Jewel's Menage (6 page)

Read Jewel's Menage Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #erotic romance ebooks contemporary romance mnage and sex mnage and more erotica short stories romantic erotic mnage series

BOOK: Jewel's Menage
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Or had
Jaxie just injected some hope into Jewel in an effort to keep her

Jaxie wasn’t so cruel. Besides, it would be bad for business if
Jaxie forced sex on unwilling people. She needed to trust that
Jaxie would come through for her. She would need to trust that
Carson and Adam would not hurt her.


* * * *


Go easy on her
She’s had a bad breakup and you two will be her first men in
quite awhile
. Jaxie’s words from several
days ago when they’d called to make arrangements for tonight
shifted through Adam’s thoughts as he showered in one of the Key
Club’s stalls.

His gut
clenched with anger. Some sorry son of a bitch had hurt Jewel.
That’s why he’d seen hints of sadness in her eyes. He should have
pushed Jaxie for more information on the bad breakup, but he’d kept
his mouth shut out of privacy for Jewel. When, or if, she decided
to tell them what had happened, was up to her.

He was
glad Jaxie had warned them though. She really cared about her
friends. For as long as he’d known her, she’d always looked out for
her friends, treating them like family. It was probably because she
didn’t have a family of her own. Her parents and younger siblings
had died tragically when Jaxie had been in college.

She was
such a nice person, he always wondered why she didn’t date or why
she hadn’t married.

Hey! Get your ass in gear!” Adam called from the other side of
the shower curtain.

thoughts about Jaxie vanished and snapped right back to Jewel.
Damn, he couldn’t wait to watch her pretty eyes scrunch with
pleasure when they used the toys on her.

Be out in a second,” he called and turned off the

Yep, he
was sure tonight was going to be a night Jewel wasn’t going to


* * * *


instant Carson stepped out of the shower, Adam tossed a towel at
him. His friend caught it with ease and he began drying his chest
with leisurely strokes that made Adam impatient to get on with
tonight. He wanted to see Jewel again.

Hey man, what’s your hurry?” Carson asked with a grin. His
eyes sparkled with amusement, but as Adam dropped his gaze and
spied Carson’s massive erection, he knew his friend was toying with
him and he was just as eager to get on with the event.

would be impressed with Carson’s magnificent size and she would
appreciate Adam’s size also. With the toys as their aids, they
would give Jewel a great welcome back to sex evening. Perhaps they
could even take their relationship beyond the safe confines of The
Key Club.

Now who’s the one who’s stalling?” Carson chuckled as Adam
realized he’d been standing here so deep in thought, he hadn’t
noticed Carson had slipped on his red robe and stood staring at him
with a crooked grin.

There is one problem. The key to our room. Where is it?” he

shrugged and his impatience roared to new heights.

Jaxie didn’t drop it by while I was in the shower?” Carson

shook his head.

Oh crap.” Carson grumbled and he slumped onto the

You can say that again,” Adam replied. Dejected, he joined him
to wait.


* * * *


breath caught as Jaxie called out her name.

Goodness, it was her turn to pick a key out of Jaxie’s top
hat. What if she picked the wrong key? What if she ended up with
two guys that she didn’t feel comfortable around? Maybe she should
just shake her head and bow out of this ménage?

eyes twinkled with encouragement and Jewel relaxed – a little. She
needed to learn to trust again and she had to start right now with
Jaxie. The room was silent as Jewel stepped forward and took her
place in front of Jaxie, who held the top hat high enough so Jewel
could not see inside.

reached up and dipped her hand into the hat. Cool metal touched her
flesh as she sifted through the jumble of keys. One key in
particular nudged insistently against her palm. Should she pick
that one? Indecision raged. She caught Jaxie’s gaze but she could
only read a mischievous twinkle that urged Jewel to follow her own

pulled out the key and the women gasped and so did Jewel. It was
gorgeous and glistened silver beneath the lights. The head was
shaped like a Queen’s crown and tiny red jewels sparkled at the

Congratulations you’ve picked the key to the Red Room. Please
follow standard procedure and I will meet you in the change room
with further instructions.”

tried to read Jaxie’s gaze, but she couldn’t. Gosh, the woman had a
damned good poker face. She merely smiled and nodded for Jewel to
move away.

scooted aside to allow the next woman into position. Immediately,
her attention drew back to the key. It was so beautiful. The stones
twinkled beneath the lights and if Jewel didn’t know better, she’d
think they were real red sapphires.

Wow, The Red Room, you are so lucky. That’s one of my favorite
rooms,” Rachel whispered from behind her.

turned to find Rachel standing there.

Well, hello again,” Jewel greeted. She noted that Rachel
looked tired, but despite that, she had a genuine wide grin and
clasped Jewel’s hands with eagerness.

I’m so excited for you. I think you’ll be pleased with your
accommodations for the night.”

wanted to ask Rachel if she knew for sure that Jaxie had set her up
with Adam and Carson, but Rachel suddenly let go of her hands and
excused herself, claiming she had to get back to work.

