RIFT (The Rift Saga Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Andreas Christensen

BOOK: RIFT (The Rift Saga Book 1)
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“I was lucky,” he continued. “I was born to rule… But here’s the thing, Counselor. I think it corrupts us.” He paused, only to speak again when Counselor Novak didn’t say anything. “It corrupts the people, the State, everything. And if we don’t change, the Moon people will fall. The Covenant will fall. Make no mistake, Counselor, I love my people, and I love the Covenant. I cannot stand idly by and watch the corruption eat away everything we have created since the Descent.” He exhaled and seemed to notice the others staring at him. He picked up his glass and took a deep swallow. Then he grinned, setting his glass back down.

“So, in my small way, I choose to do what everyone should be doing. I serve.”

Sue hadn’t been wrong, the counselor was indeed nodding. The conversation between the two was clearly over, though, and the counselor turned his attention to her.

“Janissary Atlas, I would love to hear your story, and maybe the rest of you can help out, as well. Please, tell me what happened out there.”

“I assume you’ve read the file, Counselor,” she replied. Novak nodded affirmatively.

“Still, I’d like to hear your version of it. All of you.” Sue took a deep breath—where to begin?

“Well, sir, let’s begin with the first contact. I think Keisha was the first one to notice the ambush…” She continued by telling the story as thoroughly as possible. They all filled in whenever she became stuck, and Keisha gave a vivid description of how she had stormed forward, fearlessly, while the enemy was firing all over them. Too vivid for Sue’s taste, and she’d never been fearless. Still the story told was mostly accurate, more than she would have been able to tell all by herself. She even told him about the woman, the prisoner. Julian took over when she began to speculate how she could have avoided killing her, for which she was grateful. Sometimes Counselor Novak had a question, and she tried to answer as well as she could. In the end, Tac Hordvik told of their return and how the airship took them away, He repeated his claim that none of them would be alive if not for her actions.

“So, Susan, you relieved your superior of command. One of the Moon blood.” There it was. The counselor hadn’t missed that one point, that one fact that would be considered a serious crime, whatever else she had done. She felt her cheeks grow hot, but she didn’t say anything.

“Sir, Counselor. She did what she had to do to keep us all alive,” Hordvik protested. The counselor looked into her eyes, considering. Then he rose abruptly.

“Let’s change that bit, shall we?” he said.


“Let’s not spread that part beyond this group. I’ll fix the report; don’t worry. And none of you tell that particular bit to anyone, got it?” He extended his hand, and she took it. His grip was firm, surprisingly so.

“We all know this was the only option, so let’s just say that the tacticus gave the order, All right?” he said. Tac Hordvik grinned, and Novak grinned back.

“We all know that sometimes you have to break a few rules to set things straight,” he said. Then he let go of her hand, turned, and walked out, leaving them all in silence. At last, Keisha broke the silence.

“Where is everyone? I thought Survivor Night was for everyone.” Julian motioned for them to look over to the entrance from which they had come. The others were entering, led by Sub Meridian Hoston. Sue sat down again, hoping there was still some warmth in her food. Curious. The counselor must have made sure nobody else was around to hear her story. It was the only explanation she could think of. But why would he even care?



The alarm pierced his ears and tore him out of sleep. Dave sat up, bewildered, and for a few seconds, he was back in Charlestown, wondering what was happening. Then, as he realized where he was, a chill ran down his spine. Could this be the real thing?

He got up and put on his pants. He pulled his shirt on, but messed up the buttons, so that one side of his loose shirt end hung lower than the other. He didn’t bother to redo it. His boots went on, and he slapped the Velcro tight around his ankles.
Lucky they didn’t use shoelaces
, he thought, as he sprinted out of the dorm with the others.

Just outside, two senior stewards stood handing out handguns and rifles to every initiate, before ushering them along. Dave got a pistol and was sent over to the next group of stewards, who were handing out ammunition. He got two boxes of cartridges and opened the lid slightly to look inside. Live rounds. So, if this was a drill, it was damn realistic.

Most Wardens didn’t carry weapons in camp, just the ones who were on security duty, or certain senior positions. And the rangers. He saw one of the rangers, Harald something—Moon blood, obviously—in full combat gear, toting a scoped rifle and night vision goggles fastened to his helmet. Dave looked around at the other senior Wardens. Usually, they were a pretty cheerful lot, but now their faces were somber, serious.
This is it then
, he thought,
this is definitely no drill
. He went on to the great square set in the middle of camp, where everyone had their gathering points in case of an alarm.

