Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2 (5 page)

BOOK: Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2
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He straightened and smiled at her. “Glad to know I didn’t forget how.”

She wanted to sit up and gather him into her arms, but she couldn’t move a muscle yet. She was nothing but a quivering mass of orgasmic bliss. “Oh, believe me, you remembered just fine.”

“I’ll never forget again. I promise.” Will grasped her hands and pulled her up and into his arms. She sighed as his hard muscles brushed along her sensitized skin. His cock was hard again, too, dark and heavy on her hip.

His face was still shiny with her juices. She’d never seen him like that before. When he lowered his mouth to hers, when he kissed her deeply, passionately, she noticed the unfamiliar taste of herself on his lips. She let her tongue wander as she plunged it through his parted lips, sweeping around the warm and wet recesses of the mouth she loved so much.

When she wrapped her arms around his firm, warm body, she sighed with the kind of contentment she’d been missing for far too long. She pressed her hands to his sweat-slicked back and her hip into his erection. She’d never get tired of touching him. Never again.

Too soon he lifted his lips from hers and stepped away. He took her hand and winked. “Let’s see what’s going on next door.”

It was only a few steps to the window. Will drew her up to the glass, so close she could have reached out and touched the cool surface. The couple was still on the large mattress in the center of the room. The young man had lifted his girl’s hips and buried his face between her legs. Amy’s heart pounded as she watched the blonde writhe beneath him, her fingers tightly gripping his hair, her mouth open in a silent cry.

“God, that’s so hot,” Will murmured. He stepped behind Amy and rubbed his cock against her ass. His breath was rough and ragged in her ear. “Look how she moves.” As the blonde’s body rocked wildly, Will thrust his erection over and over along the crease between Amy’s cheeks. The momentum pushed her forward and she had to put her hands out to catch herself against the window.

Braced against the glass, Amy arched her back and pushed against Will, pulsing her bottom in time with his thrusts. Her arousal built so quickly again, she could hardly believe it. She kept her hands spread on the glass, her eyes focused on the couple in front of them, but the man pressed into her bottom held all her attention.

The young man in front of her crawled up the mattress, his body rubbing against his girl’s tight body as he moved. Then, without even pausing, he plunged his cock between the blonde’s legs. At the same time, Will grabbed Amy’s hips, pulling her up onto her tiptoes, and thrust his cock deep into her with a single stroke.

Her breath caught as the force shoved her against the glass. His hard cock filled her completely, touching the deepest part of her. She loved him so much. How could she have almost let this slip away?

She was so close to the window now that her face was pressed up against the cold surface, like a little girl staring into a candy shop, her breath fogging up the glass. She watched the blonde wrap her legs around her guy’s hips and felt Will’s fingers grip her more tightly. He slowly thrust in and out of her, dragging his hard erection against the sensitive flesh of her hot core. The incredible friction built up the arousing tension in her again.

“Oh god, Will,” she moaned.

His movements became faster, rougher. He plunged harder into her, over and over again. He lifted her hips a little higher and his cock dove deep and rubbed against her in a new way. Amy gasped as another strong orgasm overtook her, surprising her. Her breath caught in her throat and she curled her fingers against the smooth surface of the glass. As her inner muscles clenched around Will, he cried out and came as well, spilling his hot seed into her.

He wrapped his arms around her as their orgasms rocked their bodies. He bent over her and kissed her shoulder, his hips still rocking against hers. Amy gasped for breath and rested her forehead on the glass. Once the tremors from the orgasms faded, he slipped out of her and helped her stand. She turned in his arms, still weak from the intense lovemaking.

Amy knew they’d have a lot of making up to do with each other. She held on to him tightly, afraid she might still lose him, even after all they’d gone through tonight. She knew how easy it was to let the distractions of everyday life come between them. She was still afraid of what might happen after they left this room.

Will kissed her lightly. “I love you, Amy.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “I love you too, Will.”

