Jewel's Menage (8 page)

Read Jewel's Menage Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #erotic romance ebooks contemporary romance mnage and sex mnage and more erotica short stories romantic erotic mnage series

BOOK: Jewel's Menage
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Her mind
whirled with confusion and she opened her eyes. Suddenly the binds
on her wrists were being removed by Carson. His face was tight with
arousal and perspiration beaded his upper lip.

grabbed her ankles and easily tugged her down along the mattress
toward the foot of the bed. Carson’s strong hands lifted her hips
and a pillow was shoved beneath her ass. Her knees were uplifted
and her feet swiftly positioned at the edge of the bed.

spread her legs wide open. She creamed as Adam, his jaw clenched,
peered down between her thighs. He held the base of his swollen
erection. It was flushed an angry red, and near to bursting over
the edges of the black cock rings adorning his shaft.

This is a better position for both of us to take you,” Carson
whispered. He hid Adam from her view as he climbed onto the bed and
over her. He began to squat over her face.

You are a beauty, Jewel,” Carson whispered from above. He
grinned down at her. His gaze was appreciative and his eyelids
heavy with lust.

that two men were intimately touching her and pleasuring her made
her feel beautiful. It gave her a powerful rush of being needed.
She loved the idea that maybe sex between them would happen again.
But only if they ended this exquisite torture and soon.

A moment
later, Carson pressed his flared cockhead between her lips.
Instantly his solid flesh filled her mouth and he pushed until his
cockhead touched the back of her throat. She licked his shaft’s
underside, loving the web of elevated veins and the bulges of his
flesh around his cock rings.

tightened her lips and he groaned. The guttural sound vibrated
through her, snapping like live wires against her nerve

withdrew and quickly fell into a succulent thrusting, each powerful
piston followed by an erotic moan that exploded through her senses.
Eagerly, she accepted each stroke, slurping around his ultra-thick

familiar heady rush whipped around her and she loved it. Mercy, it
had been a long time since she’d been in the swing of such
intriguing sexual freedom. It was like she’d been all damned up and
these two were poking holes in the dam. Any second she would

Ready, baby?” Adam called out.

Like she
could answer with Carson’s cock in her mouth? She clenched her lips
tighter. Carson groaned.

moaned as hot hands sensually rubbed up and down her inner thighs.
His erotic touch made her tremble. She creamed. His hands slipped
off her. Desperation and anticipation whirled as she waited
impatiently for penetration.

She was
throbbing, eager and needing release. She sucked harder on Carson’s
shaft. His flesh hardened and jerked.

inhaled as a large cockhead nudged into her vagina. She arched her
hips, wanting him, needing him. He slid his pulsing flesh deeper
and her pussy muscles clenched. She struggled to breathe as Carson
drove harder into her mouth.

condom-sheathed cock sunk deeper. She inhaled harshly at the
abundance of hard veins pressing against her vaginal muscles. The
pressure was intense, the length of his shaft,

moaned as Adam suddenly drove his cock into her pussy. He buried
his shaft deep inside. He withdrew and then entered. She tensed as
both men swiftly fell into a sensual rhythm.

drove harder, faster. Their pistoning thrusts were perfectly timed
and the incredible sensations swiftly shoved her to the razor sharp
edge of pleasure. They kept thrusting and rocking into

Perspiration blossomed over her skin. Her pussy muscles
quivered and tightened. She stiffened as erotic sensations cascaded
through her with lightning speed. Guttural moans and the slurpy
sounds of wet sex drowned everything else. She creamed hotly. She
sucked his engorged shaft harder.

combination of their cocks pummelling her, pushed her over the
sweet edge, and she was airborne. Carnal sensations lashed her and
she convulsed into the firestorm of pleasure. It was deep and
penetrating and it wrapped around her like a blissful cocoon. She
shook and enjoyed.

vibrations lashed her like tiny whips. She loved the sensuality and
the burst of freedom. Finally the spectacular shivers ebbed and she
collapsed into a wondrous relief. They had set her free. Free to
trust again. It was the best feeling in the world.


Chapter Six


Wow, you came apart at the seams, didn’t you, baby.” Carson
chuckled as he withdrew his cock from her and climbed off the bed.
It took a bit of work, but he managed to remove his cock rings. He
winced at the sweet pain of blood rushing into his cock. Then he
gazed down at her. She didn’t say anything, but a curious tender
feeling clutched at his heart as she smiled up at him. Her eyes had
a warm, satisfied glow and he realized he was lost in her sensual

There’s plenty more where that came from,” Adam said from the
foot of the bed. Carson gazed over to discover Adam had already
withdrawn his cock from her and had removed his rings from his
semi-limp shaft.

It was
time to move the party into the next room.

whimpered as Carson lifted her into his arms. Her soft, warm body
quivered as he held her close and damned if his cock didn’t begin
to throb again. Man, he would be ready for another round in no time
flat if he kept reacting like this to her.

nodded thanks to Adam who opened the door that led to the adjoining
room. It was an oversized bathroom and the red color theme had
continued in here too. The walls had been painted a sultry shade of
red, white lace curtains hung at the window and plenty of bright
red towels were rolled onto a large white wicker shelf. Mirrors
lined the walls around a huge claw foot bathtub.

Carson and himself had already been in here and prepared a tub full
of steaming hot water with vanilla scented bath oils and bubble
bath. He inhaled softly as Jewel reached up and softly caressed his
cheek. It was such a soft, intimate touch that his legs just about
melted beneath him. Man, she made him feel so damned sexy when she
touched him this way.

