Riccardo (3 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

BOOK: Riccardo
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"I know you want me, too. You just won't admit it."

“We can’t and
do this. Nothing can ever happen between us." He groaned, almost as if he were in pain. “Goddammit—”

Without even intending to, his words and body betrayed him. I stopped him from speaking by raising my right hand and placing my fingers over his lips to silence him. "You can deny it all you want, but I know you feel it and I know you want it. It's just a matter of time before you give in to me." I rubbed his lips ever so slowly and continued, "I will win, Riccardo, and I always get what I want."

Inside, my heart stuttered and I worked hard to control my voice and breathing. Never before would I have ever thought to speak to a man like this. The fact he was a man especially, almost had my knees trembling, but my stubborn determination won out. I would not fold, run or cower. Not when I had the scent of Riccardo and the visions of the two of us running rampant through my head.

With that, I kissed him once on his lips, barely applying pressure. I could have sworn I heard him moan as I stepped past him and left him standing there. I hoped he panted and lusted after me, the bastard.

He may be my forbidden pleasure, but one day, I would make him mine.


The Present



I was tired. I just wanted this hit over and done with. I stepped into the abandoned warehouse and dropped my cigarette on the ground, smashing it out with my steel-capped boots. I needed to stop smoking. I hated it. It was a bad addiction that I just couldn't crack, but it calmed me, loosened me up when I was stressed. And man was I stressed. This hit was going to be a hard one. It involved one of our men and he wanted revenge like nothing before.

“Capo, we've been waiting for you,” Stefano said as he ushered me inside the warehouse. The first thing I saw was a man tied up and spread between two beams.

This fucker had been brought here for raping Vincenzo's younger sister. It wasn't the first time either. Grace was barely sixteen when he attempted to assault her the first time. We should have finished him off back then but we were too late and the cops got to him first. Prison saved him. Dobson Browning had been locked up for the last six years for assault and attempted rape. Why the fuck he was released, I had no idea. From the moment he was a free man, he stalked Grace again. Only this time, he managed to rape her. I could only imagine the gut-wrenching rage that filled Vincenzo’s belly. He was livid that he hadn't prevented this from happening. He wanted revenge and he wanted to inflict it himself. With The Don's permission, Vincenzo was given free rein to dispose of him in any way he wished.

I didn’t have a sister, but there were a number of young women in our
, like Grace, who this could have happened to.

Lorena was one of them. Vincenzo was a blood relative to Sebastiano and
Angela was his grandmother too. I couldn’t imagine what Vincenzo was going through. If it was Sebastiano and someone assaulted and raped his 'baby girl', he’d go nuts. Fuck, I'd go crazy if it was Lorena. It was bad enough that it had happened to sweet Grace. Either way, it happened to a member of our family. If anyone gets hurt, we dealt with it.

Grace had only just turned twenty-one when it happened. She was going through counselling with the help of Lorena and Sierra. Vincenzo and Grace only had each other. Their parents passed away a few years ago in a car accident while in Italy, not long after their other sister overdosed. Vincenzo became her guardian as well as being taken under Sebastiano's wing.
was always there for them, but she knew Vincenzo needed to become the man in the family. She couldn't mollycoddle them both. Especially with the mafia ties they had. Vincenzo never had the opportunity to unleash his vengeance on Dobson. From what I witnessed, Dobson was most definitely getting his long awaited punishment. Vincenzo had beaten him beyond recognition. I always thought Vincenzo was squeamish. It was amazing what rage could do. It could flick a light off in seconds. Vincenzo seemed unstoppable.

Unconscious and limp, Dobson looked like he was dead already. With a thick piece of rope secured around his wrists and ankles, his arms were spread out above his head. It looked like Vincenzo had everything under control.

"Stefano, pass me that can," Vincenzo ordered him.

"Here ya go." Sadistically grinning, Stefano gladly handed him the can, along with a white towel, to Vincenzo.

Pungent liquid was poured over Dobson's head by Vincenzo. He sputtered and came back around from his unconscious state. Vincenzo caught the towel Stefano threw at him and wiped his hands clean of any residue. He swiped the towel across his sweaty face and ripped off his bloodstained tank to dry the beads of perspiration trickling down his chest. It seemed I wouldn’t partake in any of the action after all. I watched as he grabbed a pair of leather cesti from his satchel, slipped them on, and moved back to his victim.

