Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Have we been skimping on the compliments, Rory?” Evan asked with a grin.

“Maybe. But my mother always taught me it was rude to talk with my mouth full, so I suspect that’s been the problem.” Rory nuzzled her ear. “You’re gorgeous, and tasty, and sweet, and possibly the best cook I’ve ever met. Just don’t tell my mom I said so.”

“You’re also, sexy, sweet, and have the prettiest feet, sweetheart.”

“That’s better,” Jess beamed and blushed and felt her heart swell with happiness.

“Now, I think that maybe you two should let me up so we can have those hot chocolates. If we’re really going to try this, then I have a few questions.”

“Ev, you make the hot chocolate. I’m not ready to let her up just yet.”

Evan shook his head at Rory. “Not a chance. I’m very comfy right here myself.”

“I think I can give you both some incentive to let me up.” Jess took a quick breath and blurted out her idea before she could think twice about it. “You let me up, and we can all go down to the hot tub to drink and talk. Deal?”

Both of them went completely still, and she had to laugh when she saw the look of hopeful lust on both their faces.

“You have a hot tub?” Evan found his voice first. “Where? And why aren’t we already in it?”

“It’s outside, under the gazebo. You’re telling me you guys have been driving past that headland all this time and didn’t realize there was a hot tub in there? It’s
! How did you miss it?”

“When we’re on the water, we’re not looking at the shore, baby. I’ve seen the gazebo, but I never realized there was a tub out there.” Rory dipped his head to whisper in her ear. “Evan and I didn’t bring swimsuits.”

Jess’s pussy clenched and her stomach did a complete roll at the thought of getting into the water with these two naked. “Then I guess I better not put one on either, just to be fair.”

The next thing Jess knew, she was on her feet and being half carried back to the kitchen by a laughing Evan, with Rory only a few steps behind. “So make that hot chocolate already! We’ll pack up some of these desserts to nibble on. What are you waiting for?”

Chapter 9


Jess went first, carrying a small tray of pastries and trying not to think about what she was about to do. Not that it was easy to pretend everything was normal when she was wearing her bathrobe, rubber boots, and nothing else at all. The guys were walking behind her, and they were laughing with every step they took. They’d started the moment she’d slipped her bare feet into her boots and they hadn’t stopped yet.

“I had no idea that rain boots were sexy, did you, Rory?”

“I don’t think they are, unless they have little pink ducks on the side. Then I think they are smoking hot.”

“My hiking boots sank to the bottom of the ocean yesterday, and I didn’t pack slippers! And I thought the ducks were cute.” Jess tossed a glance back over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at the two men following her. “The way it rains out here, I’m amazed you haven’t all gone permanently pruned.”

Evan had insisted on carrying the tray with their drinks, and Rory had an armload of towels so they could dry off before making the walk back to the house. All three of them stopped as Jess stepped into the shelter of the gazebo and set down the tray on one of the narrow benches that lined the wall. She flipped on the power and smiled as the soft glow of a hundred or more fairy lights lit up the area without making it too bright to see the ocean outside.

“Very nice,” Evan set down his tray and turned his attention to the cover on the hot tub. “Give me a hand here, Rory. Cute as that outfit is on our girl, I’m betting she’s getting pretty chilly.”

He dropped his load in a pile on the bench and went to help Evan lift the cover, leaving Jess staring out at the darkness as she absently refolded the towels, stacking them neatly. When she was done she fished a scrunchie out of the pocket of her robe and twisted her hair up into a knot so it wouldn’t get wet. Behind her she could hear the two men lift the cover and set it on end so that it provided a sort of shelf where they could rest their drinks and the desserts she’d brought down.

Almost on cue, the voice of her self-doubt started whispering in the back her mind.
What are you doing out here? When you take off that robe there is no way they are going to want you. Don’t you think you should at least turn out the lights?
Jess squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms around herself, holding tight as the barrage of negativity continued inside her head. She was almost ready to bolt for the house when a pair of strong arms encircled her and drew her back against a warm, bare chest. A faint whiff of citrus tickled her nose and she knew who held her.