“Sidnell,” he heard someone shout, and then he saw Liz sprint by. He hadn’t talked to her for a few days, since she began testing for ranger aptitude. Now, she looked like she was being outfitted for combat, and Dave shuddered. He hadn’t chosen his specialization yet, but he had made no secret of wanting to enter tech or maybe science. He felt quite sure Liz would be chosen for the rangers, though. As far as he knew, she was just the kind they were looking for, whereas he was more the kind of Warden to end up in the Cottage.

A warden known to him only as Jared, and about one year older, came over and stood beside him, looking at the group preparing for combat.

“See that, Wagner? They are taking initiates already. Usually, initiates are only brought along after at least six months,” he said. Dave nodded. He’d heard.

“Looks like they are taking the ones singled out for ranger duty,” he answered.

Jared got a faraway look.

“Yeah, thank the gods, or whatever. I hardly remember anything from my stint out there, but I do remember the fear and the feeling afterward. You’ll see.”

“Just… Just don’t let it get to you, Dave, and you’ll be fine.” He forced a smile, and Dave noticed Jared swallow hard.

The rangers took off toward the airpad, taking Liz and at least five other initiates with them. The alarm stopped, and an older steward came over and told them they could go back to whatever they were doing. Jared wished him luck—tomorrow Dave would know which specialization he’d get—and took off. Dave walked slowly back to the barracks.

Although relieved, Dave wondered how Liz would fare. She was capable, no doubt, but something about the way nobody ever told him, or even seemed to remember any details, made him anxious.

The next morning, after a restless sleep, he went straight to the square again. This time, it was no alarm, though. The initiates were gathered in the middle, where their assigned specialties would be announced, with spectators, people they had befriended, scientists, and senior Wardens, standing in small clusters around. No rangers, though, and none of the ranger initiates, either.

The man standing in front of the initiates was the same man who had greeted them when they had arrived by train, not two months ago. He had a different shirt this time, still colorful, though, and he didn’t seem like he’d had a haircut or a shave since the last time Dave had seen him. His name was Gregor, and from what Dave had learned, he was head of everything around here, initiate training, operations, and all. He still didn’t know his official title. But even through the shaggy exterior and the half-smile that never seemed to leave his face, Dave could tell this man was Moon blood through and through, even if he hadn’t learned his name. He’d have been surprised if it had been otherwise, of course; nobody not of the Moon people would have been put in charge of anything of this size.

“All right, let’s get on with this, shall we?” Gregor said. Dave noticed Brian standing nearby, and took a couple of steps to stand beside him. It felt right, to have another kid from Charlestown here to share the news with. Brian smiled as he noticed him, and then they both turned their attention to their superior.

“You should have noticed the absence of the ranger initiates. That’s right, those selected to leave us last night have been accepted into ranger duty. Those of you who applied and didn’t go, what can I say? Sorry, mates. We’ll find you something more suitable.” He grinned, while a couple of initiates standing among them shuffled and looked down.

The ranger initiates will receive most of their specialized training out in the field, although they will be living here until they are fully trained. And of course, some of them might be selected for instructor duty later on, and those you will see again.” He paused for a moment, and though he seemed like he was thinking something funny, his eyes looked sharp as he eyed the initiates.

“As a matter of fact, they are on their way back now, and should be here any minute.” Dave felt his heart beat a little faster. He couldn’t tell whether it was fear of what could have happened to Liz and the others, or if it was the excitement of knowing that, in a few moments, he would receive his invitation into one of the specializations. He desperately hoped he wouldn’t be picked for stewards or security. That would be a complete waste. And now that the rangers were out of the question, his ambitions were stirring again.

“Garret, Heineman, Wilson, Johnson, Callan, Baldwin, Fredericks. You are to be trained stewards.

“Jefferson, Teller, Harrison, Greer, Billings, Ford, both Fords, actually… We’ll have to work something out… Peterson, Scott, Desmond, Henderson, Bowers, Rollins. Security for you guys, and sorry about that comment. You are all to be Wardens, no matter what.” Dave knew several of those chosen for security had applied for rangers, and though he knew the rangers were extremely selective, he’d thought at least one or two of them might make it. But like the commander said, they were all Wardens, first and foremost.

“Sawyer. You’ll be an assistant scientist.” Dave jumped. Brian to be a scientist? How could that be? Dave knew he was smarter and worked harder than Brian did. He didn’t have time to brood though, as Gregor announced his name.

“Wagner. Tech for you.” So, he would be a techie.
That wasn’t too bad
, he thought.

