Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2

BOOK: Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2
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To Suz, for coming in and embracing this series and helping to make it even better.

Chapter One

If the rain slashing across the windshield was any indication of how the evening was going to go, Amy knew she should turn the car around and head home right now. But rain was just rain, for goodness sake, not a bad omen. She wasn’t going to let a little cold water dampen her spirits or wash away the shivers of anticipation skittering over her skin.

She had such high hopes for what the night might bring that she couldn’t help but be excited. Even if she had to turn the windshield wipers on high just to see where she was going. She took a deep breath as she turned into the parking lot in front of the renovated building where Paolo’s Playhouse was located.

Paolo’s Playhouse. Just the name called forth all sorts of naughty fantasies for her. She could still remember the enticing words of the ad tucked in the bottom corner of the newspaper. They seemed to be speaking directly to her.
A new playground for consenting adults. Playrooms for every interest or desire. Bring your own plaything or we can provide one for you. We’ll help your fantasies come to life.

After a sleepless night hugging her side of the bed, Amy had called in sick to work that morning. It wasn’t really a lie. Her stomach had hurt ever since Will left for work, briefcase in hand, without kissing her goodbye. She’d never been one for taking chances, but ignoring the problem hadn’t made it go away. It had only made it worse.

She had to do something, so she’d screwed up the courage to call the number in the ad. The man she’d talked to on the phone had just about the sexiest voice she’d ever heard. As he talked to her about the possibilities the playhouse offered, she couldn’t help but think about when she and Will had been young and in love, and couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The man—had it been
Paolo?—had been so understanding and assured her that he had the perfect playroom for them. Not even the current downpour could drown her enthusiasm.

No. All that took was one glance around the parking lot. No sign of Will’s SUV.

Amy pulled into the closest parking space she could find and slammed the gear lever into park. Then she took a deep breath and dropped her head back onto the seat. There was no sense in getting angry just because she’d arrived first. She focused on the ripple of excitement that ran through her body as she imagined what she’d find inside.

The renovated brick warehouse held trendy shops and restaurants. No one would know there was a sexual playhouse on the third floor. What would it look like? Would it resemble an old west bordello, with dark flocked wallpaper and ornate furniture? Or was it like one of those dungeons she’d heard about, with scary equipment on the floor and hanging from the walls?

After talking to Paolo, it didn’t sound as if it would be a sleazy place. God, she hoped it wasn’t. Will would never forgive her.

When he still hadn’t shown up a few minutes later, she dug her cell phone out of her purse and punched in his number. Will didn’t answer. It went straight to his voice mail. He was always in some damned important meeting. She resisted the urge to leave him a message she might regret, closed the phone and tossed it back into her bag.

Once she’d reserved the room, Amy had spent the last few hours in eager anticipation and careful preparation, showering and shaving, buffing and slathering on the scented lotion Will had given her for Christmas. She’d blow-dried her hair into a fluffier, sexier version of her no-nonsense bob and went a little more dramatic on the makeup. Would Will even notice?

She rarely took the time—rarely
the time—to spend on herself. She worked a full-time job, in addition to being a mom and a cook and housecleaner and a wife. Troy and Eva always needed help with homework and rides to dance and soccer practice. Then there was laundry and dishes and all the other household chores. Who had time to be a sexy woman anymore? But unfamiliar excitement had tingled in her stomach as she put on the lacy bra and panties she’d picked up after she dropped off the kids with her parents for the night.

Amy finally got tired of waiting in her car, listening to the drumbeat of the rain on the roof. This was supposed to have been an erotic rendezvous, dammit. The thrills of anticipation she’d felt driving over were slowly morphing into sparks of anger. She stepped out of the car and cold rain trickled down her neck before she could duck under her umbrella. She slammed the door as hard as she could and made a mad dash across the well-lit parking lot.

She shook out her umbrella after stepping into the small foyer. The elevator ride up to the third floor was quick and smooth. There was a coat closet just inside the waiting room. Amy left her coat and umbrella there and then turned to look around the small room. It was quite elegant, not sleazy at all. The deep beautiful colors were probably supposed to be sensual and decadent, but they just seemed dark and oppressive to her. Or was that what her marriage had become?

Tears prickled at her eyes, but Amy refused to let them fall. He wasn’t really late yet. She glanced at her watch. Yes, dammit, he was.

The fancy door at the end of the room opened, startling her. A handsome young man with dark wavy hair and bright blue eyes stepped into the room. His smile was warm and charming. “Mrs. Carson? Welcome. I am Paolo.” He shook her hand and then held it between his large, warm palms. “It was wonderful to talk to you today. I hope you didn’t get too wet tonight.”

His sincere charm sucked her in. She smiled back at him. “No. I’m fine, thank you.”

He swept his gaze around the room. “Are you alone? I was under the impression your husband would be coming with you tonight.”

Amy cleared her throat and slid her hand from his. “He will be. He’s running a little late.”

Paolo held her gaze for a moment. “Of course. I’m certain this terrible weather is causing many delays this evening. Would you like me to escort you to the blue room now or would you rather wait for him here?”

Go to a sexual playroom by herself? Her heart stuttered in her chest and she felt her face grow warm. “I’ll wait here, thank you.”

Paolo nodded and shot her another one of his warm smiles. “As you wish. I’ll check back with you in a few minutes.”

He disappeared behind the ornate door and Amy sank into one of the plush chairs, her stomach nothing but a bunch of knots. She clutched her purse in her lap. Soft classical music drifted through the room, but it did nothing to calm her frazzled nerves. Where was he? She’d made all these plans, thinking that all they needed was a little change. Some time alone together. Something fun to add a little spark to their sex life.