She didn’t want them to ever have to leave this place. Could anything come as close to perfect as these last few minutes had been? What would happen once the real world interfered again? She didn’t want to think about it.

Finally, Will spoke. “I want to tell you why I was late tonight.”

She didn’t want to hear about it, but the world was going to barge in whether she was ready or not. “Okay, but it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“It matters.” Will led her over to the sofa and then sat beside her. He held her hand and stroked her fingers lightly, but it didn’t relax her. She was suddenly nervous. Maybe it did matter.

“When you called me this afternoon and asked me to meet you here tonight, I knew that we’d reached a crisis.” He grinned slightly. “I realized things must be desperate for you to actually make an appointment at a fantasy club.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “I knew I’d been spending too much time at work but I guess it was easier just to stay in the same routine than to do something about it.”

Amy nodded. “I know exactly what you mean.”

“So after we made our plans to meet tonight, I knew I had to make an effort too. I talked to the CEO this afternoon about cutting back on the hours I spend at work. He wasn’t happy about it, but I told him it was either forty hours a week or I’d find another job.”

“Will!” He’d fought so hard for that job. He’d been so proud of the promotion he’d earned. Amy couldn’t believe he’d actually threatened to quit.

“Ssh. I had to take the chance.” He pressed his fingertips against her lips and smiled. “The negotiations took a lot longer than I thought they would, but I wasn’t going to accept any less. I was ready to walk out of the meeting in order to get here to meet you on time and I think that’s when the boss finally understood I really meant it. So I’m sorry that it took a little longer to get everything ironed out. But in the end, he agreed to everything I wanted.”

Amy’s eyes prickled. He’d been ready to quit a job he loved for her. She swept her fingers over the face she loved so much. The man she loved. “I’ll never again say I’m too tired to be with you. We’ll work it out. From now on, it’s you and the kids. Nothing else matters.” She kissed him hard and then looked him in the eye. “Nothing else matters,” she repeated.

“Now that I can be home earlier, I can help too. With the kids. With the house. You shouldn’t have to do it all.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. “We’ll work it out. And we have to promise we won’t avoid each other instead of talking it out.”

The smile that spread across her face felt wonderful. “I promise.”

“So do we book a room again?” Will asked with a wink. “I’m thinking once a month would work.”

Wow, this night certainly hadn’t turned out like she thought it would. Like she’d hoped, maybe, but she’d never thought it would end with them making the Playhouse a regular stop. She turned her head to see what was going on in the room next door. Will followed her gaze. They saw the blonde blow them a kiss and then the curtain closed, covering the window completely.

Will pulled her on top of his lap, facing him, her legs on either side of his hips. He looked at her again with that loving expression she’d never get tired of. The heat from his gaze was hotter than his warm body. “Thank you for taking the first step tonight.” He gathered her breasts into his hands. He was already growing hard again against her pussy. “I understand there are a lot of different fantasy rooms in this place. Next time I’ll make the plans and surprise you. Is it a date?”

Amy laughed out loud. She felt younger and freer than she had in ages. They had another chance. “It’s a date.”

About the Author

Natasha Moore fell in love with the written word as soon as she could read. As she grew up, she discovered romance and now enjoys the chance to add some extra sizzle to her stories. She lives in New York State with her real life hero who is happy to tell everyone that he’s her inspiration. They travel in their RV whenever possible. The great thing about writing is she can take it anywhere.

To learn more about Natasha Moore, please visit

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Look for these titles by Natasha Moore

Now Available:


The Ride of Her Life

The Passion-Minded Professor

Bound by Design

Binding Ties

See Me

Flaunt It


Coming Soon:


Paolo’s Playhouse:

Birthday Girl


He’ll put her on display, if that’s what it takes to keep her…


Flaunt It

© 2011 Natasha Moore


When it comes to sexy and sassy, Piper, the most popular waitress at Ben’s bar, has it all going on. Now that they’re dating, though, Ben wishes she’d dial down the skimpy clothes and flirty attitude, and her habit of dancing around the bar and flashing to her favorite song. Every teasing peek at her body, every laugh at some customer’s lousy joke, is certainly good for business—but it sends his jealousy meter into the red zone.