Indecision made her hesitate. Should she hang around and wait to
talk to Jaxie and get assurances that Jewel had picked the right
key? Or should she just go with what was happening?

opted for the latter. Yes, it really was time to cut loose. She
tossed the gorgeous key into her tiny sequin purse and headed
upstairs. Protocol dictated that everyone should shower and change
into robes and then wait for their instructions in the change

nervously nibbled on her lower lip and headed for the door that
would lead her to her ménage evening.


* * * *


And this is for you,” Jaxie said, as a half hour later, she
handed Jewel a bright red envelope. The two of them were alone in
the change room, mainly because Jewel had taken extra long to
shower and prepare herself with scented lotions. Then she’d waited
for the other women to receive their different colored envelopes
and instructions. When the room was empty, Jaxie had focused her
attention on her with sparkles of anticipation in her

This is also for you,” Jaxie said. She smiled warmly as she
handed Jewel a small red gift bag.

By now you probably guessed you are getting what we call the
Red Room. It’s down aisle C. The red door. I’ll leave you to change
into whatever has been gifted to you.”

turned to leave, but then swung back around. Her eyes were filled
with warmth.

I’m glad you decided to trust me. You won’t be sorry, hon. I
have to get going. Have a wonderful evening.”

waved and quickly whisked out of the room.

permeated the area and Jewel worried her bottom lip as she tore
open the envelope. The letter shook in her trembling fingers as she
read the words scrawled in bold handwriting.



We are pleased you picked the key to our
Please dress
in the beautiful lingerie and leave your luscious hair
We look
forward to pleasuring you
Your safe word is red
If at anytime you feel
the word red and we will stop immediately

When you get to our room
please do not undress
Climb beneath the sheets and place
on the blindfold that is supplied
We will do the rest

Your pleasure partners


Oh my
gosh. They were up to something daring that’s why they’d supplied a
safe word. She inhaled a shuddering breath. What did they have in

moments later, Jewel’s heart cracked a furious tune as she stood,
clad in a red robe, in front of the red door in hallway C. The key
insignia on the door matched the key she held.

This would be their room for the night

swallowed against her suddenly dry mouth, slid the key into the
hole and turned. A click followed. She opened the door, stepped
into a short hallway, and closed the door behind her. She hung the
key on the hook, beneath a red placard with white letters that
instructed her to leave the key there.

was another hook with a sign instructing her to hang up her robe.
She trembled in anticipation as she slipped it off and hung it up.
Now she was clad only in the beautiful red lingerie the men had
purchased at her store the other day. Minus the panty. She hadn’t
been able to find it. Whether it had been omitted on purpose she
wasn’t sure, but she’d opted to go with no undies of her

followed along a short hallway, which led to a cozy room. The room
was large and decorated in blood-red, wheat-yellow and
mushroom-colored hues. At first glance, it appeared to be just any
ordinary bedroom. The walls were painted light beige and a plush
oval red carpet had been lain over a dark brown veneer floor. A
brass king-sized bed dominated part of the room. Tossed on the bed
lay mushroom-colored puffy pillows and a pretty heart-patterned

closer inspection, she spied eyelets on the bed posts and discreet
hooks dangled from various areas on the ceiling. A couple of large
storage cabinets were set against a far wall and frilly white
curtains hung at each of the three windows.

breath halted as she spotted the red blindfold placed on top of one
of the pillows.



* * * *


You two boys look totally frustrated,” Jaxie laughed as she
entered the men’s change room and spied Carson and Adam. They sat
on a bench seat clad in their red robes wearing severe

they saw her, relief poured over their faces.

We’re waiting for the-”

stopped as she held up the key.

Your partner is waiting for the two of you in your

Jewel?” Adam asked.

Anxiety laced his voice, but Jaxie refused to waver. No matter
how much she wanted to tell them the truth,
she needed their trust
. It would be
good for business if people learned to trust her. Besides, she
loved getting people together. It filled an empty part of her heart
that she was sure would never be filled again.

She shrugged off the dark cloud that suddenly loomed over her
emotions. She didn’t want to think about the past. She wanted to be
happy and to get these two together with Jewel. They would be the
perfect match. She could
it deep inside.

You boys wound me with your doubts. Why don’t you go and have
a look. Who wants the-”

She held
up the key and Adam grabbed it before she could finish the

Eager little beavers aren’t you?” she laughed.

Happiness spilled through her as Carson leaned in and gave
her a sweet kiss on her cheek.

You are a doll, Jaxie,” he whispered and then pulled

To her
surprise, Adam grabbed her by her shoulders, pulled her close and
planted a fast kiss on her mouth. Then he hugged her

You’re the best, Jax,” he said, and let her go. His eyes
sparkled with something she recognized as true

shot of happiness shifted inside her heart and she felt giddy with

Ah, come on guys. Get out of here and show that girl what
she’s been missing.”

watched them leave and brushed away a renegade tear.

Man, she
really loved her job.


Chapter Five


The soft
sound of a key twisting in the lock made Jewel inhale sharply. The
blindfold covered her eyes and she lay tense beneath the sheets.
She wore the red lingerie the guys had purchased, minus the panty.
She felt sexy and she felt wanted, even if it was just

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