Retribution (15 page)

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Authors: Dave O'Connor

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Book 4 of Warner’s World, #space, #Military, #Romance, #Adventure, #World, #opera, #sci-fi, #Warner's

BOOK: Retribution
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“Until the Council meets, the Deputy Defence Minister Julian Morrow, will act up as the Defence Minister.”




Chapter 13. Nova Vista 0900, 7 June

Lt Phil Turnbull and 2
Lt Alice Wu entered Gate 5 at the spaceport together still talking as they had done for the entire flight. They had introduced themselves on the flight when they found themselves in adjacent seats. To their surprise they discovered they had both been assigned to the Phantom. Alice was to be the comms/intel officer and Phil was battle systems.

By now Phil knew that Alice’s great, great, great grandmother had been French, which explained her Eurasian appearance that Phil liked a lot. She was fresh out of Intelligence training and before that she had done a year in Comms at Fort Mackerwail.

Alice knew that Phil had ancestors as far back as the convicts sent to settle Australia and that the scar above his left eye had been inflicted in a hockey match when he was 19. Alice had also sussed out that that was 5 years ago, which made her six months older than him. She also knew that he had just graduated top of his class in battle systems, which he had gone straight into after graduating.

“So what do you now about our new skipper?” asked Alice.

“Not much really?”

“What rock have you been living under?” she asked. “Doesn’t the name Aubrey Bellard mean anything to you?”

“Sorry. Should it?”

“She commanded the Hermes when they captured the Drakush.”

“No” said Phil disparagingly “that was Warner.”

“Wrong” said Alice with smiling eyes and a smile. “Warner took over command of the Chicago and left Bellard in charge of the Hermes. She charged the Drakush.”

“And crashed the Hermes” added Phil with an ‘eek’ expression on his face.

“Harsh Phil. Harsh. She saved the day.”

“Alright let’s hope her luck holds then.”

“So you believe in luck then?” said Alice with a smile.

Unbeknown to either Phil or Alice the new Quartermaster of the Phantom was also on their flight. He followed behind, equally unaware of them. 2
Lt Martin Lodi was lost in his own thoughts. He strode down the concourse to the elevators thinking about how his parents would worry about him once they got his message. His mother in particular had not wanted him to join the Fleet.

But he was determined to step out on his own path. He recalled how a few years back he had caused her so much grief when he announced his decision to seek a mature officer entry in the quartermaster stream. She could not understand why he was throwing away generations of tradition upholding the family business. ‘You are a Lodi and we Lodi’s have been merchants since before Clive invaded our beloved homeland’ she had said.

His father was more sympathetic. He understood and had confided to Martin that he had wished he had had the courage to make such a decision.

‘So here I am, aged 32, a space warrior assigned to a stealth frigate no less.’ He felt immensely proud of himself and that pride was reflected in his strong erect posture. He moved with purpose toward a new destiny, one that he had chosen. ‘What a day!’

Chapter 14. Washington DC 0915, 7 June

An entourage that included Julian Morrow followed the Chief Minister from the elevator down the corridor and into the ante chamber to her office. Rose and Bernie both began to rise to their feet, but Belinda waved them back down. Belinda followed the entourage into the Chief Minister’s office emerging a good five minutes later.

“She can’t see you right away” said Belinda with a furrowed brow.

“When?” demanded Bernie.

“You can wait there but I can’t tell you exactly. This is a crisis and there are a lot of things that have to be done.”

“This will be a storm in a teacup compared to what will happen if action is not taken now” argued Bernie. “Have you told her yet?”

“Not in full but…”

“Come on Belinda” said Bernie raising his voice.

“Shut it Bernie” said Belinda laying down the law “The Chief Minister calls the shots here not you. Now you can wait here quietly or not at all.”

Bernie was about to stand and continue sparring on an even height but Rose grabbed his arm and shook her head. He fumed but sat back down. Belinda withdrew into her office. Rose took a big breath in, eased back and consciously relaxed. Twenty two years of life in the military had conditioned her to waiting. She looked at Bernie and knew that she was much better at it than him.

Across the square in the Eisenhower building, Lisa McKew was waiting for Abe Mueller to arrive. She had sent him off to find out why Rose wasn’t at work.

“Lisa” hailed Field Marshall Erwin Stoessel, the Chief of the Federation Armed Services (CFAS).


