Jewel's Menage

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Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #erotic romance ebooks contemporary romance mnage and sex mnage and more erotica short stories romantic erotic mnage series

BOOK: Jewel's Menage
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Jewel’s Ménage

The Key
Club 5



by Spunky Girl Publishing at Smashwords

2014 Jan Springer at Smashwords

other titles by Jan Springer at Smashwords

Cover Art
by Kellie Dennis, Book Cover by Design

Edited by
Amelia S. Black


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this edition


Jan’s Newsletter

Other Titles by Jan

About the

A Word From
The Author

Other Ways
to Connect


Chapter One

Darn, freaking storm,” Jewel muttered beneath her breath as
she dashed through the torrential rain to her delivery

Apprehension prickled along the back of her neck and although
she’d parked as close as possible to the rear entrance of the Key
Club, heart-pounding anxiety pummelled her. It was dark and stormy.
Way too dark. She wished she’d accepted Jaxie’s offer of
accompanying her out here to grab the last couple of boxes of items
in the van. But over the last couple of years, Jewel had forced
herself to become as independent as possible. Perhaps she was too
independent and had put herself in danger venturing out into the
secluded parking lot alone.

With all
this rain pouring over her, the water dripping into her eyes,
soaking her red t-shirt and blue jeans, she wished she was tucked
safely away in her warm little rental cabin and listening to the
rain crashing against her metal roof. Instead, she was smack dab in
the middle of it, just because she’d wanted to get this delivery
done tonight. She hadn’t counted on getting caught in this
unexpected storm. She cursed her stubbornness, and nudged one of
the forty-pound boxes against her hip and then tried to slide the
van door closed with her free hand.

Can we give you some help?” A man’s deep voice rumbled out of
the darkness and terror ripped into her like sharp blades. She
would have dropped the box and ran, but the shadowy figure easily
and quickly took the box from her and hoisted it into his

Oh! She
hadn’t seen or heard him. She turned to make sure she had an escape
route, just in case, but instantly realized she’d parked too close
to the huge trash containers and there was no way out. She was

opened her mouth to scream, but to her shock and horror, nothing
came out but a pathetic squeak.

Hey, Jewel, we didn’t mean to scare you.” Another man’s voice
echoed through the splashing rain.

They knew her name

that, she trembled like a leaf, turned, and blinked the drops out
of her eyes in an effort to see who the hell they were. A big, tall
guy loomed directly in front of her. He had dark hair and a gentle
smile. She had seen him around town a few times over the last year.
He was good looking and she remembered that she’d liked looking at
him from afar, but she’d been staying away from men in general and
hadn’t wanted to find a way to meet him.

Jaxie told us we should give you a hand. We came right out,”
he said. His brow furrowed as he studied her. He seemed concerned
about her reaction.

should be pouring through her, but she couldn’t stop

Here, put my coat over your head and go back inside. We’ll
bring in the boxes,” the other man said as he peered over the first
guy’s broad shoulder.

remembered seeing him as well. The two men had always been
together. He also possessed dark hair and had a dark shadow of
stubble across his cheeks and chin. They looked a little

tensed as he held out a black leather jacket. Reluctantly, she
accepted it. Warmth whispered off it as she held it up over her
head. She didn’t think twice to push past them. If they wanted to
rob her, then go ahead. She was not about to stick around to see
what else they wanted to do to her.

As she
dashed back toward the Key Club, she fully expected to be grabbed
and when nothing happened, and she raced safely into the Club’s
back door, some of the panic subsided. With trembling fingers, she
hung the leather jacket on a hall hook and peered out a nearby
window. Silvery shards of rain pummelled the parking lot and she
could barely make out the two figures at her van.

Dammit! She thought she’d grown mentally stronger over the
past year. Thought she would be able to handle everything, but from
tonight’s reaction, she realized she’d been living with false hope.
She had fooled herself into thinking she was cured. She was
a pathetic, nervous
wreck, compliments of a bad relationship that she had let get very
out of hand.

Bitterness snapped through her and hot tears bubbled up in
her eyes. Angrily she wiped the tears away. Her ex-boyfriend had
really done a number on her. Would she ever feel normal

There you are!” Jaxie, The Key Club’s owner, appeared at the
far end of the hall. Her cheerful voice soothed her jumbled nerves,
easing some of Jewel’s tension. When Jaxie drew closer, she
suddenly frowned.

What the hell happened to you? You looked like a drowned cat.
Didn’t the guys help you with the stuff? I sent them back the
minute they came into the Club.”

