Riccardo (4 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

BOOK: Riccardo
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“The condom stays on.” No way was I letting a whore at me with no protection. Fuck that, even with her mouth. I positioned my knees beside her head, put my hands flat on the mattress and slowly fed my cock into her eager mouth. Jesus. She sucked so hard the barrels of my piercings were scraping her teeth. The entire length of my cock was disappearing into her mouth. This chick had no gag reflex whatsoever.

She massaged my balls between her fingers like she was kneading dough. “Fuck, that feels good.”

“I aim to please.” She giggled, popping my cock out of her mouth to speak. She returned to her
with gusto.

Once I got into a steady rhythm, I plunged deep into the back of her throat, her teeth scraping me again as I withdrew. Sweat dripped down my chest and landed on her cheeks. “Show me how hard you can suck. Suck it now. Suck it hard.”

She did exactly what I asked and even hollowed her cheeks as she sucked on my cock for dear life. The next thing I knew, she tried to wiggle two fingers up my arse. No way was I allowing a stranger, a whore who I didn’t know, to touch my arse. “Don’t.”

She ignored me and laughed as she tried to finger me again. “Move your fingers away from my arse, bitch.” She stopped, obviously understanding I meant business when I told her to move her fucking fingers away. Instead, she proceeded to stroke and massage my balls, until I let go and felt my release filling the condom.

Just as I was about to ease out of her mouth, I heard the bedroom door being thrust open. Raphael, Stefano’s identical twin brother, stood there enjoying the view.

“Who the hell started the party without me, fuckers?” Raphael asked.

Stefano laughed. “Join in, bro. I’m sure Fifi won’t mind, will ya, doll?”

Fifi? Her name was Fifi? Jesus, what kind of a name was that? Surely, it had to be a nickname for Fiona. She moaned and wrapped her lips around my cock again, sending it straight into oblivion once more. I tried to pull out but she bit down, nipping at my piercings.

“Looks like I got here just in time. Her pussy seems to be a bit lonely and in need of some serious Raphy attention,” Raphael announced.

I glanced over my shoulder as Raphael dropped to his knees beside the bed and started licking and sucking on Fifi’s clit. I eased myself out of her mouth when she arched her neck. Thank fuck for that, because at the rate Raphael was sucking on her, I thought she’d bite my fucking dick off.

“Oh, yes, suck me harder, please. And I want something in my pussy. Hurry up. I need to be fucked,” she screamed.

Raphael bit and sucked her clit, doing exactly what she asked and fingered her with not two, but three fingers. Fifi screamed while Raphael continued to suck.

“Holy fuck, I can feel her coming. Her arse is gripping my cock so hard; it feels like it’s jammed in a vice,” Stefano groaned, throwing back his head.

I took that opportunity to get off the bed, slipped the used condom off and threw it in the bin. Stefano hopped off her, staggering as he tried to regain his footing and patted his twin on the back. “Get ready for some twin action,” he said as he stumbled to the floor, picked himself up again and walked out of the bedroom. He turned and said, “Keep the action going, I need to take a piss. I’ll be back.”

I noticed not only was Raphael already naked, he was ready for action and already rolling a condom on. Fifi sat up and stared at him, fixating her gaze on his cock. “My, my, you two really are identical.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet. Stefano and I are going to show you a night women only fantasise about. You will be talking about us for months.”

“Well, hot stuff, my ultimate fantasy has just changed to being fucked simultaneously by two hot, Italian identical twins. God, I can’t wait, one of you taking me up my arse and the other fucking my pussy.” Fifi’s eyes glistened with excitement.

Raphael grinned. “Your dream is about to come true.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

Jesus. Why the fuck they kissed whores, I had no idea. Fuckers. I had no desire to kiss them at all. Ever.

“You’re going to get a taste of a Santini sandwich,” Raphael teased her.

Fifi giggled. Stefano came back in and tossed his twin yet another condom. “You take her arse, I want to suck on her tits, while I fuck her wet pussy.

Fifi was lapping up the attention by the two brothers. It was a shame I couldn’t exert the pain that I wanted to on her. I was too dangerous to be let loose on a stranger, too dangerous to show them my fantasies.

Raphael lay back on the bed, resting on his elbows and Fifi threw her leg over his hips in reverse cowgirl style and lined up her arse with Raphael’s cock. He smeared his dick with lubricant and pulled her ass cheeks wide, pushing the broad head of his cock into her puckered pink hole. She moaned and leaned back, bouncing on Raphael’s dick as if he was a trampoline.

Stefano then aimed and drove into her pussy, setting the rhythm. He’d thrust forward, and then Raphael would bump his hips back. Stefano lifted Fifi’s tits and gorged on them. They were all getting into it and I just stood there like a dickhead and watched.

