Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) (38 page)

Read Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) Online

Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #Biker MC Series, #bikers, #Australian Author, #badboy alpha, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #new adult romance novel, #biker romance

BOOK: Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)
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The cook prepared my breakfast while I watched in silence. I decided to stay in the kitchen, sitting at the counter to enjoy my meal. I didn’t want to sit in the huge formal dining room by myself. I smiled and nodded my head eagerly when she pointed to the coffee pot.

Half way through my second cup of coffee, Alain breezed into the kitchen. “There you are,” he said with a grin, pleased to see me. He swooped down and kissed me swiftly, in front of the staff, who were all smiles.

“Sorry I had to leave,” he offered. “Family business.” He shrugged his shoulders as if that explained everything.

I would’ve loved to know exactly where he had been and why, but I could see he wasn’t going to elaborate, so I let it go. For now.

He pulled me up into his arms and kissed me again, more passionately this time. The staff pretended not to notice, but I sensed they were happy to see their master otherwise engaged.

“Today, I show you the vines,” he said, “we go on horseback.”

  I nearly choked. It had been a long time since I'd been in a saddle.

“Your jeans are perfect. There are riding boots in your cupboard. Gaston brought them from Paris. Specially for you. They are your size.”

Wow, what can I say? Alain thinks of everything.

“I’m sure they are perfect. Thank you.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

Somewhat apprehensive, I decided to go with the flow and hoped to God that all the riding lessons I’d had as a child would pay off. Thanks to Chloe, who had a fascination with horses, my parents decided we should both learn to ride.

I bolted up the stairs to my room to get ready. I opened the cupboard and not only did I find riding boots, but also a hat. I chuckled as I pulled the boots on.

If only Sis could see me, now.

Alain stood leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded across his chest as he watched me.

“So, what do you think?”

“Very sexy in those riding boots, mademoiselle.” He held a bottle of sunscreen in his hands.

“Come. You will burn in the sun if you are out all day without sunscreen.”

Sexy and caring. What a delicious combination.

“The perils of being a redhead.” I loved that he cared about my wellbeing.

“Lift your arms,” he commanded, swiftly removing my T-shirt over my head, his lips curled into a wicked grin. Leaning over, he kissed the flesh of each breast, his breath hot on my skin. My nipples tingled as he stroked them with is thumbs.

“I don’t think the sun will get in there,” I chided.

He laughed. “I can’t keep my hands off you. You know that.”

“Hmm, I’ve noticed.”

He squirted sunscreen into his palms, rubbing them together to warm the cream, slowly, deliberately rubbing it into my skin, never taking his eyes from mine. I stood there, locked by his eyes, goose bumps skittering over my skin as he grinned salaciously.

“So hot for me, Cherie.” He loved teasing me with those words, his heavy French accent making me giddy. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately, his erection throbbing through his jeans.

“Whose hot for
now? Hmm, big boy?” I laughed as I stroked his cock through his jeans.

Alain’s eyes widened. “If we’re going riding we should go now, before I change my mind and undress you further,” he said hoarsely. I swallowed hard and grabbed my T-shirt, quickly pulling it back on, my nipples so hard, they pointed through my bra and shirt.

Letting out a low curse, Alain rolled his eyes. “You are killing me, Cherie.”

I love that I have this effect on him.

Chapter 46 - Alain

e reached the exact spot I’d had in mind. I quickly removed the rucksack and produced a large blanket which I spread out under the tree. Rebecca clapped her hands when she noticed the small cooler bag with food the cook had prepared for us earlier.

Her gratitude was humbling. I loved making her happy. And usually it only took something small to make her smile with joy. It came so naturally and she appreciated everything I did for her.

I could spend my life pleasing this woman.

“A picnic, how lovely,” she exclaimed. We sat down on the blanket. Rebecca turned sideways and rubbed her ass. “Ouch, my bum hurts, must be because I haven’t been in a saddle for so long.”

I grinned. I’d get my hands on her delicious ass soon enough. I dished up creamy potato salad and a mixed green salad with fresh salmon, together with cook’s special terrine. For dessert, we had fresh strawberries and chocolates. I poured wine into two glasses and handed Rebecca hers. She gulped it down.