“You’ve gone quiet, sweetheart. Everything all right?”

“Just thinking too much.”

“I know the solution to that.” He brushed a kiss to her cheek and slid a chilled hand inside her robe to palm her breast. “Let us distract you.”

“You’re sure?” Jess hated sounding so uncertain, but she knew she needed to hear them say it again.

“We’ve never been more sure of anything in our lives,” Rory spoke as he moved, coming around to face her as he stepped in close enough they were touching chest to chest.

“My sexy bookends.” She smiled up at him, loving the way it felt when they both held her like this. When they were like this, it was impossible to have doubts.

“I like the sound of that,” Evan nuzzled her hair and removed his hand from inside her robe, letting it fall to the knotted belt at her waist. “Do you want us to promise not to peek so you can get in without feeling embarrassed? I know you’re feeling shy, and that’s all right.”

Jess wrapped one arm around Rory’s waist and reached down to squeeze Evan’s hand at the same time. “Thank you for understanding.”

Rory just looked at her, puzzled. “Baby, you’re beautiful. Why don’t you want us to see you?”

“Soon, okay? But not just yet,” Jess promised. “You two are drop-dead gorgeous, it’s going to take me a little while to get used to the idea that you want to be with me.”

“One day you’re going to give me the name of the guy who convinced you that you’re not beautiful, and I’m going to go and kick his ass,” Evan muttered darkly.

going to go and kick his ass. And then thank him for being stupid enough to let you go so we could get our chance.” Rory leaned down and kissed her gently and then stepped back again, making a show of turning out toward the water, his eyes firmly locked on the moon as it played peek-a-boo with the clouds.

“You two are too good to be true, thank you.”

Evan kissed her cheek and then stepped over beside Rory, leaving her privacy to undress and get into the hot tub.

The moment Jess undid her robe the chill of the night air bit into her skin and she almost scampered over to the tub, dropping her robe in a hasty tangle and kicking off her boots as she stepped up and into the water.

“Hot!” she yelped as the temperature of the water reminded her that she’d let her bare legs go nearly numb with cold. It was a painful few seconds as she waited for her body to adjust, but finally she was up to her neck in the water, watching the steam rise from the surface as she settled back into one of the seats with a contented sigh. Instead of telling them it was all right to turn around, Jess took the time to truly look at the two men who had made such an impact on her life. Both of them were tall, but Evan stood just an inch or two higher than Rory, while Rory was broader across the chest and shoulders, bulkier whereas Evan was sculpted, his body a little leaner. Jess knew Evan had to be feeling the cold as he stood there shirtless, but he showed no sign of it. Feeling a little guilty for having kept them both waiting, she crossed her arms over her chest and called out to them.

“You can turn around now.”

Both of them turned and she was greeted to two nearly identical expressions of eager desire as they both moved toward her at the same time. Evan had the advantage of already being shirtless, and Jess realized he’d already managed to toe off his shoes while they’d been waiting for her to get into the water. As a result, Evan was well ahead of Rory and he didn’t hesitate to shed his pants and boxer briefs, giving Jess an eyeful of glorious and very aroused male flesh as he hopped into the water and hauled her into his lap. Evan was sex personified, and he was all hers.

“You snooze, you lose,” he mocked Rory and then lifted a dripping hand out of the water to point to the control panel. “Last one in has to stop and turn on the jets.”

Rory grumbled, still unbuttoning his shirt. “So that’s why you didn’t bother getting dressed before coming outside.”

“I was planning ahead,” Evan gloated and then gave Jess a hot, sultry kiss, his muscular arms pinning her against the hard planes of his body so she didn’t float away from him. “I wanted to steal her away from you for a few minutes.”

As the jets roared to life Evan groaned and settled his back firmly against one of the nozzles. “I’ve died and gone to heaven. Good food, good company, a hot tub by the ocean, and an angel in my arms.”

Jess couldn’t argue, not when she was pretty sure Evan was right, that this
heaven. Evan held her close and she could feel every inch of his gorgeous body, including the rock-hard length of his cock that brushed up against her ass with every small move she made.

