Rewind (3 page)

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Authors: H.M. Montes

Tags:, #IDS@DPG

BOOK: Rewind
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Ronnie was just taking a drink of water and half spit it out, half choked on it, coughing into his napkin.  He held up his hand to let me know he was okay.  Then he cleared his throat, “Are you fucking serious?  He, wow.”  He cleared his throat again, “And you still talk to him?”

I nodded my head and took a drink of my own water, “Yes, we are actually better friends than we ever were as a couple.  He’s happy so that’s all that matters to me.  Okay now my turn, what happened with you and, Shelby?”  I asked but before he could answer the waiter appeared to take our order. 

After he left Ronnie started to talk, “Well to answer that question things were going really good then she went home for a weekend, when she came back she was acting really strange.  I asked her if she had cheated on me and she swore she hadn’t but then one night while she was talking on my phone to my mom, she got a text message on her phone.  When I checked it there was a text from some Stuart guy wanting to know when she would be coming back so they could finish what they started.  She tried to deny that there was anything going on but refused to let me call and ask him myself.  So we both mutually agreed, after a very heated argument that she didn’t trust me and I couldn’t trust her.  The bad thing is, I was going to propose to her.  So there’s this beautiful engagement ring in my parents safe that I can’t return because of the personalized engraving.  I decided that when and if I ever meet a woman and we get married and have kids, if we have a girl I’ll use the diamonds out of it to make earrings for her.” 

“Oh…oh wow.  I’m sorry that it didn’t work out.  Did you date anybody after that?” 

He shook his head, “Nope, I was waiting to talk to you.” 

With that one sentence I relaxed even more.  The conversation then turned to a less intense topic.  He told me that he was majoring in architecture and had plans to start his own construction business after he graduated.  I told him that I was planning on opening my own dance and fitness studio.  We talked about his family. He has two younger half-sisters, and his mom and step dad both retired a couple of years ago.  “I’m pretty sure my mom is turning into the cat lady.” He said with a shake of his head and a laugh. 

I laughed, “I doubt that.” 

“NO, I’m dead serious.  Every time I go home there’s always at least two new kittens sprawled out on the deck.  I think my last count was seven cats and of course she has named every one of them.  What about your family?”

“I’m an only child, my mom had too many complications with me so they were too scared to try for another.  She’s a homemaker.  When I was in school she did the whole stay at home mom thing.  She helps Dad at his motorcycle shop with the books and keeping inventory.  Dad’s the president of the local motorcycle club, so he stays pretty busy.”

“That’s awesome! I bet you get a bunch of horny, bearded, guys hitting on you.”  He joked.

“Oh no, I’m off limits and they know it.  They aren’t all old, to those guys I’m either like a daughter or a sister to them.”  I laughed.  The waiter brought us our food, instantly the aroma made my mouth water.  The silence while we ate was comfortable; every so often people would pass by us and recognize Ronnie.  Each person wished him good luck with the upcoming season and said they would be there to show their support.  I pushed my plate away, “I’m stuffed, I can’t possibly eat another bite.”  I said and leaned back in against the padded booth. 

Ronnie finished the last bite of his lasagna, “I’m right there with you, damn good dining isn’t it?”  he smiled.  “Well, we can stay here and be miserable or go to the beach and chill for a bit if that works for you?”

“Sounds excellent.”  I told him. 

The drive to the beach took about twenty minutes, the sun was just starting to set in the horizon as we walked along the beach.  Ronnie suggested we sit down and enjoy the rest of the sunset so we moved away from the water, “Sorry, I didn’t even think to bring a blanket.”  He said then sat down and patted his lap.  I hesitated then sat down and rested my back against his chest and my head against his thick shoulder.  He turned his head and lightly kissed my temple, “You smell so god damn good, Sydney and you’re beautiful.  Thank you for agreeing to go out with me.  I hope this is just one of many great times we spend together.”  His voice was so deep and rough it sent shivers down my spine and made goose bumps prickle my skin.  “Cold?”  He asked with a small laugh.

