Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (31 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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The Drake’s call sawed through the air again and Aaron stood up firmly answering the call. The dragon tattoo shimmered brightly sending glowing waves of light into the air. Summoning the energy of the earth and wind into his muscles he prepared to launch into the air when Sarah grabbed his arm forcing him to look into her eyes.

“Stay with me." She pleaded.

Aaron glared back up at the sky his thoughts scattered amidst rage of his ancestors and Sarah’s plea.

“It’s what he wants Aaron," she said “Look at me!” She screamed. “Face this enemy at a time of your choosing and not simply because he calls. Deny him." Her voice pierced him as no other could and he held onto that rational thought by a string slowly forcing the power of the bladesong away. He looked into her eyes and just breathed. With each breath he took he stepped farther away from the brink. The voices and urgings had until now only guided his will and never rose up to demand action. This new revelation both scared him and reminded him that this power came with a price. A dragon’s call answered in the distance and the Ryakuls gave into their instinctual hatred and abandoned their search as the Drake struggled for control, flying away from the camp.

Aaron kept breathing not trusting his voice to speak. He wondered what would have happened had Sarah not been there. He would have rushed to his death. All of those voices... all of that anger, even the echo of it still called out to him. If all of the Alenzar’seth’s perished against the Drake how would he be any different?

“Ferasdiam has marked you." Tolvar whispered. “I suspected but..." He stopped in mid thought. “It’s good that fate brought you to us Aaron. We will spread the word of your coming through the lands. It will reach those who have kept themselves from the world of men for far too long."

“The Hythariam?” Aaron’s voice croaked.

Tolvar smiled, “Yes, son,” he answered quietly.

Aaron could still feel the echoes of voices crying out brimming just beneath the surface of his thoughts and shuddered. He delved deeper beyond the anger looking for the root of such hate and there it was.
nguish at standing helplessly before a force that one could neither avoid nor fight.

“I was told the Drake hunted down all of the Alenzar’seth and murdered them. Do you know how I can defeat the Drake?” Aaron asked.

Tolvar shook his head regretfully. Aaron frowned knowing that it was too much to hope for, but he had to ask.

“I need to get to Shandara." Aaron said.

“Then it’s good that a ship is even now bearing down upon us." Tolvar said looking up at the night sky.

Aaron looked up at the moonlight sky and saw the dark outline of the Raven descending toward them.

“We are only shielded from unfriendly eyes." Tolvar answered.

Aaron waved up to Verona who was at the bow of the ship calling out to the others. A crewman threw down a rope and Captain Morgan appeared at the side.

“Mr. Jace, my Lady, if you don’t mind I don’t know how long the beasties will be gone, but I aim to put as much distance between them and us now that we’ve found you.”

Armel appeared at Aaron’s side handing him two small curved axes. “Two in case you miss with the first one." He winked and shook Aaron’s hand.

“Go on. We’ll spread the word." Tolvar said and Aaron grabbed the rope and climbed up.



“I MUST SAY it took us a while to find you. Never would have imagined that you could cover so much ground.” Verona was saying.

“I picked up some new tricks along the way.” Aaron replied sharing a smirk with Sarah.

“Indeed.” Vaughn said dryly. “We saw you leave the ship.” Vaughn paused looking pointedly at Sarah, “I’m glad that you are okay my lady.”

“We had to set down to make repairs after the storm finally blew out. We found the remains of the Ryakul. I must say our project using crossbow bolts and arrows laced with crystals is quite effective at keeping the Ryakuls at bay.” Verona said.

Aaron recounted the events after he left the ship amidst the shocked replies leaving Sarik barely able to contain himself with a question as to whether he could fly.

“No I’m afraid I can’t fly.” Aaron answered feeling a bit foolish. “What Sarah has taught me some of you may be able to do. I barely understand it myself. Sarah is the real expert. But I have something else I need to tell you.” Aaron said waiting for them to settle down. “Some of the Ryakuls are being controlled by the Drake. At least those that attacked the ship were controlled by it. It came for us while we were at the camp.”

Both Vaughn and Verona gasped while Erik and Braden swallowed hard and Sarik looked questioningly at Garret.

