you gotta get mean, I
mean plum mad dog mean, cause if you lose your head and give up, then you neither live nor win, that’s just the way it is.”
         “That’s what this situation is like darlin’, you gotta fight fire with fire, you can’t throw smiles at these guys, they’ll stomp a mud hole right in ya, do ya understand what I’m saying?”
         “Yes, I do, I’m sorry, I just really hate guns!  But I understand, I do, I know we need them.”
         “That a girl, I knew ya had it in ya!”  He said as he patted both her shoulders.

  Alan spun around and looked at Dodge who was standing there in amazement.  His Father was the only man he had ever known that could talk to a woman that way and make it work.
         “Son, I want you to take four or five of these, there’s an empty cake box up stairs that will hold several weapons and some ammo, you stuff your pockets as well.  Linsey, I want you to look at these smaller ones and pick something out you think you can handle.  Son, I know you can handle a gun because I taught you well, but you’re gonna have to take her home and go down to the basement for some instruction, do you still have the range down there?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s still there, might have to move a few things around but
it’s there.”
         “All right, good.”  Dodge and Alan were watching Linsey, she was still standing there looking over the smaller guns.
         “Well Hun, go ahead, pick out the one you like,” said Alan. 
         “Well, that one’s kind of pretty,” she said, as she pointed at one with a pearl handle.  Dodge and Alan laughed, they both had a feeling she would do something like that, but it didn’t matter they were all guns and they all worked. 

“Okay, dear, here, I knew I could count on you to pick the pretty one.”  He picked up the pistol, removed the clip and checked the chamber for a round.  He put the gun in Linsey’s hand.

“It’s not loaded,” he said.  “Now point it at the wall over there and see how it feels.”

Linsey smiled a little bit.

“Yeah, I think I could shoot this one.”
         “All right dear, just so you know that’s a Ruger 380 Auto and it holds seven rounds, it was Elizabeth’s favorite.”
         “It was, that makes it better, I’m glad I picked it.”
         “Yeah she used to kid me about it.  She said, “If you have to shoot someone at least with this gun you could do it with some style.”
         “Okay, well, she’s got hers, what’s it going to be for you Son?  Take whatever you want now and you can come back later and get more or I can come over with my tool box later like I’m fixing something at your house and tote a couple in that way.” 

Dodge surveyed the massive collection.
         “Why do you have all these out anyway Dad?”
         “Well, I figured If I didn’t make it through the procedure, you would be reading my will and finding out that these were left to you anyway.  I cleaned all of them real good one last time, you know how much I enjoy my collection.”
         “Okay, fair enough.” 

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