“No, it’s you, the closeness, your voice.  Thank you for tonight.  I hope to have more times like this too.”  I said then turned and looked at him.  Our lips were a breath apart, I looked up into his eyes then back at his lips. 

Ronnie licked his bottom lip then dragged it between his teeth, “I can tell you want to kiss me just as bad as I want to kiss you, Sydney.”  He said.  I nodded my head and closed my eyes when our lips touched.  The kiss took my breath away, Ronnie brought one hand up and splayed it across my abdomen.  I lightly ran my tongue across the seam of his lips, he inhaled and fisted his hand then relaxed it and moved his hand to my hip and gently squeezed.  Once our tongues met it was me that moaned.  I could feel his cock growing under me so I shifted lightly, and he broke away from the kiss, “Okay enough for tonight. A guy only has so much control.”  He said with a smile. 

I laughed, “Sorry…I just figured you wouldn’t be comfortable.”

“Oh I was fine until you moved that cute little ass against me.”  He kissed me again, “Yep, we need to get you back to the dorm before I take you right here on the beach.” 

I laughed then stood up, Ronnie stood and attempted to wipe the sand from his jeans, “I give up but it’s totally worth it.”  He said and took my hand in his as we walked back to his pickup.  On the drive back to my dorm he never let go of my hand and left them rest on my thigh.  “Your skin is like silk.”  He said as and ran his thumb back and forth on my thigh.  Each swipe brought on more goose bumps.  When we got back to the dorm he continued to hold my hand until we reached the dorm room.  Luckily there were only a couple of women in the hall way.  I leaned my back against the door, Ronnie stepped closer he put one arm on the door jam, his other hand rested on my hip.  “So, do you want to go out with me again?”

“Definitely.”  I smiled as I answered him. 

“You just made my night.”  He leaned down and kissed me again.  I slid my hands up his chest and clasped my fingers behind his neck as the kiss grew more intense.  He pulled me tighter against him, the thickness in his jeans pressed against my stomach.  When we finally pulled away we were both breathing heavy, our lips swollen and damp.  “Jesus I don’t know what it is about you, but I could kiss you all fucking night.”  He said as he slid his thumb across my bottom lip.  “I have to leave because if I don’t …”, he shook his head then kissed me quick again, “you can test a man’s control, I’m going to go take a really cold shower.”  His lips curved up when I laughed. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”  I told him as he backed away. 

Ronnie winked, “I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing you in my sleep.  Thanks for tonight.  Let me know when it works for you that we can go out again.  Night, Sydney.”

“Okay.”  I said a little breathless, “’Night.”  I gave him a small wave and watched him for a couple of seconds as he sauntered down the hall. 

When I opened the door Theresa turned and looked at me from where she was sitting on the couch.  Then she jumped up, “Details NOW!  By the dreamy look in your eyes and the smile on your face he’s either a really good lay or you had a good time … OR all of the above.”  She said with a big smile.

“Well I didn’t fuck him on the first date so I can’t answer that,”  I kicked my sandals off, “But I can tell you he is an AMAZIIIING kisser.”  I said and fell down on the couch. 

“And?....” she rolled her hand, “Details, Syd, jeez!”

So I told her all about the date from the time we left our dorm to the time he left our dorm building.

“I know you have a three date rule for sex but sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind.  I wouldn’t have been able to control myself.  You’re such a lucky bitch.  AND, I can guarantee you he won’t be gay.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “Thanks for throwing that last bit in there.” 

“Sorry…so, are you guys going to go out again?”  she asked and rested her hand against her palm where her elbow was resting on the couch.

“Yep, I don’t know when but we both want to.”

Theresa squealed and clapped her hands, “Back off ladies!  Mister Ronnie Hottie is off the market to this flying beauty!”

I shook my head and laughed, “We aren’t an item yet, jeez. Slow down, will ya?”

Theresa rolled her eyes, “Puh-leeze, like you or him will even look at anybody else.  It’s a sure deal you’ll be an ‘item’ soon.”  I’m not sure who was smiling bigger—me or her. 

