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Authors: Toby Neal

Rip Tides (21 page)

BOOK: Rip Tides
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Chapter 21

ei stood in front of Terence Chang’s immaculate house on the Big Island several weeks later. As on her other visits, his two brindled pit bulls roared down off the lanai to hurl themselves at the chain-link fence. Terence eventually appeared at the door. He lifted a hand to her, called the dogs. They subsided as he came down the steps wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, his demeanor casual.

“Lei Texeira. You keep turning up like a bad penny. Here for Ray Solomon’s trial?”

“Exactly.” Lei wore her dress uniform for the trial, the brass winking with polish, the commendation she’d earned on Kaua`i so long ago a splash of bright ribbon on her left breast. She wore a little makeup, and her hair had been wrestled and sprayed into a bun. It was fragile armor in which to face the enemy. She’d have preferred Kevlar.

“What’s the problem this time?”

“No problem. Just checking in.” She slid her hands into the pockets of her uniform slacks, close to her weapon. Her badge caught the light as the material moved. “I want to make sure we’re still on the same page.”

“What page is that?” Humor lurked in the crinkled skin beneath Terence’s intelligent dark eyes. “The final chapter?”

“The chapter where you and I agreed to bury the hatchet. And you told me you were going straight.”

“Ah. That chapter. I seem to remember some threats, a gun being waved around. Getting handcuffed inside your car, turning on my own flesh and blood to help you and getting little thanks. But hey, no problem—the ol’ hatchet is buried.”

“Hey now,” Lei said mildly. In spite of everything, she liked Terence Chang. She dared to hope it was mutual. “I came here because—I just want to make sure we’re good. You know, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

“And which am I?”

“I’m never quite sure. Hence my visit. Again.”

Terence grinned, and she noticed how young, how handsome he was. “We’re good. I’m glad to have put all that shit behind me.”

“Terence? Everything okay?” a light female voice called from the doorway of the house.

“Nani. Come meet Lei Texeira.”

“Whoa.” Nani, a pretty, dark-haired local girl wearing a skimpy T-shirt dress, slid her feet into high-heeled rubber thong sandals and came down the steps. “That Lei Texeira?”

“The very one,” Lei said. “I’d shake, but then your dogs would likely rip my hand off.”

“You can come in,” Terence said, hooking an arm around the girl’s waist and making as if to open the gate. “Lei, this is my girlfriend, Nani.”

“No, thanks. I don’t have time. But here’s my personal cell. I want you to call me if ever—I can help you. Or if there’s a problem.” Lei tried to pass Terence her card through the chain link. Sure enough, the dogs went nuts barking.

“I appreciate the gesture, but you forget I live most of my life online. I know exactly where you are and how to get ahold of you.” Terence smiled and backed away from the gate with his arm around Nani. “Good luck at the trial. Hope Ray doesn’t ever get out of prison, for both our sakes.”

The couple went up the stairs. Lei turned to clump back to her rental car in the walking cast she wore now that she was off crutches.

* * *

Lei stood behind the podium beside the judge’s seat in the closed courtroom in Hilo a couple of hours later. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

“I do,” Lei said, loud and unwavering.

“You are sworn in,” the clerk said. Lei sat down. She gazed out over the packed courtroom and looked into the defendant’s eyes. They were still beautiful. Large and a changeable golden hazel, they stared at her unblinking, radiating hatred.

Ray Solomon had let himself go in his paralysis. If it were possible, he was even bigger than he’d been when she’d taken him down. Fat surrounded him in rolling layers, overflowing his wheelchair, as protective as a turtle’s shell.

How she wished she hadn’t taken that last shot at his fleeing vehicle in Volcano Park all those years ago—or at least, having taken the shot, that she’d killed him. This was the worst possible outcome for both of them. He sat there, trapped in his body, with nothing to do but plot revenge, and she still felt guilty about it.

Hours later, wringing with nervous sweat, Lei clumped in her cast down the steps of the courthouse to be met by Dr. Wilson, her colleague and former therapist.

“How’d it go?”

“Good as can be expected. Doesn’t look like he’ll be getting out in this lifetime.”

