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Authors: Paul Murray Kendall

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1481-90, ed. by Payne Collier, Roxburghe Club, 1844. Leland, J., Collectanea: De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, 6 vols., ed. by T.

Hearne, London, 1715. Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard HI and Henry VII,

2 vols., ed. by James Gairdner, Rolls Series, London, 1861-63. Lettres de Louis XI, Roi de France, ir vols., ed. by J. Vaesen and others,

Paris, 1883-1909. Mancini, Dominic, The Usurpation of Richard 111, ed. by C. A. J. Armstrong,

Oxford, 1936. Manners and Household Expenses of England in the Thirteenth and

fifteenth Centuries, ed. by T. H. Turner, Roxburghe Club, 1841. Me?noires d* Olivier de la Marche, ed. by H. Beaune and J. d'Arbaumont,

Paris, 1883.

Molinet, Jean, Chroniques, 1476-1506, ed. by J. A. Buchon, Paris, 1827-28. More, Thomas, The History of King Richard HI, ed. by J. R. Lumby, Cambridge, 1883. Original Letters, ed. by Henry Ellis, 3 series, London, 1825, 1827, 1846; voL I

in each of the series.

The Paston Letters, 4 vols., ed. by James Gairdner, Library Edition, London, 1910. Plumpton Correspondence, ed. by T. Stapleton, Camden Society, 1839,

Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History, vol. II, ed. by T. Wright, Rolls Series, London, 1861.

A Relation of the Island of England, ed. by C. A. Sneyd, Camden Society, 1870.

Rons or Ross, John, Historia Region Angliae, ed. by Thomas Hearne, second ed., Oxford, 1745.

Rons or Ross, John, The Rows Rol, ed. by W. Courthope, London, 1845.

The Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483, 2 vols., ed. by C. L. Kingsford, Camden Society, 1919.

Stow, John, The Annales or Generall Chronicle of England, London, 1615.

Stow, John, A Survey of London, ed. by C. L. Kingsford, Oxford, 1908.

Vergil, Polydore, Anglica Historia, third ed., London, 1555. A sixteenth-century translation of those books of the Historia which relate to the fifteenth century is Polydore Vergil, History, ed. by Henry Ellis, Camden Society, 1844.

Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV, ed. by Sir H. Nicolas, London, 1830.

Warkworth, John, A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth, ed. by J. O. Halliwell, Camden Society, 1839.

Waurin, Jehan de Anchiennes Cronicques d*Engleterre, vols. II and III, ed. by Mile. Dupont, Paris, 1858-63.

Wilkins. David, Concilia . . . , vol. Ill (4 vols.), London, 1737.

York Civic Records, vol. I, ed. by Angelo Raine, The Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1939.

York Records: Extracts from the Municipal Records of the City of York, ed. by R. Davies, London, 1843.


Anstis, J., The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, London,

1724. Baldwin, J. F^ The King's Council in England during the Middle Ages;

Oxford, 1913. Blades, W., The Life and Typography of Willimn Caxton, 2 vols., London,


Burne, A. H., The Battlefields of England, London, 1950. Calmette, J. and G. Perinelle, Louis XI et FAngleterre, Paris, 1930. Chrimes, S. B., English Constitutional Ideas in the Fifteenth Century, Cambridge, 1936.

Dugdale, William, The Baronage of England. Gairdner, James, History of the Life and Reign of Richard 111, rev. ed.,

Cambridge, 1898. GJE.C, Complete Peerage. Hay, Denys, Polydore Vergil, Oxford, 1952. Hutton, William, The Battle of Bosworth Field, Birmingham, 1788; also,

the revised edition ed. by J. G. Nichols, London, 1813. Kingsford, Charles L., English Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century,

Oxford, 1913.

MacGibbon, David, Elizabeth Woodville, London, 1938. Mitchell, R. J., John Tiptoft, London, 1938. Myers, AJec R.,. England in the Late Middle Ages, Penguin, 1952.

Pidkthorn, Kenneth, Early Tudor Government, vol. I (2 vols.), Cambridge, 1934.

