Rewind (13 page)

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Authors: H.M. Montes

Tags:, #IDS@DPG

BOOK: Rewind
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Three weeks before graduation I went home with Ronnie to spend the weekend with his family.  Their house was a large A-frame house with a large deck that wrapped all the way around it and a four car detached garage.  His mom Anna was a petite woman with shoulder length reddish brown hair.  “Oh sweetie I’m so glad you’re home for the weekend.”  She hugged him and rubbed his back. 

“Mom this is Sydney, Sydney my mom Anna.”  I extended my hand to her but she insisted on hugging me.  A short heavy set guy wearing a business suit came out of the house and joined us.  “And this is my step dad Peter.”  After we were introduced we all went inside where lunch was just being served by the housekeeper. 
Jesus they have housekeepers? I said to myself.
  The inside of the house was even more amazing than the outside.  It had white grey granite counter tops, dark wood cabinets with frosted glass back lit panels in the middle of the doors.  In the dining room was a massive wooden table that looked like it was sliced directly from a hundred year old tree.  The grains swirled through out it, the finish made it sparkle because of the huge chandelier hanging high from the vaulted ceiling. 

Ronnie pulled gray soft padded chair out for me and sat down beside me.  Peter did the same for Anna then sat down. 

“So, Ronnie says you’re moving back to your hometown after you graduate?”  His mom asked me and smiled softly. 

“Yes, I’m trying to find a building to open a fitness dance studio in.”

“That’s great, he sent us the video from YouTube of some of your cheer performances.  Very stunning and talented group that’s for sure.”

The housekeeper brought a large steaming bowl of soup in and dished it into the bowls on the table.  We ate that in comfortable silence, every so often Ronnie would give my knee a gentle squeeze and wink when I glanced at him out the corner of my eye.  The soup was a lamb celery that had so much flavor I could have easily had a second helping but his mom told me the main course would be served shortly.  His step dad Peter excused himself to take a call on his cell phone, about ten minutes later he apologized as he sat down. 

“What does your family do Sydney?”  he asked with a soft smile. 

“My mom helps my dad at the motorcycle shop, he builds custom motorcycles, does custom paint jobs on them too.  He’s had four on the cover of Cycle World.”  I smiled proudly. 

“That’s great!  Do you have any siblings?” Peter asked me 

“Nope it’s just me, my mom had a terrible pregnancy and was on bed rest with me most of the time so they decided one was enough.” 

The housekeeper came walking in with another lady following her, they put a large brisket in the center with mashed potatoes, corn, and a strawberry cheese cake. 

While we ate the conversation turned to what they each did for a living, Peter was the head of a law firm and Anna was a retired nurse.  Ronnie’s biological dad had left when he was five years old and Peter’s two daughters from his previous marriage lived with their mom three hours away.  I was completely stuffed after supper, we all moved into the living room that was decorated just as immaculate and lavish as the rest of the house.  Ronnie pulled me down next to him on the dark red suede sofa and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.  “I hope you enjoyed the meal Sydney, you look tired.”  His mom said with a laugh. 

“I’m so full I could easily go into a food coma.  Thank you, it was delicious.”  I smiled back at her. 

We were watching an NFL team play football, “Have you ever thought of going to the pros to cheer?”  His mom asked. 

I shook my head, “I thought about it but I would rather help the younger kids so they enjoy the sport and do the best they can.” 

“Do you plan on having kids?”  she tilted her head at me. 

Ronnie stiffened beside me.

“Umm, not for a while, a long while.”  I told her with a nervous laugh.  I wanted kids someday but most definitely not for at least five or more years.

Before she could say anything else Ronnie stood and held his hand out to me, “We’re gonna go hang out in my room.  I’m tired and so is she, we’ll see you in the morning if we both end up sleeping through the evening.”  He hugged his mom, shook Peters hand and led me out of the living room and out the back door. 

“Where are we going?”  I asked confused.

“My room, I need to fuck you like now.”  He said matter of factly. 

He opened the door of what looked like a pool house and stepped out of the way so I could walk in.  “This is your room?  It’s like a smaller version of the house.”  I said as I looked around the place.

