Return (9 page)

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Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Return
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She watched as Orion pulled the cloth away from his chest. His blue and green eyes glittered with intensity. Brigit licked her suddenly dry lips as the rings piercing his nipples appeared. She’d never dated a guy with piercings before. She had a whole new appreciation for body jewelry. Brigit moved, lifting the tattered material from her arms, not once looking away from Orion’s chest—until he dropped his pants.

Good God, what in the hell was that? And why was it silver?

She blinked. Then did so again, but it remained unchanged. Well that wasn’t exactly true. It was growing, rising like a leviathan out of the dark nest of curls surrounding it.

Brigit felt her eyes bug out of her head. Where did he think he was going to put that monster? She reached over and grabbed the measuring tape from the bedside table.

“What are you doing?” he asked stepping out of reach.

“Humor me, I have to know. What is your length?”

Warily, he watched her hands move toward his shaft. “Length? I know not what you mean.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. You mean to tell me you’ve never measured that thing?” she asked pointing at his cock, incredulity filling her voice. “I don’t believe it.”

“Why would I? I’ve never had complaints.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest. “Quite the contrary.”

Brigit snorted. “I bet not. That would be like spitting on Santa for bringing you a new sports car on Christmas morning.”

Orion blinked. “You speak in riddles. Who is this Santa? Translate.”

“You really are a trip.” She shook her head, ignoring the strange sensation in her gut that told her something wasn’t right. “You have to know that you’re hung like…like… Well let’s just say I’m going to start calling you Godzilla.”

His face reddened and his nostrils flared. White lines bracketed his thinning lips. “I know not what creature you’re comparing me to but you should know I do not appreciate your harsh words.”

Brigit laughed then, she couldn’t help it. Since when did a guy get pissed over his anatomy being compared to a gigantic lizard? “You are a very strange man, Orion. Gorgeous, but strange.”

“I assure you I am quite acceptable where I come from. Women all over the galaxy seek me out.”

“I have no doubt. You want to tell me where you got those rings?” Brigit pointed casually, but she could feel her face heating under his perusal and her hand shook. Crap! She locked her fingers behind her.

“They were applied on
. I was young and foolish at the time, but they’ve since served me well.” His lips quirked upward.

Brigit arched a brow and then inched closer. “Do you know the rings are beginning to glow?”

“Yes,” he purred like a Bengal tiger nursing a bucket of milk. “I can feel them.” The smile that spread across his face was positively illegal.

Brigit stepped back instantly, her body on alert. “What?”

“Would you like to see what else they can do?” He removed the mask she’d given him and strode forward, leaving his uniform pooling at his feet.

She grunted and scooted back. There had to be a battery pack somewhere. “I-I don’t think so, hotshot. I believe I’ve seen enough.” But she hadn’t, not really. If she were brutally honest with herself, Brigit would admit that she could stare at him forever. Her heart somersaulted at the thought. It would be so easy to fall for this man. Part of her already had.

“You may have seen enough, but you have yet to experience my
rings. They say the rings can transport a woman to another galaxy.” He licked his bottom lip and inched forward, stalking her.

Her body thrummed at the prospect of him catching her, but her mind had other ideas. Brigit glanced around, looking for a quick escape. Orion was bigger than she was and probably a lot faster, which wouldn’t take much since she never ran anywhere, for anything, not even to catch a cab. She’d make an exception now.

Could she make it to the door before him? As if he’d read her mind, Orion pounced, knocking her to the bed. He landed on top of her, keeping the bulk of his weight balanced on his elbows, pinning Brigit to the mattress from the waist down.

She squeaked. Not a very ladylike sound, but it was the best she could muster given the circumstances. She inhaled. Her breasts made contact with his bare chest and her mind ceased to function. The silver rings piercing his flat disk-like nipples scraped over her skin. Instead of being cold, the metal seemed to heat on contact. Her body bowed. God, he felt good. More than good. Decadent. And a damn sight better than any Belgian chocolate she’d ever consumed. He even beat Squishy Bears candy.

