Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) (37 page)

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Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #Biker MC Series, #bikers, #Australian Author, #badboy alpha, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #new adult romance novel, #biker romance

BOOK: Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)
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Focus, Rebecca.


inally the end of the week had arrived. I’d managed to focus on work and get another series of workshops out of the way. I had packed my bags, ready to go to the chateau.

“I miss you,” Alain had said every time he called, which was every night.

Glancing at my watch, I was impatient for Gaston to arrive. I was curious to see the chateau. But more than that, I was burning for Alain. And I knew he couldn’t wait for me to get there either.

I smiled as I recalled his words from our last conversation.  “Cherie, get enough sleep. Because, you won’t get any on our first night together. I’m having my wicked way with you all night long. At first, you’ll beg me to stop and then you’ll beg me to carry on making love to you.”

All night long. Begging him to make love to me.
I couldn’t wait.

An hour later, Gaston picked me up in the limo to drive me to the chateau. I stretched out my legs in the back and settled down for a comfortable drive. En route, we were picking Alain up in the town closest to the Estate before heading to the chateau together. I was relieved I didn’t have to arrive there by myself. Alain had planned it so that he would just have finished his business meeting when we arrived to pick him up.

I was excited at the prospect of seeing him again, yet doubt had crept into my mind.  Being away from him for nearly two weeks, so early in the relationship, had been strange. And I was so confused at the moment; I wasn’t sure I’d know how to respond anyway.

Alain hadn’t really told me how he felt about me. He was clearly ‘in lust’ with me, but was there more? I’d hoped he was just a little in love with me too. He was intense, jealous even. Certainly possessive. And it was great being missed, but I missed my cat back home, too. 

But what if he’d changed his mind about us? What if he’d met someone else, someone his father would approve of? Or, what if he simply wasn’t attracted to me anymore? I bit into my lower lip. A knot twisted in my stomach.

I need more than just being fucked by Alain. I never want to be any man’s fuck buddy only.

Gaston informed me that we still had close to another two hours to go before reaching our destination. I felt a headache coming on, so I leaned back and closed my eyes while massaging my temples. Totally exhausted, I finally gave in to the drowsiness and fell asleep in the back of the limo. 

Woken from a deep sleep by warm breath in my neck, Alain kissed my neck before hungrily possessing my lips. “
Mon Dieu.
I missed you. I want,” he groaned against my mouth, plucking at my shirt.

Well I needn’t have worried if Alain still wanted me.

Still in a daze, I glanced toward Gaston, noticing that the smoked glass screen between us was closed. I couldn’t believe that Gaston hadn’t woken me before we picked Alain up. I would have liked to freshen up first.

“Gaston rang and told me you were sleeping. My poor Cherie, I told him he should close the window and let you sleep. I would wake you myself in the most delightful way,” he grinned, pleased with his ingenuity.

He’d managed to undo the top buttons of my shirt and found my breast. He squeezed my flesh as if making sure I was real while his mouth trailed my jaw. Taking my hand, he placed it on his throbbing erection, wordlessly showing me his need.

Alain pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. His hand stroked my mound, pushing the fabric of my panties down, feeling his way to my hot and liquid sex, his fingers caressing me. A roar filled my ears as my blood rushed through my veins.

God, I want him all over me.

I undid his belt and pulled down the zipper of his pants, reaching down to free his erection. He was hot and heavy in my palm as I stroked his length lovingly.

“So hot for me.” I teased him with the words he so often used to tease me. Bending forward, I took him in my mouth, licking and teasing with my tongue.

“Stop. I’m ready to explode. I want my cock in you. Now,” he growled. 

Rising up, I guided his thick shaft to my opening and rubbed the head against my wetness. 

“For the love of God,” he moaned, his hands in my hair, flexing his hips upwards as if he couldn’t wait to penetrate me. Feeling his cock throb against me, I slid on top of him, taking his full length inside me.

.” His hips rolled toward me thrusting as hard as he could.

Witnessing his undoing—so carnal and raw—was my undoing, I started pulsating around him, trying to suppress my moans so that Gaston didn’t hear me, digging my nails into Alain’s back to stop me from crying out at the sheer intensity of my orgasm.