I touched my fingers to my lips, “I think every time I see him I’m going to want to kiss him.” 

We both laughed then settled in to watch T.V.  My cell phone beeped with a new message. 

:  Thank you again for the wonderful evening.  I can’t wait to kiss you again.

:  Thank YOU for the wonderful evening

:  The cold shower didn’t help, AT ALL. 

:  Sorry? 

:  If I could get the sweet taste of your lips, the sexy little sigh you make, and the feel of your skin against my hand out of my head it would have lol.

:  **blushing** It was a good time.

:  Can’t wait to do it again.  TTYL sweet Sydney

:  Me either ;) TTYL!

“Judging by the cute little smile and that blush spreading across your cheeks, I’m guessing that was him?”  Theresa asked and smiled.

“Yep!  God he’s so sexy and sweet and the way he can kiss!”  I laid my head against the back of the couch.

“And he’s ALL yours, sexy lady.” 

I smiled big at that comment, “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

Over the following few weeks Ronnie and I went on dates in the evenings, we spent time watching movies at either his off campus house or at our dorm.  One night our practices both ended early since the following night was game night so we went to his house for supper and a movie.  We ordered pizza and watched the new ‘
’ movie in his room, well, tried to watch it but we couldn’t stop stealing kisses from each other.  Once the kisses grew more demanding Ronnie and I were both unable to stop ourselves.  He was lying on top of me bracing his upper body weight on his forearms on each side of my head.  “Fuck, we’ve gotta stop babe.”  He breathed against my lips. 

“No we don’t.”  I said and pressed my hips against his. 

“You don’t understand babe, my self-control is nonexistent right now.  For weeks I’ve been imagining how good you would feel around my cock, wondering how many orgasms you can have in one night.” He pressed himself against me and slowly rocked his hips pressing his thickness against me.  The only thing separating us was his sweat pants and my spandex cheer shorts.

“So…do something about it.”  I said with a grin.  He shook his head, and then kissed me.  We both made quick work of stripping ourselves naked. 

He reached over to the bedside table, grabbed a condom and laid it on the pillow beside my head, “No glove no love.  Do NOT let me forget to put that motherfucker on.”  He said with a grin. 

“Okay.  Jesus.”  I gasped when he took one of my nipples in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the tight bud.  My hands flew to his hair, while his other hand trailed down from my hip to the inside of my thigh.  Slowly he moved his hand between my pussy lips then back up to my clit dragging the wetness up and making circles.  Over and over, then he pushed a finger inside of me.  “Ronnie, oh god.”  I breathed out in a pant. 

He attacked my mouth with his as he continued to finger me and massaged my clit with his thumb, “I can’t wait to be inside of you, put the condom on me.”  He kissed me again, then pulled away and knelt over me.  I ripped the condom open with shaky hands, he never took his fingers out of me.  “Fuck I can feel you getting ready to come.”  He pumped his finger deeper inside of me and rubbed my clit a little bit harder, my orgasm was unstoppable and had me seeing sparks behind my closed eyes.  “Put it on me, I’m not even close to being done with you yet.” 

I rolled the condom on to his thick cock, “That was…amazing.”  I whispered.

“You ready for more?” He said in his deep gravelly voice as he positioned the tip of his cock at my entrance.  I nodded my head yes wrapped my arms around his thick neck and sighed as he pushed inside of me. 

“Ronnie…”  I whispered as he lazily pulled out and slowly pushed back inside of me.  His arms were shaking and a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead.  “Don’t stop, god don’t stop.  Harder.”  I told him. 

He would pull out slowly then thrust in hard, I shivered with pleasure each time.  Then he lowered his head and kissed me fiercely sharing each breath with me, “Fucking better than I could have ever imagined.  Tight, wet, so fucking tight.”  He said almost out of breath against my lips.  “Come for me again I want to come with you.”  He said then increased his pace, faster and harder-deeper until my back arched off the bed and my fingernails dug into his biceps.  He hissed and growled a deep throaty growl, his cock twitched inside of me with his own release.  “You okay?” he asked. 

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