“Hey, slow down. You’ll get tipsy if you drink that too fast. Not that I’d mind. Tipsy Rebecca is sexy as hell. But, you might fall off the horse.” I chuckled.

She peeked at me from under her thick black lashes, her lips curled into a sexy smile and she giggled naughtily. God, this woman was so beautiful. Lost in the moment, she sucked hard on a large ripe strawberry and I felt my cock throb, wishing it was me she was sucking like that.

I didn’t want to scare her with my need for her, so I’d decided to slow down—to give us time to get to know one another better. But, it was becoming more and more difficult to resist her. Frankly, if I’d had my way, we would do nothing other than fuck all day. But it wasn’t only her alluring body that I wanted. She was adorable in so many ways, I wanted to spend time just being with her. I was falling for her in a big way. She invaded my mind day and night.  I could think of little else than my beautiful redhead seductress.

She turned idly onto her stomach, apparently her bottom hurt too much to sit on it. I reached over and slowly started stroking her ass. The pants had to go. I reached under her stomach, undid the zipper and pulled her jeans down. Goose bumps ran over her skin as the cool breeze hit her naked butt. 

Kneeling between her legs, I stroked her round cheeks softly with both hands. I drizzled the left over olive oil from the bottle over her fleshy globes, massaging them tenderly, pinching her ass every so often.

“Good enough to eat,” I muttered as I rubbed between her thighs with both hands. I wanted to taste her. I rolled her over. Big wide eyes stared back at me. “Take off your T-shirt...and bra,” I commanded.

She bit into her lip and discarded the clothing. I drizzled oil over her navel as she watched me, panting breaths escaping her lips, tiny bumps over her whole body. With one hand, I pulled her bright yellow G-string down, watching her beautiful face flush as she licked her lips.

Slowly, sensuously, my hands glided over her soft smooth skin. She writhed as I massaged her stomach and up her ribs. Her nipples were as ripe and pink as the strawberry she had just sucked on. I had to taste them. Her eyes fluttered closed.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she moaned. I loved that she was so responsive.

She tasted of olive oil. I couldn’t resist this firm, but ripe, body beneath mine any longer. I sat up on my knees and undid my jean zipper, releasing my hot shaft into the cool breeze. I quickly pulled my T-shirt over my head and threw it on the pile of clothing.

I wanted to feel her, skin to skin.

She shivered. I wasn’t sure if she was cold, so I covered her body with mine, holding her tenderly in my arms as I kissed her passionately.

“I want you,” I groaned, as her soft breasts pushed into my chest.

“Then take me, I’m yours,” she said, as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer to her. She lifted her ass, inviting me in. I slipped into her warmth. Her heels pushed down hard on my buttocks, forcing me into her—hard—as she cried out.

Just about to lose it, I had to slow myself down as I sank into her, balls deep.

“Come for me,” I groaned. God, my balls were ready to explode. Her body responded by clutching my cock tightly as she climaxed. That was all I needed, and with one more thrust, I poured myself into her.

Usually after sex, I withdrew immediately, satiated, having had my fill. With Rebecca I wanted to linger, I wanted to make the moment last forever. I didn’t understand the change.

Why did I

She reached out and stroked my cheek with such tenderness that it made my heart swell.

Could it be that this was love? Was that the difference between her and everyone else?

And then it hit me.


I was in love with her.

Rebecca held my heart in her tiny hands.

Chapter 47

ack at the chateau, Alain drew a bath. My whole body ached from the horse riding. He didn’t join me in the bath, he tenderly washed my body with a soft sponge and held the towel for me as I emerged. He dried me as if I might break, softly kissing me on my shoulders before helping me into my nightdress. I grinned, amazed at how he could be so passionate the one moment, feverishly making love to me, and then, be a perfect gentleman the next, tending to my needs as if I was the only woman on the planet.

He helped me into the oversized bed and pulled the covers over me.

“I’ll bring your dinner to the room,” he said, as I lay back against the pillows, grateful for the softness beneath me.

“You’re spoiling me again. I'm getting used to this. You’ll have to keep it up now,” I teased, laughing.

