Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (27 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“I felt you pushing against my senses. Can anyone do this?” Aaron asked.

“Some, it’s been known to manifest only within certain bloodlines," Sarah replied what she’d learned from Beck, her unorthadoxed Elitesman teacher.

Aaron frowned thinking of the whispering voices he heard when he wielded the Falcons and invoked the bladesong.

“I’m not so sure. My grandfather always said that all life is connected and that we can draw knowledge from the soul.”

“Let’s not get distracted. I said before you’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what you are capable and I meant it.” Sarah said. “Normally novices who show promise are given an amulet to help them become more attune to drawing energy and in some cases store it as well.”

“So an amulet would make me a better conductor," Aaron said rubbing the medallion beneath his shirt. “Something like this.” He said withdrawing the medallion from his shirt.

Sarah’s eyes widened, “I’d say that is little more than what a novice would be given. And you said you’ve never seen this before your grandfather died?”

“No.” Aaron said shaking his head. “It was well hidden.” Aaron said remembering the secret chamber he found in the sparing room at his grandfather’s house. “It’s a family heirloom.”

“Can you describe what happens when you focus and draw the energy within yourself.” Sarah asked.

Aaron described his heightened sense of awareness and sharpened senses. His connection to living things in his vicinity like they were all beating of the same heart. He decided to tell her about the voices he would sometimes hear with the bladesong. “This must sound crazy even for this place.” Aaron said gesturing around him.

“No. No.” Sarah said shaking her head slightly smiling at his comment. “It’s not crazy at all. It’s something wonderful. Something beautiful. You’re hearing the voices of past lives. There are those that believe that we live many lifetimes to help us grow.”

“If I didn’t experience this for myself I would say that you’re a little crazy.” Aaron said with a smile. “The voices aren’t speaking directly to me. It’s more whisperings and mutterings. Like I’m being urged, but not insistently so. It doesn’t invade the void, but complement it. They helped me unravel the pattern of the Elitesman attack.”

Sarah reached out and put her hand on his, “To hear so many means you have an old soul. Perhaps ancient, but you will never know who you may have been in another life. Your soul is also made up of pieces from your parents so each time you are born it’s unique.”

“Thats good I guess because the implications of that could be scary. It still seems strange though.” Aaron said shrugging his shoulders.

“Trust yourself Aaron, in the end it’s all we really can do.” Sarah said. “Now when you draw energy in, you can use it to give you an edge in most endeavors. You can move faster and jump farther than a normal person. You have already done so without realizing it when you faced the Elitesmen in the small town.”

“I did, how? I just faced them as I would anyone else.” Aaron interrupted unable to contain himself.

Sarah smiled at him patiently, “Your honesty and integrity serve you well Aaron. I suspect that when you faced the Elitesmen you met them as equals. As men. You leveled the playing field, but you were moving just as fast as they were.” Sarah answered.

Aaron remembered the shocked looks on Verona and the others when he had killed all those men and took down the Elitesmen in the town. He was consumed by rage and had thought it was just adrenaline, but perhaps it was something else. “Maybe, but at some point someone will just be faster or stronger. I wonder what the price is for being able to do such things.” Aaron said.

“You could burn yourself out. When you release the energy your body could release its life essence leaving the body without a soul. The energy you draw in is meant to be used.” Sarah said. “Stand up it’s better if I show you.”

“Here?” Aaron said before he could stop himself.

“There is no time like the present.” She replied earnestly. “Your swords help you channel energy, but you can do it on your own as well.”

“Wait a minute. What about the others?” Aaron asked.

“In time perhaps.” Sarah said quietly, answering the rest of his unspoken question.

Aaron glanced over at Verona and Sarik who were speaking at the far side of the deck. “What do you want me to do?”

“We’ll start of with something simple. I want you to clear your mind and begin drawing energy within you.” Sarah said.

“Where does this energy come from,” Aaron asked.

“Can you feel with wind blow?” Sarah waited for him to nod before continuing, “There is nothing that you can see that pushes the wind, but there are underlying forces at work that cause the many currents of air to move. It’s the same kind of thing. You are tapping into the underlying forces that gives life to, well," She paused looking around. “Everything.”

