Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (24 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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He wanted to swim for eternity in those depthless blue eyes and he wondered if he would ever get used to merely standing beside her without his knees getting weak.
She’s here.
He told himself again.

They sat together on the couch by the ship’s windows. Clouds passed by and Aaron began to speak telling Sarah everything. He started at the beginning when his grandfather died. How his life had changed. He told her about his home and his sister Tara whom thankfully must be still alive now that he had gone. At least he was able to honor his father’s dying wish. He told her of the death of his mother and father, how they had died to protect him. He couldn’t hold back the tears at that point as the crushing guilt threatened to take his resolve. He had gotten so used to carrying it that in these rare quiet moments the weight threatened to crush him.

“You can’t protect everyone from everything," Sarah said still holding him in her arms.

He knew the truth in her words, but he still felt that he should have been able to do more. He should have been able to save his family and Bronwyn. He could have done more and the cost of not doing so still weighed heavily upon him. Instead of answering Sarah, he told her of meeting Daverim Alenzar’seth and the taking of the rune carved staff. The beast he saw must be the Drake waking from wherever it had been sleeping and was coming for him.

“I need to tell the others about the Drake. Perhaps Vaughn or Garret might know more.” Aaron said.

“Aaron," Sarah said holding on to his hand while they stood up. “Thank you for trusting me.”

He took a moment griping her hand purposefully. “Thank you for saving me," Aaron replied solemnly and stepped quietly from the room.

After a few minutes he returned with Verona who was loitering not far from the door anyway. They were later joined by the twins, Eric and Braden, Garret, Vaughn, and young Sarik. As Sarik went to close the door Zeus nuzzled his way through and settled at Sarah’s feet, who was alarmed at first but immediately began to scratch him behind his ears.

“My friends, this is Sarah.” Aaron said making the introductions around the room. Verona bowed formally to Sarah, “My lady, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your timely arrival, but given the circumstances one could argue that your arrival was a little too timely to be above suspicion.” Said Verona without a hint of disrespect.

“You are right to be suspicious,” Sarah said rising meeting all their gazes. “I did not come here expecting that my motives wouldn’t be questioned. In fact I hardly gave any thought to it as I had just learned that a detachment of Elitesmen had been dispatched to capture Aaron. By now the council will know of its failure and will be better prepared next time they come.”

“So why help us?” Vaughn asked evenly.

“I’m here for Aaron," Sarah replied, “I heard a report of a mysterious stranger who took down an Elite, which caused quite a stir. Unlike my father and half brothers I still show respect for the Goddess Ferasdiam like my mother before me. I decided to meditate at a secret temple that escaped destruction in Khamearra when she spoke to me in my mind.”

“What did she say?” Aaron asked and her gaze softened when she looked back at him and he remembered when the Goddess spoke to him.

“She said one of the old blood has returned. I knew I had to search for this mysterious stranger and I eventually caught up to you in the small town. Prior to that in another town I did speak to a father and son who spoke very highly of man who stood up to the injustice of the Elitesmen.” Sarah said.

Verona raised an eyebrow and looked at Aaron, “You really did see someone outside the town that day. I thought... I don’t know what I thought, but I apologize for not believing you my friend.” He turned to Sarah, “How did you appear to Aaron, but remain hidden from the rest of us?”

Sarah smiled at Verona with a hint of a challenge in her eyes, “We all have our secrets.”

Verona and a few of the others chuckled, “I had to try. Fair enough I guess.”

“She came to warn us of something called the Drake.” Aaron said and an immediate hush overtook the room.

“The Drake has returned? I had hoped...” Garret spoke first sharing a glance with Vaughn, but Aaron noticed the shaky note in his voice.

“Mactar believes so and Aaron confirmed it for me.” Sarah answered.

Aaron told them of the events that occurred when first coming to Safanar and how he came to be in possession of the rune carved staff. The beast he saw waking when he first put his hands upon the staff. “Daverim Alenzar’seth said the staff would help in the coming days ahead.”

“Perhaps he knew of the Drake and gave you a weapon to fight it with.” Vaughn said.

