Rewriting History (12 page)

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Authors: Missy Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Rewriting History
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I hear the car pull up and race outside, knowing that it’s Alice. We haven’t seen each other in months and I can’t put into words how excited I am for this weekend.

“Jillybean!” she shrieks, jumping out of the car. I laugh as she nearly flattens me in a hug, her long, straight blond hair flying everywhere.

She’s carrying a bottle of champagne and her full beauty kit. The girl has more makeup and nail polish than all the salons in New York put together.

Grabbing wine glasses out of the cupboard, I can’t keep the smile off my face.  Back when I lived in New York, Alice and I would spend every day together.  Whether it was studying, or lunch, or on the weekend—we were inseparable. 

The champagne being opened causes a loud
and the cork flies across the room, hitting the wall with a thud. We stand there in silence for a few seconds and then both piss ourselves laughing.

Alice throws her arms around me. “God, I’ve missed you.”

We turn around as footsteps thud down the stairs. “What was that noise?” Mom’s voice comes from around the corner. 

Mom walks into the kitchen and when Alice appears in her line of sight, she says, “Oh, look out. Trouble’s here.” She smirks.

“Mrs. Wilson.” 

Alice and Mom clash for a tight hug. I hear Alice sniffle, and it’s no surprise she’s getting emotional. She was put through the system growing up and it’s only been in the last year that she’s found a decent family. But they sent her to boarding school since she was classified a ‘troublemaker.’ Anyone could see the girl only wants attention. Mom tried to adopt her, but the lengthy process, Dad being away so often, and the fact that we moved states didn’t bode well with the agency.

Mom smooths Alice’s hair and kisses the top of her head.

“Only five more months, Alley-Cat, then you’re free to come here,” she whispers.

I smile at the thought. Wouldn’t my life be complete then? It would be an array of drama, with her
Sophia, but in a good way.

The three of us spend the afternoon out back in the sun, talking and catching up. Denver in February is still very cool, so we’re covered in blankets and drinking hot cocoa. It’s so good just being able to relax and have fun with my best friend. It really makes me realize just how much I’ve missed her.

Mom turns to Alice. “So, any boyfriend in the picture?”

“Oh, you know me. There’s a new one every week when I get a chance to sneak out.” She winks at Mom, who’s shaking her head. 

“Well, Jill needs a boyfriend,” Mom announces, nudging Alice. “Don’t you think?”

Alice turns to me with that ‘you haven’t even told your mother’ expression, and I glower right back at her. I usually tell Mom everything, because she’s such a supportive person. It’s just that I don’t think me dating my teacher—eight years my senior—will go down so well. 

Just as Alice is about to respond to Mom’s question, I give her a hard shin-kick.  The pain forces her front to leap forward, and she spills her drink down her front.

Smirking at her while she’s giving me the death stare, I turn to Mom.

“Mom, I don’t need the distraction. Besides, I’ll have plenty of time for a boyfriend when I go to college.” Technically, that’s true.


“So, how’s this teacher you’re fucking? Does he smack you on the ass if you answer a question wrong? Does he slap you with his big cock as punishment for being a naughty girl?” She smirks.

“Ha, you’re funny. I’m not telling you about his cock,” I respond with a laugh, “But I will tell you that the sex is off the freaking chart.”

“God, sex,” she groans. “I can’t even remember what it’s like.”

I laugh at her dramatics. “What happened to screwing every boy in town?” I tease, reaching for my hairbrush.

“What happened is they run out pretty fast,” she grumbles. “I’ve hooked up with a couple of girls though,” she adds, her eyes lighting up.

“What? You’re just telling me this now?” I giggle, shocked.

“Yeah, well, it’s not something I could easily work into the conversation around your constant pining for Mr. Hot Teacher.” She laughs as I slap her on the arm. “But seriously, I’m in an all-girls school. Experimenting was bound to happen. I’m a very sexual person,” she grins.

