Rich Pickings (18 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Rich Pickings
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He slides two fingers into my arse, twisting and scissoring to open my entrance. A third joins them, and he thrusts slowly to ensure my readiness. The finger on my clit combined with the lubing brings me rushing back to the brink of orgasm, and he’s right about the liberating effect of the gag. I’m not able to tell him my release is close, but he knows anyway and slows his thrusting.

“Ready now, I think. Are you okay?”

I nod, and I mean it. I

He withdraws his fingers, and I turn my head to watch him as he unfastens his jeans. At first I assume he’s just going to free his cock and fuck me fully dressed, but he doesn’t do that. He undresses completely, taking his time and allowing me to look my fill. Despite his leisurely approach it is only a couple of minutes later when he extracts a condom from the bedside drawer and rips the foil. Sheathing himself swiftly he positions himself behind me. He inserts two fingers again, just to make sure, then the head of his thick cock is at my entrance.

“Slowly at first. I’ll take good care of you, girl.”

I close my eyes, settling in. I know he will look after me, I’m safe.

He eases his cock into my arse, inch by slow inch, his fingers caressing the delicate skin around my anus as he penetrates me. I feel cared for, adored. Loved even. Totally helpless, vulnerable, submissive. I surrender completely as his cock finally slides home. And I know, in that moment of intimate, sensual connection, I’m in love with Dan Riche.

I’m close to orgasm, very close, and I start to come almost as soon as he enters me fully. Dan doesn’t seem to mind, heightens my response by flicking my clit again and murmuring encouragement. My pussy clenches on emptiness, but the fullness in my arse more than makes up for that. It feels wicked. The sensation is decadent and delightfully sinful, the hated gag just adding to the spice now. This orgasm is powerful, the intensity seemingly magnified by all the whistles and bells. He knows just how to play me, just what to do to coax and drag every shred of response from me. He seems to shoot past all my defenses, tossing my fears and anxieties and hang-ups aside. He sets me free.

And I feel free, supremely and brilliantly liberated as the waves of my orgasm cascade through my body. I’m clenching, shuddering in release, all the while silenced by the gag when I would have screamed my joy in this moment. Dan thrusts long and slow and deep, his strokes even as my body stretches to accept and glory in this intrusion. As the climax passes I let my weight rest entirely on the pillows under me. I feel light-headed, boneless, more than a little stunned at the intensity of the feeling.

Dan reaches down to hook his hands under my shoulders and pulls me up against his chest. Still sunk deep inside me, he eases me up to straddle his knees, holding me in place with one arm across my chest while he arranges my legs on either side of his. I’m opened, available, totally his to touch, to use, to fuck. He turns on the bed, carrying me with him, to face the floor-length mirror fastened to one wall. My eyes are drawn to the tableau, the scarf he’s used to gag me a shock of crimson across my face. My nipples are still swollen and erect, almost as bright red as the gag, and I can clearly see the beads dangling from my clit. When I’m waxed, the view will be even more alluring.

“You’re so beautiful, Summer. Everywhere. Inside and out. And so courageous you take my breath away. What can I do for you now, I wonder?”

Who knows? Surely there’s nothing left.


Two fingers plunging into my pussy quickly rekindle my interest. With his customary unerring accuracy Dan finds and caresses my G-spot. I can’t manage to keep my eyes open as the sensation builds and grasps me once more. I’d thought I was spent, nothing left. I was wrong. I rest my head against his shoulder, unable to stop myself gyrating and writhing on his cock. Dan allows it, permits me to increase the friction enough to climax again, less powerfully this time but all the sweeter for the intimacy of our connection. This is for me, all for me. Dan is demanding, totally dominant, sometimes intimidating. But he’s generous too, gentle when he needs to be, and completely focused on my pleasure right now.

I drink it in, savor his gift as my release overwhelms me again, before sliding away like a liquid caress. I’m warm, soft and pliable, his to fuck as he likes, my surrender total.

