Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jess was so relieved that neither of them was weirded out by the idea of her being a bestselling novelist that she didn’t really catch what Evan had said until she’d already started to speak, and by then it was too late.

“I’m sure you’ve never heard of them. I write the
Frieze and Flame

“Those were written by a man,” Rory said and then frowned. “At least I always thought they were. J. J. Ford, right?”

Evan started to snicker. “J. J. as in Jessica Jones? Oh fuck, this is hilarious. I think Rory here is your biggest fan, and he didn’t even know you were a woman!”

Rory stood up, let go of Jess and used both hands to dunk Evan, who went under still burbling with laughter. Jess nearly went under with him, and the three of them wound up scrambling for their balance as the jets pushed them toward the center of the tub.

Large, strong hands wrapped around her hips and she found herself face to face with a grinning Rory, who lifted her up and kissed her as he walked her back to the edge of the tub and settled her into one of the seats again.

“I love your books,” he told her between torrid kisses. “And I promise I won’t get weird about the fact you’re an amazing writer. But there’s a good chance that I’m going to want you to sign all my books. Hardcovers and paperbacks.”

“I can do you one better, big boy. When I’m finished with this manuscript, I’ll let you be the first to read it.”

“Deal.” Rory fished his dropped mug out from the bottom of the tub and set it back on the tray. “Now, can we please take you back up to the house and make love to you? I want to wake up tomorrow and be able to tell everyone I’m fucking the creator of Crystal Frieze.”

“Aaand you just went weird on us.” Evan stood up, shaking his head. “Don’t mind him, sweetheart. He’s really harmless.”

Jess looked at her two men and shook her head. “I don’t think either of you are harmless. But I know neither of you are going to hurt me. I trust you.” She opened her arms to them both and they closed in on her, wrapping her in two pairs of powerful arms.

“Now, take me to bed.”

Chapter 10


Evan barely gave Jess time to grab a towel from the stack before he gathered her into his arms and sprinted for the cabin, laughing wildly.

“Hey Rory, bring up our clothes, will you?” he called back as he made a beeline for the cabin, stark naked and with a giggling woman in his arms.

“He’s going to kill you when he catches up!” Jess exclaimed as she threw her arms around Evan’s neck and held on for dear life.

“You’re worth the risk.”

He didn’t slow down until they reached the cabin and he had to put her down to open the door. The moment they were inside he lifted her again, this time coaxing her to wrap her legs around his waist. His hands curved under her ass, holding her up as he carried her down the hallway, stopping halfway to give her a slow, lingering kiss. He heard Rory open the door again just as he and Jess staggered into the bedroom, and Evan swore as he realized Rory was only seconds away from catching up.

“I should have locked the door. Maybe that would have slowed him down,” Evan muttered and lowered Jess onto her bed, his body covering hers briefly before he rolled them both over so that Jess was straddling his hips. His cock was hard enough to pound nails, and he had to bite back a groan as the hot, slick lips of her pussy parted to enfold the length of his dick.

“Fuck that feels good!”

“If you two started without me, there’s going to be trouble.” Rory stepped into the room, still naked and gleaming wet from their time in the hot tub. Evan watched Jess’s eyes widened as she appeared to drink in the sight of him framed by the doorway.

“It was Evan’s idea,” she told Rory and bent down to kiss Evan before he could protest his innocence.

“Somehow it doesn’t look that way to me,” Rory drawled and made his way to the bed, sitting down beside Evan before reaching out stroke the bare curve of Jess’s ass. “You’re the one pinning him to the bed, baby.”

She opened her mouth to argue but it was too late to stop Rory as he lifted his hand and brought it down sharply on one full cheek of her ass.

“Hey!” she yelled, her body jerking in surprise more than pain, and Evan lost the ability to think as her pussy convulsed and he felt the tip of his dick breach her channel. He made a strangled noise and both Jess and Rory looked down at him in concern.

“A little warning…next time, please,” he panted and shifted his hips enough for Jess to realize just what had changed thanks to her response to Rory’s punishment.