I laugh, because it’s true. I don’t know anyone more sexual than Alice.

“My friend who’s coming with us? She kissed me a few weeks back.” The words fall out before I can stop them. I feel the heat rising up my neck as her eyes widen.

“You little slut!” she shrieks. “How? When? God, you’re the last person I’d expect to hook up with another chick.”

“It was a little kiss,” I laugh, rolling my eyes. “At a party. She was trying to get the attention of a guy, and it worked.”

“Of course it worked—two hot chicks making out. Is she hot?”

“I guess she is,” I mumble.

“Oh my God, you’re
red!” She falls on the bed, tears streaking down her cheeks from laughing so hard. “This is gold! My innocent little Jill’s not only fucking her teacher but she tongue-wrestled another chick. I’m so proud of you.”

“Shh,” I cry, laughing as I attempt to smother her with a pillow. “If Mom hears I swear I’ll kill you.”

“Oh, calm down, she’s not gonna hear. Hurry up and let’s go. I need some action tonight.”


We spend the next hour getting ready, despite her push for me to hurry.

She chooses a short, flowing dress for me to wear. It’s sexy but it’s also cute, and I top the look off with a pair of sparkly flat sandals. Alice has on tight leather pants with a halter-neck top, totally rocking the biker girl look.

“You look hot.” She grins as I check myself out in the mirror. She grabs my phone and snaps a pic, handing it back to me. “You
need to send Eli a photo.”

I laugh as I forward the photo to him, along with a little note about what he’s missing out on tonight. He responds right away.

Eli: Fuck the party. You know you’ll have more fun with me . . .

I grin, because he’s right, but Alice is here, and although I know she’d desert me, I don’t see nearly enough of her to blow her off tonight. Alice grabs my phone and shrieks as she reads the message. I roll my eyes and snatch the phone back off her, shoving it in my bag.

“Let’s go.”


We stop on the way to pick up Sophia, who is all ready and waiting out front.

“You’re half-hour late,” she grumbles, climbing in the back seat of the car. She’s dressed in a short, deep purple dress that is showing a lot of cleavage. Her chunky silver jewelry and black heels finish her look. I feel plain next to her and Alice, but I don’t care. So long as Eli thinks I’m hot.

I laugh. “Blame Alice. She had to look perfect so she can get lucky. And guy or girl, apparently she’s not fussy.”

Alice whacks me on the arm and turns around to smile at Sophia.

“I’m Alice. Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard heaps about you. Love your accent by the way.”

“Thanks,” Sophia giggles, her cheeks pink.


The party is in full swing when we arrive. Music is pumping through the speakers and people are littered everywhere. This is
the small gathering Sophia made it out to be.

Some cute guy comes out the door to greet us and immediately wraps his arms around Sophia, picking her up and swinging her around. The way she’s smiling, I can tell this guy is the reason we’re here.

“Hey Sophia, so glad you could make it,” he says, grinning at her. He turns to us, his smile widening. “Ladies. Welcome, come in.”

Alice nudges me in the side. “I’m so gonna find myself a cock to impale myself on tonight.” She smirks.

I roll eyes and laugh. I wouldn’t expect anything less from her.

“Are you sure you haven’t already been through this side of the country?” I giggle, which earns me a glower. “Al, you’ve spent too much time in that boarding school. You’re crazy.”

“Sexually frustrated,” she rephrases, eyeing Sophia. “But after tonight I won’t be.”


The three of us are dancing with a group of guys. I’ve seen them around school but I don’t know their names. I’m so out of my depth. I only recognize half the people here, and I’m nervous being around so many people I don’t know. For that reason, I stick to soda. Sophia and Alice obviously don’t share my concern, judging by the amount they’ve drunk, but that’s okay. I’m happy to be the sober one for all of us.

My back straightens when a chest hits my back and my wrists are grabbed. 

“Fancy seeing you here, Jill.”

. I struggle in his grasp, but he’s too strong for me.