I wanted to leave. Yeah, I needed a release after the hit we had with Dobson that afternoon, but now I just wanted the whole fucking thing to end. I couldn’t do these sex orgies anymore. They bored me. It was nothing but mechanical sex, which had become tiresome and emotionless.

I needed a connection. I needed anticipation. I wanted to touch a woman with lingering and unexpected caresses. I wanted to kiss a woman slowly, sweetly and passionately.

I know who I want. I just can’t have her.

Looking at the two brothers as they increased their tempo with Fifi, made me question why the hell I hadn’t left yet and wondering why was I still standing there watching them. Neither of them even noticed I was even standing there, getting dressed.

Their actions increased. Raphael pumped his hips and Fifi started to come as Stefano shouted and released. Fifi laughed and eased herself gently off Raphael’s dick, rolling herself onto Stefano, keeping his cock snug inside her, pecking at his neck like a bird.

And the whole time my dick was soft. It was definitely time for me to go.

I headed towards the door when a bleary-eyed Stefano called out to me, “Where are you going? The party’s only just begun.” He was sitting up with Fifi still tangled all over him.

“I’ve got some business to attend to and a few things to clear up. I’ll see the both of you two tomorrow at the birthday. And you better not fucking rock up with a hangover or Sebastiano will lose it,” I warned them.

I left the club and went home and showered, scrubbing away the smell of sex lingering on my body. Fuck, I needed to stop fucking whores. I was getting too old for that shit. Stefano and Raphael were almost the same age as me, but they had no desire to pull the reins in on their lifestyle.

They had no desire for what I craved. I craved Lorena. As much as she annoyed the fuck out of me with her flirtatious banter, I welcomed her burning glances and that slow build-up of lust I experienced every time I was in the same vicinity as her. But it was those accidental touches that caused me to almost hit my combustion point.

She was my ultimate fantasy. Not only feisty, but she had attitude and I loved it. Lorena was fucking beautiful. The fire inside of her drew me to her the most. Keeping my distance from her for so many years was beginning to take its toll. I had no idea how much longer I could last. I’d resisted her all these years, but every day was a battle and the biggest temptation I'd ever encountered. I just needed to get through one day at a time and pray that whatever happened between Lorena and myself, would never destroy the relationship I had with Don Sebastiano. A man I considered my brother.



Fear gripped me from my recurring dream.

Dreams of my mother.

I lay there trying to erase the bad memories and focused on contemplating what outfit to wear for my little brother's first birthday. But it was hard, so many negative thoughts consumed me and were taking over my mind.

Thoughts of my mother.

The mother I murdered.

I hated the mornings. They were the most difficult. Waking up alone in my huge bedroom, pushed my loneliness to the surface, feeding my feeling of being lost—lost in my guilt, in my demons. No matter how many therapy sessions, the tingle of guilt still washed over me. At her uneventful memorial service, which was thin on family and devoid of friends, I hoped it would heal me and erase my guilt. It didn’t. Nothing ever would. The only person who came to the service with me was Riccardo. If it wasn’t for him, I would never have survived, never have been able to move forward. My father wanted nothing to do with her memorial service. He was too angry.

My mother had dug her own grave and burned a lot of bridges throughout her life. She was a vindictive woman, full of hate for my father and his crime family. She was planning to kill my stepmother, Sierra, my father’s mistress at the time, who I adored. I couldn't let my mother do it. Mother used her anger, her selfishness, and her jealousy to enact her revenge on my father. Even in death, she was still winning, still tormenting me. I hated this pain. I hated her.

Although there had been some success with my therapy, there were certain things that reminded me of her. Small, stupid little things like the smell of a particular perfume, the brand of a fashion designer, or even the shoes and handbags she had bought for me on one of her extravagant trips to Europe. Unfortunately, she never bought me things when she needed to, like my birthday. No, she was a selfish bitch and only gifted me things when she wanted information about my father, his men or his enemies. But I never fell for her games. I knew her too well, knew she was a master manipulator.

You didn’t grow up in a mafia crime family without being able to read people. Sierra helped me get most of my mother's ‘gifts’ out of my room, but vanity kept me from parting with some of my possessions. I felt no guilt whatsoever when I wore a pair of shoes, or an outfit my mother had given me. But that was because I was out and about and socialising with people during the day. It was times like these, alone with time to think, I would cast my mind back to the times my mother hadn’t been there for me. Whenever I had a fragment of guilt enter my head, I reminded myself of the many times she neglected and ignored me. The worst was the time when I was ten years old and I overheard her yelling and screaming at my father, saying she should never have gone through with her pregnancy and had an abortion.

I often wondered if I was even a true Morassi. I didn't dare question it or bring it up. I loved my father so much. Without him, I'd be lost. He was my world and the only real parent I'd ever known. My mother was always absent in my life and when she was present, she was non-existent anyway. Tears welled in my eyes. I hated crying over her. I'd shed enough tears and was sick of feeling this guilt. I shouldn't. I wouldn’t. My mother was dead and I killed her. I needed to move on and focus on what lay ahead for me.