“Excellent. My car’s over here. Hop in.” The petite blonde psychologist drove a cream-colored Mini Cooper. “I’ll bring you back to get your rental later.”

“Please tell me you have somewhere good to eat on the agenda,” Lei begged.

“I do. The Banyan Tree.”

They drove to the well-known seaside restaurant, with its view of wind-ruffled Hilo Bay and the song of coqui frogs in the background.

As they dug into salads, Dr. Wilson smiled at Lei. “You’re looking good. I was worried about you after you lost the baby.”

“I was worried about me, too.” Lei took a sip of white wine. “It was the toughest thing I’ve ever been through. And I’ve been through some shit.”

“Seems like you and Michael are doing well.”

“Very well.” Lei pushed away the worry about Stevens’s drinking and tore off a piece of bread, took a bite. “We’re finally all the way moved into the new house. Having my dad live with us has been great, but it was too cozy all together in Wayne’s cottage. He’s glad to have his space back. We couldn’t do what we do without him taking care of Kiet, and he seems to love it.”

“When did you finish the house?”

“We moved into it a month ago. I’m planning a housewarming. You’re invited, of course.”

“I’d be delighted to come.” The psychologist’s blue eyes reflected the flames of the candle at her elbow. “What’s happening with Ellen Stevens?”

“She stuck with Aloha House. She’s a week or two from completing their initial program. I guess the drowned woman we fished out of the canal wearing her clothes was bottom for Ellen. She started to waver in the program, and Michael took her to the morgue and made her look at the body. She finally realized it would be her in the canal next if she didn’t sober up.”

“So I was following your last big case in the news. Makoa Simmons.”

“Yeah. What a tangled web that was, and we kept most of the juicy stuff out of the news. It ended so tragically.” Lei told the psychologist about the dynamics of two beautiful bikini models in love with the same man and twins in love with the same woman. “I had to make the case by getting a confession, and things went badly at the end, especially for the Tadeos’ two little girls.”

“What’s happened to them?”

“They’re living with family. Rachel pled out to assault with a deadly weapon and is doing some time. Eric is being charged with Makoa’s murder, Eli Tadeo’s charged with conspiracy to commit murder, and Shayla Cummings is an accessory. They’re awaiting trial and proving anything against either of them would be tough if I didn’t have recorded interviews. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if Shayla gets off with a slap on the wrist. At least the insurance company has denied her claim and is awarding it to Makoa’s immediate next of kin, which I am hoping ends up being his baby. Pippa is healthy and the pregnancy is going well, and with any luck, she’ll fall a little in love with Bryan Oulaki, who adores her.”

“So what’s next for you and your family?”

A small interruption came as the server removed their salad plates and set down platters of juicy steak before each of them.

Lei grinned. “It’s funny to see you with such a big slab of meat in front of you. Somehow I thought you’d be the shrimp-over-pasta type.”

Dr. Wilson stabbed her T-bone and sawed. “I could say the same of you. Now you know I love nothing more than a slab of local Big Island beef. But you’re dodging answering my question.”

Lei took a bite, chewed, and swallowed. “I don’t know that I’m dodging the question so much as not sure of the answer. We finished the house, we’ve moved in, which has been our focus ever since the fire. Michael’s hard at work on his training program, and I think he’s finally seen what a good fit that job is for him. Kiet’s getting bigger, going to be walking soon. We adopted another dog, a male Rottie named Conan. He’s keeping Keiki on her toes, really has given her a second wind, just like I was hoping. I keep getting cases. Every one of them interesting.”

She took another bite.

“Sounds like a full life.”

“It is.”

“Do you ever think of trying to have a child again?”

“Every day,” Lei whispered, feeling her eyes fill as she looked at the woman who’d been such a part of her healing from the past. “Every day I think of it. And I’m too afraid.”

Dr. Wilson lifted her water glass. “A toast.”

Lei lifted hers, waiting.

“To being afraid. And choosing to live fully anyway.”

They clinked glasses.