Aaron shook his head, “I’m not too clear on the timeline, but my guess is that the Drake came after Daverim’s time.”

“He’s right," Garret said, “But this was a lost relic of the Safanarion Order. They were the only ones who kept the Elitesmen in check.”

“I have something else I need to tell the rest of you. When Verona and I encountered the dragon it lead us to a fountain with a statue of a woman. It said we were in the presence of the Goddess.” Aaron said. “It was then that I heard a voice in my head.” He stopped, shaking his head slightly and considered his words, “I’m sorry but hearing a voice inside my head is not exactly a common occurrence where I come from.” He said letting out a small laugh that the others shared.

“It’s not common anywhere, Aaron.” Sarah replied gently and the rest of the room faded to gray while they looked at each other.

Aaron swallowed and continued. “She told me the land is sick and needs a champion. The responsibility for the fate of the land falls upon the house of Alenzar’seth of which I am the last. Guardianship of the land is a legacy shared with the Safanarion Order who have all but vanished. Fate has chosen me for this. It’s why I was marked. Ferasdiam marked. Tarimus knew from the onset.”

“Tarimus.” Sarah exclaimed. “Thats the name Mactar was calling out to.” She stopped abruptly apparently remembering where she was.

“What do you mean exactly," Vaughn asked.

“Mactar has an ancient mirror in his castle. When my father bade me to summon the Dark Light Master for his role in my half brother’s death, I found Mactar standing before a mirror calling out to Tarimus but there was no reply.” She answered. “How do you know of Tarimus, Aaron," she asked.

Aaron swallowed, he knew more about Tarimus that he cared to admit, “He came after my grandfather died. He came for me in my dreams, while I was awake, and used people I care about to get to me.” He couldn’t keep the bitterness from his words. “I had to face him upon the crossroads between worlds, but," he paused again gathering his thoughts. “I haven’t sensed him since coming through the gateway.”

“A gateway," Verona said. “Between worlds? You’ve come from a place a good deal more distant than I originally thought my friend.”

Before Aaron could reply there was a sharp knock on the door. Sarik opened the door and a crewman entered.

“The Captain wishes a word with you my lord," he said speaking to Aaron. Aaron nodded and began following the crewman out of the room, but stopped and turned to Sarah.

“Don’t worry lad, we’ll see that she gets settled in her quarters.” Vaughn said smiling. Aaron let out a small smile and followed the crewman from the room. The others began leaving the room and Sarah rose from the couch she sat upon when Verona asked to have a word with her.

“She’ll be right there Vaughn. This won’t take but a moment.” Verona said. He turned towards Sarah and she wondered what he was going to say.

“Aaron is a good man.” Verona began. “Fate has delivered a tough hand to play for him, but a blind man would notice the way you two look at each other. Despite that I’m still not sure why you’re here. Your reasons are your own and I can respect that, but," Verona took a moment before continuing, “He’s my friend and where he doesn’t yet know the ways of this world, it’s my job to watch out for him. If you are here for Aaron as you say, then I welcome you with open arms, but I will be ever watchful.”

Sarah wasn’t lying when she said the act of coming was on impulse, but in her heart she knew this was where she was supposed to be. The more time she spent with Aaron the more she knew she could never go back to her old life.

“You are a good friend and I have no doubts where your loyalty lies. It’s interesting, your comment on Aaron not knowing the ways of this world. I think that could be one of his greatest strengths.” What could she possibly tell Verona to put him at ease where Aaron was concerned, “I care for him Verona. Fate has been pulling on all of our strings it seems.”

“Indeed it has," Verona agreed. “Aaron has a way of seeing right to the heart of a matter. Whether he realizes it or not he is a natural leader. I have but one more question.”

“Then ask.”

“Your travel crystal?” Verona asked.

“Is depleted," Sarah said taking out the now dark crystal.

Verona nodded. “Sarah I sincerely hope your intentions are true where Aaron is concerned. He could be our greatest hope against," He stopped taking a measured look at her, “well against the darkness springing from Shandara and the tyranny of Khamearra.”