They’re dating, sure, but he’s no muscled, tattooed stud with diamonds in his ears. How can he compete, especially when she refuses to even spend the night at his place?

Desperate, Ben books a room at his friend Paolo’s fantasy club, hoping an erotic night in front of a two-way mirror will get her exhibitionist streak out of her system. Praying it won’t prove his greatest fears—that she lives only to show off. And he’s not that special to her at all…

Warning: Flirting and pole dancing, hot sex and showing off for an invisible audience. Stop by the playhouse and live out your fantasies!


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Flaunt It:

Instead of walking over to Ben, Piper headed for the new guy with the tats. Ben supposed women would think he was sexy with his long dark hair, a tribal tattoo spanning his massive biceps, and the diamond stud in his ear. Even though he already had his drink, she hung out at the end of the bar for much longer than Ben thought she needed to. She laughed at something the guy said then leaned into him and placed her hand on his muscular arm. The bastard reached out and brushed her soft hair back over the curve of her ear. Ben glared at them, but neither of them looked his way.

How could he compete with these guys? He was just an average guy. No big muscles. No tats or piercings. He was pretty bland and boring compared to a lot of guys who came into the bar. Piper was anything but boring.

Ben got Jake a refill and then made his way down to the end of the bar. He was about to ask the leather and diamond-stud guy if he wanted another whiskey when he heard him ask Piper what time she got off work. Ben froze when all he wanted to do was reach across the bar and rip the guy’s throat out. He waited to see what Piper would say.

She smiled and patted the guy’s arm. Then she rose up on her toes and whispered something in the guy’s ear. He shifted his gaze to Ben then smiled and tipped his head. In recognition? Or in triumph? Ben couldn’t tell for sure. But Piper left the bar to make the rounds of the tables and the tattoo guy left soon after.

When she came back with a few orders, he noticed the weariness etched around her eyes. “Are you okay?” He poured her a cola and slid the glass across the bar. “Did all that dancing tire you out?” He winced at how nasty that sounded and added a laugh to let her know he didn’t really mind her putting on a show for all the guys in the bar. Not really.

She must have been too tired to notice the edge to his voice. Either that or she just ignored it. She took a sip of soda. “That new guy in the apartment upstairs is so noisy when I’m trying to sleep. I think he’s raising a herd of elephants up there.”

Ben opened his mouth to reply but she held up her hand to stop him before he could get a word out. “I know what you’re going to say.”

He sighed and said it anyway. “You know you can spend the night at my house. No noisy neighbors. Big warm bed.” He grabbed her hand. “Come home with me tonight and get some sleep.”

“Ah, but would I get any sleep?” she asked with a grin.

She tried to make it a joke but Ben knew better. He wanted her to move in with him and yet she’d never even agreed to spend the night at his house.

He didn’t say anything to Piper about the Playhouse until their relief arrived. She climbed up on a barstool with a curious grin on her pink lips. Her lip color matched the wide pink stripe of hair at her temple, a bright contrast to the rest of her short, spiky, platinum blonde hair.

“I didn’t know Chuck and Tanya were working tonight.” She grabbed a couple of swizzle sticks and drummed them on the bar. “I thought we were working late. What’s going on?”

“Last-minute plans,” he said smoothly. “Hope that’s okay.”

“Sure. Spontaneous is cool.” She tossed the sticks aside and leaned closer. She smelled like sunshine, even after dancing and working the floor for hours. “Can you tell me about it or is it a big secret?”

He took a deep breath. “Remember my friend, Paolo? I’ve told you about him.”

“Yeah, I remember. The guy who has the sex place, right?”

“Right. We’re going there tonight.”

Her eyes widened. “Is it like one of those dungeons I’ve heard about?”

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