Shit, where did he get those fuckers from?
Last time I saw a pair of those was in my old man’s shed and in the movies. My father had been a master at making his own weapons. Vincenzo secured the leather strap more securely around his wrist and proudly paraded the metal studs and spikes attached to it in front of Dobson, ready for gladiatorial combat.

“Don't, please, don't do it. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please, stop. Please,” Dobson sputtered. Blood flowed from his nose and mouth, dripping down his chest and onto the ground. Vincenzo ignored his plea and swung out without answering, connecting the cesti with his face. Dobson screamed out in agony and struggled on his restraints and then he stopped, slumped, and stilled. Blood was a continuous flow from him and a small pool formed on the floor beneath him.

“You’re sorry and you want
to STOP? Why the fuck should I stop? Did
stop when my sister asked you to? If Stefano hadn’t arrived when he did, you would've killed her, you fucker," Vincenzo said, rage overpowering him. "Unfortunately for you, I don't know what the word STOP means."

Christ, the rage on Vincenzo's face was almost equal to Sebastiano's when he was angry. Maybe even close to mine. Stefano stepped up beside me, handing me a glass of scotch, a gun and my trademark leather gloves.

“Vincenzo, he's almost half dead. You either finish him off or I'm going to take over," I said angrily. I fucking hated that Vincenzo was taking so long to kill the bastard. The last thing I wanted was the fucker dying of blood loss and not by one of our hands. I wanted him to stare death in the face. “Finish him, now, Vincenzo!" I yelled at him. "He's going to fucking bleed to death if you don't. After what he did to Grace, you want to be the one to give him that final blow, don't you?"

Vincenzo merely nodded. He reached down and grabbed the scotch bottle from the floor, drinking the liquor like it was water. He passed the scotch bottle to Stefano and faced his prey as he prepared to end his life.

“Did you hear that, you piece of shit?" Vincenzo yelled. "Capo just said I need to end you. And I'm going to enjoy every last second of it."

"Good. Do it," I encouraged him. I thought Vincenzo wouldn't have it in him to do the hit, which is why I came. I was wrong. "And hurry. You end this, before it's too late and the fucker passes out again."

"Oh, I'm ready. I want him to feel how I am going to make the last seconds of his life the most painful. He's going to wish he died years ago."

I'd witnessed and participated in these hits and beatings numerous times and I knew from experience that Dobson was struggling to breathe. He was going to suffocate himself on his own blood, which was most likely pooling in his lungs, causing his slow but agonising death.

"Capo, pass me your gun," he said.

"My gun? You're just gonna end him with a fucking gun, are you serious?" I was a sick fuck when it came to rapists. I had no fucking tolerance. I walked over to the bench and picked up the satchel and pulled out a dirk. This was my favourite weapon. It resembled a dagger, almost like a mini sword. “Get out of my fucking way. You've done enough pussyfooting.” I shoved Vincenzo out of my way.

I stood before Dobson, rolled up my sleeves, slid on my gloves and walked over to him, noticing he was almost near death. I grabbed him by his face and squeezed his jaw until he looked me directly in the eye.

“It's just not your lucky day, is it, Dobson? We've been planning this for six years. It would've been in your best interest to have stayed in prison. But…you’re out. You messed with one of our women, a blood relative. I thought you would've learned something from being in prison for that long. But what did you do the minute you came out? You went after Grace, again, and you stuck that shrivelled up dick in her without her consent.”

“P…p…lease,” he begged in desperate short breaths. The fucker still had some life in him. Good, that was how I liked it, when they could still stare their own death in the face.

“My men could’ve made this really easy for you. We could’ve have easily just cut off your dick. But that’s getting a bit old, right, fellas?” I asked them. “I think a slow excruciating and painful death is more suited for what you did to Grace.”

“I…I w…was high. I h…had no idea what I was doing. Please, just make it quick.”

I took the dirk and ran it along each side of the fucker’s jaw. He barely made a sound as the blade sliced through his skin.

Securing my gloves on more firmly, I stabbed him in the chest and held it there for a few moments. “It’s just a shame Grace will never know how your life ended. There is no way we can tell her what we’ve done to you, but I’m sure knowing you’re rotting in Hell will give her great peace of mind.”