Dan lowers me back until my shoulders are resting on the bed again, my knees still bent and my bum still lifted for his pleasure. And now it’s his turn. He withdraws until only the head of his cock is still inside me before thrusting deep again. This time he plunges hard and fast, but I’m so ready for him it doesn’t hurt me. He drives his cock in and out of my arse easily, each stroke filling me delightfully. I squeeze around him as his increasingly fevered moans tell me he’s close. With a shout of “holy fuck” he’s there. His final thrust is hard and sharp, then he holds still deep inside as his semen spurts to fill the condom. It occurs to me that he’s not been exactly silent himself, but on reflection I have no complaints.


* * * *


“Am I forgiven? For the gag?”

I’m lying across Dan’s chest, his arms around me as we snuggle together in his bed. The crimson scarf is on the floor, the clit clip safely deposited in a small tray on the bedside table. Nine karat gold. Wow!

“Ask me in the morning. I’m too tired to think right now.”

“I’m asking you now. You can start by telling me you’re okay. I want to know.”

“Yes, I’m okay. Very okay.” I try to burrow deeper into his chest.

“And the gag? How do you feel about that?”

It seems I’m not going to sleep any time soon. Dan’s tone has developed that firm edge I recognize, that timbre that tells me I
be answering his questions. And I’ll be giving him his answers now, no matter how sleepy I am. I take a moment or two to rake my scattered thoughts and impressions into something resembling coherence.

“I hated it at first. But when we got started, I sort of forgot it was there.”

“Why did you hate it?”

“Mostly because it scared me. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to breathe.”

“I was watching you the whole time, making sure you were safe. I’ll never put you in danger, or harm you. But I will scare you. Again and again. Are you still up for that?” His palm circles my back, between my shoulder blades. His touch is soothing despite his hardening tone.

“I know you won’t harm me. I do, really…”

“Don’t hedge, Summer. Answer my question.” The palm ceases its calming caress as he lifts his hand to tangle in my hair.

He gently tilts my head back so I’m looking up at him. His eyes are dark, intense and serious. And he’s waiting for my answer.

“Yes, I am up for it. Sir.” My voice is soft, little more than a whisper.

He smiles at me, his expression softening, reassuring me despite the threat implied in his words.

“I’m glad. I appreciate that you’re inexperienced, but you’re learning fast and I intend to push you hard. Even harder than I have up to now. And the best orgasms come after you’ve been scared. Don’t you agree?

Well, I can’t really argue with that.
“I do, Sir, but the gag was still difficult to accept.”

He nods slightly, quirking one eyebrow. “You did accept it, though. Eventually.”

“You have a way of distracting me. And you were right about the screaming thing. I didn’t have to concentrate on being quiet. That was good.”

His grin widens as he leans down to kiss my forehead. “Mmm, you’re not bad yourself. So would you let me gag you again?”

“Yes, of course. Anything.” I’m surprised he’s even asking, especially as I’ve just more or less given him carte blanche to do whatever he likes to me. He normally just produces whatever he intends to use and orders me to assume the required position.

“I’ll remind you of that next time you get the wobbles.” He kisses my hair, and the conversation seems to be over.

He’s disturbed me now though. I’m thoroughly awake and I have another question.

“When do you leave? Tomorrow I mean.”

“Not early. I’ll see you off to Leeds, then I’ll be away.”

“I’ll miss you.” I bury my nose against his shoulder, trying to imagine Black Combe without Dan here.

“I’ll miss you too. But I’ll be back soon. Ten days at the most I should think. And you’ll be busy. New job and all that.”

But will he be?
I need to ask him something else. For my own peace of mind, I need to know.

“When you’re at home again, will you go to the club do you think?”

He stiffens. I feel the shift in his muscles, the slight tightening of his arms around my back. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked, but I’m entitled to know. Surely. Especially now.

He doesn’t reply immediately, but I know he heard me and I don’t repeat my question.

“No, I won’t be going to the club.” At last, he speaks.

Thank God!
“Good. I mean, I won’t be… I won’t… Well, I won’t either.”

“Somehow I’d never imagined you would.” He leans down to drop another kiss on my hair.

“Well, right. But I wanted you to know. And I wondered, well…” This is difficult to put into words.

“I think I know what you wondered, what’s behind all this. You want to know if this, you and me, is an exclusive arrangement. Am I right?” As usual, Dan helps me out.

He doesn’t sound aggrieved, doesn’t seem to have taken my question amiss. I’m squirming though. I’ve never been especially at ease around men, well, not before now. Even James was always something of a mystery to me, more a means to an end I now see. But Dan’s different. Dan is more, so much more. I love him, so it’s simple really. And I need to know.