“Do you know why Rose McCubbin and Bernie Wong our waiting outside the Chief Minister’s office?”

“Are they Sir?”

“That’s what I’ve been told. Do you need to tell me something?”

“Not at this stage Sir. Leave it with me and I’ll get back to you shortly.”

“Please do.”

“Abe” hailed Lisa.

“I’m in the elevator now Maam. Won’t be long.”

“Take it back down and meet me out front of the Chief’s Minister’s office.”

“What’s happened?”

“That’s where McCubbin is.”

“Right. Will do Maam.”

Erwin Stoessel finished thinking and picked up his communicator. He texted his liaison officer, LtCol Georgie Parker, “Are you still with the CM?”

A minute later he received “Yes”.

“Stay put. I’m coming over.”

Abe Mueller caught up with his boss half way across the square. He had jogged the last 100m but he didn’t show the effects of the exertion in his breathing. “How did you find out?” he asked.

“CFAS. What are they playing at?”

“Not sure Maam. What do you plan to do?”

“Confront them of course. I’m not going to have this thing blow up in my face.”

Abe just nodded.

Erwin Stoessel exited the Eisenhower building just after Lisa and Abe entered the Chief Minister’s building. He knew something bad was going to happen. He was fed up being kept in the dark. ‘It’s bad enough having to deal with a new Minister’ he fumed. His fuming made his ruddy complexion worse. He marched across the square like a bull waiting to explode. A few in the media scrum at the entrance to the Chief Minister’s building thought about an impromptu interview with the Chief but on second thoughts joined the rest parting the way for the fearsome beast. He strode through with his gaze fixed straight ahead.

Rose nearly died when she saw Lisa and Abe come into the ante chamber. Bernie looked to Rose. It wasn’t that he lacked courage to take on the Fleet Admiral but something within him opted to see what Rose would do.

“What’s the meaning of this Rose?” asked Lisa.

Things were moving in slow motion for Rose, though her brain was revving at fever pitch.  Her eye caught Belinda at her desk. The door was open and Belinda was rising to her feet. Rose got to her feet and instinctively stood to attention. “Mr Wong and I are waiting to see the Chief Minister Maam” she said calmly.

“What about?” demanded Lisa.

“A matter of great import Maam.”

“And what is that matter?”

Belinda interposed her body between Rose and Lisa. “Excuse me Fleet Admiral” she said and facing Rose added “The Chief Minister will see you now.” Belinda turned to Lisa, smiled politely and then with her hand shepherded Rose towards the Chief Minister’s door. Bernie jumped to his feet and followed her.

“Excuse me” said Lisa raising her voice “I want an answer. Now!”

“And so do I” bellowed Erwin as he rounded the entrance.

Rose hesitated and began to turn back but Belinda opened the door and pushed Rose forward. Bernie turned back to the two Chiefs and gave a smile as he walked in.

“What’s going on Belinda” demanded Malissa Karalis. She was sitting around her coffee table in the middle of talks with about a dozen other people. They all stared up at the intruders.

“That’s what we want to know” boomed Erwin as he barged his way into the Chief Minister’s office with Lisa and Abe in tow.

“It’s a matter of great import Chief Minister” said Belinda.

“Not more important that this” said Malissa with a degree of annoyance.

“I beg your pardon, but I think it is more important” said Belinda forcefully.

Malissa who had a gut wrenching morning could not conceive of anything more important save an invasion of Earth. But she trusted Belinda. She had been her assistant and chief counsel for over ten years. She took a deep breath and asked those around her if they would kindly wait outside.

“Are you staying Chief” asked Malissa of Erwin.

“Damm right I’m staying Chief Minister. I want to find…”

“And you Fleet Admiral” cut in Malissa.

“If you please Maam.”

“Very well” said Malissa as she got up and sat behind her desk. Something told her that she would need its imposing distance.  “Please, take a seat.”

Erwin, Lisa and Abe sat in the chairs on the left and Rose, Bernie and Belinda sat on the right facing Malissa. The big dark wooden desk interposed.

Malissa was a past master at dealing with feuding parties. It was her bread and butter. She deliberately paused and could see the combatants cooling down, even if a little. “Belinda?”