After I finished the scrumptious meal, Alain removed the tray and crawled into the bed behind me, holding me gently against him, his arm resting on my belly. “Go to sleep, Cherie,” he said softly, “rest that delicious body. I will stay here with you tonight.” He kissed my ear and my hair, and I drifted into a welcome slumber.

Several hours later, I woke up with Alain still holding me. He was probably just as tired as I was. I turned slowly and gazed at the sleeping man beside me. His dark hair fell over his thick black eyebrows, dark stubble covering his cheeks and chin. His olive skin was smooth, except for fine lines where his eyes crinkled when he laughed. His full sensuous lips, chiseled to perfection, were so lush that I wanted to reach up and kiss them. His face looked so peaceful when he was asleep, I could stare at him all day.

I smiled, enjoying this opportunity to study him.

Let sleeping dogs, and men, lie.

Stirring, he pushed the sheet aside, exposing most of his body. My eyes traveled from his navel to his groin. The way his tight stomach was flanked by his v-shaped loins caused a heated pulse to rush through my body. He was so incredibly sexy; I could hardly believe he was mine.

How my life has changed since I met him on the plane

From utter despair and deep sadness, I had gone to falling madly in love with a sexy and wealthy Frenchman. My career was going along well, except for one hurdle—in the form of my arrogant boss. In spite of him, I was having the time of my life exploring new experiences. One thing was certain; my life at the moment was definitely not boring.

As I reflected on the past few weeks, I realized I’d hardly had time to fret about Julian. I wondered how he was coping without me. I hoped he was OK, yet I knew this was the best thing I could do for myself. I finally had a chance at happiness with a man who was free to be with me.

Provided his father approved

A tiny knot of dread settled in my stomach at the thought.

This was thetwenty-first century, surely Alain could make his own choices? I shook off the uneasy feeling I had and consciously decided to indulge in this moment—reveling in the feeling of falling in love.

Unable to resist the urge, I stroked my fingers with feather-like softness over Alain’s cheek. His lips curved into a slow smile, as he opened his eyes and gazed at me with so much love, it made my heart beat faster against my ribs.

He hadn’t said the words yet, but I could read it in his eyes. It was impossible to fake.

“Morning,” I whispered, not wanting to break the magical aura surrounding us.

“Bonjour, mademoiselle.”

He held both my hands in his and kissed them slowly, first the palms, then the fingertips and finally my wrists, all the time looking at me with those incredible gray-blue eyes.

“Feel what you do to me.” Placing my hand on his heart, I felt it beating beneath my fingertips. A wicked grin spread over his face as he placed my other hand on his growing erection.

“I want breakfast in bed,” he said, as he started tugging at my nightdress, pulling it up and slipping his hands under the fabric to cup my breasts.


Chapter 48

t was our last night together before facing Alain’s father. Because it was Sunday, Alain had given the kitchen staff the day off. He insisted that he wanted to cook for me. It was only five in the afternoon, but he said he had to start early so we could eat at a decent time.

Barefoot, wearing an apron over his jeans and a tight, baby-blue T-shirt that matched his eyes, Alain looked panty-melting hot as he chopped vegetables, his hair falling over his brow as he concentrated. He looked up at me with a dazzling smile, jolting my heart and my memory. The last time he wore an apron at the villa, he was wearing nothing underneath.

Rounding the counter, I stood behind him with my arms around his narrow waist, my cheek on his back, just soaking him up. He laughed softly, obviously enjoying the attention. I didn’t want him cutting himself, so I didn’t do the naughty things to him that ran through my mind.

Hmm, I wonder if he is hard?

Placing the knife on the cutting board, he took my hands in his, guiding them toward his steely hardness. 

“How am I going to cook you a delicious dinner like this?” he laughed.

“Down boy, down,” I joked, as I removed my hands and sat down at the end of the counter, taking a gulp of wine to settle myself.

He peered at me from under his lashes, taking a sip of wine as he studied me. From the way he was staring, I wanted to rip his clothes off and have my way with him.

“What are you cooking? It smells delicious.” I peeked into the red Le Creuset pot on the stove to distract myself.

Boeuf à la Bourguignonne
,” he answered, “with lots of red wine and garlic.”

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