I moved the blade down, slitting his stomach open. Call me a sadistic prick but all I could think of was sweet innocent Grace, screaming in fear as that arsehole rammed into her. I used all my force to glide the dirk down to his navel. I twisted and I tortured him until I heard his last breath and the life left his eyes. A sense of relief washed over me. “See how it’s done, buddy?” I said, swiping the sweat off my brow with my forearm. Blood covered my gloves, dripping to the floor. Dark pools of blood were quickly staining and seeping into the cracks of the concrete.

“There’s blood everywhere, Capo. How the fuck are we going to clean all that up and what do you want us to do with the body?” Vincenzo asked.

“You poured petrol on him before, didn’t you?” I reminded him, staring at the lifeless body.

“Yeah…sure did. I wanted it to seep in and burn into his wounds, and…” I held my up my gloved hand, blood dripping down my wrists. Vincenzo stopped talking immediately.

“He’s a fucking junkie. No one is going to come looking for him. As for the body, burn him. That way it’s less mess.”

“No fucking way!” Vincenzo and Stefano said in unison.

“Did you hear what the fuck I just said? I wasn’t giving you a choice. I said BURN THE FUCKER!”



Walking into the club, I scanned the room, ensuring Lorena wasn’t there. I really did not want to see her, not after what we had just done. I was edgy and I needed a release.

"Hey, Riccardo, you gonna come get wasted with us or what?" Stefano asked.

I was in much need of a stiff drink. A drink or a fuck, was what I damn needed and not necessarily in that order. If I saw Lorena here, God only knows what I would do considering my mood. I had to go get trashed first, well and truly intoxicated, because my thoughts were just too fucking dangerous.

I ignored Stefano momentarily and scanned the bar, signalling for my usual shot of scotch. Vincenzo was nowhere to be seen, but Stefano was there with a few of the other men. They had women swarming around them, practically wrapping their bodies around the men. They were the girls who worked at the club, most of them strippers, pole dancers and lap dancers. They were very well looked after, financially and
. Stefano was the biggest man-whore out of all the men, and he loved the attention.

With Sebastiano now married to Sierra, there were more whores to go around for the men. I couldn’t believe Sebastiano’s son, Matias, turned one tomorrow. You'd think Sebastiano would've softened a bit since becoming a father again. He hadn't. He was even more hard-core than before. He had a son to protect this time. The future Don.

I drained my shot glass and motioned for another. I wasn't in the mood to be with a woman from the club. I only wanted one woman, yet she was untouchable. But damn I needed some form of release after that hit. "Stefano, you guys go ahead. I'll be up later."

"You got it, Riccardo. See you up there." I scoffed into my glass as I watched Stefano take the stairs two at a time in his eagerness.

“Well, if it isn't the big, strong sexy Capo. You staying down here because you want something sweeter?” Renee asked, sliding herself up against me. Renee was one of the strippers and was nothing but trouble. There were strippers and there were whores; she was the latter.

“How many times do you need to be told, I’m not touching you? And you are far from sweet, so don’t fucking ask again.” I shoved at her and she stumbled backwards. Stupid bitch was always in my face.

“Let me guess, you’re waiting for that skinny bitch, Princess Lorena, to waltz in here and cock tease you again, like she always does? Is that it? Too bad you can’t touch her, hey? The Don would carve your balls up like a Christmas turkey.” Her voice rose.

I didn’t hit women but if I had to, I would, especially if they pissed me off enough. Renee talking about Lorena like that was out of line. Acting on impulse and before I knew it, not caring who was looking at me, I pulled her hair back and yanked so hard I heard her neck crack. I didn’t even care if I broke the bitch’s neck. I pulled harder. “Listen up, Renee, and listen up good. If I hear you bad mouthing Lorena again, in front of me or behind my back, consider yourself dead. I will personally see to it. And for the record, if there were any man The Don would allow with his daughter, it’d be me. He trusts me with her life. There is no one more suitable for her than me. You are no comparison to her. Lorena is classy and you are nothing but a two-bit whore. Always will be.”

I finished off my scotch and noticed everyone was staring.

No one dared interfere. No one dared say a thing.


When I walked into the room upstairs, where Stefano was, the first thing that got my attention was the smell of sex. The second was the redhead on her knees giving Stefano a blowjob.

Stefano’s hands gripped her head as he hammered his hips into her face. “Suck it harder and deeper. I want more. Take the whole length of it in your mouth. I want you to fucking gag on it. Open that fucking mouth and suck it.”

