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I shook my head. “I can’t wait that long,” I
told him. Then I pressed the button that put the tinted, soundproof divider
between us and Mr. Fletcher up, and I lifted my blouse up over my head.


Preston smirked and shook his head at me, but
he couldn’t tear his eyes away from my breasts. As I released them from my bra
he pulled it away, taking one in each hand as he kissed me again, his fingers
brushing over my skin with such reverence I thought I would burst into tears
right there.


“I’m so sorry,” he said over and over again.
“I wish there had been some other way…”


“Make it up to me,” I told him, pushing his
head down between my thighs.


Preston sank to his knees in front of me,
pushing my skirt up my hips and sliding my panties down my calves as he
gingerly kissed his way up my legs. He took his time, caring nothing for what
was happening outside the limo, focusing only one my body and how many ways he
could make it sing under his expert caress. I leaned my head back and moaned as
he pulled me toward the edge of my seat, and when he pressed his lips against
my aching womanhood, I felt my core shudder and hum with delight.


“Preston,” I breathed, grasping his hair. His
tongue made one long lick from my entrance to crest of my vulva and I sighed,
arching, my nipples puckering in the cool air conditioning as he spread my
folds with his fingers.


“Every day of my life,” he said between
licks. “I’ll do
this every
day of my life if it means
you’ll forgive me.”


“Oh, Preston,” I said again, shivering as he
began to torture my bud in earnest. “I already do.”


But that didn’t stop him. I knew it wouldn’t.
I had been counting on it.


He slid one of his fingers inside of me,
using it to brush my sweet spot as his lips wrapped around my tender nubbin and
sucked gently. I reeled, my heels on his shoulders as he devoured me. I felt
like the only woman in all the world at that moment, like nothing that had
happened to either of us had ever mattered. We were all there was, all there
ever would be. I closed my eyes, squirming as Preston brought me to the edge of
oblivion, holding me there as I moaned his name and inhaled his scent with
every labored breath I took of him.


“Don’t stop,” I urged him, pulling on his
hair as a wave of pleasure shook me. “Jesus Christ, Preston. Don’t ever stop!”


“Never,” he promised, getting back up onto
his knees. He laid me back against the leather seat, climbing on top of me as
we kissed again and I tasted my sweet nectar all over his lips.


I whimpered and pressed up against him, my
fingers quivering as I worked each button on his shirt. I swept it away,
reveling in the sensation of his smooth, broad chest pressed against my own. I
could feel his abs ripple against my taut tummy, could feel the weight of him
pressing down on me in all the right ways. Involuntarily I parted my legs for
him, letting his hips rest in the valley between them. I didn’t even have to
think about making love to Preston. It was something as natural as blinking, as
breathing in the air around me. My body acquiesced to it before the question
was even asked in my mind.


He slipped his strong arms around me, his
biceps bulging and quaking as he lifted me up to his mouth. In the space
between us I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing them down his legs
along with his boxer briefs until I could feel his hard flesh brushing against
my mound. He was so stiff, so swollen for me that I knew it must be painful. I
let my hand wander over it, teasing his shaft with my fingers as I traced every
vein that ran from root to tip, making him shudder and groan.


,” he gasped
into my ear. His breath was sweltering hot. “I need you.”


“I need you too,” I told him, wrapping my
legs around his waist as he took the invitation and dove inside of me, striking
deep and true.


I threw my head back, my hair spilling over
the seat behind me as Preston captured my throat in his lips. He placed soft,
lazy kisses all along it, each press of his mouth inspiring in me a new kind of
pleasure I’d never felt before. I wiggled as he teased, sighing and shivering,
digging my nails into his shoulders as he pumped steadily into my warm, wet
chasm. There was a tenderness in his touch this time, a desperation that
transcended mere carnal need.


Preston wasn’t fucking me this time. This
time, we were making love.


I hid my face in the curve of his neck,
muffling my cries of ecstasy on his flesh. He only allowed this for a few
moments before he took a handful of my hair and pulled me away from him, gazing
into my eyes as he said, “Look at me.”


I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing with shy
desire. He smiled and kissed each one, showering that redness with affection as
it lit up my freckles like the lights on a Christmas tree.


Preston drove into me again and again until
finally he sat back on his heels, pulling my hips up onto the tops of his
thighs and knees. He held me with one hand as the other drifted to my pussy,
his thumb grinding into my clit as I seized and shouted, clenching him between
my thighs as I gasped for breath.


“Fuck! Preston!”


“Cum for me,
he said. He sounded more like he was begging than commanding. It thrilled me
all the same. “Please, baby. I want to feel you around me. I need to feel you…”


I grasped my tits in my hands, tugging and
toying with my nipples as bolts of bliss jolted into my core. A tension was
building, one that had been waiting quite some time for release, and when the
dam finally burst I careened headlong into a beautiful abyss.


I writhed uncontrollably, my inner muscles
clenching down around Preston’s cock and milking it for all it was worth as
wave after wave of rapture overtook me. It was like a tide was sweeping me out
into an endless sea, pulling me down into depths I could not fathom, assuring
that I would never breathe again as I sank and sank. And yet I didn’t care. I
wanted those waves to drown me, to pour over me and wash every ounce of my
being away. But Preston kept me grounded. He held onto me, watching as his face
twisted with pleasure, gritting his teeth as his own passion consumed him just
as it had consumed me.


