Ride: A Bad Boy Romance (35 page)

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“You don’t have any ideas, do you?” he asked. “Any way I can stop this, whether it’s about ownership or just about environment stuff or, I don’t know, some kind of technicality?”

“You should probably take that up with Quarcom,” she said. Her beautiful eyes dropped to the driveway, and she looked at her truck. “I just test dirt, really.”

“I’m desperate,” he said.

“Desperate enough to take me on a whole date?”

Seth sat up straight.

“No,” he said. “That’s not what happened at all, I
would have gone through all this just to ask you about the mesa.”

Jules stood, crossing her arms in front of herself protectively.

“Look,” she said. “It’s shitty what they’re doing, but I can’t help, and honestly, it’s getting late and I’m tired so I think I’m just gonna head back now, okay?”

“Please don’t,” Seth said. “Please stay.”

She shook her head, seeming more sad than angry.

“I’m leaving in two days anyway,” she said. “If I find out anything about the mesa I’ll call you, okay?”

“Jules,” he said, watching her walk down the porch steps.

“I had a nice time,” she called over her shoulder.

“Don’t go,” he said, but she couldn’t hear him anymore.

As she drove away in the truck, Seth felt like his heart was driving away as well.

6. Jules

s Jules got
into the truck, her face burned, and she gritted her teeth together, determined not to cry until she was at least out of Seth’s eyesight.

It’s Taylor Kimball all over again
, she thought.
He wants the mine out of his backyard and he thought the chubby dork would be so excited to go on a date with him that I’d somehow be able to dissuade a company like Quarcom.

She twisted the key in the ignition, jammed the truck into reverse, and promptly stalled it out.

“Fuck!” she yelled at the interior of the truck. The last thing she wanted to do was look like an idiot in front of Seth.

She started it again and managed to make the three-point turn this time, before jamming the truck into first and driving down the bumpy driveway as fast as she dared.

In the rearview mirror, she could still see Seth, standing in the driveway in front of his house.

He looked completely heartbroken.

What if I’m wrong?
She thought. Then she shook her head, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

hen she woke
up the next morning, Jules felt like there was sandpaper in her eyes. The night before, she’d just gotten into the RV, thrown her clothes off, and gotten into bed without even brushing her teeth or taking out her contacts.

Hell, she didn’t even have any alcohol, because she was stuck in
, which was basically TemperanceLand, USA. Beautiful, but dry.

She heaved one more sigh and got out of bed, crossing into the tiny bathroom where she peed, brushed her teeth, and took her contacts out, then put her glasses on, blinking at herself in the mirror.

Thank god glasses are cool now
, she thought.

Also, thank god for lens technology

In high school, her glasses had been almost coke-bottle thick, which hadn’t made her any more attractive, but now lenses were thinner, so she just looked like a regular nearsighted person.

Jules stuck out her tongue, and her face in the mirror stuck out its tongue too.

I’m pretty cute,
she thought.
Why the hell doesn’t Seth like me?

For a moment, she thought of him in her rearview mirror again, and she started to feel bad.

y ten
, Gilbert was in town and wanted to meet at Dot’s, the restaurant that wasn’t Big Mary’s. Dot’s was open from 6 a.m. To 3 p.m., and Big Mary’s from 5 p.m. to 8p.m. Neither was open on Sunday, so if you were hungry from 3-5 or on a Sunday, you were just screwed.

When she got there, he was already seated in a booth. Even though he was dressed in his field clothes — khakis, hiking boots, and a button-down plaid shirt — he still looked as out of place as a new Ferrari in a junkyard. The other patrons kept glancing his way nervously, and the waitress called him sir.

“Just coffee,” Jules told her, and the waitress bustled off.

“Good morning, Juliana,” Gilbert said.

“Good morning,” she answered, pulling a notebook and pencil out of her bag.

“Obsidian’s a charming place,” he said, looking around. Jules could tell that he didn’t mean it. He’d be out of there as soon as he could leave — that night, if not earlier.

“It’s got breathtaking scenery,” she said.

The waitress brought her coffee along with a handful of creamers, and Jules poured three of them in and took a sip. The coffee wasn’t very good.

“I’ve arranged for a final walkthrough at noon with the chief engineer,” he said. “He’s flying in from Denver as we speak, and should be here by then.”