The scene before me was nothing new. Stefano was a wild fucker and rarely had sex with just one partner. Threesomes were old hat for Stefano and his brother, Raphael. Jesus, even I participated sometimes.

Stefano arched and he groaned as the redhead moaned and slurped away happily. Then his semi-erect cock slid out of her mouth. “Jesus Christ, woman, you suck like a fucking vacuum. Ah…that was so fucking good.” He looked up and noticed me standing by the door. “Well, look who’s here. The Capo. You joining us, Riccardo?”

“Where did you find this one, fella?” I asked him curiously. I’d not seen her before. I knew every girl that worked here and I sure hadn’t seen her. I liked new things.

“Are you going to just stand there or are you going to come on over and fuck me?” the redhead asked, eyeing me with a grin. She leaned back and grabbed a condom from the dresser and threw it to me.

“It’s a shame you have to cover up that beautiful cock of yours. I’ve heard it’s quite a decorated one.”

Jesus, she sure didn’t waste any time. And how the hell did she know my dick was decorated? I began taking off my clothes. “So, we doing this here on the couch or the bedroom?”

“I fuck anywhere, mafia man,” she said as she eased off the couch and strutted towards me. “Let’s try the couch out first and then if you can keep up, we can move on to another location. That’s if you can keep up with me and my demands.” She turned and bent over the couch so her arse was on show. “Ready for me, Capo?”

“Go for it, Riccardo. You need it after this afternoon. I’ll be back. Just gonna go grab a beer.”

I didn’t have to think twice. I tore open the plastic package, stripped my pants down and rolled the latex down my cock, walking over to the sultry redhead.

As she saw me approaching, she whistled when she got a closer look at my cock. “Holy shit, you’re pierced? How the hell did you manage to get all those piercings around that monstrous beauty?”

“You complaining? You don’t think you can handle it, because no one has ever complained before.” I ran my hands over her smooth skin of her back and rolled my hips over her arse. “You think you’ll need some lube or something, or are you able to take it all in?”

“No. I just need you to fuck me and I want you to do it hard. After blowing Stefano, I’m horny as hell.”

I switched off, not wanting to listen to her. I just needed to fuck her. I held onto her hips, spread her pussy open with my fingers and slammed deep into her.

“Jesus, you’re wet.”

“Give it to me. I want more of that. Fuck! That piercing feels divine.”

“You asked for it. Here it comes.” I pulled all the way out and thrust back in. She wasn’t very tall and I could hold onto her shoulders as I fucked her, pushing her harder against my dick. It seemed to turn her on because I saw her hand disappear between her legs, stroking herself.

“You want to stroke it for me?” she asked.

“Looks like you’re doing a fine job of it yourself. Keep going.” All I wanted was to fuck her and then get the hell out of there. Call me a bastard, but I didn’t want to communicate with anyone, let alone a fucking whore Stefano found God knows where.

“Yeah, I can get myself off within seconds. You just focus on that pierced baby pumping in and out of me. I sure hope you can last all night,” she choked out on a raspy breath.

“Not tonight.”

Sweat poured down my body. I closed my eyes. I hadn’t had sex for over a month and knew I wasn’t going to last long. I didn’t think I could hold off my release for much longer. I wasn’t going to hold off either. I didn’t give a fuck if she came or not. It wasn’t my problem. Stefano could see to that.

I’d follow her lead as long as she understood that this was just pure, primal fucking.

Stefano strolled back in completely naked, taking swigs of scotch as he seated himself on the couch. “Hey, did I miss much? Or have you only just started?”

Stefano’s dirty talk caused her to moan. She moved her hand faster beneath her, stroking herself even more furiously.

“Maybe I need to help out, like walk on over there and get you to suck me off again. You’re a horny bitch. It won’t take you long to get yourself off, and that would just take you over the edge, wouldn’t it? Once I come, I want to spread my cum all over your face while Capo fucks you.”

I hissed, not knowing how much longer I was going to be able to hold off. “Fuck, Stefano, hurry the fuck up then and stop talking.”

“Women love it when I talk like that. And this one seems to love it even more when I tell her what I am going to do to her next. You should have been there last time, when there were two men fucking her and I watched the whole thing.” Stefano stroked his dick as he continued. “I think we should introduce a bit of pain, Riccardo. She loves it.”

The redhead whimpered.

