Road to Casablanca (14 page)

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Authors: Leah Leonard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Road to Casablanca
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Erick looked up to see Mr. Jibade and three other men walking up to the table.

“Good afternoon. How are you, sir?”

“Are you ready for golf?”

Perfect timing, in fact.”



















Chapter Twelve


Cindy smiled as she walked away from the table, the tingle of Erick’s kiss and the scent of his cologne still fresh.
She had to admit was quite a charmer, but there was something indescribable about him too, and it was that special something that made her feel the time couldn’t pass fast enough until she could see him again.

Down at the bottom of the long flight of stone steps, a sign pointed the way to the spa and salon.
The scent of fresh flowers filled Cindy’s nose and the sun warmed her shoulders on her walk through the gardens.

At least a half dozen expertly coiffed ladies passed her by, all looking incredibly relaxed and smelling of scented lotions, so Cindy knew she was headed in the right direction.

The salon doors were partially hidden by palm trees, flowers and a thick thatched roof.
A beautiful young girl with long dark hair and olive skin greeted her at the door.

“Hello, welcome to Sultana Spa. How may we help?”

“I’m Cindy Brown.
I have an appointment at the spa this afternoon.”

“Yes, Ms. Brown.
We’ve been expecting you.
Come right this way.”

Cindy followed the girl down a long tiled hallway; relaxing music played softly in the background.

“We will begin today with your haircut, followed by a facial, massage, and mud bath.
After that, you may shower and we will style your hair and do your makeup.”

Cindy couldn’t believe she was being given such a treat.
Erick was a generous man. Of course she realized he needed her to look her best, but still, it seemed he was going all out to try to please her.

The stylist was another gorgeous local girl who spoke perfect English.
She was impeccably dressed and Cindy felt completely at ease with her.

“What would you like done with your hair?”

“I don’t know.”

“What I suggest is shaping here, taking a few inches off there and some highlights to bring out your eyes.
Is that okay?”

Cindy had never indulged in such extravagance before.
But she was here to have an incredible experience, and if that was going to happen, she knew she had to trust the team of experts and allow them to do their thing.

“I want to do whatever you recommend.
Just make me look gorgeous.”

“We will, ma’am.”

Cindy closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the shampoo and head massage. She eased into sleep as the sound of crunching tinfoil and clipping scissors sent her into a sybaritic trance.

After a few hours of soaking, rubbing and scrubbing, Cindy emerged from the spa completely renewed. Her eyes darted around the garden as she searched for Erick on the way back to her room, but he was nowhere in sight.

Cindy checked her watch. Dinner was in less than an hour! She hurried back to the suite to get dressed, and was stunned when she opened the door and saw her new gown hanging on the bathroom door.

A dozen long-stemmed red roses sat in a vase on the table, along with a note:

Looking forward to seeing your new loveliness tonight.
Meet me for drinks in the lobby at 6:00 p.m.


Tears stung her eyes as she read the card.
She felt like a fairy princess swept away by a handsome prince.
Regardless of how things turned out, Cindy realized she would be forever grateful to Erick for this experience of a lifetime.

She stared at the locked door between their two suites and wondered if he was back yet, wanting to call him.
She would not allow herself to do that.
She needed to wait a bit longer for him to call.

Cindy couldn’t resist a closer look at the new emerald green gown.
As she’d specified, the top was cut in a halter style, and a long slit went up the side to show off her legs. The back was bare.
She hoped it looked as good on her as it did on the hanger.

Erick will be the judge of that!

Cindy squealed when she saw the full set of brand-new makeup and hair products sitting on the bathroom counter.
Slipping into her robe, she began to apply it as she’d been instructed by the salon staff that afternoon.

Just then, the phone rang.

Nearly out of breath after running across the room to answer it, Cindy took one deep breath before answering. She didn’t want to sound too desperate.




“You ready?”

Cindy looked at the clock. “Uh, I thought we were meeting at six.”

“Yeah, I know.
I just couldn’t wait to see you.”

“Give me about ten more minutes, will you?”

I’ll knock.”

“Okay. Thanks for the roses, the chocolate and for everything.”

“You deserve it.
See you in a minute.”

Cindy’s heart raced as she ran back into the bathroom to check her makeup in the mirror.
It still looked pretty good, but she decided to touch it up just to be safe.

Soon she was slipping her gown on, amazed at how well it fit.
She heard knocking at the door just as she was putting on her shoes.

“Just a minute!”

Cindy ran her fingers through her hair and looked at herself one last time.

Oops, I forgot my lipstick!

She quickly applied her lipstick as the knock came again. “Coming!”

Cindy took a deep breath and a quick last look, then opened the door. Erick, in a black double-breasted tux, beamed at her.

“Wow, gorgeous!
You look good enough to eat!”

He walked toward her and instantly wrapped his arms around her, planting tiny kisses on her neck, her jawbone and her cheek before moving dangerously close to her lips.

My lipstick!”

Erick ignored her and kissed her passionately on the mouth, and she forgot about any prior objections.
The sensations she felt traveled from the tips of her toes to the top of her head as he talked to her between kisses.


His hands traveled the length of the gown and quickly found the slit on the side.


Cindy pushed Erick back and could tell by the smirk on his face that he liked it.

“Whew, you sure are smokin’ hot tonight, lady!”

“You’re not so bad yourself, mister!”

Cindy backed far enough away so they could both calm down and Erick held her hands in his.

“I have something else for you.”

“Are you kidding?
Haven’t you given me enough already?”

“Never…here.” Erick produced a square velvet box from his front pocket.

Cindy opened it and gasped at the sight of a gorgeous diamond pendant and gold-and-diamond earrings.

“Oh they’re lovely, but I couldn’t…”

“Not nearly as lovely as you, and yes, you can.” Erick put the necklace around her neck and helped her into the earrings. The touch of his fingers on the softest parts of her neck sent shivers up and down her body, causing goose bumps to form on her arms.
When he was finished, he reached for her shoulders and spun her around so she could see herself in the floor-length mirror.

“Well, what do you think?”

“I love it. Thank you.”

“I love it too. You know, we’re actually starting to look like a couple, aren’t we?”

“Yes, we are.”

“Oh…there’s one more thing. Turn around.”

Cindy spun around, anticipating another kiss, and was shocked to see Erick pull another box from the breast pocket of his jacket.

“You’ll definitely need this.”

Erick held the tiny black velvet box for a moment and opened it to reveal a large diamond solitaire ring and a thick diamond band.
He reached for her left hand and slipped both of the rings easily on the ring finger of her left hand. Like everything else he bought her, they fit perfectly.

“What’s this?”

“Your wedding ring, darling.
How are you supposed to be running around here as my wife if you don’t even have a ring?”

Tears began to fall from Cindy’s eyes as she stared at the set

“It’s beautiful.”

“Oh,good; I thought it was so horrible it brought you to tears.”

“No; it’s just that I’ve only worn one other ring in my life, but that didn’t last.”

Erick encircled her in a warm embrace. “You look beautiful tonight.”

She dabbed at her eyes and smiled. “Thank you…for everything.”

Erick seemed to be losing focus again. This time, he was staring at her legs. “Let me see those shoes.”

“Ah ha!
I thought you were trying to put your hand up my dress again.”

Just saw those shoes and I wanted to take a closer look.”

Cindy pulled back the silk to reveal handmade beaded heels.

“What do you think?”

Erick bent down and began nibbling at her thighs.


“Hey, you!
Knock that off!
We’re going to be late!”

He silenced her with a powerful kiss and she gladly wrapped her arms around him, wishing the fantasy they were creating was real. Knowing it never could be left a sad feeling in her heart.

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