He didn’t pay attention as Gregor announced the rest. A small group to the engineers, who were essentially builders, and another group to medical. A group of six or seven who had to go through basic again, since their results weren’t good enough for specialization. He almost didn’t notice when Gregor congratulated them all and wished them luck. He’d learn every technology allowed, he would be sworn to secrecy and learn things nobody else was allowed to know. He’d have real career prospects. The brief envy over not being selected for scientist faded quickly; he’d learn so much more in tech, and once he’d served for a while, the Cottage would gladly welcome him. It would take a bit longer, but in the end, nobody in the Wardens, except Cottage scientists, knew as much as those in tech.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the airship before it passed above him.
, he thought. He ran off toward the airpad, eager to tell her everything. When he approached, there were several others already standing there, watching as the rangers and their initiates disembarked. They all looked tired, and their uniforms were grimy. He noticed one of the initiates limped, while another had dried blood all over his legs. None of them seemed to notice the crowd, though.

Liz was one of the last to disembark. She seemed okay.

As she got close though, he saw her face. Her eyes. Her features were slack, and her pupils dilated. She seemed to stare at nothing, and when he greeted her, it was as if she stared straight through him. She looked empty.

“Let them through, guys. Come on, make room.” That was Harald, the Moon-blood ranger. He didn’t have the faraway look. On the contrary, he seemed alert and aware as he sternly made sure nobody got in the way. Dave stood aside and watched Liz and the others walk toward the hospital. A steward and a doctor, both Moon people he realized, let them in, and Harald closed the door briskly behind them.

“What happened?” Brian asked, as he came walking up, a big smile still on his face. Dave just shook his head.

“I really have no idea,” he said. S
omething isn’t right
, he thought, and he instinctively knew he had to keep such thoughts to himself.
Something definitely isn’t right

Chapter 7


Dave loved it in Tech. He had never been able to learn so much before, and it turned out he had a real knack for it. He took apart drone consoles and rocket sighting systems. He learned how to repair communications systems. He began to study programming and electronics. He learned to file electronic folders in ways that made them invisible to everyone except those he chose to give access, and he learned to retrieve hidden files and crack secure systems. He even got to test it on their own systems.

“If we can break it, someone else could. This way, we stay on top of the development. Although, in reality, electronic warfare is a race which no one ever wins. The best you can do is stay one step ahead of your enemy.” That was Senior Technician Hasle, his instructor and superior, around sixty and probably one of the oldest Wardens around. Come to think of it, he was one of the oldest people Dave had ever met. He was Moon people of course, but you wouldn’t know it, except for his name. He looked nothing like the others, dark skinned and curly hair. Dave wondered if it would be all right to ask him about it, but deemed it inappropriate, so he let it go. Hasle treated him well from the first day. He let him take his time to get everything right, and whenever Dave had a question, Hasle would explain in a way that made him really understand what he was talking about.

He quickly understood there were areas of the system where even Hasle wouldn’t let him test his skills, though. Once, when he suggested it, the older man had just laughed.

“I know you are talented, Wagner, but no matter how hard you try, that door will remain closed. Best not to think of it,” he said.

When Dave brought up the subject a few weeks later, Hasle surprised him, by banging his fist on the table.

“I said let it go. You won’t be able to do it. And even if you managed to, you’d regret it. Trust me.” That was the only time he saw Hasle angry, and except for that one occasion, they got along fine.

While he was busy learning his new skills, he didn’t have much contact with the others. He once saw Brian walking trough camp with Scientist Hughes, and then there was Liz.

She seemed changed
, he thought. She wasn’t around much, being out with the rangers most of the time, but she always made sure to check in with him whenever she wasn’t out. Dave considered her his best friend here. Something was different about her, though. She was more irritable, and she seemed constantly restless. He even saw her smoking kissweed with some others, even though she’d been vocal about the stupidity of it.

They spoke from time to time, but he began to wonder whether she even listened to him. But she didn’t speak much, so he did most of the talking, anyway. He tried asking about what had happened—he knew it must have been something—but she just changed the subject. It was the usual “You’ll see” and “Just wait, it will be your turn soon enough” answers, which irked Dave something fierce. He had begun to hate those words. He wanted to know. If it was bad, he’d handle it. He even said as much, and Liz just laughed.

“If I could tell you, I might. But I can’t.” And that was the end of it.

After a few weeks, Liz came over and told him she would be gone for a long time, something to do with the Rift. He just nodded quietly, understanding he’d get no answers to any of his questions. Instead, he buried himself in his own specialization. For a few more weeks, he managed to fool himself that if he buried himself deep enough in electronics, computers, and advanced technology, the alarm would never wake him again, he wouldn’t have to go out and face whatever it was that Liz had seen. Maybe he wouldn’t be… changed, like she was.