Aaron’s brow furrowed as he thought about this. How could something sound so bizarre and make a lot sense at the same time? He cleared his mind and in his mind’s eye he wielded the falcons invoking the bladesong. He felt energy draw into him, faintly at first but steadily building momentum and his senses sharpened.

“Very good Aaron, I can sense you.” Sarah said with an approving smile. “Now can you sense me?”

Aaron allowed his senses to stretch out from himself and he could see a faint golden aura that surrounded Sarah pulsing with the rhythm of her heartbeat. Then he caught a faint scent, “I smell jasmine.” He said suddenly.

Sarah’s eyes flashed in surprise and she smiled, “Jasmine is my favorite flower. It grew near where," She stopped suddenly and eyed him for a moment. “When I was a little girl it grew near my window. The warm summer night air would fill my room with its sweet scent.” Sarah said.

“Elitesman can sense this?” Aaron asked.

“No their training is twisted. They draw their strength from elsewhere. We will discuss them another time.” Sarah replied. “You can use the forces gathering within you to strengthen your body. Specifically your bones and muscles and all that joins them.” She said looking at the cables that attached the ship to the ballon high above them.

“Then you push.” Sarah said launching herself into the air jumping over twenty feet catching hold of the cables that the crew would use to repair the ship.

Verona and the others stopped their conversation and looked up at Sarah in awe. “Well," she called down to him.

Aaron could feel the energy build within and tried to focus it into his muscles. He squatted down preparing to jump and pushed with all his might. He rose about two feet into the air and came back down. His concentration broke and his hold upon the energy within dissipated.
I’m an idiot.
Aaron glanced at the others and could see a few of them were trying their utmost to keep from grinning.

“I think you need a little more practice," Verona said smiling as he walked over to Aaron. “Nice to see that you are indeed human like the rest of us.”

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and grinned in spite of himself. He looked up at Sarah and she stared back expectantly. He sighed getting back on his feet and spent the better part of the next hour trying to match Sarah’s rather impressive jump. Despite getting up to a whole three feet he stopped and gave in to frustration.

Sarah assured him that he would be able to jump as high or higher eventually and to give it time. Despite Sarah’s assurance Aaron was frustrated. He put on a brave face, but inside it gnawed away at him. He needed to be prepared for whatever the Elitesmen threw at him and for the Drake. He glanced over at his swords, perhaps if he were to... His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion not far away.

“I want to see him! Get out of my way.”

Aaron heard Jopher’s shouting amidst the thrall of men and a crash of things falling to the ground. Eric and Braden were blocking Jopher’s path. Nearby was a deckhand quickly picking up the stacks of tablets that had crashed to the floor. Jopher glanced at the boy and when he saw Aaron, took an immediate step in his direction and began to speak. He ignored Jopher as he stepped passed him and squatted down to help the deckhand retrieve his tablets. A hush washed over the men on deck. Aaron smiled at the boy reassuringly and handed the remaining tablets to him. The boy thanked Aaron and quickly went on his way.

“Do you know why I won’t allow you to be trained Jopher?” Aaron asked turning around and Jopher for once was at a loss for words.

He shook his head.

“It’s because you don’t see people. People are things to you and until you not only see people, but learn to treat them with common courtesy then you have no place with me or those around me.” Aaron’s cold eyes bored into Jopher whose downcast eyes searched the floor.

“I’m sorry.” Jopher muttered then quickly withdrew back to the kitchens.

The apology was unexpected and surprisingly sincere, perhaps there was hope for Jopher after all. Aaron glanced around and saw Sarah and Verona nodding approvingly.

“If the boy learns the lesson you are trying to teach him he will be the better for it.” Verona said.

“We’ll see. It’s really up to him.” Aaron replied.



OVER THE COURSE of a week they had good travel weather and Aaron settled into a routine of teaching the men on the ship. He even allowed Jopher to join in, which happened for the first time yesterday with some prompting from Sarik.