“Chief Minister, Mr Wong and VAdm McCubbin came to see me this morning with evidence they believe proves that the Fleet Admiral, acting alone or in conjunction with the other Chiefs, has usurped her authority.”

“What?” said Lisa very loudly. “That’s preposterous….”

“Please” said Malissa and stared down Lisa. Turning to Belinda she asked “How?”

“By failing to advise the Council of a rogan offer to negotiate for peace.” Belinda turned to Rose and continued “as conveyed by Admiral Yomoto?” Rose nodded.

“That’s preposterous” asserted Lisa “I know nothing…”

“Excuse me” said Belinda “there is more.”

“Go on Belinda” said Malissa.

“If I understand correctly” said Belinda “Admiral Yomoto also claims to have received a directive from the Fleet Admiral to conduct a series of retaliatory nuclear strikes against rogan cities. That’s right isn’t it?” she asked Bernie. Bernie nodded.

“No way” said Lisa. Her colour had turned a bright red.

“Is that all?” asked Malissa of Belinda, ignoring Lisa’s interjection.

“No but perhaps Bernie, I mean Mr Wong, can fill in the details.”

“Mr Wong if you please” asked Malissa.

Bernie went on to describe what had happened and how he and Rose had sought confirmation from Barry Fey and Malcolm Muggeridge. He presented his communicator and transferred the documents for the Chief Minister to see.

“Can I see those too” demanded Erwin. He added a “please” a few seconds later under the gaze of the chief minister.

“I would like to see those too…please” said Lisa.

“Go ahead Mr Wong” said Malissa.

Bernie did so and he glared at the Fleet Admiral daring her to contradict his account.

It took quite a few moments to study the documents.

“These look genuine” said Malissa.

“No way are they genuine Chief Minister” insisted Lisa.

Erwin’s colour had changed. He was in a state of shock.

“Chief” said Malissa “Does this directive from the Fleet Admiral look genuine to you?”

Erwin glanced at Lisa who looked like a rabid dog waiting to bite of the head of any rabbit that stuck its head up. He turned to face Malissa. “It does look … genuine.”

“What? How can you say that?” asked a betrayed Lisa. “Honestly Chief Minister this is all news to me. I don’t know how or by what means but I’m being setup here.”

“So you deny receiving Admiral Yomoto’s report?”

“Absolutely and I never would have sent that directive without authorisation” stated Lisa emphatically.

“Did you provide such authorisation Chief?” asked Malissa of Erwin.

“Not at all” said Erwin. “This is the very first time I have seen Yomoto’s report and I did not authorise that directive.”

Malissa looked around at the faces before her. Someone was lying. That was for sure. “Admiral McCubbin do you have reason to believe that Admiral Yomoto would be trying to setup the Fleet Admiral?”

“No Chief Minister. Admiral Yomoto is a straight shooter.”

“Do you believe the Fleet Admiral has done this?”

“I have to admit I find it hard to believe but the evidence appears overwhelming.”

“Of course it’s true” spoke out Bernie and looking directly at Lisa “Admit it!”

Lisa returned his stare with daggers. “I will never admit to this because I didn’t do it” said Lisa emphasising the last three words.

Malissa addressed Rose. “You’ve advised Yomoto that the directive is unauthorised?”

Rose nodded, ashamed to have to admit going behind the back of her boss. Lisa shook her head at Rose but said nothing.

“It’s clear to me that there has been a gross breach of authority. The exact nature and extent I’m still not sure of. An investigation needs to be conducted. If I find that this has anything whatsoever to do with the death of the Defence Minister then heads will roll. In the meantime, all four chiefs are hereby suspended from their duties.”

“What?” blurted out Erwin. “On what basis am I to be suspended?”

Malissa kept her cool and in a soft but firm voice said “That is my decision Field Marshall. If you have done nothing wrong then you will be reinstated with full honours and I will be glad to publicly endorse you. The same goes for you Fleet Admiral and the other chiefs. You will each hand over to your deputy forthwith and refrain from contacting any of the people involved, including Mr Wong, Admiral McCubbin, Mr Fey or Mr Muggeridge. Is that clear?”

Erwin couldn’t believe it. For the first time in what had been an illustrious career he was lost for words.

“Is that clear Field Marshall?”

He nodded. “Yes” he finally got out.

Lisa affirmed her understanding and rose to leave. As she did she gave the foulest look to Rose and Bernie.

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