RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy (26 page)

BOOK: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy
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A loud knocking at the front door had Jackson on his feet. All of us turned, looking to see who was rude enough to use their fist to pound on the door. The butler opened the door.

I slowly stood as I heard the familiar sound of an Italian accent. Daniel was watching me, confusion written all over his handsome, wholesome face.

"I demand to see my fiancé!"

I stared at the intruder standing in the open doorway.

Philipe was here.

Chapter Twelve


"What the fuck?"

Francesca was frozen in place, a look of shock on her beautiful face. Worse than that, she looked hurt. And humbled. I looked at the man who just pushed his way into my house and sneered.

"Is that him?"

She glanced at me and nodded. I was right. She looked devastated. Did she still love this piece of garbage? Just because he was wearing Armani did not make him less of a shit heel.

Slowly, she walked out of the dining room. I followed her. I noticed that my brothers and Elle all stood around Francesca protectively. Just as they should.

She was already one of us.

"Enough of this petulant nonsense Francesca. You will come home with me now."

I was so proud of her as she lifted her chin to stare down at him.

"No, Philipe I will not. You wasted your time coming here. Now run home with your tail between your legs."

He sneered at her. He didn't look handsome now. He looked enraged. He reached out and grabbed her arm.

"You stupid bitch! You dare to leave me? I am the richest man in Europe! I could have anyone. I chose

I stepped in front of her, knocking his manicured hand off of her. It wasn't hard. Just like I thought. The guy was all show. I smirked. I was going to make this guy taste his own blood in about two minutes.

"Yes, she fucking dares. Touch her again and you will draw back a stump. Want to try that?"

I cracked my knuckles. I was ready to tear this fucker limb from limb. Nobody messes with my woman,


"Daniel, I will handle this."

"Like hell you will!"

Philipe was staring at me with disdain. The kind that could only be summoned up by the upper,
class. The kind I'd never once seen on Francesca's face, thank God.

"You come here after what you did to her? You threw away the most incredible woman on Earth for what? A cheap thrill? You are the cheap piece of shit here. And I don't care how much that suit cost. I'm going to take you outside and knock your dick in the dirt."

It was dead silent in the entryway. I looked over my shoulder at Francesca to see what she was making of this. The last thing I wanted to do was make her upset but enough was e-fucking-nough.

Francesca was staring at me with a look of... admiration. And not a small amount of lust. Maybe something else too. Something that might even be love. I winked at her and went back to berating her ex fiancé. EX. She was mine now. And he might as well know it.

Philipe looked surprised as fuck though. I grinned. Obviously he didn't know she had a new man.

I stepped forward. He stepped back. He kept going until he was nearly out the door.

"Francesca! Stop this right now!"

She didn't say a word. Nobody did. Philipe was definitely sweating as he backed out of the house.

Right where I wanted him.

He looked around and then back at me. He knew what was about to happen. He lifted his hands and opened his mouth. To reason with me probably.

He didn't get one word out.

My fist made sure of that.

Mr. Asshole, meet Mr. Fist.

His head snapped back and he staggered, bringing his hand to his now bloody nose. I held my fists up, waiting for him to recover. He looked at me then and I saw it. The crazy, sneaky, lower than low look in his eyes.

The bastard was meaner than a rattlesnake.

And he was going to fight dirty.

He lunged at me sloppily. But he was fast. I was ready. I knew he was going to try something tricky. I dogged out of his way as he landed a punch to my side.

Fuck me that hurt.

I spun to face him again. He came at me and I hit him, hard. But he kept coming, knocking me off my feet. We were on the ground, both of us throwing punches. He hit my face twice before I realized why it fucking hurt so much.

The bastard was wearing a ring. A big one too.

I threw him off of me and we both got to our feet, catching our breath. We circled, staring at each other. A trickle of blood was leaking out his mouth now, adding to the blood from his nose. He looked like shit.

I probably did too. Then he grinned at me.

