Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame (6 page)

BOOK: Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame
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Whatever You Want


“Yo, the streets is going wild over your new video.”

“I know it’s crazy. I had no idea that niggas and bitches love to see you get lovey dovey wit’ a fly ass chick. If I knew I would get this kinda love, I woulda came wit’ this from the jump!”

“Nah, you did the right thing going hard on your first joint. You need to always get them with that grimy shit off the cuff, that’s the only way you’ll get that respect from the hood. Then when you come back with that mellow shit everybody else gon’ jump on board.”

“Yo, Lorenzo, I think you right. If I had done this joint first they would see me strictly as a soft nigga, now I got them across the board.”

“Now you get my point,” I said, nodding my head as I sat in my car talking to Phenomenon on
the phone.

“No doubt. And that was a damn good look you getting me that chick Dior. I don’t know how you pulled that shit off. You know Sway dumped her behind that shit,” Phenomenon chuckled.

“Get the fuck outta here!”

“I’m serious!”

“How you know?”

“The nigga called me the same day the video dropped. First he was like, how you gon’ disrespect me like that using my girl in the video when you knew I wasn’t down for the shit. I explained it was a business move and that was all. We was pressed for time and thought she was a fit for the job.”

“What did he say when you told him that?”

“That nigga wasn’t tryna here that shit. He was acting like what he say go and that I fucked up our relationship by disrespecting him the way I did. But our so called relationship was already dead when his punk ass bolted from my video set without even doing his guest spot.”

“But you still didn’t tell me how you know he not wit’ Dior no more.”

“Oh, ‘cause before he hung up the phone, he said some slick shit like, I know you fucked her and you can have her cause I don’t want her tainted pussy no more.”

“Word, that nigga said that.”

“Sure did…that nigga crazy! Of course I didn’t
let his stupid ass know otherwise but I was thinking if you let that bad bitch go ‘cause you thought I got the pussy then you a fool.” I listened as Phenomenon laughed, getting a kick at Sway’s reaction to the situation. My thoughts instantly went to how Dior was coping with it. On one hand she was on the tip of everybody’s tongue ‘cause there was no denying homegirl was looking like the only thing smoking right now but on the flipside she lost what she considered her biggest asset—Sway. I figured it was the perfect time to make another move. I knew she was probably feeling anxious to make sure she stayed in the spotlight. If she hadn’t already, soon she would be scheming to find her next victim to stay relevant.

“That Sway cat is a piece of work. I guess everything they say about that nigga is true.”

“Yeah, and then some. I hope I don’t ever start feeling myself to that point. He probably got a kiss my ass at all time contract you must sign before being a part of his inner circle.” We were both laughing after Phenomenon said that shit because it was highly likely there was some truth to it.

“You ain’t got to worry, I won’t let you.”

“I know that’s right!”

“So where you at now?”

“In Atl. I’m performing at some club tonight. You know they got me doing mad club dates and shit before my album drop.”

“Yeah, I know. That road shit is draining but it’s gon’ pay off, watch when them first week numbers come in.”

“True, but yo, whatever I gotta do. I’ve been wantin’ this shit for so long that if I have to live on the road for the next two years to blow up and get this fame shit then that’s what I’ll do. Ain’t no turning back now.”

When Phenomenon said that, my mind again went back to Dior because she too craved that exact same fame. I wanted to call her as soon as I got off the phone with Phenomenon but I had been parked outside Lala’s crib for awhile and I saw her peeping out her window a few times. It would be rude to keep having long ass conversations when she knew I was basically right at her front door.

“I know you gon’ handle yo’ shit tonight so I’ll hit you up tomorrow.”

“That works, man.” When I hung up with Phenomenon I went straight to Lala’s door. She had it open before I even made it to the top stair.

“I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming in,” Lala smiled.

“Sorry ‘bout that. I was handling some business.”

“Aren’t you always? With all the work you do I hope you make some time for fun. That was something Darnell rarely did. You seem to be just like him in that way and now he’s gone. You can’t
make up for lost time Lorenzo.”

“Don’t compare me to Darnell.”

“I wasn’t doing that.” I could see the startled reaction on Lala’s face because of what I said. “But would it be so bad if I was? Darnell was your friend.”

“I just don’t like to be compared to other people, friend or no friend. So where is Tania?” I asked trying to skip over this topic. Hearing that nigga’s name still put me in a bad mood and that was no fault of Lala.

“My mom took her to a birthday party.”

“The last few times I’ve been here she’s always gone, Tania’s schedule busier than mine.” I was able to put a smile on Lala’s face with my comment which I was happy about. I tried to avoid any sort of conversation about Darnell because I loathed him but that was something Lala could never know. No matter what she always managed to make him a part of our discussion. It concerned me that soon there would come a point that I wouldn’t be able to conceal my contempt for him.

“Maybe you should consider calling ahead of time so we can plan for your arrival instead of just popping up,” Lala suggested.

“I never thought about it but you might be right.”

“I am. I’m sure Tania would love if you came over and had dinner with us and so would I. You’ve done so much for us I want to do something for you.”