She ran a wet hand down his chest, enjoying the chance to explore. He didn’t have much chest hair, but what he did have was the same tawny blond as the hair on his head. Come summertime, she imagined it would turn a sun-kissed gold, and part of her hoped she would still be here to see it.

Beside them Rory was still undressing, and she looked up from Evan’s chest to drink in Rory’s body. His chest was as broad as she’d remembered, and her fingers already itched to stroke through the dark hair that dusted across his pectoral muscles and then formed a treasure trail that led her eyes downward. Rory caught her staring and his hands froze on his zipper as he gave her a feral grin that made her squirm in Evan’s lap as she squeezed her thighs together.

“You’ve got her all hot and bothered, bro.” Evan slid a hand down her tummy until his fingertips rested just at the crest of her mound. He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Do you like what you see, Jess?”

Blushing wildly, Jess nodded.

“Say it,” Rory instructed her in a commanding tone. “I want to hear you say it.”

Jess opened her mouth but no words came out. She didn’t know what to say, or how to say it. This was a whole new world for her and she was certain she was going to screw it up.

“They’re only words, sweetheart.” Ethan insinuated his finger the tiniest bit lower, parting her labia before he stopped moving again. “If you say it, Rory will let me reward you.”

Jess quivered and her gaze flew up to meet Rory’s.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, baby. Evan won’t move his hand until you do.”

Jess tried to buck her hips against Evan’s fingers, but he moved with her and laughed. “Now she’s cheating!”

“Jessica Jones, don’t you
move until you tell me what you’re thinking!” Rory’s tone brooked no argument and Jess was stunned by the authority he poured into every word.

“I think you’re both gorgeous, and I really wish you’d hurry up and get undressed and get in here with us,” she babbled her answer and then added. “And no one has called me by my full name since I got too big to be spanked!”

Rory’s nostrils flared as he leaned forward, his hands still on the fly of his trousers. “Believe me, baby, you’re not too big to be spanked.”

Jess’s jaw dropped open and she stared up at Rory in shock. He couldn’t possibly have meant that…could he? Before she could ask Rory nodded to Evan and Evan’s fingers dove into her pussy, rubbing hard against her clit.

Jess moaned, her hips writhing against the pleasurable pressure. Rory finally moved his hands, undoing his pants and sliding them down his hips. Jess realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear, and her entire pussy clenched, her inner walls suddenly aching with the need to be filled. Rory’s cock rose up almost to his navel, the tip already engorged and gleaming with pre-cum.

Evan’s clever fingers were making it hard for her to think, but she managed to reach for Rory with trembling fingers, and he took her hand as he finished kicking off his clothing and stepped up and into the tub.

“Is she as responsive as I think she is?” he asked Evan.


“Then I think we should let her come before we start discussing how this is all going to work. A demonstration might help make things clearer.”

Jess whimpered as Evan kept stroking her clit, up and down in a slow, leisurely rhythm.

“Would you like that, Jess?” Rory asked, his tone dark and commanding. “And don’t you dare just nod. I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes, please.”

“Oh god, she said please,” Evan groaned and flicked her clit harder.

“Now that’s sexy.” Rory lowered himself into the water until only his head and neck were visible and Jess realized he was kneeling on the floor of the tub. “You got to taste her cute little toes, Ev. So I’m going to be the first to taste her pussy.”

“What?” The word flew out of her mouth before she’d thought of anything else to say.

“Trust me, we’ve got this.” Rory reached out and snagged her ankles in his hands, drawing her feet up to his shoulders. “You got her, Ev? We don’t want her getting a dunking or I think she’s going to have a few things to say to us.”

Evan’s fingers left her pussy and she bit back a mewl of frustration at the loss of contact. Evan reached up around her ribcage and then crossed his arms near the wrist so he had her in a firm hold, his hands eagerly cupping her breasts. “Got her,” he told Rory and brushed a kiss to the side of her mouth. “You may want to hold onto something, sweetheart.”

“Why would I—oh!” Jess exclaimed as Rory lifted her legs over his shoulders and moved toward her until her hips were just clear of the water and her pussy was a scant few centimeters from his mouth.

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