“Alain.” I breathed heavily, sucking at oxygen.

Coming down from my climax, I rested my head against his chest. He kissed my hair, holding me tightly.

“Cherie, I never want you to leave me again. I beg you. It is not possible for me to function when you are away. I’m only half a man without you.”

God, how could I have doubted that he still wanted me?

I kissed his neck. “I won’t leave again if you don’t want me to.”

“I don’t want you to. Stay with me. Always.”

There is was again.
. If only I could.

“Yes. Always.” I smiled against his skin. Elated.

We sat holding one another for a while, savoring the closeness of each other in comfortable silence.

Gaston drove through gigantic gates which were emblazoned with impressive gold letters—D and B. We had arrived. Not wanting to look a mess when we arrived at the chateau, I slid off Alain’s lap and tried to fix myself, running my fingers through my hair and smoothing my clothes. 

Alain smiled at my distress. “The chateau is enormous, nobody will see you. Only the servants and they are French, so they are very discreet. Anyway, your just-fucked hair is sexy as hell. If you fix it, I’ll just have to mess it up again soon...very soon.”

“Really? Promise?” I laughed as I playfully messed his hair.

But in spite of my false bravado, inside I was trembling. What did the chateau hold for me? I stared with unseeing eyes at the lush greenery as we made our way closer to the imposing building in the distance.

Five minutes later, we stopped in front of the magnificent chateau.

Gaston opened the door, acting as if nothing unusual had happened in the back of the limo. I avoided his eyes anyway, sure he knew exactly what was going on back there.

Stepping out of the limo, I drew in a sharp breath. The chateau was more beautiful than in my wildest imagination. Alain beamed with pride. Now I finally understood why he loved this place so much. The ambience was tranquil, yet alive. It was difficult to explain the feelings it evoked in me and I’d only been here five minutes, yet I felt as if I’d been here all my life.

“Oh, this place is breathtaking. It’s gigantic.” I tried to take it all in. Hundreds of years of history clung to the façade. Secrets and dreams held by these stately walls. If I was impressed by the villa on the Cote de Azure, the chateau knocked my breath away.

“Come, let me show you the little place,” Alain joked, holding his hand out to me.

My heart did a little flip.

I wonder when I get to meet Alain’s father?

Chapter 43

his is your bedroom,” Alain said, as we came to a closed door. “I had it specially redecorated for you last week. My bedroom is next door.”

We aren’t sleeping in the same room?

I was somewhat disappointed.

Pushing me inside, I gasped. It felt like I’d stepped into fairyland. Crystal chandeliers reflected the light from the windows onto all the walls, and in the middle of the room was the largest four-poster bed I’d ever seen. Cushions of all sizes were strewn across the bed and fresh roses filled vases on every hard surface, permeating the room with their beautiful aroma.

Alain winked and nodded toward an interconnecting door. “And, through here is my room,” he said, as he opened the door. “I’m right next door, so expect a few visits.” His eyes were burning. I imagined that door would be used often.

“This is my man cave.” Alain laughed as I peeked in. The room was very different to mine,  artfully decorated, yet masculine. It had a connected study; his office was at the winery.

He pulled me back into my bedroom. “Freshen up, it was a long trip.”

Grinning, he opened a door to the bathroom where an opulent gold-clawed bath dominated the room. Steam rose from the bath. It was already filled with bubbles. An exotic perfume exuded from the candles, flowers, and bath products.

“I believe Marie Antoinette herself once bathed in this bath.” Indicating for me to lift my arms, Alain lifted my shirt over my head. He reached behind me and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. He held my hand as I stepped out of it, standing in my underwear only. Gazing into my eyes without a word, my bra was next to go as he let it drop to the floor. His gaze was drinking me in and I covered my breasts with my arms, suddenly shy under his intense stare.

“Don’t hide from me, ma cherie,” he said, his voice husky as he pulled me to him, squashing my breasts against his hard chest as he kissed me hard. Dipping his head, he pulled my panties down, a smirk on his handsome face as he pocketed the panties.

I turned toward the mirror and tied my hair up on top of my head with trembling fingers.

