Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (20 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“Well rested?” Verona inquired as he entered the room. He had taken time to clean up as well.

“Very much so," replied Aaron. “What did the Prince want to speak with you about after we left?”

“You,” Verona said with a chuckle. “You made quite an impression upon him.” Verona continued taking in their lavish surroundings. “They don’t give these rooms to just any guest. Regardless, I think he wants to believe, but is afraid of what it will mean. The world has been limping along since the fall of Shandara. The Council of the Elite and the High King have remained unchecked for far too long. But,” said Verona holding up his hand before Aaron could say something. “They are but a smaller part of a much bigger problem. The Ryakul’s aren’t the only beasts of Shadow to roam the lands and it is believed by some they are coming from somewhere within the land of Shandara.” Verona finished.

“I’m no prince or king,” Aaron said quickly. “I am one man. One man cannot keep nations in balance.”

“I apologize if I gave that impression. I didn’t mean to imply that this falls upon your shoulders. I simply meant that the time for these tyrants is at an end. People will rally behind you because of who you are regardless of how you view yourself.” Verona said.

Rally behind him, who did they think he was? A few months ago he was a kid finishing up his last year in college.

“Verona, I’m not sure what to say. I came here because I am being hunted and Colind appears to be the only one with the knowledge to help. He is imprisoned in Shandara and I need to find a way to free him, so I can stop those who are trying to kill me. I know nothing of the politics in this world. High King, Council of the Elite, and this Mactar meant nothing to me until a few days ago.” He tried to keep the bitterness from his voice at the mention of the Elite and Mactar. Circles within circles. How far would this journey pull him in he wondered.

Verona smiled reassuringly, “I know this is all foreign to you, but it’s important that you realize the impact the return of the Alenzar’seths will have on Safanar. Enough of this talk. There is a celebration to attend and it will be something to behold, even if no one knows that a person in attendance is of the house they are honoring.” Verona said with a wink and ushered Aaron out the door.

The clothes he wore were quite comfortable. Just brown pants and a midnight blue shirt that felt light and flexible upon his skin, though didn’t think they were cotton. They walked the corridors of the palace and Verona joked with Erik and Braden whom he nicknamed Aaron’s Shadows and for the briefest of moments Aaron wondered how Zeus was doing. He hadn’t seen him since before entering the city, but he had no doubts that he wasn’t far from him now.

Glowing orbs lighted the corridors that led to the great hall, which were a wash of light and color reflecting off chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Giant doors more than twice the size a man were open to the gardens where more orbs hung in the air lighting the party grounds along with the setting sun. The city was alight with color as the feast extended beyond the palace walls. He had left his swords and staff in his room, but he still had a few throwing knives placed around his person. It never hurt to be prepared. The great hall was lavishly decorated with fresh flowers hung along the walls and tables. Brightly colored banners were arrayed along the way with some depicting the Alenzar’seth coat of arms. The flag of Shandara, he thought, and rubbed the medallion that rested cooly against his chest.

Sarik came to join them from amongst the sea of people who filled the Great Hall and pavilion setup outside the gardens with a few men in his wake. While Verona was greeting the men, Aaron seized the opportunity to take a walk through the crowds of people leaving them behind, Eric and Braden included. Aaron went outside and walked amongst the people and some nodded in friendly greeting as he passed by. A group of musicians played a gentle tune near a large fountain of the Goddess that matched the one where they had camped a few nights ago. Glowing orbs from within the fountain left the place awash in shimmering light. He wondered how the orbs gave off light because he didn’t see any electrical cords to power them. Now that he thought of it he didn’t see any form of electricity here, but there were some accoutrements of a modern civilization like plumbing and those glowing orbs and yet they still used the sword and spear.

He felt a familiar set of eyes upon him and his gaze swept the faces of the crowd around him until at last he saw her. The beautiful blue eyes and full cheekbones were unmistakable for he had seen them before under a hood in a small town. Their eyes locked, his chest tightened and the blood rushed to his face. She had been like a dream on the edge of his thoughts that would disappear if he dared look too closely. The rest of the world around them faded away to gray as he took a step towards her. Her golden blond hair was swept up away from her neck and her eyes calmly searched his, almost challenging him in a way. She wore a gown of deep sea blue that clung to her form and was both simple and elegant that put her worlds beyond any girl he had ever seen in his life. The moments ran like quicksand and his breath quickened as he stepped closer. She held something small in her hand that she kept casually by her side, which Aaron prayed wasn’t one of those travel crystals.
he pleaded with his eyes as he closed the distance until he stood before her.

“Hello," Aaron said and she regarded him silently for a moment before her lips curved into a small smile. “I’ve seen you before.”

“I’ve been watching you,” she said and her voice was like the finest silk. They were alone amidst a crowd of people and Aaron couldn’t get any words to come out of his mouth. “You have kind eyes.” She said with her fingers toying with something in her hand.

Aaron smiled shyly back at her and held out his hand. “Would you like to dance?”

The question slipped out of his mouth without any forethought. She seemed as surprised by the question as he was and stared at his extended hand. Whatever she had been holding was gone when she gently placed her smooth hand in his. The musicians began a song of a slow tempo, for which Aaron was grateful because he only knew one type of dance. His mother had drilled the Waltz into him in preparation for his sister’s wedding. He placed his right hand on her hip and began to guide her into the simple elegance of the Waltz and after a few moments stopped counting the steps in his head. She picked it up quickly and couples in the area began to follow their lead. They smiled at one another in the gentle spin as the rest of the world faded away to gray.