He laughed, “I fixed it up when I was sixteen, mom would always come barging in my room at the worst times.  So I moved out here.”  He said as he walked up behind me, brushed my hair away from my neck and started licking a line from my shoulder to my ear.  He gently moved his hand around my waist and unbuttoned my blue jeans, then slipped his hands down them and under my panties.  He moved one hand and slid it up my shirt until he was massaging my breast and pinching my nipple.  “Fuck I can’t wait baby.” He pushed us over to the couch and bent me over it then pushed my blue jeans and panties down.  I heard his zipper slide down and the thick head nudge at my entrance then he punched his hips forward and stopped.  “Never want kids.”  He mumbled from behind me as he pulled out and slowly pushed back inside of me. 

“Wha…what?”  I said totally confused.  This, in my opinion, was not the time to be talking about kids. 

He gripped my hair in his hand and yanked back as he continued to stroke his cock in and out of me.  “I said, I never want to fucking have kids.  Don’t even think about trapping me, I’ll fucking lose my mind.”  His thrusts grew faster and harder, he pulled out, I felt the ribbons of come against my back. 

I was speechless, shocked, confused, “Ummm…” I wasn’t’ sure what to say.  He had climaxed but left me with nothing but a mess on my back.  He used paper towels to wipe his mess off then he walked away.  I stood up and pulled my pants up, “Why would you even say that?”  I asked as I buttoned my blue jeans.  “Did you not hear me say I don’t want them for a long while?”

Ronnie walked back in the room his pants zipped but the button hanging open and his shirt draped over his shoulder.  “Mom thinks she needs grandkids soon, I don’t like little kids enough to be a dad.” He said with a shrug and walked past me down a short hallway; I heard the shower start so I went in and asked if I could join him.  The shower was filled with silence.  I didn’t know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut so I wouldn’t start a fight. 

The rest of the weekend was spent in his “room” away from his mom and step dad.  We Watched movies, looked through year books, and he showed me some high school football games.  His mom called his cell phone and asked him to go with Peter to the office to move a desk.  I decided to look around after he left, the large deck out the back door over looked a small pond surrounded by wildflowers and trees.  I sat out there for about thirty minutes, relaxing and watching the wildlife run through the grass and drink from the pond.  When I went back inside I opened a door that led to what would be used as an office.  Something caught my eye on a stack of papers laying on a small end table.  I picked it up and there staring back at me was a paternity test from a woman named Felicia Winston, Ronnie L Thomas – 99.999% is the father of said daughter.  My hand flew to my mouth to stop the gasp.  I picked up another paper and there staring back at me was a picture of a beautiful little girl with dark brown hair and dark honey colored eyes.  I flipped the picture over on the back was a small note, “
”  A vehicles tires crunching against the gravel driveway snapped me out of my shocked state.  I placed them back down on the table and quietly shut the door then rushed out the back door and sat back down on the lounger where I probably should have never moved from.  The front door banged shut and Ronnie started yelling my name. 

“There you are, you ready to head back?”  he asked with an agitated tone.

“I guess, is everything okay?”  I asked.

“Just fine.  Let’s go.”

I grabbed my overnight bag and followed him out to his pickup.  We left before I had a chance to say goodbye to his mom or Peter. 

I never asked him about Vivian or why he had lied to me about kids. 


Nothing was the same after that weekend, he was moodier than usual, he never wanted to have sex and if we did he was the only one that would orgasm unless I complained. 

Two days before graduation I woke up in the middle of the night with a sever cramp in my lower abdomen.  I groaned and woke Theresa up when I cried out in pain as it shot through me again.  “What’s wrong?”  she threw her covers off and jumped out of her bed. 

“Oh my god—it’s hurts so bad.”  I said as another pinch of pain shot below my belly button. 

“Do you want me to take you to the ER?” 

“No…no just get me some ibuprofen.  Please.” 

A few minutes later she came back and gave me the pills along with a hot water bottle to lay across my abdomen.  Ten minutes later I started puking, I felt a gush of liquid against my cotton panties and freaked out even more.  Theresa started putting her clothes on, “You’re going to the ER.”  She helped me get dressed and walked me slowly to her car.  Each bump she hit felt like I was being stabbed.  “Sydney oh my god what if you’re…pregnant?” 

I viciously shook my head, “God no, no no no.”  I started praying to God NOT to let me be pregnant. 