Sarah met Verona’s gaze evenly, “I understand.” She replied and Verona nodded leaving her with Vaughn.



THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the High King were cold and silent with the men in attendance not daring to speak. The Elitesmen squad had finished reporting their failed attempt to capture the apparent heir of Shandara.

“Where is your sister?” High King Amorak asked Primus, but none of the men in attendance were fooled by the calm tone.

“I last saw her outside the main council chambers of the Elite Father," Primus answered clearing his throat.

The High King regarded his son as a lion observes his prey moments before unleashing his fury. “And you kept this information to yourself,” he said coldly.

“I...I didn’t think it warranted any attention," Primus stammered.

The High King moved with leopard like grace until he stood before his son. “It’s the littlest things that can have the most impact. For example," The High King made a grandiose gesture to the others present. “It can be a fine line between victory and defeat when there is a break down of the perceived importance of an event. Rordan.” The High King called out to his other son.

“Yes father.” Rordan answered.

“Are the council meetings of the Elite open to the public? Can anyone come and watch them?” The High King asked mildly.

“No father they are not," Rordan answered pointedly not looking at his twin brother’s direction. “But father,” he continued. “Sarah surely is not the one who thwarted the squad’s ability to capture this man.”

“Perhaps," the High King answered, “Perhaps not.”

“The plan was doomed from the start your grace,” spoke a hooded figure entering the chambers followed closely behind by another.

“The only thing learned was that this man can hold his own against six senior Elitesmen and quite honestly I think they got off lightly.” Together the men removed their hoods revealing themselves to be Mactar and Darven.

The Grand Master of the Elite sneered in Darven’s direction who cooly returned his gaze. Darven was the only living
member of the Elite.

“Your grace, despite my warnings the Council sent these men to Rexel alerting not only this man, but Prince Cyrus that we know that the heir of Shandara...” Mactar’s words were cut off as the High King raised his hand.

“You speak out of turn Mactar, I have not invited your council.” The High King said holding Mactar at his mercy. The lighting in the room dimmed by an unseen force and the breath caught in Mactar’s throat. He looked towards Darven with panic stricken eyes.

Darven immediately sank to his knees, “Please my lord release him. Hear what he has to say.” Darven pleaded with his eyes downcast to the floor before him.

The High King brought his hand up higher and Mactar’s body rose off the floor. “Dark Light Master,” he uttered with contempt, letting Mactar’s writhing form hang in the air. “Many fear you, but I grow tired of your meddling. I should give you the death you so richly deserve. You have seconds to speak your case, but if you speak in riddles I will kill you where you stand.” The High King’s bellow echoed throughout the chamber and Mactar’s body dropped forcefully to the floor.

Mactar gasped for breath. “Thank you my lord,” he coughed. “As you well know with the fall of Shandara it was assumed that the line of Alenzar’seth was finally extinguished. The Drake withdrew from the realms of men and until a few months ago I believed it as well, that is…until Tarimus appeared unbidden in the Mirror of Areschel with news about Reymius Alenzar’seth. Tarimus said a great many things that night, but what was most striking were his words: ‘The Lord of Shandara has finally passed from the world of the living through the gateway of an unknown realm and takes his respite in the lands of shadow awaiting the return.’ Tarimus being a creature between the worlds of the living and dead could now sense the presence of the Alenzar’seth in this unknown realm. Two of them in fact.” Mactar paused again watching the High King’s expression turn even more grim.

“Tarimus had enough power to traverse to this realm and was compelled to hunt the heir of Alenzar’seth, but as time went on he began to change, growing more mad so that it became almost impossible to control him. I couldn’t dissuade him from the hunt. It was almost as if he didn’t have a choice. That his nature forbade him from not seeking the two. He spoke of a young man who is Reymius’s heir and the second was Princess Carlowen, Reymius’s daughter. Tarimus was fixated on the young man and as he grew in strength so did Tarimus’s power in the place between worlds. This man must have traversed between realms to Safanar and it was at this moment that the Drake awoken with the shaking of the earth. Thus proving that this stranger is of the house Alenzar’seth.”

The High King said nothing and the moments dripped slowly by.

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