Jopher had put forth a great amount of effort to help those around the ship with any task and Aaron observed the noble arrogance retreat from his gaze. He didn’t think that Jopher ever had any true companions other than servants and Aaron was glad to see some changes in him begin to take root.

The ship went steadily east and with each passing day brought him closer to Shandara. What would it look like? Was it really a land of shadow, a place where monsters roamed, a blight upon this world? He stood at the railing with his hand resting casually on his swords and watched the darkening clouds roll steadily in.

“Looks like we might see some weather today.” Verona said coming up next to him. A few sailors shuffled by securing equipment making ready for the storm.

“Looks that way," Aaron replied.

“Hatly wants to demonstrate the progress he’s made with our idea using exploding crystals against the Ryakul.” Verona said.

“Thats good news. I was in his lab earlier today and he was extremely close. I’ve left him some arrows, but we’re going to need to think of something better moving forward.” Aaron said.

“You’re right about that. I doubt an arrow burdened with enough crystal dust to do any sort of damage to a Ryakul will fly more than twenty or so yards.” Verona replied pursing his lips in thought.

Sarah emerged on the far side of the ship. Her golden hair cascading down her back with the wind toying playfully at the ends. She smiled at Aaron and began to walk over.

“You’re a lucky man," Verona said. “Normally I would say she’s beyond your reach, but I daresay she has taken a liking to you my friend.” Verona teased.

Aaron laughed and gave Verona playful shove. “I’ve got to be crazy Verona. This can’t lead anywhere good for either of us.”

“It seems as if your head and your heart are at war with themselves. A monumental struggle fought throughout the ages to be sure. But, would you like to know a secret truth that many a man pay dearly for and yet still never learn the lesson?” Verona asked, his eyes twinkling. Only when Aaron nodded did he continue.

“Love is just love, there is no perfect time.”

Aaron chuckled, “Thats it? Thats your great advice?”

Verona simply shrugged his shoulders growing silent and used Sarah’s arrival as an excuse not to answer. Sarah’s blue eyes and smile drove Verona and his sage advice far from his mind. She nodded in greeting to the Verona who said he was going to Hatly’s lab.

“Please tell me you’re not going to try having me jump again? I’m still recovering.” Aaron said which brought a small laugh from Sarah.

“No I promise," she replied and then her eyes grew serious, “It’s up to you now.”

“I know.” Aaron said growing serious. He turned to scan the rapidly approaching clouds, feeling his medallion grow cool against his skin. In the back of his mind he heard a great swath of giant wings cutting through the air. He glanced at Sarah who was silently scanning the sky with him. He looked around the deck and the sailors were going about their normal duties.

“Do you hear that?” Aaron asked.

“Hear what?”

Aaron peered into the sky, but could see nothing except the dark clouds blotting out the sun. He was hearing multiple beating wings now closing in. “Something is coming.”

Sarah narrowed her gaze. “I don’t hear anything.” She said her hands resting on her sword.

A crash of thunder and lighting tore through the sky and amidst the flash he saw great winged shapes, dark and sinister, surrounding the ship.

“Ryakuls!” He shouted and was immediately echoed by the Sailers of the watch.

There was an immediate flurry of activity as the veteran sailors flew into action. The sailors threw back levers at key points around the ship and sections of the flooring gave way. Giant crossbows rose from the depths of the ship. The sailors in teams of four made ready to fire upon any Ryakuls that breached the clouds, but none came. Ear piercing roars erupted from above. Erik and Braden were immediately at Aaron’s side, their bows at the ready. Captain Morgan arrived on deck barking orders.

“How many of the beasts have we got?” The Captain shouted.

“I see five of them Captain.” Sarik shouted back from the other side of the deck.

A team of sailors near Aaron cursed and were struggling to get a giant crossbow stuck mid rise from the deck. Aaron hopped down the shaft and was immediately joined by Jopher. Without another word they began searching for what was keeping the gearing stuck. The roars of the Ryakuls pierced their ears as they probed the ships defenses. Aaron was rocked to the side as something big collided with the ship. Shaking his head Aaron returned to his feet and began yanking and kicking away the debris from the gearing until finally the crossbow platform rose to the decks.

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