“Lorena, are you awake?” Sierra’s knock on my door startled me and snapped me out of my morose thoughts. “
Angela needs help with those Italian doughnuts she makes. I can’t help her just yet. I need to get Matias ready and Sebastiano is in the gym with some of the guys. You know what he’s like with his workouts,” Sierra said.

“I’m awake. I’ll be down there soon to help. I promise,” I called out to her. “And they are called
not doughnuts.” Sierra always knew how to put a smile on my face.

Riccardo used to make me smile too. He was always so serious but every now and then he would blurt out something hilarious and everyone would be in fits of laughter. Since returning from boarding school, several years ago, I took every opportunity to flirt with him, but he totally ignored me. I never gave up.

My father threw a huge party for me at the age of twenty-one and I thought coming of age he would finally see me as a woman and he would surely give in to my seductive ways. He didn’t. Riccardo never stepped out of line. To him, the
always came first. Apart from comforting me when my mother died. It was the only time he held me in his arms, the only time I had felt safe and happy in a long time. It was Riccardo’s arms I wanted wrapped around me forever. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see that happening. His loyalty and honour to my father was a priority. He would never betray The Don.

I swiped at the tears trickling down my cheeks and headed towards the bathroom, ready to start my new day. I needed to get myself organised for the birthday. I had so many things to do and prepare for. Keeping busy allowed me to keep my mind off my mother, and cooking
Angela would definitely keep my mind off things. It was a new day and I needed to leave my bad thoughts behind me, so they wouldn’t interfere with what I really wanted in my life.

And the one thing I knew I wanted was Riccardo. That would never change. No matter how negative my thoughts were, if I focused on him and my quest to be with him, all my negativity was erased.

He was my future.



“Stefano, are you not working out this morning?” Sebastiano asked an unusually subdued Stefano.

“Not today, Boss. I don’t feel too good. I think I may have had one too many last night,” Stefano admitted.

I warned them, both him and Raphael, not to rock up with a hangover, and what the fuck did he do? He not only rocked up with one, but he admitted to having a hangover. All we needed was Raphael to enter in the same state as Stefano, and Sebastiano would truly lose it.

“Yeah, well, after the hit that went down yesterday afternoon, you probably needed it. Riccardo filled me in on how it played out. Is Vincenzo okay? I’ve not seen him yet this morning,” Sebastiano asked.

“He’s on his way, with Grace too. He’s managed to convince her to come out to the birthday today,” I told Sebastiano.

Ever since the rape, Grace was too embarrassed to face any of us. Grace confided to Sierra that she thinks us guys, her
, will see her differently and think that maybe she’s easy or some kind of whore. Sierra wanted to warn us not to harp on about the attack the next time we saw her because she was trying to move on and put it behind her.

“That’s good news. She needs to be around her family. We will get her through this. And you,” Sebastiano pointed at Stefano, “keep right away from her,” he warned him. “For some reason, you scare the fuck out of her.”

“Me? What the fuck did I do?” Stefano asked innocently. “Riccardo is the one she should be scared of, not me. He likes them young, don’t you, Capo?”

Fucking bastard. If Sebastiano wasn’t there working out with us, I would’ve retaliated, but I had to keep working out and exercise Lorena out of my system. Stefano knew how much I wanted Lorena and the prick was trying to shift the light off himself and onto me.

“If you’re just going to stand there and cause trouble, I suggest you leave before I let go of these bars and knock some sense into you,” I warned.

“Yeah, whatever, you got no gloves on anyway. You won’t touch anyone without those fucking things covering your hands,” Stefano taunted.

My pull ups forgotten, I jumped down off the bars and lunged for him, grabbing him by his throat. But Sebastiano was too quick and pulled me back before I could do harm.

“Fucking calm down, Riccardo!” Sebastiano shouted. “It’s my son’s birthday and I don’t want any fights amongst my men today. You are my family. We have enough enemies to contend with. We don’t need to attack one another. Now, when you are both finished with your workouts, get the fuck downstairs. Sierra needs our help and I am relying on my men to keep the peace around here.”

Stefano smirked at me as he left the gym with Sebastiano. I almost attacked him again but managed to control myself. Damn, I was so frustrated. Knowing I was going to see Lorena all day today was my biggest frustration.
Jesus. I’m losing my fucking mind over this woman
. I needed to resolve this and resolve it fast. Something had to give.

If she tried to flirt with me today, there was no telling what I would do. My control around her was slipping with every passing day, slipping fast. I managed to keep my distance and keep my dick in my pants around her, surely I could manage to do it for one more day.

It couldn’t be that hard.

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