Ramsay, James H., Lancaster and York, 2 vols., Oxford, 1892.

Reid, R. R., The King's Council in the North, London, 1921.

Scofield, Cora L., The Life and Reign of Edward the Fourth, 2 vols., London, 1923.

Turner, Sharon, History of England during the Middle Ages, 4 vols., London, 1825. t

Weiss, R., Humanism in England during the Fifteenth Century, London, 1941.

Williams, C. H., "England: The Yorkist Kings," chapter 12 of the Cambridge Medieval History, vol. VIII, Cambridge, 1936.

Albany, Alexander, Duke of, brother of James III, 142, 166-69, 305, 308

Alcock, John, Bishop of Worcester, 184, 218, 260, 308, 360, 375

Aleyn, Dr. John, 151

Alnwick Castle, 52, 53, 54, 231

Amboise, 98, 123

Amiens, 136-38

Andre, Bernard, 497-98

Angers, 99, 123

Angus, Archibald Douglas, Earl of, 162

Anjou, 359

Anjou, Rene, Duke of ("good King Rene"), 19, 20

Anne, daughter of Duke and Duchess of Exeter, 61

Anne, sister of Richard III, see Exeter, Duehess of

Anne de Beaujeu, daughter of Louis

XI > 3°7> 357» 397» 4 6 9 Anne de la Pole, daughter of Duke

and Duchess of Suffolk, 361 Argyll, Colin Campbell, Earl of,

Chancellor of Scotland, 360 Arthur, Prince of Wales, son of

Henry VII, 396, 451, 454, 456, 476,


Arundel, Thomas, 410 Arundcl, William FitzAlan, Earl of,

61, 75, 88, 93, 225, 226, 333, 353 Ashe, Sir John, 155 Aske, Robert, 286 Assheton, Sir Ralph, 152, 160, 327,

329, 432, 440 Atherstone, 422, 425 Audeley, James Touchet, Lord (d.

1459)1 35

Audeley, John Touchet, Lord, son of James, 191, 275, 375


Augustinian Friars (at ^qrk), 155,

160, 461 , T ^<*

Ayala, Spanish Ambassador, 45^,^56 Ayscough, William, Bishop of Salisbury (d. 1450), 22

Bacon, Francis, 455, 456, 463, 477~7 8 »

49 1 * 493

Bamburgh Castle, 52, 53, 54, 162, 285 Banbury, 85, 104 Bannaster, Ralph, 328-29 Barnard Castle, 149, 286, 474 Barnet, battle of (1471), 107-14, 527-


Barowe, Thomas, 333, 375, 408 Bath and Wells, Bishop of, see Still-

ington, Robert Baynard's Castle, 106, 220, 256, 262,

265, 270, 271, 272, 279, 282 Beaufort, Edmund, see Somerset,

Dukes of (father and son) Beaufort, Henry, Bishop of Winchester and Cardinal (d. 1447),

brother of John, Earl of Somerset,

15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 185 Beaufort, John, see Somerset, Duke


Beaufort, John, see Somerset, Earl of Beaufort, Margaret, see Richmond,

Countess of

Beaulieu Abbey, 115, 130 Beaumont, John, Viscount (d. 1460),


Beaumont, William, Viscount, son of John, 103

Bedford, George Neville, Duke of, son of John Neville, 61, 91, 130

Bedford, Jacquetta, Dowager Duchess of, wife of Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers, 38, 60, 62, 79, 254, 265, 289

Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Duke of, see Pembroke, Earl of

Bedford, John, Duke of, Regent of France (d. 1435), 16, 194

Bele, Richard, 372

Berkeley, William, Viscount, see Nottingham, Earl of

Berkeley, Sir William, 328, 410

Berkhamsted, 386

Bermondsey, 446, 455

Berwick, 42, 53, 57, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 195, 226