Rory’s lips curled into a wicked grin and he raised his hand again. “Consider yourself warned.” He smacked Jess again on her other cheek and the wet, slapping sound made her flex and jump again despite the warning. This time Evan knew what was coming and he arched his hips at the moment Rory struck, letting his thick cock slide inside Jess’s sweet pussy.

“Holy fuck, so good!” Evan reached up to hold her wrists, keeping her in place as he gave another playful buck of his hips and pushed himself a little further into her slick cunt.

“What am I getting spanked for?” Jess demanded, turning her head to glower at Rory.

“Calling us cute and not being honest about your writing career, for starters.” He stroked his fingertips over the pink flesh of her ass cheek and then smacked her again, lightly this time. “And that’s for starting without me.”

She jerked again and Evan groaned as he pushed his cock all the way home. “Thank you, bro.”

Jess’s inner muscles flexed around Evan’s dick, gripping him tightly as she slowly rolled her hips. “Don’t thank him yet. You aren’t wearing a condom. And that means we need to get ourselves untangled and start this again.”

“No!” Evan howled in protest. “Oh hell no, please don’t say that. You feel way too damned good to leave right now, sweetheart.”

Rory leaned in over them both and swept a tendril of hair out of Jess’s eyes before kissing her and murmuring, “You have our word that we’re both totally clean. Unless you’re not on the pill, we are completely safe.”

“I’m on the pill, and I had a full physical a couple of months ago.” She went quiet, but Evan could still feel her pussy flutter and pulse around his cock. “And I haven’t been sexually active in over a year, so yeah, I’m safe.”

“Thank you, universe.” Evan sighed and bucked his hips again, more insistently this time. He wanted her so badly it hurt, and he didn’t want any barriers between them. “So what are you waiting for, sexy?”

“Well, for starters, don’t either of you want to turn off the lights?” Jess asked and Evan felt her tense up, her entire body tightening as she looked at him with something like panic in her pretty eyes. He hated seeing her doubt herself, and lying there, staring up at her, Evan made himself a promise that he’d help Jess see herself the way he and Rory did, beautiful, glorious, and sexy.

“You’re doing it again.” Evan frowned and released her wrists to cup her cheek, drawing her down for another kiss. “You’re beautiful, Jess. So beautiful you take my breath away.”

“The lights are staying on, baby. I want to see you when we make love to you. I never want you to think you have to hide yourself from us.” Rory moved so that he was kneeling just by Evan’s shoulder and fisted his swollen cock, pumping it slowly. “Ride him, Jess. I want to watch.” He grinned at her and winked. “At least for now.”

“Not until I’m done here, thank you,” Evan quipped and then groaned in pleasure as Jess rolled her hips and let him glide even deeper into her warm, soft body.

“You feel so good around me, so hot and tight. This is what I’ve wanted since you woke up in my arms yesterday.” Evan lifted his head to kiss her, his tongue slipping past her lips to stroke over hers in long, lazy swipes that matched the easy rhythm of her hips. He never took his eyes off of her, loving the way her eyes seemed to shimmer between blue and the palest silver as she grew more and more aroused. She fit around his cock like a velvet vise, gripping him tightly as she grew wetter with every thrust and grind.

Evan changed his angle slightly and she moaned, her head falling forward and her eyes closing as she drove her hips down onto his.

“I think you found her sweet spot,” Rory murmured. “Is he making you feel good, baby?”

“Yes!” Jess cried out and Evan thrust again, drawing another broken cry from her as he felt her body shudder. He had her on the edge of an orgasm, but he wasn’t ready to let her go over just yet. Instead he held himself still, letting her take control. She rode him hard, her skin flushed and her breath coming in short, sharp pants as she used him to
advance her own pleasure. Her hot channel narrowed around his dick and he felt her pussy flutter and pulse as she tried to bring herself over.

Evan and Rory had never used their link during their few joint sexual encounters. It hadn’t felt right, but tonight Evan didn’t hesitate to share what he was feeling with Rory, letting his blood-brother experience a small measure of the glory that was Jess’s body.

Rory swore and his cock twitched, making Evan grin.

“My turn’s coming,” Rory told them both as his hand moved hard and fast, stroking himself in time to Jess’s hips.