Jewel could reply, the door burst open and the two men stepped
inside bringing chilly wind and splatters of water with them. They
carried her boxes and their dark gazes immediately swept over
Jewel. Interest and appreciation sparkled in their eyes and despite
that, she was still shaking. She was stunned at the tingling warmth
that suddenly blasted through her.

this reaction was not normal, especially after being almost scared
to death moments ago. She hadn’t reacted to a guy, or in this case,
two guys, in so long she thought her sex life was dead forever and
she’d hoped it would stay dead.


Where do you want these boxes, Jax?” The taller of the two,
the one who’d handed Jewel his leather jacket, asked as his heated
gaze lowered to her breasts. Magnetized by his scorching
appreciation, Jewel followed his gaze and noticed her nipples were
boldly pressing against her wet t-shirt.

Your nipples are hard
. She crossed her arms over her

The men
grinned. The tallest one winked. Her cheeks heated.

she hadn’t blushed in a long time, she’d forgotten blushing even

The back room will do,” Jaxie said and the two men chuckled
and spoke in low voices as they disappeared down the

They like you,” Jaxie said with a warm smile. Her blue eyes
twinkled with a teasing glint.

The need
to get out of here away from Jaxie’s inquisitive gaze almost
overwhelmed her.

I should be going.”

By that sweet blush on your face I’m thinking maybe you’re
ready to get back into the swing of things?” Jaxie said

shook her head. “Not yet.”

lifted an eyebrow in puzzlement.

You don’t sound very convincing, girlfriend.”

Why did Jaxie have to be so bold? Thankfully, the two men picked
that moment to return and she didn’t have to get into it with Jaxie
who had recently started pushing Jewel to consider starting to date

brightened when the guys swooped in around either side of her and
hugged her affectionately. When they pulled away, she smacked them
gently in each of their bellies, before focusing her attention to
Jewel again.

I guess introductions should be in order. Jewel, these are a
couple of good friends of mine. Carson and Adam. They’re truck
drivers and they’re in town for Saturday Night’s Bring Your Own
Toys Ménage Night.”

Why did Jaxie have to mention ménage? Erotic visions of being
sandwiched between these two hunks, their cock’s pistoning into her
pussy and her ass, popped into her mind. To her horror, her cheeks
heated a few more degrees.

tallest of the two men held out his hand. His smile was warm and
his brown eyes flared with sexual interest.

I’m Carson. Pleased to meet you. Your name suits you very

hesitated in shaking hands with him as her arms were still clutched
over her breasts and she wasn’t sure she wanted show off her bold
nipples again. Not with Jaxie standing here watching her like a
hawk most likely trying to figure out a way to get Jewel together
with these two hunks.

But she
didn’t want to be rude, so she reluctantly lowered her right arm
and shook hands with Carson. His fingers were long against hers and
his palm was calloused and hot. She liked the powerful feel as he
squeezed gently. It was a let down when he let her

And I’m Adam. Pleased to meet you, Jewel,” the other man

He was
just as cute as Carson and she literally felt her knees weaken as
he smiled at her. She enjoyed the intimate way his hand dwarfed
hers as they shook hands. The power of his grip made her feel all
tingly and…submissive? She clenched her jaw at that thought. The
last thing she wanted was to be subservient to a man

Nice to meet both of you and thanks for coming to my rescue, I
really appreciate it.” She said as she injected a forced
cheerfulness into her voice.

Okay, so now that intros are out of the way, are we still on
for Wednesday’s business lunch? Bring your newest catalogs and
we’ll talk shop,” Jaxie burst in, breaking the magic that the two
men were weaving around her.

For a
split second, she didn’t know what Jaxie was talking about. Then it
rushed back to her in a whopping wave of excitement. Earlier,
before Jewel had gone out to the parking lot, Jaxie had asked her
if they could have a business meeting and discuss a large order of
adult toys that she would need for this Saturday night. Jewel had
just received a new shipment of items to stock her store and she
was eager to show Jaxie what she had available.

nodded and silently prayed Jaxie wouldn’t elaborate that the
catalogs would be filled with images of sex toys. She didn’t want
these two men to get the idea she was a sex-crazed woman because of
the store that she ran.

I’m looking forward to it,” Jewel replied.

Great. Oh, and can I bring a friend?”

For a
split second, she thought Jaxie meant she wanted to bring one of
these guys, but that idea went out the window when she mentioned
who her friend would be.

Someone I know needs some cheering up. She’s considering
putting her dad into a nursing home.”

Oh wow, that’s a hard choice,” Jewel said.

Yeah, it’s a complicated and emotional situation. Rachel feels
guilty, so I just want to give her a bit of a break and get her

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