He shifted and the rings of his cock slid between her legs, resting on the soft, moist nest of curls between her thighs. Brigit tried to move, squirm away, to escape. The rings pulsed. At least that’s what it felt like, but that was impossible, wasn’t it?

She’d seen his cock, it wasn’t a dildo. The strange vibration occurred again, sending delicious tremors through her clit. Brigit whimpered in need and decided to search for the hidden battery pack later. Heat spread from between her legs, surging through her body like a flash fire. She slipped his nipple ring into her mouth and gently tugged, eliciting a hiss from his lips. She pulled away.

“Kiss me,” she begged, air sawing in and out of her lungs.

He smiled. A second later, his mouth descended, but instead of fiercely taking her lips, he grazed her. The butterfly-wing touch sent shivers dancing over her skin, hardening her already flushed nipples and stiffening her clit until Brigit thought she might scream if she didn’t get relief.

She wanted him to fuck her already.

“Is that what you want, little one?” he murmured, nuzzling her neck and nibbling on her ear, before swirling his tongue at the hollow of her throat. He trailed wet kisses over her collarbone until he reached her nipple. He seemed fascinated by her breasts.

He’d probably never seen a pair so small before.
Brigit groused inwardly for a second until he curled his tongue around one nipple and sucked it into his warm depths. He drew on her flesh, his teeth scraping her skin while he laved and worshipped her. He squeezed her breast in his massive hand so he could bring it closer and deeper into his hot seeking mouth. He released her long enough to blow hot air across her puckered skin.

“You are perfect,” he murmured, his eyes glowing with adoration.

Brigit went up in flames. If it were possible to spontaneously combust, she would be a flash burn on the sheet already. His molten lips fed from her, drawing her need like fire to air, while his ringed cock twitched and lengthened as she writhed beneath him. If it got much bigger there wasn’t a chance in hell it could fit anywhere in her body, not that she wouldn’t love to die trying.

He returned to her mouth, his kisses drugging her as he slid his large hand between them, memorizing each curve, each dip. His expert fingers sought out and found her lower lips, parting her tender flesh while his tongue danced with hers. Brigit moaned as he slipped one digit into her drenched passage. Her body sucked him inside, gripping rhythmically to match the searing kiss.

Another finger quickly followed the first as he stretched her channel, preparing it for an even larger invasion. His thumb circled her clit, careful to avoid touching it. Brigit shimmied, chasing his elusive finger like it were a scrap of paper caught in a windstorm. Her hips rose, bucking in order to urge him closer.

He chuckled against her mouth, before pulling back. “Stay still or I’ll stop.” Orion brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

She could smell her juices on his fingertips. Brigit went rigid, her body aching as she prevented movement. If he stopped right now, she’d scream, then kill him. Her nerves stretched taut, leaving her skin sensitive to his touch, his breath, his need.

“Please,” she sobbed, not above begging at this point. She’d never wanted a man’s cock so bad in her life. Later, she might actually get pissed off about this scenario, but right now she wasn’t about to play the hypocrite.

He nipped her lip, drawing her attention back to him. “Tell me you need me, then tell me what you want, little one.”

“I-I…” she cleared her throat. “I want you.”

He grinned. The unholy smile spread across his face and should have had her running for the hills. “Then you shall have me,” he said, returning one hand to her quim, while his free hand held her head in place. He teased her a second, then pressed on her clit until she saw rainbows. Yet somehow he prevented her from reaching orgasm. What the fu—

His mouth descended upon hers, cutting short her scream of frustration. For a second before their lips met, Brigit thought she saw Orion’s hand glow, but it had to be a trick of the light. His tongue probed her mouth, tasting and dipping. He pulled back a fraction, his gaze unfocused and began chanting low under his breath. His lips stroked across hers like a brush over canvas.

Brigit couldn’t make out the words, but they sounded serious—and ancient. Her body surged with energy and soaring heat. The air practically sparkled with it. She actually felt better than she had in years. She longed to stretch her muscles.

He flicked his wrist and suddenly Brigit didn’t care what was being said or done for she was coming…and coming…and coming. Her body trembled and shook like a 9.8 quake on the Richter scale as rolling orgasms ripped through her one after the other.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry about the pain.” His face twisted in unfettered concern.

