Return (16 page)

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Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Return
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The jade-eyed man Orion called brother stepped forward. “‘Tis the law.”

“I don’t give two shits what it
. That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard. I just killed a man. You all witnessed it. Where I’m from that can get you sentenced to death.”

Silence, little one.
The regal blond man stepped forward. Despite the fact his lips didn’t move, Brigit knew he’d been the one who’d spoken to her.

“Don’t you shush me, you big dumb Sasquatch. Who do you think you are? If anyone is being sentenced to death, it’s going to be me.” Brigit crossed her arms over her chest and faced him in challenge.

Orion snickered, followed by Ares, Jac and Rachel.

“What’s so funny?” Brigit glanced at Orion, since on his knees they nearly looked eye to eye.

He shook his head.

“Who is that?” Brigit whispered out of the side of her mouth.

Orion smiled. “‘Tis King Eros, Queen Rachel’s true-mate.”

“Queen? Rachel really is a Queen. I thought you were talking figuratively.”

“I told you thusly.”

She snorted. “Yeah, but I thought you were full of shit.”

His gaze narrowed. “Watch your tongue woman or I’ll have to capture it.” Orion’s eyes sparkled with mischief, despite the direness of the situation.

Eros faced Brigit. “Now that you know who I am, do you change your stance?”

Brigit craned her neck to stare him in his aqua eyes. Her knees quaked, but she refused to back down. “Hell no! Do you?”

Eros threw his head back and laughed. “I believe Orion’s orders were to see to your welfare beyond all others. From what I can tell of your rapier tongue, he has done so.” The King turned to Orion. “Rise, warrior. ‘Tis time to celebrate.” They followed the King down a long corridor as orders were given to prepare a feast.

* * * * *

The Atlantean people held a banquet in honor of Brigit’s arrival and the defeat of Professor Rumsinger. Brigit felt a little like Dorothy after the house landed on the wicked witch. She stood in front of the massive crowd with Orion by her side. He announced that the evening would also mark their joining celebration, giving her no chance to back out of their earlier agreement.

, she thought, staring at the man who not only rocked her world, but silently held her heart.

I heard that, mate.

Brigit glared at him. “You know that’s going to take a while for me to get used to. Every time you speak in my head, I think I’m becoming schizophrenic.”

In time you will get used to it. In time, perhaps you’ll prefer it.
She could hear the smile in his voice, even though his expression hadn’t changed.

The Seer stepped in front of them.

Last chance
. Orion warned.
Once she performs the ritual there is no turning back

“You’ve said that before.”

This time I mean it.

Goose bumps rose on Brigit’s arms, but her gaze did not falter. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”

Orion did smile this time and it damn near took her breath away.
Why did the man have to be so gorgeous?

You think I’m gorgeous?

“Oh shut up!”

The Seer said some ritual words then placed her hands on Brigit’s head. A second later, Brigit heard a loud pop. “Yowza! What was that?”

Can you hear me?

“Stop shouting. I can hear you just fine.” Brigit turned to the beautiful blonde woman who’d performed the ceremony and gaped as she realized the woman spoke into her mind like Orion.

The Seer smiled.
‘Tis done.
She announced to the crowd.

Cheers rang out around them. Brigit didn’t really understand what was happening, but went with the flow. She grinned and waved at Rachel and Jac, who beamed like the proud moms-to-be that they were.

Orion grasped her hand and led her away.

Brigit followed him down a long hall that seemed to branch off in several directions.

Our quarters are this way, mate.

“Stop calling me that. I keep looking around for a naval battleship.”

He snickered.
You are such a stubborn woman.

“You knew that going into this whole thing.” Brigit paused, feeling extremely vulnerable. “Do you regret saddling yourself to me?”

Orion turned and took Brigit’s chin into his large hand. His thumb skittered across her lips as his gaze locked onto her face. “I regret nothing.” He leaned forward as if to kiss her, then suddenly changed directions. He planted his mouth onto her forehead, lingering there, letting the heat from his lips permeate her skin. Slowly, he retreated.

Now come.
He implored her to move.

The need shimmering in Orion’s eyes glowed in the moonlight. He led her along a deserted corridor until they reached a pearl-encrusted door. There were shades of jade surrounding the massive frame. As they approached, the door opened noiselessly.

Orion stopped and turned to face Brigit before she could cross the threshold.
He didn’t say a word. Instead, he waited.

Brigit wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. She stood for a few seconds staring at him, hoping he’d give her some instructions. A hint would be nice. Yet, Orion’s expression remained solemn. He gave nothing away.