Lei swallowed a burning sip of wine. She knew she didn’t want to be so afraid of the pain of a possible tragedy that she missed out on another child. Not when she had Kiet filling every day with love and surprises, his dark green eyes sparkling with delight, his big grin lighting up their lives.

Not when she knew what joy, as well as heartbreak, a child could bring. She still dreamed of Baby. She guessed she always would.

“Good toast. I should write that one down.”

“I’m known for quotes,” Dr. Wilson said. “A big part of my therapy technique.”

“I’m aware,” Lei said. And they both laughed.



Dear Readers,

If you’ve been with me awhile, you know this is one of my favorite points in writing a book: that moment when I get to address you directly and say a few words.

First of all, THANK YOU. Thank you for your wonderful enthusiasm, reviews, sharing the books with friends and family, and for being a very real reason for me to keep coming to the page every day. I love you guys and gals, especially those I’m lucky enough to interact with through social media. If you haven’t already, join the party! I’m on
, and
, and love to interact with readers on all platforms.

Second of all, thanks to our photographer friend Reis Shimabukuro, who tried his best to get me into one of the team houses at Pipeline, and while then claiming not to know much, gave me lots of inside scoop into how the team houses are run. I made up stuff and probably got a lot wrong, but hey—the surf industry people should have answered my calls and e-mails asking for a meeting if they wanted me to get it right! This book was also a real return to police work, and as such I owe special thanks to Ret. Captain David Spicer, who keeps my procedure at least mostly in the ballpark. Many mahalos, again!

Surfing is close to my heart. I come from a surfing family, three generations of wave worshippers in Hawaii, and I married a surfer. I still take my boogie board out on occasion, and it was past time I came up with a way that I could use a mystery to share that world with a broader audience.

An aside about the title,
Rip Tides
: I titled the book that because it’s a common usage term though not technically correct. I’m actually referring to the phenomena of
rip currents
, which have nothing to do with tides. Rip currents occur when waves expend their traveling energy as they hit the beach. That energy is only partly dissipated by the breaking wave. The remaining energy collects alongside wave peaks in fast-moving “rips” that suck back out to sea and many times, cause drowning for inexperienced swimmers who may be caught in them and panic. Surfers can read the ocean and use rips to their advantage, for quick transport out to a peak or to end a ride.

Book research for
Rip Tides
took me back to the North Shore of Oahu. Our family had lived on the beach in a cottage between Sunset and Pipeline from 1969–1970, with my dad surfing those breaks every day until we moved to Kaua`i, when I was five. This winter, I was exhilarated by almost a week in a beach house on that famous stretch of golden sand, hearing the thundering of the breaking waves through the night, watching the most amazing surfing in the world during the day. I think my descriptions are particularly rich because I went there and immersed in the scene. I even found the beach house our family lived in, hardly changed at all. (I am also gathering material for my memoir, so locating it was exciting!)

I feel the series winding down as Lei and Stevens settle into marriage and family life…just in time for the new
Lei Crime Kindle World
! In case you haven’t heard about this, it’s Amazon’s licensed fan fiction site, and I’ve been lucky enough to be asked by Amazon to have a Lei Crime Series Kindle World. It goes live on April 7, 2015, and will last for ten years, so no matter how slowly I write Lei Crime titles or wrap up the series entirely, readers will always be able to find new adventures starring Lei, Stevens, and their supporting cast—very good news for all.
Check it out
. I guarantee you’ll find something to love and read in the Lei Crime Kindle World! And if you are a writer and love the Lei Crime Series, why not write a story starring your favorite characters, and join us?

If you liked this book, please
leave a review.
I try to read them all, and they are the best gift any author can receive. Reviews are my daily manna of encouragement, and I thank you in advance for your support!

With much aloha,

Toby Neal
April 1, 2015

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About the Author

Toby Neal was raised on Kauai in Hawaii and makes the Islands home after living elsewhere for “stretches of exile” to pursue education. Toby enjoys outdoor activities including bodyboarding, scuba diving, photography and hiking as well as writing. A mental health therapist, she credits that career with adding depth to the characters in the Lei Crime Series.

Find Toby online at:

BOOK: Rip Tides
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