Jules looked down at her coffee, then straightened her spine.

“Gilbert, I have some serious concerns about this project,” she said quietly.

His face darkened, but he didn’t interrupt.

“I was trying to tell you on our call, but the connection wasn’t very good. Honestly, I think you might be wasting your time.”

“Go on,” he said.

“It’s much too close to the river for a project of this magnitude, for starters, especially since the plans call for extracting the molybdenum from the raw ore on-site. Even a tiny leak would have
effects downstream.”

He sipped his coffee, his facial expression unchanging.

“Are you going to tell me something about rocks, Juliana? Because I believe I hired to you tell me about rocks.”

Jules bristled, but went on.

“The sandstone here is much too soft, and the rhyolite layer protecting it isn’t thick enough,” she went on. “It’s so porous that
that spills will go right into the river, and there’s a good chance that the moment we begin strip-mining the mesa, if we make one wrong move, the entire side will come crashing down, and that’s a huge risk.”

He was still watching her, his eyes cold.

“But there’s molybdenum,” he said.

Jules took a deep breath.

“Yes,” she said. “But it’s all as composite rock, mixed together with molybdenite, and probably also copper and lead. Anyone who worked on the mine would run a risk of lead poisoning, not to
the town.”

He put up one hand, indicating that she should stop.

“That’s best discussed at the site, I think,” he said.

Jules didn’t say anything and just nodded.

If it weren’t me, it would be someone else,
she thought.
Just cash the paychecks and don’t feel too guilty

Hard not to, though.

ules and Gilbert
drove to the site, speaking only to find a radio station and adjust the AC so that it suited them both. The closer they got to the mesa and the river, the worse Jules felt: about the town, but also about Seth.

Now, in the light of day, she wasn’t sure at
that he’d been trying to use her. The way he’d looked at her — the way he’d
her — weren’t like that at all. At some point, she’d noticed that his eyes lit up whenever she laughed, and it made her laugh more, just to see him so pleased.

But then again, there were cold hard facts: he was about to have an enormous mine in his back yard, and she worked for the company responsible for it.

Even nice people will try a Hail Mary like that
, she thought, as they stepped out of Gilbert’s luxury SUV. She secured her very large hat on her head, then walked toward Rick Flynn, the engineer. He was a little friendlier than Gilbert, but just as fundamentally greedy.

They all shook hands, and then Rick spoke up.

“Everything’s going according to plan,” he said, sweeping his arm along the expanse of red rock that cascaded down to the river. “As long as your buyout works.”

“It’ll work,” Gilbert said.

“It’s risky,” said Rick, frowning as they walked toward the mesa. “We’ve sunk millions into this already, and we don’t need it derailed by some inbred desert folk finding their great great grandpappy’s land deed.”

Gilbert cast a quick look at Jules, but she looked up at the mesa, pretending to watch a bird of prey circling high above them.

“The chances of someone being the owner of this land are minute at best,” he said. “Most of the people who settled here never bothered to actually register with the land office, since it was all the way in Salt Lake City.”

“Still,” said Rick.

“I’m not finished,” said Gilbert. “The archives burned down in 1903, and while they did their best to recover all those records, only about a quarter ever made it back to the office.”

Rick raised his eyebrows, the hint of a smile playing at his lips.

“So, if anyone ever owned it, the deed is gone by now and there’s no proof,” he said.

“Not unless the inbred desert folk have been keeping meticulous records themselves,” Gilbert said.

Now Rick’s smile had expanded into a full grin.

“We ought to use this more often,” he said. “I’ll have Christina work on a list of land use offices with archives that have burned down in the past hundred and fifty years. What a

Jules picked up a rock and pretended to examine it, mostly to hide her fury and astonishment.

I have to tell Seth
, she thought, swallowing her pride.
Maybe he was trying to use me and maybe not, and anyway it doesn’t matter because I’m leaving, but he should at least have a fighting chance.

Not that it sounds like he does.

As the two men walked on, they changed the subject to cars, what they drove, what they wished they drove.

Before the end of the afternoon, Jules tried to voice her concerns, but all it came down to was whether something was
Since Utah was one of the less regulated states, and mesa-removal mining so new, there were no real laws about it, and Gilbert and Rick couldn’t see anything besides dollar signs.