"She's a good little fuck isn't she? Nice and tight."

I roared and ran at him. He tried to fight back but I ignored his hits, leaving myself wide open. I was all offense and no defense. He was giving it to me good but I was so angry I didn't even feel it. I slammed my fist into his smarmy face again and again as he punched my gut. I recognized that it was going to hurt like hell but it didn't stop me. I didn't stop hitting him until he fell to his knees. His eyes were dazed and unfocused as he swayed there, looking like road kill.

I pulled back my arm and threw one last punch.

Philipe slumped to the ground, laying in the gravel driveway like the piece of garbage that he was. I took a closer look. I am pretty sure he was drooling.

I spat on the ground near his head. It was red. Whoops. I realized I might be in worse shape than I thought. The pain started to set in. Wrenching, twisting pain. I could hear Francesca saying my name over and over again. She sounded so far away. I started to tilt. But I didn't fall. Strong arms held me up. I knew my brothers had caught me.

The next thing I knew I was lying in my bed, staring up at Francesca.

"Welcome back Cowboy."


I held the ice pack against his cheek again. He was starting to come around. Daniel had scared the hell out of me when he'd nearly fallen like that.

He'd gotten the hell beaten out of him.

All because he'd been defending my honor.

I couldn't lie. It had made my heart race to see him like that. He was more than strong. He was a ferocious protector.

Even better, he was protecting

I liked it. A lot more than I would have imagined. I liked having my own knight in shining armor. Even if he was wearing beaten up old jeans and a cowboy hat. Actually, I was growing rather attached to that look...

"Hello beautiful."

Daniel's stunning golden eyes stared up at me. I smiled at him, holding a glass of water to his lips.

"Here, have a sip."

He drank, staring hungrily at me the whole time. When I put the glass aside he was still staring at me. There was a look of awe on his face.

"You're still here."

"Of course I am. Where else would I be?"

He shrugged, looking away. My breath caught in my throat. He'd thought I'd left him. That I would go with Philipe after everything that had passed between us these past few weeks. That I would abandon him.

I smiled, trying to make light of it. But it hurt.

"You thought I would leave with him? Really Daniel, credit me with better taste."

"No. I thought you might have left again though. I know you don't like being tied down."

I brushed his hair off his forehead.

"Maybe I don't mind as much as I thought I did."

His eyes flared at me and he reached for me. He winced as he pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back, running my hands over his strong chest and shoulders.

I sat up abruptly, feeling his arms go limp around me.

Daniel had passed out again.

He would be alright though. The doctor had already come to check his eyes for a concussion. We were supposed to 'keep an eye on him' but that was all. Obviously, I had volunteered to do so.

I grabbed the melted ice pack and empty pitcher of water and headed back to the kitchen.

I was in the hallway when I felt him grab me from behind. He spun me around so fast I nearly lost my balance. He looked calm but his eyes were seriously. Deadly serious.

He tilted his head, staring at me with those warm golden eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"To get you some more ice."

He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me backwards.

"I don't need any damn ice."

"Daniel! You're injured. Be careful!"

"I'm fine."

I was giggling helplessly as he propelled me back into the room, slamming the door behind him. I watched as he locked the door then walked over to the window. He opened it, never taking his eyes off of me.

I reached out my hand to stop him as he held his hand outside and let go.

He'd dropped the damn key into the bushes.


He smiled at me. Something about his face reminded me of a shark's face. It was predatory. And determined. He started walking towards me. I was suddenly very, very nervous.

"You aren't leaving me again."


"I'm keeping you."

"Daniel, you sound crazy!"

He kept backing me up until I was pressed against the wall. There was nowhere left to run. And I didn't really want to run anyway. I wanted to stay.

"I am crazy."

His smile widened as he straddled me, running his hands over my body.

"And it's all your fault."

"My fault?"

He nodded slowly.

"You made me fall in love with you."


"No. You don't get to ignore me. I want to talk about the future."