“I need your help. The Drake is responsible for hunting down the Alenzar’seths and it is coming for me.” Aaron shared a brief look with Sarah before continuing.

“I think I speak for everyone here. We will stand with you for the duration of this journey.” Verona said.

Aaron sighed briefly, “I know.” He smiled. “I’m not being clear. The Drake’s call affects me in ways that you wouldn’t feel.” The ancestral voices stirred briefly causing his stomach to quench.

“How does it affect you?” Verona asked.

“It has often been said to me that I am Ferasdiam marked. One who has been marked by fate with the Goddess’s blessing, which is curious because where I come from there is no Goddess. Apparently belief is not a prerequisite. When I key the bladesong I feel the blood of my ancestors within me. Calling to me. Their teachings have saved me in the past, but when the Drake called to me something else happened. I almost lost control from an overwhelming hatred that demands that I kill the Drake.”

“No one is doubting your courage even against the odds of all those arrayed against us.” Vaughn said.

“It’s more than that. The calling from my ancestors was for the blood of the Drake. I don’t know how I’m supposed to fight this thing and survive when they all failed.” Aaron said.

“He needs for us to keep an eye on him when the Drake is near to keep him from charging off to his death.” Sarah spoke up sweeping all of them with her steely gaze.

“Sarah.” Aaron said quietly. “At some point I’m going to have to face this thing.”

“Like hell you do.” Verona said rising. “And certainly not alone either.”

The air seemed to solidify around them all until Vaughn spoke up.

“Peace Verona,” said Vaughn. “The fall of Shandara was a confusing time twisted by dark betrayals and many fleeing for their lives from the place that we are destined to travel to. It didn’t become apparent to anyone that the Alenzar’seths were being hunted until it was too late. We were preoccupied with taking in refugees and keeping the High King at bay. What are the odds that after the immediate family was killed the distant cousins faded to obscurity and the beast that hunted them disappeared?”

“Then we head to Shandara as planned, free Colind and get some answers to light our way. To face the beast now would be to face the darkness without any hope of success.” Verona said.

Aaron looked at his friend, “Poetic as always.”

Verona smirked. The discussion died down to a few murmurs. Sarah left saying she would find him later on deck. She knew that’s where he would be. Was he really that transparent? Aaron headed to the deck into the crisp night air with Verona in tow.

“Did you bring it?” Aaron asked.

“Of course.” Verona answered reaching behind a lockbox on deck pulling out the rune marked staff. “Safe and sound.”

“Thanks.” Aaron said taking the staff. “Daverim said this would help. When I found it, it was stuck in the ground with his cloak hanging there. I swear when I first touched it I felt the Drake awaken, but didn’t know what it was at the time. It can’t be coincidence.”

“That’s to be sure of. I can’t imagine that your long dead ancestor would insist that you take this staff if he knew that it would draw the attention of the Drake.” Verona said.

“You’re right, I think he believed that things would be drawn to me no matter what.” Aaron said.

His grandfather had said as much in his letter to him that he found with the Falcons. Between the Falcons, which unto themselves were no ordinary blades, and the rune marked staff surely one of those could help him against the Drake. The blades were able to cut Tarimus. Why not the Drake? The only problem was that he would need to face the beast in order to find out, and he suspected that to truly face the Drake wouldn’t be as simple as crossing swords with the thing.

“Looks like I missed quite a celebration at that camp. A crown of laurels?” Verona said snapping him away from his thoughts.

Aaron couldn’t help the smile that played across his face. “Yes," he mumbled.

“And Sarah with flowers in her hair. Never thought I’d see the day.” Verona said.

“Can I ask you to watch over Sarah? I’m afraid that she will be a target now.” How had the Drake known to take her from everyone that was on deck?

“Indeed. As if she needs watching over.” Verona chuckled. “The Lady more or less threatened that I keep an eye on you. It’s strange there was a time such a short while ago when I questioned her motives for even being here. But now I see the way you two look at each other even when you aren’t,” Verona winked, “Well it gladdens my heart for you both, but be warned I still suspect that Sarah has secrets that she has not told you yet.”