“You are so beautiful. You amaze me every time.” He held my hand and helped me into the bath, spanking my bottom so that I yelped.

I’d missed that.

Undressing while I watched, he turned to me. “See how happy I am to see you?” He laughed as his erection sprang free. 

“When have you not been happy to see me, big boy?”

“Good point. I’m
happy to see you,” he grinned.

Now it was my turn to admire his finely toned body: his tight butt, muscled legs and his strong shoulders were a sight I could never tire of. Deep scratch marks on his back were red and swollen. I reached out and ran my fingers gently over the welts.

“I’m sorry I scratched your back so deeply. Does it hurt?”

“Yes, it burns. But it is the most divine pain. Pain from passion. There is no better pain.”

I swallowed hard.
So poetic.
He even made scratches sound sexy. I squeezed my legs together.

Sitting behind me in the large bath, he pulled me against his chest. He soaped his hands, caressing over my neck and shoulders, working his way slowly down my body. I leaned back into him, shivers running down my spine.

Did Marie Antoinette have her lover wash her so sensuously in this very same bath?

“Welcome to the chateau, Cherie.”

Chapter 44

inner was served in an elegant formal dining room. Thankfully, Alain’s father was away visiting family for a few days. It gave me time to become familiar with my surroundings before meeting the man that held my future in his hands.

Silver cutlery shone to perfection and there were more glasses on the table than I knew what to do with. I’d just watch Alain and follow his lead. This aristocracy thing was not for a city girl from Down Under.

I have so much to learn if I want to stay here.

Waited on hand and foot, each dish more delicious than the one before, I began to understand the many glasses. Each one was for a different type of wine served with every course. I rubbed over my belly. I loved food, but I couldn’t possibly eat any more.

French music played in the background. Although I didn’t understand the words, the voices resonated with me evoking feelings of joy, sadness, loss, and passion.

My host was as charming as any woman could dream of. We chatted and laughed throughout the evening, simply getting to know one another on a deeper level. He amused me with tales from his childhood and even shared some family scandals, telling me stories about the region, of hardships and battles fought and won.

His eyes turned soft and misty when he related the death of his mother. My heart squeezed, tears prickling behind my eyes. I could even imagine him as a small boy, bright and loving, and then the sadness of losing her so young. I wondered how much he resembled his mother and if he inherited her loving spirit too.

Everything about Alain was intense—every gesture, every word, every intension, filled with vitality and passion.

I was falling for my sexy Frenchman.

“Dance with me?”

Alain rose to his feet and took my hand. Leading me around the room, I melted into his body, my head against his chest, his heartbeat quickening under my fingertips.

He lifted my face to his and kissed me softly. “Happy?”

“Happy.” I buried my face in his neck, his distinct scent in my nostrils.

Yes, I did feel happy. Content too. In this moment everything seemed perfect. I got lost in my thoughts, floating around the room in Alain’s arms.

“Time for bed,” Alain said, after a while. He lifted me up and carried me up the stairs to my bedroom and lay me gently on the enormous four-poster bed. The bed swallowed me as I sank into the soft pillows.

Alain kissed me tenderly, then, let me go. “Sleep tight, Cherie,” he said.

“You’re not staying?” I asked in a small voice.

“No. You need a good night’s rest.”

I watched, disappointed, as he left the room through the joining door.

Really? He’s letting me sleep alone in this gigantic bed?

Maybe I’d get a nocturnal visit later.

Tired, I slipped out of my clothes and crawled between the sheets, naked. Still floating on cloud nine, I quickly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 45

woke up the next morning, disappointed that I hadn’t had a visitor during the night. It would’ve been so easy for him to crawl into my bed. He’d promised me a night filled with passion. Yet after our limo session and making love in the bath, he had left me alone. I was more than a bit surprised.

Padding to his door, I knocked. No answer. My stomach rumbled, so I made my way to the kitchen in search of breakfast. The cook welcomed me with a broad smile and explained in very broken English that Alain had to leave in a hurry last night and would only return later this morning. Urgent business, she said, winking at me. Unsure what she meant by that, I decided not to jump to any conclusions until I’d spoken to Alain. It was only fair to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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