Rise (War Witch Book 1) (32 page)

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Authors: Cain S. Latrani

BOOK: Rise (War Witch Book 1)
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Three long rails ran down to a cylinder base that was mounted atop a ball of some sort. At the back of the cylinder, what looked like chair had been situated, allowing the person sitting there to look down the rails in front of them. Two runes had been set at the feet of the chair, two on the arms, with a third at the back of the cylinder in front of the seat.

Shaking her head in wonderment at the odd things filling Imicot's armory, she wandered around the device and found a stone slab resting against it inscribed with runic wording. Scratching her head, she examined it a moment, but couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Remembering what Imicot had said before, that sometimes people needed to clear their heads, she walked over to the crafting bench by the door and gathered a notebook and a piece of thin charcoal wrapped in linen, returning to copy down the runes. At least when she got tired of flipping through endless books looking for a single picture, she could research what the stone slab said.

"I'm afraid there's not much left here of use," Esteban said. "This bow, as I recall, conjures arrows when the string is pulled, but other than that, I can find nothing."

"I'll take that," Chara said, hurrying over to pull the bow from his hand.

"Can you use it?" the Cat asked.

Chara gave him a sarcastic look. "I grew up in Rheumer. Of course I can use it."

"Very well," he nodded. "Perhaps we should retire for the evening then, and continue our research in the morning. There’s little else we can do now to prepare for Deacon's arrival."

As Ramora nodded, Chara agreed, saying, "Sounds like a plan."

Leaving the armory behind, Esteban and Chara headed up, while Ramora headed back down to the library. Chara paused on the steps, wanting to call out to her, but hesitated, letting the Blessed go.

"Perhaps you should go to her," Esteban said after a moment.

Chara shook her head. "No. It doesn't matter. Once we leave here, I'm going to go my own way. She's got enough on her mind. No sense making it worse."

Esteban frowned. "I was under the impression the two of you were closer than that."

"So was I," Chara sighed, then smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. That isn't the first mistake I've made in my life. It won't be the last."

"Chara," he started.

"It's fine," she told him, climbing the steps. "She's better off without me. I'd just get in the way. The best thing I can do for her now, is let her do her job as a Blessed."

Shaking his head, Esteban hurried to catch up with her. "How do you know she feels the same way? Perhaps she values you more than you know."

"Like I said, it doesn't matter," Chara replied. "I've made up my mind. I'm not cut out for the life she lives, and frankly, I need to find my own way in the world. I'll never be happy being the plucky sidekick, you know?"

"I suppose," he murmured. "Though, I don’t see you that way."

"I know," she smiled. "I think you may be the only person who sees me as I really am."

He gave a shy smile. "I wouldn’t go that far. After all, I've not known you long."

"No," she admitted. "But since I've been here, you've listened, and you’ve become someone important to me. I know we got off to a rough start, but the last few days, I've come to feel like we've gotten close."

"I feel the same way," he replied. "It's something I've been grateful for, actually. Besides father, I've never really been close to anyone. Now, I can't imagine my life without you."

Chara smiled as she felt that internal pang again. "Then maybe you shouldn't try."

Esteban paused on the steps. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

"Once we get back to Riskine, I plan on letting Ramora go do what she needs, and setting off on my own," Chara told him. "You're welcome to come with me, if you want."

Esteban considered that for a moment. "Father always said he felt it best if I go back to the world of my birth."

"And you can, if that's what you want," Chara said. "I just want you to feel like you have options. I know what it is to feel like there aren’t any. Like I have to do what others want of me. You shouldn't have to feel that way."

Esteban pondered that, having never considered it before. "You would want me to journey with you?"

Chara smiled at him, holding out her hand. "I would be honored by it."

"I will think on it, then," he said, reaching out, accepting her grasp hesitantly. "I admit, it does hold an appeal. At least, this world, I know. My own, I've only visited a few times. It holds nothing for me."

"Come on," she said. "Let's talk about it over a little late night snack."

A soft smile spread across his face and he nodded. "I would like that."

Rakiss watched them go, blowing out a sigh of relief. Maybe now things would settle down and he wouldn't have to spend so much time fighting the young woman’s iron will. It was exhausting even for a demigod, and as he sank down to the floor, lying across the steps, he admitted, he needed a nap.

Another week spun by as the trio continued searching the library, Imicot's health declining too much for him to join them anymore. More than once, Chara would find herself staring at the Masters table, wishing she could play the old sorcerer again.

When she wearied of scanning books, she researched the runes she’d copied down, finally finding a book about the language. Deciphering it proved a daunting task, and she only spent a short amount of time at it each day.

The two mystic handguns tucked into her belt, and the bow always within reach, she kept the sword leaning against the table, should the need arise. While she had little idea how to use it, she somehow doubted she would get the chance to sneak up and stab the Dark Blessed in the back as she had with the two Orcs back in Rheumer.

From time to time, she found her gaze wandering to Ramora as well, but the Blessed was lost completely in her research, and never seemed to notice. Hurt by it, but knowing she had no right to be, Chara found solace for her broken heart in Esteban's company. His easy smile and gentle nature were the balm she needed.

Keeping her distance, Ramora couldn't help but notice the growing smiles between the two, or the soft touches they shared. It tore her heart to pieces, but so long as Chara was smiling, she would endure the pain. Nothing mattered more than that. She would happily die so the young woman could go on smiling for the rest of her life.

As their third week in the library drew to a close, all of them had begun to fear the search pointless. There were simply too many books, and no way of knowing anymore which of them they’d already looked at, the stacks flowing over into each other. More than once, both Chara and Esteban had thrown a book, cursing as they realized they’d already been over it.

With Chara and Esteban several yards away, whispering to each other and laughing quietly, Ramora flipped pages in boredom. While she was grateful she had gotten to be there for Imicot, she had come to believe her own quest held answers elsewhere.