Beskwood Lodge, see Sherwood Forest

Betanson, Thomas, 450

Betson, Thomas, letter from Calais, 138-39

Bisham Abbey, 53

Blackness, 164

Blackwell, Robert, 324

Blake, Thomas, 145

Blanc Sanglier, Herald, 306; Pursuivant, 133

Blore Heath, battle of (1459), 35, 404

Blount, James, 363-64

Bohemian knights, 64, 280, 284, 290, 292

Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Hereford (d. 1373), 299-300; Bohun lands, 314, 315

Bolman, Robert, 372

Bolton, William, 363

Bona of Savoy, 68

Bosworth, battle of (1485), 428-44, 570-7272

Bourchier, Henry, Viscount, see Essex, Earl of

Bourchier, Sir Humphrey, 106

Bourchier, John, 410

Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal, 39, 198, 215, 220, 251, 274, 51872

Bourchier, Sir William, son of Earl of Essex, 61

Brackenbury, Sir Robert, 230, 301,

37 6 » 377» 3 8r > 382, 4°<>> 4H> 4 2 5» 432, 441, 444, 471, 472, 473, 479, 490 Brampton, Edward, 82, 222, 223, 376 Brandon, William, 410, 442


Bray, Reynold, 320, 332, 394, 410, 412, 413

Brecher, father and son, 437, 444

Brecknock (Brecon), 195, 209, 250, 302, 315, 316, 319, 321, 327-28, 346, 488

Bretaylle, Louis de, 82, 137-38, 147

Breze, Piers de, 33, 53

Brittany, Henry Tudor escapes from, 187-89, 330, 335, 351, 358-59> 45*» 456

Brittany, Francis, Duke of, 78, 133, 171, 307, 327, 353, 356, 358-59; fails to deliver Henry Tudor to Edward, 187-89; his proposals to Richard, 310-11; aids Henry Tudor, 330; his naval war against Richard, 335-36

Broughton, Sir Thomas, 447, ^49

Brown, Sir George, 326, 330-31

Brown, John, Richard Ill's bear-ward, 347

Bruges, 44, 45, 101

Bryan, Sir Thomas, Chief Justice, 360

Buc, Sir George, 506

Buckingham, Anne, Duchess of, wife of ist Duke, 37

Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of, 61, 88, 147, 173, 191-92, 216, 217, 220, 221, 229, 237, 240, 241-45, 247, 249-52, 255-56, 263, 265, 267, 271, 330, 332, 333, 346, 371, 402, 466-70; offers Richard his support 195-96; joins Richard at Northampton, 206-08; his career and character, 208-09; acts with Richard to secure Edward V, 209-12; ally of the Protector, 226-28; urges crown on Richard, 261; addresses citizens at Guildhall, 264; at Richard's coronation, 272-75; given Bohun lands, 299-300; last meeting with Richard, 302; his rebellion against Richard and death, 312-29; and the murder of the Princes, 487-95

Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, ist Duke of (d. 1460), 32, 39

Buckingham, Lord John of, 88 Buckingham, Katherine Woodville,

Duchess of, 61, 173, 209, 274, 382 Burdett, Thomas, 145, 289 Burgh, Sir Thomas, 92, 381, 440 Burgundy, Richard in, 44-45; Richard and Edward in, 100-01; 71-73, 143, 174, 304, 354, 356 Burgundy, Antoine, Bastard of,

jousts with Lord Scales, 73-76; 281 Burgundy, Charles the Rash, Duke of (d. 1477), 66, 68, 71, 76, 77, 78, 92, 97, 133, 231, 263-64; negotiates with Edward, 73; aids Edward, 10 r; his role in Edward's invasion of France, 134-36; his death, 142-

143 Burgundy, Margaret, Duchess of,

see Margaret, sister of Richard III Burgundy, Philip the Good, Duke

of (d. 1467), 16, 20, 44, 45, 68, 71-

7*> 73, 75

Bury St. Edmunds, 20, 82, 415 Butler, Lady Eleanor (d. 1468), 257-

58, 261, 265, 414, 553-54« Butler, Sir Thomas, 258 Byllydon, Robert, 140-41

Cabot, John, 454 Cade, Jack, 22 Caister Castle, 82, 87, 416 Calais, 21, 38, 39, 53, 73, 85, 97, 122-123, 128, 134, 138-39, 200, 271, 363,

