Revealed (The Found Book 1) (28 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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“Seth isn’t deep undercover, if we know where he is,” a woman’s voice shouted back.


“Yep, Annie Newman. Seth has obviously moved on, which is his prerogative. My job is to keep my daughter safe.”

“My job, and my son’s job is to keep our granddaughter and great granddaughter safe. So how can you prove you are really one of the

“Ask me questions only someone who is a
child would know. I should know the answers.”

“What language did you speak when you were discovered?”

“I spoke Hawaiian—the language spoken to me first.” There was a long pause.

“How old were you when you stopped being able to learn new languages?”


“There’s a difference, Seth stopped being able to learn languages when he was nine.”

“Let me guess,” Noah said, “he was about seven years old when he came to you. I’ve talked to four other
children, they all lost their ability to easily assimilate languages two years after being here.” Noah and Riley looked at one another as they waited.

“Did you have a name?”

“Yes. My name was Noah, but my adoptive parents called me Samson, Sam for short. What was Seth’s name when you found him?”

“Seth. It was his name, we did not take it from him.” Noah heard the censure in the old woman’s voice. “Did you dream boy, and if you did, what were your dreams?”

“I dreamed of a stadium.”

“What filled your stadium?”

“Other children.”

“Come on in.”

Noah led his horse through the entryway with Riley following behind.

He stopped short as soon as he got into the open area, it was like he had entered a scene from a photo shoot. Female laughter floated over to him, which made him continue forward, and allowed Riley and his horse to come in as well.

“You were expecting something out of the old west.”

Noah looked around at the gracious patio furniture and the baby swing and smiled. The patio had an awning rolled out from the house, and off to the side was a small corral with two horses grazing and room for at least four more. The house was a small adobe style and would blend in with the rocks when someone flew overhead. As a matter of fact when he looked closer, the awning was really made of camouflage netting, so it too ensured the patio furniture wouldn’t be seen from the air. After realizing all of it, he looked at the corral again and saw there was a natural rock overhang the horses could be tied under, and the fence could be folded back.

“Does everything meet with your approval?” The older woman asked, her eyes alight with amusement. She stood behind a table set for four people.

“You were expecting us?”

“My son said your young colleague had been pretty stubborn. He felt with your help you would probably find us.”

“You seem awfully welcoming. I would have expected a little more caution.”

“Again, your young friend is not very discreet. He is also a very sound sleeper. We were able to find out who he was, and who the Rixitron bastard was within the first twenty-four hours they were in town. Then it was just a matter of figuring out everyone’s motives.”

“What do you mean I’m a sound sleeper? Are you saying someone broke into my room at the motel?” Noah worked hard not to smile at Riley’s outraged tone. He was great to have at your back out in the jungle, but apparently he was not a good field operative. He would have to have Nate train him.

“No offense was meant towards you, Mr. Jones.”

“Petty Officer Jones,” Riley corrected.

“I beg your pardon. No disrespect intended. You have been working to protect Annie and my great granddaughter from the very beginning, and I can’t thank you enough.”

“If you knew that, why all of the questions?” Noah asked.

“Because we thought there was more to your background than was reported.” She sounded like his Hawaiian grandfather.

During the time Noah and Mrs. Natani were talking, Annie continued to sit at the end of the table, quietly sipping her lemonade, and pushing the baby swing.

“Annie, are you okay?” Riley asked, the question bursting from him. It was obvious he had contained it for as long as possible.

“Yes, Petty Officer Jones, I’m fine. Nell is fine. But I do want to leave. Why are people after us, shouldn’t they want Seth?”

Riley’s face hardened, and Noah finally saw the man he normally served with.

“We think they are after Nell. When we were in Texas, we discovered documents showing they planned on developing a breeding program with the

“It seems they’re a little late,” Annie replied calmly.

Mrs. Natani said something in a language Noah couldn’t understand, he assumed it was Navajo. He wondered if Nell would have the gift of assimilating languages.

“We need to take you someplace safe.”

“We’re safe here,” Mrs. Natani said confidently.

“We found you,” Riley pointed out. “If we could, they can.”

“Noah found us with his abilities. They don’t have Noah.”

“How did you know it was me, Mrs. Natani?” Noah asked.

“Seth has abilities as well. No one has ever discovered my home. You did, therefore you have a
skill, like Seth has his skills. These people do not have
people, we are safe.”

“And if Nell becomes sick? What then?” Riley’s voice held steel, and the baby whimpered. Annie picked her up from the swing.

“They are right, Grandmother. It is time to go. They will keep us safe.”

Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

It was two a.m. when he crawled into the warm bed.

“Noah,” Kali sighed.

He gathered her in his arms. They lay together, and softly in the moonlight shared their day. He swallowed down his own bile as she showed him her confrontation with Jared. He saw how Jared explained his plans to experiment on Kali so he could find out secrets to the
. Experiments to ultimately result in her death and dissection.

“God, baby, I would have never have allowed you to go, if I had known that was going to happen.”

“We both know I’m the perfect person to question someone. I can convince them to talk, and I can discern the truth of what they are saying.”

“I don’t want you to do this anymore. I just can’t stand it.”

“Normally this won’t pertain to me.”

“Shit all of this will pertain to you. All of this pertains to the
. All of these fuckers want to breed us, kill us, dissect us, experiment on us, or some other fucking thing we haven’t even thought of yet.”