Perhaps, after Imicot had passed, and the weather cleared, she could take Chara from the keep, and show her Lansing. The king there, a Blessed of Grannax named Untar, was said to be a just and good man. He might be able to help her.

She stared blankly at the drawing of the dragon banner in front of her for a full minute before she realized what she was seeing. Jerking back, she shook her head and rubbed her eyes. Lifting the book, she began to smile. Now and then, as Father had always said, time really could solve everything.

Standing, she set the book down, pounding her fist on the table to get the others’ attention. When they looked over at her, she held the book up, pointing excitedly. The two glanced at each other and then hurried over to see what she’d found.

"That's it," Chara gasped, taking the book. "Ramora, this is it! You found it!"

Without thinking, she hugged the other woman. When Chara didn’t return it, she remembered and backed up a step, apologizing. Chara waved it off, giving her an awkward smile before looking over the book.

"Okay, I can't read it," she sighed, handing to Esteban.

He scanned over it a moment, then nodded. "It's written in an ancient form of Elven, and coded as well."

"But can you read it?" Chara asked.

Esteban gave her a smug look. "But of course."

"So make with the reading, big boy," Chara told him as she fell into a chair. "Gods know, I've been waiting to hear this long enough."

Ramora sat down, giving her a quizzical look.

"Not as long as you, no, but a long time all the same," Chara muttered.

Esteban wished the two would make up already, their strained relationship driving him up the wall. Shaking his head, he sat, looking over the book for a moment before beginning.

"Day Sixty-Three. The Demon Seed have taken the keep across the Thorkin River, and have tried several times now to breach the walls of Shyguard. So far, we’ve been able to repel each of their attacks, but we’ve suffered heavy casualties in the meantime. I fear what will happen should they make another run at us."

Chara glanced at Ramora, but got a shrug back. She'd never heard those names either.

"Day Sixty-Six. We received word today that reinforcements are on the way, led by my brother, Londis. A full two regiments out of Mount Crinin, on orders from Cynthanis himself. I wish the Emperor were coming as well. I would feel better if he were leading us in this battle. However, I’m aware he must hold the defensive line at Fort Marchford in Filtlock. If that falls before the Trolls can marshal their scattered forces, we will lose everything west of the Tall Mountains."

"Well, this sounds promising," Chara muttered, drawing a sharp look from Ramora.

"Day Seventy. Londis has arrived, but half the regiment was wiped out getting to us. The Demon Seed assaulted them on the way with terrible dark magics. We lost many good soldiers in that fight, but still, we’re relieved at the reinforcements. Without them, we wouldn’t have lasted through another assault."

Ramora waved him to move it along, wanting to know what the banner meant. Esteban gave her an annoyed look before continuing.

"Day Seventy-Nine. We’ve not been attacked in a week now. While our position is tentative, at best, we’ve held out longer than the Demon Seed likely expected. They lost a great many of their number in their last attempt to scale Shyguard's walls. However, since then, strange screams have begun to rise up from the keep across the river. Horrible cries of pain and suffering that keep us awake at night. What could be happening over there?"

"Okay, now I'm interested," Chara commented, getting the same annoyed look from the Cat Ramora had.

"Day Eighty-One. We received a runner today from Emperor Cynthanis. Lokmoat has been lost. The Demon Seed march towards Savacal. As hard as it is to believe, reports say they bring dragons with them. I cannot imagine it. Our noble brothers would never betray us. Rajan would never betray us. The information must be wrong."

At the mention of Savacal, Ramora sat up, leaning forward to listen intently.

"Day Eighty-Three. We’ve been hearing the flapping of wings in the night. Londis, who was on guard, claims to have seen a dragon heading towards the Demon Seed encampment. The screams continue to come, day and night. As hard as it is to accept, it looks as if the dragons have betrayed us, and sided with the Demon Gods. Where is Rajan? Why has he abandoned us? Without the dragons, we cannot hope to win this war. Against them, all is surely lost."

"Bullshit," Chara blurted. "No way did Rajan betray them."

"Perhaps if you would let me finish without adding the color commentary?" Esteban asked.

"Sorry,” she muttered, leaning back.

"Day Eighty-Nine. Marchford has fallen. Cynthanis has been forced to retreat. He has ordered all armies to gather at Savacal. Londis has informed him of what we discovered, and we’ve been ordered to remain for three more days to observe, then fall back and rejoin the Emperor’s Army at the Ivory City. It’s almost impossible to believe what we’ve seen, but we now know that Rajan and his children haven’t turned on us. It’s much worse, for they have been turned on us."

"See," Chara said. Esteban and Ramora gave her a glare that silenced her for a moment, before she groused, "I did say so."

"Day Ninety. Our spies have returned, confirming what we’ve grown to believe. The Demon Seed are corrupting dragons. Those screams, how they haunt us now. The screams of our great brothers as they’re undone with the twisted magic of the demons. I cannot imagine their pain and suffering. I wish we could save them, but we’re outnumbered two to one, and Cynthanis must know of this. My heart breaks as I listen to them turn our friends into mindless beasts. It is unholy."

Ramora stared in shock. Such a thing was possible?

"Day Ninety-One. We were to leave today, but I don’t think we’ll get the chance. The screams have stopped. We sent a runner with our findings to Savacal, to inform Cynthanis, but we shall never leave this place. By nightfall, I fear Shyguard will fall. Our lives are forfeit now, for the dragons the Demon Seed have warped are moving about their camp, readying for battle. It is my hope, though, that the Immortal Emperor will find some way to free these tortured souls from their pain. Even as I write this, I see them raising their banner. The Sigil of the Fallen Dragon, Londis calls it. I wish I could see Carissia one last time."

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