“I told you, Lala, you don’t owe me nothing.”

“I know that but I like when you come by. I enjoy your company. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to just stop by when you’re dropping off money. You’re welcome anytime.”

For the first time I paid close attention at the way Lala looked at me. I couldn’t lie and say that the last few times I came by I got some sort of vibe from her but the thought went as fast as it came. But there was no denying now that the vibe was real.

Lala had her hair pulled back off her face with nothing to hide what was going on behind her eyes. Her face was almost angelic like Tania’s except she wasn’t a child she was a grown woman with sexual appeal. As fine as Lala was, I didn’t want to go there. I could see the shit getting messy for a few reasons and I didn’t need any of them in my life.

“I have to be going but let Tania know I stopped by and I’ll be back to see her soon,” I said, putting my usual envelope full of money on the table.

“I will and I hope you’ll consider my offer for dinner,” Lala responded by putting her hand on top of mine as I sat the envelope down.

“I’ll consider it.”

“That’s all I’m asking, Lorenzo.” I knew Lala was asking for a lot more but since I had no intentions in complying with any of it I left it alone.

“I’ll see you later, Lala.” I could hear her saying something but I blocked it out as I made my exit. It
was easy for me to erase what had just happened from my mind because I immediately dialed Dior’s number as I was headed to my car.

“Hello,” she answered in a curious voice. I knew she didn’t recognize the number so I was glad she picked up.

“What’s up, Dior.”

“Who is this?”


“Lorenzo! I been waiting for you to call me. What happened to you giving me a heads up before the video dropped…huh?”

“I apologize. I got caught up in some shit and honestly it slipped my mind. But you came out looking like a star so it’s all good.”

“That ain’t the point. You was supposed to give me time to get shit straight with Sway.”

“You right. Again, I apologize but as savvy as you are I’m sure you smoothed things over with him,” I said pretending not to know that Sway had dismissed her.

“So what do you want, Lorenzo?”

“Checking up on you, seeing how shit was poppin’ now that you were a star.”

“Star, hum if you say so,” she answered sarcastically.

“I know yo’ phone been ringing off the hook since the video came out.”

“Nope, just the opposite. I believe Sway’s petty
ass shut all that shit down.”

“You might be right ‘cause everybody buzzin’ ‘bout that video and especially you. But don’t sweat that. What I’m about to tell you will no doubt put a smile on your face.”

“It will?” she asked as if in complete shock.

“Yep. This should make up for me forgetting to call you about the video in advance.”

“What is it…tell me!” her voice had now gone from having a pissed off attitude to hopeful excitement.

“They’re going to shoot you to be on the next cover of King Magazine.”

“Stop lyin’!”

“I ain’t lyin’.”

“The cover, not some inside one page booty shot?”

“Nope, that would be takin’ a step back. How you gon’ go from lead of Phenomenon’s new video to that. It’s the cover, baby.”

“Don’t play, Lorenzo! How the fuck did you manage that?”

“Money can do wonders, everybody gotta price.”

“I can’t believe you did that for me.”

“Dior, I told you whatever you want. You think you need Sway to get to the top but money can get you there just as fast if not faster.”

“Sway ain’t even a factor anymore.”

“Why is that?”

“After the video dropped he dumped me.”

“Wow, just like that. That nigga cold blooded.”

“Are you serious about that cover?”

“Yeah, why you ask?”

“’Cause that will show Sway’s ass. I’ma personally make sure he gets a copy of that shit so he can choke on it.”

“Yo you crazy!” I laughed.

“Maybe, but I’m serious. You have no idea all the bullshit I put up with dealing with him and then you should’ve seen how he dumped me. After shit wasn’t jumping off for me, I started to regret doing the fuckin’ video. But after the news you just gave me, I’m back in business.”

“Yes, you are. I’ll be in touch with all the details so keep yo’ head up.”

“Will do!”

Before Dior hung up the phone I could hear the fight back in her voice. I could tell she didn’t want to admit it but getting dumped by Sway had left her shook. She had grown dependent on that jet set life with him and it all slipped away in a matter of seconds. But I was going to enjoy playing a major part in helping her dreams come true. It was actually turning out to be a lot more amusing than I thought it would be. Initially I didn’t even think of it as being fun. Part of me wanted to prove to Dior that my money could be as powerful as Sway’s fame
in getting her what she wanted and the other part of me wanted to get her in bed since she said that wasn’t a possibility. But what was viewed to me as a game in the beginning was now turning into a challenge of how far I could take this fame thing and would I win at it.



So Amazing


When the cab dropped me off in front of the Gramercy Park Hotel, I knew Brittani would be pissed that I was almost thirty minutes late. Luckily we were meeting at the Maialino for lunch, so it wasn’t a doubt in my mind that there had to be a wait. If she was seated it only could’ve happened within the last five to ten minutes.

“I’m meeting someone,” I said, bypassing the long line and the hostess as I noticed Brittani sitting in a corner table. “Sorry I’m late, sweetie,” I smiled before sitting down.

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