,” he
groaned. That word left his lips like a prayer, and a moment later, he
worshipped me with his seed.


He fell forward and I caught him, kissing him
over and over as he filled me in the way I’d needed ever since we’d last seen
each other. That sensation of wholeness returned to me, and for the first time
in weeks, I felt utterly at peace with him and with myself.


We lay together for innumerable moments,
entwined in one another and unwilling to let go. Tears were brimming in my eyes
again. The tidal wave of my pleasure had been replaced by one of emotion, and I
couldn’t stop the sobs wracking my body as Preston kept me safe in his arms.


“Hey,” he said, finally drawing away from me.
“You know who deserves a happy ending?”


“We do,” I said, laughing as I blinked the
happy tears from my eyes. “We fucking do.”


Preston smiled. He brushed the last tear away
with his thumb. “You’re damn right,” he told me. “And I think I know just the
place to make it happen...”


you’d told me three weeks ago
that I’d have
out on my boat cruising through
the Caribbean, I would have said you were crazy. Back then she was still my
soon-to-be stepsister, it looked like my father had won, and I’d firmly
believed I’d chased away the love of my life for good.


Now here we were, just the two of us aboard
my boat, the shadow of impending relation no longer looming over us. We were
finally, completely free, and it was the best feeling I’d ever had.


I watched her as she sauntered over in her
white string bikini, the one with a big, gold ring that pulled together the
front of her top and accentuated her inhumanly perfect cleavage. The way her
hair fluttered in the warm breeze made her look like she was in some kind of
Sports Illustrated
ad as she bent over
to hand me another daiquiri.


I gently pulled open the front of her top
with one finger and peeked at her bountiful breasts. She laughed and slapped my
hand away before sitting down on my lap, relaxing against me in the sun.


“This is perfect,” she said, sipping on her
drink as we baked under the clear skies together. “I can’t believe how lucky we


“Good things come to those who do good,” I
told her. It might have been ineloquent, but it was true. “You taught me that,”
I added, kissing her shoulder.


She smiled and turned toward me, placing her
own kiss on my temple. “I love you, Preston Harvey. You know that?”


I grinned. It was the first time either of us
had said it to each other, but we’d both known well before now how we felt. It
had been love at first sight—we just hadn’t known it at the time. Now that we
did, it was something we’d never forget.


It still felt good to hear her say it,
though. And it was only fitting, since I had a very important question for her.


“I love you too,” I replied, kissing her on
the lips. Then I tapped her thigh with the palm of my hand. “You
get up, though. I have something to give you.”


giggled and stood, looking up at
me as I got up from the lounge chair. “Is that a ring box in your pocket, or
are you just happy to see me?”


I stared at her, mouth agape. “You bitch,” I
muttered, giggling as she slapped my shoulder. “You ruined the surprise.”


“The real surprise would be if you managed to
slip something past me,” she said, biting her lip as she gazed up into my eyes.
“Come on, Preston. Ask me. You already know what I’m going to say.”


I smirked. “Yes, ma’am,” I said
as I did what I was told.


I lowered myself down on one knee with much
grunting and groaning and holding my back while
rolled her eyes and tried not to smile at me. Then I reached into the pocket of
my shorts and pulled out the ring box she’d already known was there. At least
she didn’t know what was inside of it.


“Madison Hearst,” I began, and even though I
knew what her answer would be, my pulse quickened all the same. “You are the
single best thing to have ever happened to me. Before you, I thought I knew
what wealth was. Before you, I thought I knew how the world worked. Before you,
I was sure there was no such thing as love. Well, I was an idiot. You made me
see that. And now I want to show you something in return.”


I opened up the box. I’d never felt so proud
in my life as I did at that moment when she gasped.


“Oh my God,” she breathed. “Jesus, Preston.
It’s beautiful!”


She stared down at the rose gold ring I’d
picked out for her, the one with a twisted, diamond-encrusted shank framing the
brightest pink diamond money could buy. Knowing and loving
had made me rich in an intangible way, but being an actual billionaire still
had its merits when it came to gifts.


The sun reflected off the gem’s surface,
face with an array of prisms that
would have rivaled the Hope Diamond. I took her hand—she was too flabbergasted
to give it to me on her own—and slowly slid the ring onto her finger. It fit
perfectly, just as I’d intended. It had been hell getting her ring size while
she was sleeping.


“Madison Hearst,” I intoned, trying to sound
very, very serious. “Will you marry me?”


looked from me to the ring, then
back again. I quirked a brow at her as I waited for her to respond.


In typical
fashion, she made me wait. And then she grinned and threw her arms around me as
I stood, bouncing up and down as she cried, “Yes! Yes!” over and over again.


My heart swelled as I took her in my arms,
holding her tightly and kissing over the waves of her hair as she committed to
being my wife. I’d never wanted anything so badly in all my life as this, and
now that I had it, I felt utterly complete.


looked up at me and bit her lip.
With a very put-on Southern accent, she asked me, “Does that mean we
be kin no more?”


I shook my head at her and laughed. “Only by
marriage,” I replied, and kissed my bride-to-be once more.


Are you
ready for your super secret BONUS NOVEL? That’s right, I have ONE MORE LITTLE
SURPRISE for you. Turn the page, because I’m also including my BESTSELLING
novel, ROYAL PRICK, absolutely free! Why? Because I LOVE my readers! I really
hope you love it!




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