The ceremony was impressive. There were no other words to describe it. For a week, the Janissaries of Camp Sharpe had been busily preparing, setting up a great stage, creating a show of fireworks and laser effects, advanced stage lighting, sound effects, music, and a huge screen in the background. There were flowers, banners, and Covenant flags everywhere. Everyone knew their place and everything had been rehearsed over and over again. The honor guard surrounded the stage, all along the walk up to it, and all the way back to the airpad. The cameras were everywhere, while behind the scenes, electronic defense systems would prevent any unexpected interference, and every armed man and woman not attending the ceremony was manning positions covering every entrance. Above, the airships, brandishing all kinds of weapons from machine cannons to rockets to laser defense systems, patrolled the air.

Sue thought it was all too much, but it was out of her hands. She had done what she thought was best, and somehow the story had reached all the way back to Legacy. When she had spoken to Counselor Novak, she’d had no idea it would lead to this. Nevertheless, she didn’t see how she could have done anything differently. It had never been up to her, anyway.

Head Servant Lunde stood before her, beaming. She avoided his eyes. The medal he held up before her looked heavy. It was white gold, brandishing the Covenant symbol in black. The Exceptional Deed of Bravery Medal. It had only been awarded to Janissaries four times before, and never to one still considered an initiate. Granted, she was no longer an initiate, but she had been when she did what had led to her nomination.

“…And here you have her,” the head servant said to the camera in front of them. “Susan Atlas.” Everyone cheered, and the screen showed the flapping flag of the Covenant morphed with her face. The music, a patriotic hymn everyone knew, was loud. The head servant’s words were louder still.

“A young woman, saving her friends and exhibiting exceptional bravery under fire. An example for future generations of what Service to the State means.” Sue cringed, but kept up appearances. For the previous week, since the announcement, she had been interviewed so many times, she had lost count. She was being portrayed as the young woman from a small town, doing her duty, serving bravely in the most dangerous environment. Nobody mentioned that she hadn’t seen combat at all since coming back from the mission where they lost Brad. Nobody mentioned Brad at all. It was all about her, a woman on her way to the responsibility of citizenship, an example for every young man and woman out there.

The cameras broadcast everything into mandatory viewings in every home in the Covenant. She should have been thinking of her mother and Jason. Of her father, who would have been so proud to see her like this. So relieved that his daughter would have a different life than he’d had. A longer life even.

But all she could think of was the young woman she had killed. The one she had taken prisoner, and then shot as the woman pulled a hidden gun on her. That wasn’t bravery; it was sloppiness.

She looked at the audience and saw at least one man who didn’t think of her as a hero. First Janissary Ivanov had come, and he was fuming. She realized she had deeply offended him when she stood up for Dave on Initiation Day, and he didn’t seem like the type to forget easily. It was a wonder really, that he hadn’t stopped the whole thing, but she guessed that spoke volumes of the influence of Counselor Novak. This was his doing, although Head Servant Lunde seemed to enjoy the occasion immensely.

She saw Tac Hordvik standing to attention just below the stage, beaming like a proud big brother. Sub Strategos Janev looked equally proud, standing just as stiffly beside the tacticus. As if this was his doing somehow. Her eyes darted around, finding her team. There was Keisha, brandishing a big grin, ear to ear, winking as their eyes met. Quinn, surprisingly cheerful and finally out of hospital. She thought she sensed a certain respect. That was unexpected. Julian stood there, as well, smiling at her. She looked away. Ever since they got back, there had been a tension between them. And it wasn’t uncomfortable. She felt her cheeks go hot and tried to think of something else, turning her attention to the head servant, who looked like he was ready to finish.

“Thank you, thank you all,” he said and turned toward her.

“But most of all, Sub Tacticus Atlas, thank you.” He extended his hand, and her alarm seemed to amuse him greatly. Sub Tacticus? She had been an initiate just a few weeks ago. It was unheard of. She took his hand and shook it, head spinning. Then Head Servant Lunde took off her single Junior Janissary bar from her lapel and pinned the triple bar of her new rank in its place. He turned, gave a big smile to the camera, and waved all around, making sure the camera got it from every angle, before walking off, followed by his aides and security detail from Legacy.

Sue watched his back as he disappeared. As the cameras were switched off, people rushed in to greet her.

“Congratulations, Sub Tacticus,” Tac Hordvik said, shaking her hand.

Keisha slapped her back.

“You’re famous now, girl,” she said. “You’re a heroine! A few more years, and you’ll be government material. I’m telling you, you’re set for life now. And a long life!” Sue smiled, relieved that this was finally over. Back in Legacy, and in every town all over the Covenant, people would watch the broadcast and the reruns, over and over. But here, tomorrow was a new day. This would all blow over, and people would forget about all of this. She would be a bit young for a SubTac, but that would be it. Soon, everything would be back to normal.

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