“Can we talk about something else?” she pleaded. “Show me Annie and her grandmother.”

He was too wound up.

Kali pulled him tight against her naked body and started to caress his back.

“Stop it! I should be comforting you.”

“This is a two way street. I’ve had almost two days to cope with this, you just saw it. You’re as raw as when I heard it. Give yourself a moment, and then tell me about it. Annie is gorgeous. I bet all the dark hair and green eyes made quite the impression.”

“I know what you’re doing, you’re trying to goad me into talking about something else.”

“Is it working? Noah, I get a little insecure when you spend time with beautiful women.”

“Are you kidding me? Kali, you’re the only woman I see. You’re beautiful.” As soon as they stopped talking about experiments, he became conscious of Kali’s naked form in his arms and started to get aroused. He pressed his erection firmly against her. He knew he was being played. Kali wasn’t feeling insecure, they were past that, but he relished the opportunity to tell her how attractive he found her.

“Does this feel like I don’t think you’re attractive? Hell Kali, Nate arranges to bring in powdered doughnuts every day because they know they are your favorite and to watch me suffer.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You end up licking your lips to get the powder off, and then you lick your fingers too, when you’re done. I can barely stand up from the conference room table when we’re done because I’m so damn hard. The whole team sees it, even Sarah. I’m begging you, please don’t eat the doughnuts in front of Mrs. Natani tomorrow.”

“Really?” she said, with an awed smile.

“Really. You’re it for me, beautiful. Why don’t you let me prove it to you? Just thinking about you and those damn doughnuts has put me in a mood.”

She reached for his cock, as if she didn’t believe him, and attempted to curl her fingers around him before he gently grasped her wrist. “No baby, we’re going slower.”

“I want to touch. I want to taste.”

Looking into her eyes, he thought he might drown.

“Me first, we are making a rule tonight, I get to always go first.”

“Bad rule.” Noah grinned, and pulled her hands above her head, and holding them in one hand. Then he stroked the line of her arms to her rib cage, over to her breast, cupping her fuller flesh, and brushing the pebbled nub with his thumb.

“Good rule,” she breathed.

Bending his head he took the turgid tip of her other nipple into his mouth.

“Such a good rule.”

He pressed his leg between hers, feeling her moisture coating his flesh. But even more seductive was feeling her slip into that languorous state of arousal, when she started to float and do nothing but be present in the sensations sparking throughout her body. As he felt her response to him, she felt his desire. He yearned to see her, to touch her, to taste her. He needed to conquer her every fear and grant her every wish.

He nipped at her peak making her to cry out in wonder, and pleasure-pain. “Keep your hands over your head, okay, beautiful?” She nodded. “With words.”

“Yes, Noah. Always yes.”

He slowly moved downwards, stringing kisses and nips along the way towards her mound. Pushing her legs apart, he stared at her sex.

“Noah,” she whined.

“Beautiful. All of you is beautiful. See me, read me.”

She quieted and he could feel her awe, and she saw his sincerity. The scent of her desire drove him wild, and the glistening shine on her flushed red sex drew him in. All of this arousal was because of him, because of what they shared. He was humbled, he was needy. The tip of his tongue felt silk and tasted honey. He licked delicately, and moved upwards towards the sensitive nub of flesh and with one slight touch he had her jumping.

“Hands up, perfectly still,” he said as he pressed down on her soft tummy.

“I can’t.”

“You will.” He felt her reluctance, but also her curiosity and heightened arousal. He angled his arm, so his elbow reminded her to keep her hips pressed down, and his thumb lifted the hood of her clit. Licking the small exposed morsel, he slid two fingers barely inside her entrance, and circled them around and around, mirroring the motion with his tongue. All of the flesh of her sex swelled.

“Noah, I’m so close.”

He kept her right at the edge, easily feeling when one harder touch would push her over, and backing off. Long, long minutes he continued as she sobbed and cursed his name. Finally.

“Love me Noah, be inside me.”

“Do I love you, Kali?”

“Yes, Noah.”

“Who is the only woman I see? Who is the only woman I love? Who is the woman I’m going to grow old with?”

“Me. Kali.”

He reared up, and plunged home. Knowing he did it without protection, knowing deep in his soul they were going to conceive a child.

“Yes, Noah, our child, yes, Noah.”

Deeper. The friction was exquisite. Kali was his everything. Never was life better, no matter the danger. He loved and he was loved.

“So much Noah, I love you so much,” she sobbed, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Up and up, into each other’s minds and hearts and souls.

“I love you, beautiful.”

They found their release. As always, together.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

They gathered in the conference room. Mrs. Natani and Annie hadn’t been told about the briefings. While Noah was gone, Dave Rydell showed up. He had to report in with Admiral Sakuro, so he came from San Diego yesterday, and he and Kali were formerly introduced. She watched the reunion between the two men. Obviously they meant a lot to one another.

The other man in the room also new to the briefings was Niko Evanoff. Noah and Riley were introduced, and Mathers explained they had a lock on Aaron Price. They finally found the lodge his father built in secret in Deer Park, Utah.

“Okay, let’s put together a plan.”

After two hours, Sarah and Kali were not happy. After three hours they were furious.

This is a horrible plan!

Baby, this is what we do.

“I don’t like this at all. Cyrus, is this the kind of thing you were doing when you were leading the task force?” Sarah demanded.

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