Aaron thought the same thing sometimes, but he had no doubts that she would stand with him. “People have the right to keep somethings private. Regardless, I truly believe that if there is something that Sarah needs us to know then she will tell us at a time of her choosing. Now speaking of secrets, what about you?” Aaron asked. “Surely there has been a woman who has caught your eye.” Aaron joked.

“If there was one of such quality as your lady Sarah and she wasn’t in love with my dearest of friends, perhaps.” Verona finished.

They said nothing for a few moments both chewing on their thoughts. “Thank you Verona for everything.” Aaron said suddenly.

“No thanks necessary my friend,” Verona said, “The world would be a far lesser place without you in it, of that I’m convinced.” He gave him a playful shove before walking off.

Aaron stood there for a moment counting himself lucky to have found a friend here in this strange world. He ran his fingers along the staff tracing the strange runes. Then held it off the ground feeling its weight. The grain of the dark wood was fine and the staff itself was balanced. How was he supposed to use this against the Drake? He rested the staff back on the deck and lifted his gaze to the moonlight sky keeping watch and silently prayed that they would go unnoticed.


She watched him from across the deck cradling his staff. The pull of one Aaron Jace was almost too much for her heart to bear. She absently tucked a strand of hair away from her face and with her other hand smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle on her clothing. She must have checked her appearance twenty times before coming out on deck where she knew he would be. Her appearance never concerned her much before, but now things were different. She liked the way Aaron watched her, even more so when he thought she wasn’t looking. A smile played itself over her face and she sighed. Speaking with Margaret and the other women of the camp had really helped her come to terms with her feelings for Aaron. She had always kept men in general at arms distance. Aside from Beck, who was more of a father figure was the only man she allowed into her confidence. Aaron was altogether different. Just being near him made her never wanting to leave his side. He now held her heart in his hands and she couldn’t even remember giving it away. He was only just starting to accept that he is the last scion of the house Alenzar’seth. He never asked for any of this and to have it thrust upon his shoulders...She understood all to well how the loss of a loved one could lead to turning your life upside down. Most of her life she had to contend with what the men in her life would do to her, but with Aaron she was truly afraid of what would happen if he were to ever leave her behind.

She watched as his hands traced the markings trying to gain some insight into what the staff could do. Aaron wanted to protect everyone, which was commendable but not always possible. She stepped quietly beside him and rested her hand on his broad shoulder. He looked up at her touch genuinely surprised and smiled warmly at her. She felt the heat rise from the pit of her stomach and her heart began to race.

“You know when I first came here I wanted revenge against," he trailed off looking down at the floor, “and to protect my sister.”

“In that order?” She asked.

Aaron seemed startled for a moment. “No,” he answered quickly. “Maybe. My father’s dying wish was for me to protect her and since I failed up to that point I wanted to honor his wish. They were after me, so leaving seemed to be the best choice. I don’t regret leaving.”

Sarah gripped his shoulder firmly. “None of this is your fault. There was nothing you could do to stop what happened. You had no idea what you were dealing with and you should take comfort in knowing that she is still alive.” Aaron stared at the ground stubbornly and she hoped he could see the truth of her words.

“I hope she is safe. Tara is my half sister so they have no reason to take her.” His voice shuddered but the truth passed between their eyes unspoken. They could take his sister to get to him.

“I think you’re right but for different reasons," Sarah said gently. “Mactar’s hold on Tarimus is fragile at best and he was only drawn to you when the protection from your grandfather was gone. Your sister, while dear to you, is not Alenzar’seth.”

“Thank you," he said. “They wouldn’t need to travel so far to get to the people I care about.” He said turning towards her and reached out caressing the side of her face. “I love you Sarah which both fills me up and scares the hell out of me...”

Sarah hushed him to silence with a kiss, “There is no safer place for me than at your side. My heart, forever shall be yours my love.”

“And mine is yours," he whispered back and kissed her.

They stood together on the deck of the ship bathed in the pale moonlight keeping silent watch. Both wayward travelers had found a home in each other and as their arms intertwined they both basked in this moment for however long it would last.

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