What was he talking about? Was he sorry for giving her the best sex she’d ever had? Brigit forced herself to focus on his face, which was hard to do with the world spinning around her. She could actually see remorse in his eyes, but for what she had no idea.

“You haven’t hurt me,” she sputtered trying to get her tongue to work so she could reassure him. Yet, Orion seemed unable to hear her as he repeated his apology again and again. His eyes remained distant as if his spirit no longer occupied his body.

“You must relax,” he whispered against her skin soothingly, before stroking the hair at the side of her head, then he mumbled a few more foreign-sounding words.

This felt incredible, but it was getting weird.

Brigit had just managed to calm her frantic breathing when he entered her. She gasped in shock as something, which felt suspiciously like her deceased hymen, ripped. Impossible! Her eyes bulged. The mixture of pain and pleasure surged through her violently and she came again on a keening cry. God, he was big enough to make her feel like a virgin and he hadn’t even started to move.

Talk about rocking her world.

Orion waited, his cock buried deep, his breathing matching hers. The muscles in his arms trembled as he stroked her mouth with his fingertips. “I’m sorry. It was unavoidable on the first time.”

“What? Why? H— Ow!”

He thrust without answering her incoherent questions and for a second Brigit wasn’t sure she’d survive the ride.

Even as the thought crossed her mind, something strange began to occur. The rings on Orion’s cock started to vibrate in earnest as he slowly pulled his length out of her, then glided sensuously back inside. Her world narrowed to the point at which their bodies joined.

“Oh my God!” she shouted, unable to stop the desire from building once again. Her back arched, scraping her nipples across his chest. The vibrating rings encircling his cock, brushed her clit with each downward stroke. “This isn’t p-possible,” she stuttered as she attempted to gulp air into her straining lungs. Her vision dimmed. Her body trembled as she bucked her hips against Orion to keep him from slipping away.

His smile widened. “I assure you little one, ‘tis quite possible.” He dropped a quick kiss on her nose.

“But your penis is vibrating,” she gasped, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

He shook his head, sending his silky two-toned hair into his face and across her shoulders. The featherlike strands tickled her bare skin. “‘Tis not my shaft that vibrates, ‘tis the rings that surround it. I’ve been told they can make a woman sing, although I’ve yet to hear anything other than their screams of ecstasy.” He grinned. “Will you sing for me?”

Brigit didn’t want to hear about the other women in his life. The subject made her decidedly uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to tell him as much, but the rings took that moment to vibrate again and she nearly swallowed her tongue. Her eyes had crossed twice already, yet Brigit could still see the smug male expression on his face as he hovered above her, stroking steadily in and out of her well-lubed channel.

She had only two questions for him. Did he want an aria or an opera? Not that she could hold a tune in a bucket. Secondly, was it possible to die from an orgasm?

Brigit thought that might be the case as her body gave new meaning to the words “multiple orgasms”. Veins bulged in Orion’s neck and sweat covered his brow as his hips thrust harder. He came seconds later, a bellow ripping from his chest. Brigit felt like a washrag left on the spin cycle too long. She remembered screaming and then she’d lost consciousness for a second or two as his cock shuddered and the rings vibrated at a fever pitch.

When she came to, Brigit could feel her body twitching almost as if an electrical current ran laps beneath her skin. Her hair was matted against her head and Orion lay beside her, staring blindly at the ceiling, his breathing labored. She glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand, two hours had evaporated.

Something inside her melted. Brigit wanted this man for more than a night. A lifetime with Orion wouldn’t be enough. Normally that thought would send her packing, but not this time. This time was different.

She felt it inside, a shifting in her heart to make room for Orion. Brigit couldn’t wait until she saw Jac and Rachel again. She wanted them to meet him. She knew beyond a doubt that they would approve.

“I must tell you the message I was sent here to deliver.” His voice held an edge she hadn’t heard before.

She frowned. That wasn’t exactly normal after-nookie chitchat, but so be it. She closed her eyes and braced herself. “Shoot.”

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