“I think it’s time we have a chat, don’t you?” The tone of his voice sends shivers racing down my spine. This is about Eli and me. It has to be.

“Want to experience what a real cock feels like tonight?” he whispers in my ear.

I spin around. His face is so close to mine I can feel his breath on my face. He’s drunk, which scares me even more. My heart pounds as his eyes lock with mine.

“Fuck off, Jamie.  I’ll never . . .” Just as I go to finish my sentence, Sophia pulls me back to where she is standing, her arms wrapping around me protectively.

“Last chance, Jamie,” she says in a calm voice. “I see you near Jill again and shit will get messy. You don’t want to fuck with me knowing what I have on you, right?”

Jamie glares at her for a moment, then storms off. He’s a fucking creep. I thought he was an asshole because he might like me, but it goes beyond that. This isn’t love disguised as hate.

The guy fucking despises me, and I
have no idea why.

“Why does he shut up whenever you have a go at him?” I ask curiously.

She shrugs and I narrow my eyes at her. She rolls her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. Maybe you can use it to your advantage next time he annoys you,” she smirks. She leans in, lowering her voice. “So, apparently last year, he got some girl pregnant. She ended up going off to somewhere to ‘take care of it’ and he lost it. He freaked out and began harassing her, to the point where she had to get a restraining order against him. Apparently, his dad managed to stop it all from getting out, but she’s just moved back to Denver and he’s not handling it too well.”

. I never considered that his behavior might have little to do with me, and more to do with what was going on in his life. I almost feel sorry for the guy, until I remind myself of all he’s done to me.

Sophia moves away, leaving me standing there alone, wishing I’d stayed home and gone to see Eli. I put on my happy face and sway to the music, trying to convince myself that I’m having a better time than I actually am.

“Hey, having a good night?”

A guy, maybe a little older than I am, leans casually against the wall I’m standing near. Sophia has disappeared with her guy and Alice is on the hunt for her play toy for the night—though I’m convinced that given the chance, she’d take Sophia over any guy right now.

“Yeah, I am, thanks.” I give him a small smile. “Great party, huh?”

“Freaking awesome.” He smiles at me. “I’m Alan. I’ve seen you around school but we’ve never had any classes together,” he explains, running his hand through his thick blond hair. I don’t remember seeing this guy. Ever. But other people seem to know him, and so long as Jamie’s not bothering me, I’m happy.

“Do you want another drink?” he asks, nodding to my empty can.

“Sure.” I smile at him and we walk into the kitchen.

While he’s getting me another soda, I take the time to check my phone for messages, hoping that Eli has texted me. Considering how badly he didn’t want me coming here tonight, I’m surprised there are no texts from him.   

Alan hands me my drink and we walk back out to the living room. I take a sip and it’s revolting. I put it down to the fact that it’s warm. Still, I’m thirsty so I force myself to drink.

“So, are you seeing anyone?” Alan says. He leans in, touching my hair as he tucks it behind my ear. I begin to feel uneasy.

“Yes, I’ve got a boyfriend,” I reply, without thinking. “But it’s not anyone from school that you’d know,” I quickly add. “College guy.”
God, I’m babbling.

I’m swaying to the music when I start to feel dizzy. My hands sweat as the room spins around me, but I feel cold. Really cold. Discarding my drink on a table, I wrap my arms around my waist and scan the room for my friends. When I can’t see them anywhere, I start to panic. I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Alan leans in, concerned, his arms steadying me. “Are you okay?  Come outside and get some fresh air.” He takes my hand and leads me toward the door and I let him.

Fresh air is a good idea.

We get outside and I keel over. I’m unsteady on my feet and my heart is pounding in my head like a freaking jackhammer. I’m doing my damnedest not to pass out.

I’ve taken a hold of Alan as he walks me down the steps. We walk away from the house and I want to stop, but I can’t get the words to form. My mouth won’t work. The feeling of nausea hits my stomach and I know there’s something
wrong with me.

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