Once we were checked in and waiting in the patient bay at the hospital, a nurse came and drew three vials of blood and took my vitals.  “A doctor will be in shortly.”  She patted my leg and walked out through the curtain. 

“I’m scared half to death for you.”  Theresa said with tears in her eyes. 

“If I am…he’ll flip out.”  I drew in a breath, “He’s got a two year old little girl, her name is Vivian.”

Theresa’s eyes got huge, “No fucking way!  Didn’t he tell you he doesn’t want kids, that he doesn’t like kids?”

I nodded my head, before the conversation could carry on a young female doctor came in and introduced herself as Dr. Carter, behind her a nurse wheeled in a sonogram machine.  The room started to spin and my body broke out in a cold sweat. 

“Okay Sydney, you’re blood work came back fine.  I just need to check your pelvic area.” 

“What?  Why?”  I felt like I was going to puke even though I knew I had nothing left in me to throw up. 

She shook her head, “You’re not pregnant but I need to make sure it’s not an ectopic pregnancy.  Do you want your friend to stay in or leave the bay?”

“Stay!”  Theresa and I both shouted.  Dr. Carter nodded her head and told me to put my feet in the stir ups.  After a pelvic exam she turned the sonogram machine on and squirted the cool blue gel on my abdomen. 

“Things look fine, no pregnancy anywhere.  I think you might have had an ovarian cyst burst.  Was the fluid tinged with blood and slightly yellowish?”

I breathed a sigh of relief, “Yes, and it hurt like BAD.”

“Just alternate with your ibuprofen and tylenol.  This time tomorrow you should be feeling better.  Your birth control shot is current so that’s good, you might experience a little bleeding.  If you’re sexually active I would use protection just to be on the safe side.”  She said.  Then Dr. Carter cocked her head and looked at my face.  “Are you one of the girls from the Hawks cheer squad?”

I smiled and nodded my head.

“You date the quarter back Ronnie, I knew I recognized your face.  I’ve seen you and him at the games.”

“Yep that’s me.”  I wasn’t sure what else to say. 

“Okay, you better get back to the dorm so you can get some rest.  Congrats to you both on your great season and Nationals.” 

Theresa gave her a small wave and shook her head when the Doctor left.  I got dressed and slowly sat up on the exam table.  “Thank You Jesus.” I breathed out with my face tilted towards the ceiling. 

We got back to the dorm and both fell asleep instantly, Theresa didn’t bother waking me up for class the next day since we were simply doing nothing besides talking about our careers paths.  Around lunch time I finally climbed out of bed, showered and ate.  I was just finishing the dishes when the door to our dorm flew open and in stormed Ronnie with heated eyes and his fists squeezing open and closed. 

“You fucking bitch.”  He yelled and pushed me against the counter. 

“Ronnie what the hell.”  I pushed hard against his chest, when he stumbled back I tried to run out of the small kitchen but he caught me around the waist.  His hands fisted together as he squeezed tighter and harder pushing them into my abdomen.  “Stop it, that hurts!”

“I fucking told you, what did I say about kids Sydney?”  He squeezed harder until I felt a pop inside of me.  “I don’t fucking want kids, not with you, not with anybody.”  The door opened and in walked Theresa. 

Ronnie quickly released me letting me fall to the floor, “What in the hell is going on here?”  she rushed over and tried to help me stand. 

“Your friend is a little fucking cunt that’s trying to get pregnant.”  He yelled. 

“What?” Theresa and I both asked him. 

He laughed an evil annoyed laugh, “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about your trip to the ER?  That Doctor is my fucking cousin you dumb bitch.”

“Well that DOCTOR just broke the law and that doctor must have failed to tell you it was an ovarian cyst that ruptured.”  Theresa yelled and started to walk towards him.  “Go ahead and hit me you piece of fucking shit, I won’t back down from you.  You don’t scare me one fucking bit.”

“Stop it both of you.”  I said through a sob.  I looked down at the bright red blush now soaking through my grey sweat pants.  Theresa followed my eyes and gasped. 

“What the hell did you do to her?”  she screamed and ran over to me. 

“Killed the little fucking bastard.”  Ronnie said and stormed out of the dorm. 

“What is he talking about?  There was no baby on the sonogram.  Oh my god Syd.”  She was trying not to cry, she ran and grabbed her cell phone and made a phone call. 

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