“Okay, I’ll bite,” she said pushing past him so she could peek into the room. A massive bed of furs and silk, big enough to sleep twenty, took up center space. Off to one corner, Brigit spied a bath the size of a pond filled to the brim with steaming water. She practically groaned as she rushed inside, shedding her clothing as she went. She heard a heavy exhalation come from behind her, but didn’t stop until she plunged into the gargantuan tub.

She surfaced in time to see Orion peeling off his costume. She paused, realizing it wasn’t a costume after all. It was his uniform. Brigit dipped her head back and swept her hair away from her face. “What was that all about at the door?”

You had to enter of your own free will. I could not try to persuade you.

She laughed. “What do you call what you did to me back on Earth?”

He grinned.
That was Earth. This is Zaron.

“So what you’re telling me is that you roped me in on a technicality.”

I was determined to get you at any cost, by any means necessary.
His eyes glittered with promise.

“I see.” Brigit sobered. “Even if you lost your life in the process?”

At any cost.
He repeated softly.

Her eyes misted. “So what are you waiting for?”

Orion stepped into the water, taking his time to give her a full view of his gloriously naked body before the water swallowed it up. The liquid swooshed around his thick thighs, cupping his sac like she longed to do. Brigit wet her lips. She couldn’t help it. The guy was candy and she wanted to lick him from top to bottom and front to back.


He froze in place as Brigit swam the distance separating them. She ducked under the water and came up between his legs. Orion’s nostrils flared as she reached out and grasped his erection, sliding her hand along his impressive length. The rings around his cock were hot to the touch or maybe it was her skin. Either way, Brigit relished the power she felt as she lowered her lips and took him into her mouth.

She licked his shaft, climbing the rings like a ladder with her tongue. Orion dropped his head forward onto his chest and groaned. He didn’t reach for her, but she saw his hands open and close several times in an effort to remain at his sides. Brigit smiled inwardly, enjoying the thrill of having this mighty warrior wrapped around her fingers.

She sucked in her cheeks and slowly pulled him out of her mouth with a pop. Orion growled as she swirled her tongue over the weeping eye of his cock. His hips bucked of their own volition. Brigit took him deep again. This time his fingers curled into her shoulders, biting her skin as he tried to maintain control.

You are a witch, for your mouth casts a spell over me.

Brigit giggled, sending vibrations of her own through his shaft.

Enough! ‘Tis time to fuck.
He pulled her from his cock.

“I thought you didn’t like that word.”

Orion shrugged casually.
Your language is “clinging on me”

“You mean it’s ‘growing on you’?”

Enough talk!

Orion pulled her to the edge of the tub and sat her on the ledge. With one hand he pushed her back until she lay with her hips teetering and legs dangling in the water. His throbbing cock found her opening and plunged inside. Brigit gasped, then began to moan as he fucked her.

He nibbled on her lips between strokes until Brigit thought she’d lose her mind. Greedily, he devoured her, while milking her body for more. Brigit rocked her head from side to side and reached for something to hang onto, but came up with air. Her body undulated as Orion fed deep, driving her need along a razor’s edge that threatened to slice her in two.

Brigit moaned, her orgasm ripping through her. She heard water slosh as Orion rose out of the tub to blanket her. She didn’t have time to recover. He thrust deeper inside her aching pussy, driving sanity from her mind. The rings on his cock vibrated and his hands at the side of her head began to glow.

You are mine.
He repeated with each thrust.
Say it
, he demanded as his hips pounded into her.

I’m yours.

Tell me again.

I’m yours.

And again.
His voice dropped to nearly a whisper in her mind.

Brigit cupped his cheek.
I’m yours
he said in his mind, meaning every word.

Orion smiled, his heart clearly showing in his eyes. He sent a burst of energy through their bodies, spiraling them into orbit and out of control. When they finally floated back to the planet, he lowered his mouth and kissed her tenderly. Brigit felt his love flow into her body. He drew back and stared in wonder at her face, before saying,
And I am yours.


About the Author


I’d like to say I’m the life of the party, a laugh-a-minute kind of gal, and outrageously cool, BUT that would be a slight fabrication.

I’m actually a thirty-something, ex-flight attendant with a penchant for huge bookstores and big dumb action movies. I prefer quiet dinners with friends over maddening crowds. Happily married to my very own Highlander, we split our time between two continents.

In my spare time...LOL...I’m kidding, I don't have any spare time. The hours of my day are spent writing, and when I’m not doing that I’m thinking about writing. I guess you could say I have a one-track mind.


Jordan welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Also by Jordan Summers


Atlantean’s Quest: Atlantean Heat

Atlantean’s Quest: Exodus

Atlantean’s Quest: Redemption

Atlantean’s Quest: The Arrival

Gothic Passions

Tears of Amun


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