He was touching me all over. Teasing me with all his skill. I could barely focus on what he was saying. All I heard was the word 'love.'

"Please, can't' we do this another time?"

He shook his head, his hands working their magic on my curves. Just touching me though my clothes. I was speechless, just feeling his touch was driving me wild.

"You are in love with me too. I know it."

I tried to look away, to avoid talking about this. But he wouldn't let me. He held my face in his hands.

"I'm going to make you say it."

I shuddered, knowing that he could break me down with his hands and mouth. He was smiling again. This time it was a smile of pure anticipation.

"And I'm not letting you out of this room until you admit it."

I watched as he unbuttoned my blouse. Then he kissed my chest, thumbing my nipples through my lace bra. They stood up for him immediately. He pulled one into his mouth and flicked his tongue against it, making me moan in pleasure. He pressed my legs apart, rubbing me through my riding pants. I moaned, feeling myself get instantly wet.

He didn't do anything else for the longest time. Just rubbed me softly through my clothes. I wanted more pressure. I wanted him. I was already on the edge as he kissed my throat and breasts, suckling my hard nipples again and again.

"Anything you want to tell me?"

I moaned and he laughed, pulling my bra down to feast on my breasts. He kept the same maddeningly slow pace as he stroked me between my legs. I was rocking my hips against his hand but it was futile. He was going to keep me on the edge like this for hours. He was going to make me say it.

It was going to be a very, very long night.

Two Weeks Later


Francesca stood in my bedroom in an ivory silk dress, looking like a statue. Her golden hair was loose, her tawny skin glowing, her deep blue eyes subtly lined, and her lips a dark red.
She looked good enough to eat. In fact, I'd been trying to take her to bed and gobble her up. But she wanted to talk.

Now of all times, she wanted to talk.

"It's been four weeks. Hand it over."

I grumbled as I pulled the chain over my head. Francesca may have admitted she loved me that night two weeks ago, but she was still a flight risk. The girl was as skittish as a foal.

The past few weeks had been bliss. We rode together. Read the paper in bed. Argued and discussed things. And had mind boggling sex. Lots and lots of sex.

I did not want the four weeks to be up. I did not want to give her the key. I wanted to marry her and make a baby with her. I still needed time to convince her. Or knock her up, whichever came first.

But a deal was a deal.

I dropped the key and the chain into her hands. She smiled at me coyly before walking to the door. I thought she was going to leave. Instead she bent over. It took me a moment to realize she had used the key to lock it.

My mouth was open as she turned to face me. She slipped the chain over her neck as she started to pull her clothes off. My jaw dropped as she stripped for me, making me hard in an instant.

"Now it's my turn to keep you locked inside."

Relief flooded my chest.

"You aren't leaving?"

She shook her head slowly.

"For how long?"

She shrugged.

"As long as you keep me satisfied."

I grinned.

"Woman, that is not going to be a problem."

"If you say so."

"I damn well do."

She walked past me and lay down on the bed. I was still frozen in place as she crooked her finger at me.

"Prove it Cowboy."

I growled and climbed on top of her. I didn't need to be told twice. Like I said, I was not a stupid man.


Ride With Me

Joanna Blake


Chapter One - Dangerous

Chapter Two - Impetuous

Chapter Three - Scandalous

Chapter Four - Hellacious

Chapter Five - Flirtatious

Chapter Six - Cantankerous

Chapter Seven - Curious

Chapter Eight - Tumultuous

Chapter Nine - Adventurous

Chapter Ten - Spontaneous

Chapter Eleven - Circuitous

Chapter Twelve - Fortuitous

Six months later

Chapter One


I gripped the handlebars of my Harley, my calloused hands barely feeling the strain of riding all day. My heavily muscled forearms were tanned where they peeked out of my broken in black leather jacket. It was almost too warm for the jacket. I could have done with just a vest. But if I didn't wear it, I'd have to pack it.

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