By the time she was back at the car, Jules felt defeated. She couldn’t stop the mine from ruining an entire town — no, the entire ecosystem of a river, across two states — and she’d been shitty to Seth. Maybe he had only asked her out to get her help, but after spending some time in this beautiful, wild place, she was less angry. After all, people would do anything to protect their homes.

As their SUV approached town, Jules’s phone suddenly buzzed in her pocket, then it buzzed again and again. She pulled it out to discover that she had seven missed calls and two new voicemails.

All from Seth.

I guess we were out of cell range,
she thought.

“Can I just drop you at the RV park?” Gilbert asked. “I’d like to get back to the hotel before it’s dark.”

Jules managed not to roll her eyes, and just agreed.

She was in the RV and listening to the voicemail before Gilbert had even pulled back onto the highway.

“Jules, I’m so sorry,” the first one began. “To be honest, I’m not really sure what happened, but if it was something I did, just tell me what it was and I’ll apologize. I swear. Other than that, I had a really good time last night, and thought that maybe I could see you again before you left, though I have to drive to Salt Lake City tonight, so tonight’s out. Call me back. Please.”

Next voicemail.

“Hi, Jules, it’s Seth again. I’m leaving for Salt Lake as soon as I get home from work, but I wanted to see if I could reach you before then. If you get this, give me a call, please, and if I don’t answer I’m probably just not in cell range.”

The timestamp on the voicemail was 3:53, and it was 4:28.

I hope he hasn’t left yet
, she thought.

Seth answered on the first ring.

“Jules!” he said.

“Don’t go to Salt Lake City,” she blurted out.

“I have to,” he said. “The records office there might have the deed that Hiram got for homesteading—”

“They don’t,” Jules interrupted. “It burned down a hundred years ago.”

The line went silent for a moment before Seth spoke up.

,” he said, and then, “How do you know that?”

“Can I just come over?” she asked.

n the daylight
, the mesa looked even bigger, towering over everything around it. Jules watched it suspiciously as she drove up the driveway, then parked her truck.

Seth was already waiting for her on the porch, and she took a deep breath before getting out, not really knowing what to expect.

Did I fuck up last night?
She wondered.
Did he? Are we just friends now?

As she walked up, Seth started smiling, his dimples sinking into his face. Jules found that she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey yourself,” she said.

They looked at each other for a long moment, both smiling but wary.

“Are we okay?” he asked, finally.

Jules closed her eyes and took another deep breath.

“Did you only take me on a date because you wanted info about the mine that’s on your property and you thought I’d give it to you if I had a good time?” she asked, all in one breath.

Jules opened her eyes to see Seth looking horrified.

“No,” he said. “Not at all, not even a little. I asked you out because I really, really wanted to see you again.”

Jules pressed her lips together, trying not to cry, and Seth took a step forward, taking her face in his hands.

like you,” he whispered. “When you laugh it feels like the sun is shining right onto my heart.”

“So like you’re having open-heart surgery?” she whispered back.

“Outdoors open-heart surgery,” Seth clarified.

They looked at each other for a moment.

“Well, kiss me,” Jules said.

He did. His lips were warm and just a little rough, and when she moved her hand gently to his waist, she could feel the heat radiating out from his hard muscle, and deep inside she felt a funny twisting feeling that she’d never felt before.

When their lips separated, Jules looked into his eyes, flashing gold, and smiled.

“Would you accept help with the mine anyway?” she asked.

nside the house
, the dining room was a flurry of papers: some old, some new, some handwritten, some printed. In the middle of it sat someone who was obviously Seth’s brother. The two men had exactly the same eyes, though the brother’s hair was lighter and shorter, his nose different.

“I’m Zach,” he said, standing up. He hopped from where he’d been sitting to another bare spot on the floor, and shook her hand.

“I’m Jules,” she said, and thought she caught Zach exchanging a glance with Seth.

Did Seth tell him about me?
She thought.

The thought of boys shouting
I love you like plants love the sun
down the halls of her high school flashed through her mind, but she forced it out.

“So what’s the news?” Zach asked, friendly but all business.

Jules told them the whole thing, about the deeds probably not existing, and then about the archives burning down. By the end, Zach was sitting on the floor again, his head on one hand.

“Maybe we never owned it,” he said, tapping the eraser end of a pencil against a sheet of paper.

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