“No. I just want to fuck.” I loved to inflict sexual pain on a woman, but not this redhead. Fuck, I didn’t even know her name. I didn’t
to know her name.

“Ah…come on, Riccardo. You love that shit. You’re the master of inflicting pain. Spank her arse. She wants it. Do it.”

I plunged in and out of her, sinking my dick deep inside of her. I held on to her shoulders more firmly, and with one hand, I pulled her red hair to the side until she yelped. “You want pain?” I gritted out. “Is that what you want?”

“Fuck, yes! Make my arse burn.”

Stefano knew I liked to be rough, but there was no way I was taking that risk with this stranger. God knows what she would do. My world of pain was surreal and I knew which women I could be rough with. If this redhead caused me any trouble, I’d have to kill her. Literally.

I released her and slapped my right hand across the globe of her arse. I was being gentle in comparison to what I was capable of.

“Oh…yes!” she screamed.

“That’s it. Do it again,” Stefano instructed me. “Do it harder and lower so you hit her pussy.”

I hit her arse harder with a loud whack. This time I aimed lower, my fingertips barely grazing her pussy.

“That feels so good, Stefano. I’m about to come. I want more.”

Is this chick off her face? She thinks Stefano is fucking her? I better show her who it really is who’s fucking her so hard
. I gave her three more quick, hard smacks and she started to convulse. Her pussy clamped and spasmed around my dick and I lost it.

Fuck, my head was spinning. After being accustomed to my hand for the last month, I was feeling somewhat incoherent. Stefano went to the redhead, obviously wanting to get a piece of the action for himself. I disposed of the condom and grabbed the bottle of scotch from the side table where Stefano had left it. I lit up a smoke and perched myself on the armchair of the black leather recliner and watched as the redhead was bent over the black lacquered coffee table, her legs spread wide. Stefano was on his knees with his face buried in her pussy.

From where I stood, I saw Stefano’s head moving and the redhead was screaming out her rapture. Stefano twisted and plucked her nipples with one hand and had three of his fingers plunging in and out of her arse. Fuck, my cock stirred to life again. The scene before me was getting me completely hard again. It shouldn’t have but it did.

The redhead leaned forward with a sultry smile and addressed me, “So, Capo, are you ready for the second half of the show?”

I never answered her. I moved towards the both of them and Stefano threw me a condom from the pile, haphazardly strewn all over the carpeted floor.

“Let’s take her both at the same time. I’m taking her arse. You pick what you want, tits, pussy, I don’t give a fuck, but her arse is mine. The lube is in the bedroom. I’ll meet you in there after you finish your cancer stick.

Walking into the bedroom after I finished my cigarette, the redhead, stretched out on the bed, was ready and waiting, her legs dangling to the floor.

“I’ll fuck her tits.” I moved to the bed and straddled her waist as she played with her nipples. “Throw me the lube.” I nodded to Stefano who was standing there lubing up his own motherfucker of a cock.

“Lift your legs up so I can fuck your arse,” Stefano told her. “Ready?”

“I’m always ready.” She arched when Stefano impaled her. “Oh, that’s so good. You feel so big, so tight, better than your fingers or any toy you used on me before.”

I held her tits together and eased my cock into the channel I’d created. Fuck, the lube made it damn slippery, but man, I could control how tight I wanted it around my dick. As I glided in and out, my balls brushed her stomach. “Play with your nipples, I want you to pinch them hard.”

This bitch loved being commanded. She bent her head to try and lick my cock as I fucked her cleavage. When she began to moan, I looked over my shoulder and saw Stefano was playing with her clit as his cock tunnelled in and out of her arse.

The bastard was drunk and off his face. He grinned at me. “She’s fucking good, hey? I can’t wait to show her to Raphael.”

“Yeah, Raph will go to town on her.” Raphael was just as bad as Stefano when it came to threesomes. He even dabbled in the odd bisexual threesome.

Stefano thrust into her so hard that her body slid further up the bed.

“Stop, I need to change positions.”

Stefano and I stopped moving immediately. I may be a prick but when a woman says
, a man needs to stop. “Move up over me, so I can get that cock in my mouth and suck on those piercings. Are you going to take that condom off so I can suck it properly? I want to see how much of it I can fit in my mouth.” She fondled my balls as she spoke. “And then I’ll suck and play with your balls as Stefano continues to fuck me,” she propositioned.

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