A chance to save their marriage.

Oh God, had it really gone that far? Could she actually be considering divorce? She pressed a trembling hand to her mouth.
She still loved her husband. She didn’t want to end their marriage. Icy fear slid down her spine. But maybe Will did. Maybe that was why he decided it wasn’t worth the trouble to meet her here tonight.

She tried to tell herself she was overreacting. Will had never said anything that would make her think he wanted a divorce.

When Paolo had mentioned during their phone conversation that there was a voyeur room, an old memory had popped into her head. When she and Will were first dating, they used to find a dark corner booth in one of the clubs downtown. Then they’d sit back and talk about the couples on the dance floor. They’d watch them. Their bodies rubbing. Their hands roaming. She and Will would whisper and touch each other. They’d be so hot. So horny. So happy. It was so long ago. Would he remember?

The door opened again. Paolo stepped into the room. “Your husband has not arrived?”

She took a deep, shaky breath. “No.”

He sat down in the chair beside her. “It is difficult to wait, isn’t it?” She nodded, looking down at her hands, clasped in her lap. “Especially for someone you care for so much.”

Amy nodded again. She thought she heard a touch of pain in his voice. Perhaps this handsome man had had his share of heartbreak. Maybe he did understand.

“I…um, I was really looking forward to this evening. We have two children and busy jobs, and we don’t get much time alone.”

“People like you and your husband are the very reason the Playhouse was started,” he said smoothly. “There are not many safe places for people to indulge in a private fantasy. Or to try something new. To take a risk.”

Sometimes risks didn’t pay off. Paolo must be an expert at this fantasy thing, must see tons of people come and go. As he calmly sat there beside her, not judging but supporting, she found herself pouring out her troubled thoughts.

“It’s not that I don’t like sex. I
But why can’t he understand that I get so tired? I work all day and come home to the kids and dinner and homework and laundry, and by the time I fall into bed, sex is the last thing on my mind!” Her hand flew to her mouth, as if she could take back that outpouring of words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that.”

“It’s all right. But you know, of course, that you must make time for each other.”

“But he’s just as bad. He’s been working all these long hours lately and comes home just in time to go to bed and then expects a quickie before he rolls over and goes to sleep.” Like last night. “What am I supposed to do?”

“My answer is the same. You must make your time together as important as your careers or your children or your laundry.”

Easier said than done. But… “I love him.”

“Of course you do. And you’re here to make things better, right? This playroom, the blue room, it has a special meaning for you both?”

“I thought it did, but it looks like I’ve been stood up.” Obviously, this night alone together didn’t mean anything to Will.

Paolo took her hand. “I’m certain your husband wanted to be here.” He glanced at his watch. “Perhaps you would like to reschedule?”

“No.” Why couldn’t they wait a little longer? “Oh, I suppose the other couple has…”

“Yes, they’ve already started.”

She rose to her feet. The hell with Will anyway. Postponing it until another night wasn’t going to make any difference. She flashed Paolo a shaky smile. “Well, I don’t want to miss that. Could you take me to the playroom now, please?”

“Of course. Right this way.” He ushered her through the door.

She stopped in the doorway and looked into his sympathetic eyes. “If my husband should show up…”

Paolo placed his hand on the small of her back as he guided her down the long hallway. “When he gets here, I’ll bring him to you myself. I’m sure he’s very disappointed to be kept away from his beautiful wife and your exciting fantasy tonight.”

She didn’t reply. There was no point. She didn’t want to tell this charming young man that she was afraid her husband was using his long hours at work as an excuse to keep away from his wife and any fantasies they might be able to share.

There was a quiet hush as they continued along the soft carpet. Soon they stopped in front of one of the many doors. When Paolo opened the door to the room she’d booked with such high hopes, she took a deep breath and stepped ahead of him into a small room with deep blue walls and plush carpet. There was nothing bordello or dungeon-like about it. Thick, colorful pillows were piled here and there on the floor. There was a wide bed sitting along the wall to her left, while a sofa and two ottomans faced the opposite wall.

She gasped when she saw the huge window that took up the entire wall to her right. The room on the other side of the window was brightly lit and she could easily see an attractive young couple standing in front of the glass. They looked so real, so close, as if she could reach out and touch them. As if they could jump out at her at any time.

“It’s a two-way mirror,” Paolo explained. “They can’t see you at all. You won’t be able to hear what they say, but you should have a clear view of anything that happens in that room through this window. The couple does have the option of closing their curtain at any time, but since they’ve chosen that room, I assume they want to be seen as much as you want to watch.”

But she hadn’t planned on watching alone. Still, Amy gave Paolo a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Is there anything more I can do for you before I leave?” he asked.

Stay here with me?
But that wasn’t what Amy really wanted. She didn’t want to be there alone, but she didn’t want another man, even one as sexy as Paolo. She wanted her husband. She wanted Will. Amy crossed her arms over her chest. “No. Thank you. I’m fine.”

“I hope you enjoy your stay here.” Paolo began to turn away then stopped and took her hand. Kissed it. “Just because your husband has been delayed doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself to the fullest while you are here.” He spoke the words slowly, carefully. “We all have to satisfy ourselves sometimes, don’t we?”

She swallowed. “Yes, of course.” She knew what he was talking about, but there was no way she could enjoy this fantasy room by herself. She didn’t want to stay here alone and watch other people having sex. She’d sneak out in a few minutes and go back to her empty house, take care of all the housework waiting at home, like any other night.

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