Don’t look down
Don’t do it
or you’ll fall in love with her

heated gaze was riveted to his face and pulled at him like a
magnet. He knew he shouldn’t look down at her, yet like the fool
that he was, he dropped his gaze and fell headlong into that sweet
little smile she held for him.

Thank you,” she whispered.

Don’t ask her for what
Don’t do it

And yet
again, he just went with his gut and left himself wide open to

For what?” he whispered back.

For making me feel alive again.”

answer shocked him right down to the tips of his toes.

looked over at Adam who stared back at him with a wistful
expression. He could tell his friend wanted to be the one holding
her in his arms and to whom her words were directed. He also knew
he should hand her over to Adam, but he couldn’t do it.

Thank you. Both of you for reminding me how it is to feel like
a woman.” Her voice was soft and sexy and boy it really did a
number on his cock. It hardened and jerked and he tightened his jaw
to keep from moaning.

waited until Adam tested the water temperature to ensure it was
safe. When he nodded, Carson stepped over the bathtub rim with


* * * *


warm water embraced Jewel as Carson settled into the bathtub with
her on his lap. She didn’t know how he’d sat down with her in his
arms, but he had. His hot erection branded along her closed thighs
and she shivered as his flesh thickened.

Where did Adam go?” she asked as she melted against his hard
body. Thick, sinewy muscles pressed against her back and his hot
breath whispered along her neck.

Refreshments,” he breathed. “And toys.”


Anticipation rolled over her and she inhaled several deep,
steadying breaths. Her pussy throbbed pleasantly and her lips
burned wonderfully, yet she needed to take this down time and

Do you two come here often?” she asked before she could even
think to stop herself.

Not much. We come through town several times a year on a run,
but we’ve only recently begun to experiment in sharing.”

nodded. She was pleasantly surprised to learn they were new to

How about you?” he asked.

I used to come here, but…” she hesitated.

barely knew Carson. She shouldn’t be telling him the bad stuff
she’d experienced with her ex-boyfriend.

But, what?” Adam asked as he strolled into the bathroom. He
held a tray and set it down on a small table near the foot of the
tub. Her gaze immediately drew to his torso. More particularly to
his engorged shaft.

My, oh
my. Yes, he was very well-hung and already erect again.

having just climaxed, sweet shivers of arousal swept through her.
She wanted them to make love to her again.

Hold off on answering that. Here, I made this especially for
you, my lady,” Adam said as he handed her a tall glass.

Oh! Iced tea,” she gasped and eagerly accepted it.

Jaxie said it’s one of your favorite non-alcoholic

nodded and took several swallows. The sweet, cold beverage soothed
her parched throat and moistened her tongue.

What else did Jaxie tell you about me?” she asked, suddenly
eager to know what they had been told.

Well, let me see…” Adam replied with a grin. He handed Carson
an ice-crusted beer mug filled with a shimmering amber liquid,
which she could smell as beer.

grabbed the other mug for himself and quickly stepped into the
large tub with them. A moment later, he was snuggled chest deep in
frothy bubbles, sipping his beer and studying her with an
inquisitive gaze.

Jaxie did mention you own the toy store…” Adam said

But you already knew that. You came to visit me there. So,
what is it that you know?”

Jaxie have told them about her ex and all the crap he’d put her

She mentioned that the gold wedding band you were wearing
wasn’t yours and it is a defense mechanism.” Adam gazed down at her
bare ring finger. Heat fused her cheeks.

Understandable as she said some son of a bitch hurt you bad.
Give me his name and I will kill him,” Carson whispered against her

Oh dear.
Despite the violence lacing his voice, instincts told her she was
safe with him. Her ex…not so much.

She also said you handled him and he’s out of the picture,”
Adam added.

It took
her a split second to figure out the dynamics of the two men.
Carson was the fighter. He was also the protector and a man who
would make sure his woman was always safe.

Adam was
the man of words. The negotiator. The one who would keep things
running smoothly.

The two
men complimented each other.

Instantly, she liked the impression they were giving her.
Dependable, reliable, sexy and caring.

Yes, he was handled. And I did have to work through some
damage.” She would tell them another time that it had been her
sister who had done the dirty deed in giving Mark the boot because
she hadn’t been brave enough to do it.

lifted her chin in defiance. She’d been down in the dumps for quite
some time. Beaten into submission by her ex’s words. They said that
words could wound as much as fists. It was true.

But, I’m better now,” she admitted.

So much better

she was really ready to move on with her life. Maybe even with
these two sweeties?

relaxed some more, pressing against Carson’s thick chest while she
drank the remainder of her iced tea. The sharp inhalation of
Carson’s breath and the intense swollen shaft pulsing against her
butt was perfect. The soothing drink was flawless. These two men
were perfect.

she really was going to be alright.


* * * *


immediately noticed the change in Jewel. He hadn’t even realized
she’d been tense until he witnessed the transformation. Suddenly
her smile brightened, her eyes carried a sharper twinkle and her
bare shoulders loosened as she relaxed against Carson.

been talking about her son of a bitch ex and she said she was
better now. Realization had quickly followed her words. She’d
worked her way out of a protective cocoon and he had seen her
transformation. It was something he would remember forever and
suddenly he was glad Carson had been the one carrying her, and
placing her in his lap, because if it had been him, he would have
missed what he’d just witnessed.

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