“Yes, Sir. That’s right.”

“Well, we are. At least, as far as I’m concerned we are. I don’t object, in principle, to sharing subs as long as everyone’s happy with the arrangement. But I’ve no intention of sharing you.”

Thank God for that too.
“I don’t share either.” No harm in trying for a little assertiveness, even now.

“Fair enough. We’re agreed then?”

Wow! Easy as that.
“Yes. Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome. And, thank
, Summer, for raising the issue. I get the impression it wasn’t easy.”

“No, Sir. I was afraid you’d think I was being pushy. Too demanding. Possessive.”

“You’re none of those things, Summer. And just in case you have any remaining doubts about this, never be afraid to ask me anything. I may not choose to answer every time, but you are entitled to ask your questions. Always. I’m a Dom, but that doesn’t make me aloof or an arrogant bastard. Well, not that arrogant anyway. I won’t be offended, I’m not moody, and I won’t punish you just for being curious or unsure. Talk to me, whenever you need to. Say whatever you need to say.”

I hesitate for a few moments, taking in what he’s telling me. I have a strong sense of our relationship solidifying around me, around us. A deal has been struck, promises exchanged. At last, I respond. “I see. Thank you, Sir.

“I think you do. I’m glad. Again, you’re welcome. So, sleep now, little sub?”

“Mmm.” I snuggle in, one seriously happy and well-fucked submissive. Ten days isn’t really so long.


Chapter Eleven




Dan wakes first, but instead of seducing me into another bout of frenzied fucking, which would after all have been so easy, he takes pity on my soreness and settles for licking my clit until I come. Then he does it again, just for good measure, before ambling off downstairs in just his jeans to rustle up coffee and breakfast. He returns with two steaming mugs and a plate of toasted crumpets, dripping with butter. We eat in companionable silence, listening to the house waking up around us. Rapid footsteps on the landing outside signal that Rosie is up and about and hurtling downstairs to be fed. The lighter tread a couple of minutes later is Eva, probably carrying baby Isabella. Dan said that Nathan and Grace were already down in the kitchen when he launched his raid. So that just leaves us languishing in bed.

I love the quiet intimacy of this breakfast in bed together, the feeling that I’m cared about, and safe. My future seems secure, and I’m happy. Genuinely happy, untroubled. All I need to do now, to complete my sense of well-being, is to somehow get my sisters to come and live here with me. I really have no idea how my mother will react to that proposal. I suppose I’ll have to phone her, go and talk to her even. I don’t relish that prospect, and I just know that this could get ugly. I’m determined to have my way, though, and I’ll fight as dirty as I have to.

But first things first. I need to say my goodbyes to Dan, then get Freya’s car to her, then choose myself a bed. I have my instructions on that, and a four-poster it will be.

It’s mid-morning before Eva and I leave for Leeds. I manage not to weep all over Dan’s lovely white T-shirt when he hugs me just before I scramble into the Vanquish. His whispered “Keep everything warm for me, little sub” sets my pussy off dampening again—he really does not play fair.

I mutter something along the lines of “I’ll try”, and “Please come back soon” before I scuttle into the driver’s seat.

Dan leans on the side of the car, watching as I adjust the positioning of everything to suit my size. Eva’s jolly little Mini emerges from the huge hanger-like garage a few moments later, to hum into line behind me.

We’ll drive to Leeds in convoy, deposit the Vanquish with Freya, then continue on in the Mini. In the end Grace decided not to come with us. There’s an open day on at Rosie’s school and she’s promised to be there. Nathan apparently intends to go too, so Rosie was almost dancing with excitement as Grace bundled her into her school uniform before driving her down into the village.

Dan taps twice on the car roof, signaling it’s time to go. I lift my hand in a silent salute but that’s not sufficient. He swirls his finger to indicate I should lower the window, and when I do he leans in to give me a long, deep kiss. He slides his tongue between my lips, seeking, tasting, marking me as his. At last he breaks the kiss, lifting his lips from mine just enough to be able to murmur his farewell. “Just to remind you what you have to look forward to when I get back. Choose our bed wisely, little sub.”

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