“Her turn comes first.” Evan slipped a hand into Jess’s pussy and pressed his fingers hard against her clit. Jess came on a wail, her body shaking so hard Rory reached out to rest a hand on her back to steady her. Her pussy gripped Evan’s cock so hard he saw stars, and he lost the last shreds of his control and followed her into the abyss in the thrall of a mind-shattering orgasm.

“Now that was memorable,” Rory commented and Evan cracked open one eye just enough to be able to spot his blood-brother grinning down at them both.

“You have no idea how memorable,” Evan groaned and ran his hands down Jess’s back. He could feel her heart hammering against her ribs as she sprawled on top of him, and part of him wanted nothing more than to keep her there, their bodies still joined, until morning. Evan had never been possessive before, but even though he couldn’t wait to see Rory claim Jess, a tiny spark of jealousy flared to life deep in his heart at the knowledge she was destined for both of them. Jess stirred and lifted her head, and his heart stuttered in his chest as she licked her kiss-swollen lips and then smiled at him. She had to be their mate because there couldn’t be another woman in the world who could make him feel this way. As Evan smiled back at her and stroked her cheek, he realized that if the price for having her in their lives was that he had to share her with the man he loved like a brother, then it was a price he’d gladly pay.


* * * *


Rory loved seeing Jess laid out in front of him, her bare limbs tangled up with Evan’s and her entire body relaxed and boneless. Rory could still see the pink marks on her ass where he’d spanked her, and the memory of her reaction to his playful punishment made his dick throb and his balls tighten between his legs. He hadn’t been this eager to bed a woman since he’d left his teen years behind, but he knew better than to rush. Human though she may be, Jess was going to belong to them, and Rory didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize her acceptance of this unconventional love match.

When Jess lifted her head to give him a slow, seductive smile, he had to resist the urge to lift her off of Evan and drop her straight onto his cock. Instead Rory just reached out and tugged her hair out of the scrunchie holding it captive, letting it fall around her face and over her shoulders like a cascade of silver and platinum that flowed down to touch the bed beneath them.

Rory wrapped his fist in her hair and pulled her head up to meet his as he leaned in and kissed her hard. Her lips parted at the first touch of his tongue and he delved deep into the sweet heat of her mouth. She tasted of chocolate and peppermint and he knew this night would forever be connected to those flavors in his mind.

Jess lifted herself up off Evan’s chest and met Rory’s kiss head-on, her tongue dueling with his in a give and take battle that made him growl in frustration. He needed to be inside her right

“Go on, beautiful.” Evan released Jess to him with a low laugh.

“Come here, Jess. It’s my turn now,” Rory whispered into her mouth as Evan guided her to him, hands on her hips as he handed their women over to Rory for more loving. Rory’s hand was still fisted in her hair as he drew her across the bed and into his arms, his lips never once breaking contact with hers. Slowly and gently he lowered her back onto the bed, giving her time to settle herself comfortably. Evan tucked a pillow beneath her head, and grabbed another one before giving Rory a quick nod.

“Give us a second here, baby,” Rory told her and then slid an arm under her knees, lifting her lower body off the bed so Evan could get the second pillow into position beneath her.

“What are you doing?” Jess asked, lifting her head to give them both a confused look. “And while I have a chance to talk, I’d like to add that you do not get to be the boss of me, Rory Frazier.”

“Uh oh, I think she just called you out.” Evan leaned back against the headboard and settled back with one hand behind his head, smirking.

Rory prowled up the bed and leaned over Jess, placing one hand on each side of her shoulders as he pressed his body down onto hers in a display of dominance that he simply couldn’t control. “You’re mistaken, Jessica Jones. I am definitely the boss of you, at least in the bedroom. In here, you’ll do what I say.”

He could see the flash of fear and uncertainty in her eyes and Rory brushed a tender kiss to the tip of her upturned nose and reined in his dominant side. “I won’t hurt you, baby. Not ever. But if you backtalk me in the bedroom, you’re going to make me nuts.”

The fear faded and her lips quirked into tiny smirk. “And what happens if Evan backtalks you? Do you spank him, too?”

“Oh, hell no! Don’t you go giving him ideas!” Rory protested and threw up his hands in front of him, warding them off. “There’s no way I’m going anywhere near his ass, thank you.”

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