474. 475

Calais Earls, 38-39 Calle, Richard, 257 Cambridge, Richard, Earl of, 17, 142 Cambridge University, 232, 348-49,


Camuglio, Prospero, 44 Canterbury, 45, 97, 331 Canterbury, Archbishop of, see

Bourchier, Thomas Canynges, William, 288 Cardigan Castle, 90 Carmarthen Castle, 90 Carmeliano, Pietro, 376 Castile, 133, 171

"Castle of his Care" (Nottingham Castle), 349, 353, 400

Castle Rising, 83 -

Catesby, William, 230, 252, 262, 333, 34 6 > 353> 360, 375, 382, 400, 407, 432, 440, 472, 483; appointed to Protector's council, 226; made Chancellor of the Exchequer, 271; elected Speaker of the Commons, 339; fears Richard's remarriage, 394-95; his death, 444

Caxton, William, 44-45, 63, 101, 146-147, 204, 254, 274, 366, 386, 409

Cerne Abbey, 115

Charles VI of France (d. 1422), 15,

3 1

Charles VII of France (d. 1461), 16, 19, 28, 72, 352

Charles VIII of France (d. 1498), 136, 175, 307, 357, 397, 398, 410

Charolais, Charles, Count of, see Burgundy, Duke of

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 185, 229, 366, 388

Chertsey Abbey, 121

Cheshire, 35, 95, 372, 407

Cheyney, Alexander, 382

Cheyney, Florence, wife of Alexander, 382

Cheyney, Sir John, 191, 312, 315, 321, 326, 328, 410, 441-42

Church, The, 198-99, 224, 286-90,


Cicely, daughter of Edward IV, 169 Clarence, George, Duke of, 40, 46, 54, 58, 75, 77, 78, 80, 97, 106, 122, 123, 174, 177, 187, 189, 197, 208, 228, 242, 254, 259-60, 263, 267, 289, 290, 299, 302, 305-06, 319, 329, 349, 402, . 416, 494, 520^2; his birth, 18; early association with Richard, 29; captured at Ludlow, 34-37; in household of Archbishop of Canterbury, 39, 51872; sent to Burgundy, 44-45; made Duke and Knight of the Garter, 47-48; Richard favored over, 55-56, 52172; won over by Warwick, 66-71; his part in Robin of Redesdale's rebellion, 85-88, 523-2572; conspires again

Clarence, George, Duke of (contj with Warwick and flees to France, 91-96; invades England with Warwick, 98-99; reconciled with Edward, 104, 52772; at battle of Tewkesbury, 118, 5 2 8-2 9 n; quarrels with Richard over lands of Anne Neville, 124-32, 530-3172; accompanies Edward to France, 133; his last conspiracy and death, 142-49, 532-3472; Buckingham's resemblance to, 227

Clarence, Isabel, Duchess of, 50, 51, 74, 85, 96, 97, 122-23, 124, 131-32, 144, 302, 365; plans for marriage of, 66-70; her death, 142

Clarence, Lionel, Duke of (d. 1368), 3rd son of Edward III, 41

Clifford, Henry, Lord, son of John, 462

Clifford, John, Lord (d. 1461), son of Thomas, 42

Clifford, Sir Robert, 457-58

Clifford, Thomas, Lord (d. 1455),


Clifton, Sir Gervase, 353 Cobham, John Brooke, Lord, 222,

33 1

Cocklodge, 459 Colet, Henry, alderman of London,


Colet, John, son of Henry, 302 College of Arms, 386 Columbus, Christopher, 28, 297 Colyngbourne, William, 191, 362-63,

392, 564-6571 Combe, John, 346-47 Commynes, Philippe de, 134, 137-38,

257, 290, 384, 397, 410, 487, 496, 498 Constable, Sir Marmaduke, 337, 353,

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