“You are not at all what I expected," she said and frowned slightly.

“What is it that you expected?” Aaron asked.

“I don’t know," she admitted and let out a small laugh.

“I’m Aaron,” he said.

“Sarah. It’s nice to meet you Aaron," she replied with a dazzling smile that made his heart melt.

“Sarah,” he said savoring her name in his mouth. “Why have you been watching me?” He asked the question hoping she wouldn’t disappear with that cursed Travel Crystal.

“I want to know more about you,” she said. “You’ve become a person of great interest even if the people here don’t realize it yet. Your actions at the town are even now circulating amongst powerful people.”

Aaron frowned “Who are you Sarah?” He asked.

“I could ask the same of you Aaron,” was her retort. There was no harshness in her tone just a determination to stay on equal footing.

“What would you like to know?” Aaron countered. If she was surprised with such a direct question she didn’t let on.

“Where do you come from?” Sarah asked.

“I’m sure you’ve never heard of it," Aaron answered smirking. “Earth,” he said and never thought he would answer a question of where he was from as being from Earth.

“You’re right I haven’t heard of it.” Sarah replied.

“Well,” Aaron asked.

“Yes," said Sarah with her blue eyes twinkling.

“Where are you from," Aaron asked.

“Oh I’m sure you’ve never heard of it either," Sarah said her eyes alight with humor. The song ended and they stood facing each other, but Aaron wouldn’t break the silence. He just looked at her expectantly. “Khamearra,” she said at last.

“Never heard of it,” he said smiling. “But I assure you I’m not that interesting.”
What am I doing?
He should walk away right now, but he couldn’t and for the first time in a long time there was no darkness in his heart. The overwhelming desire to keep running was banished in a space between moments as he gazed into Sarah’s beautiful blue eyes. They began to walk slowly weaving their way through the gardens.

“On the contrary Aaron, I think you’re the most interesting person here. Do you make it a habit to humble Elitesman wherever you go?” Sarah asked.

“Someone should,” Aaron replied his tone growing a bit bitter at the thought of the Elitesman.

“I’m sure you realize that they will be hunting you even now,” Sarah said.

He was pleased to hear the concern in her voice as it was the first indication that she felt one way or another about him. As far as the Elitesman were concerned they could stand in line to hunt him.

“They aren’t the first,” he replied.

They walked in silence for a few moments before making their way back to the fountain and his heart was at war with itself. He was cursing himself a fool for indulging in this fantasy for he knew this was something that could never be, whoever Sarah truly was. Yet there was a part of him that dared hope that he could find peace and be happy even if it was for this brief moment of time.

“Perhaps with the right help you’ll be able to outrun them all," said Sarah.

“Are you offering?” He asked smiling and after a slight pause, “Well I don’t plan on making it easy for anyone,” replied Aaron. “Perhaps now you can tell me something about yourself since you seem to know an awful lot about me.” He said in a lighter tone. Sarah sighed looking back at him and for a moment he saw uncertainty in her beautiful eyes and he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and feel the press of her lips upon his. Unless he was an utter fool he saw a similar desire in her eyes when she looked at him like that. What was she hiding?

“Maybe another time then," Aaron said after a few moments hiding his disappointment, but he could tell she wasn’t fooled.

“I’m sorry," she said at last, pushing a rebellious strand of hair away from her face and taking a step closer to him. “It appears we both have secrets that bind us.”

“A harsh prison should we choose to stay within its walls.” Aaron said. “Do these secrets hold power over us or we them.” He was starting to sound like Verona.

“All things in time," Sarah said gazing up into his eyes.

They stood there amidst the shimmering golden lights by the fountain. Aaron reached out to Sarah’s hand and they both stood inches apart from the other. Their eyes speaking the volumes that their mouths refused to say. He began to lean in, their lips met and his heart thundered in his chest. Sometimes a kiss spoke volumes. His thoughts went out of time becoming lost in the alluring embrace of her mouth upon his. Then he heard Verona call his name coming around the fountain. He pulled away reluctantly from Sarah each sharing a small smile with the other. He turned to his friend and was alarmed by seeing the sheer shock in Verona’s eyes not directed at him, but at Sarah. Aaron turned back to Sarah as her hand left his arm and whispered that she was sorry and disappeared before his very eyes.

“It can’t be," Verona said in disbelief with Eric and Braden standing at his shoulders and Sarik bringing up the rear.

“It can’t be what Verona?” Aaron asked quickly.

“Unless my eyes have failed me my friend, you were just kissing the daughter of the High King Amorak of Khamearra. Also head of the Elitesman council of masters. All rulers in our corner of the world are forced to swear fealty and pay homage to his kingdom.” Verona said.

Aaron was stunned. “Verona, she was the woman only I could see as we left the town. She was here tonight. She told me her name was Sarah and that her home was in Khamearra.” Aaron said. “She wouldn’t tell me much.” But her kiss told him enough.

Verona nodded. “Did you tell her who you were?” He asked. Aaron shook his head and Verona sighed clearly relieved. “The only kingdom that balanced the power to keep the High King in check was Shandara. In essence you were kissing the daughter of your worst enemy. One of those directly responsible for the fall of Shandara.”

Aaron had to steady his breath allowing his mind to catch up. The daughter of his enemy? Was the High King the one pulling Tarimus’s strings?

“She wasn’t trying to hurt me,” he said.

“That much is obvious," Verona chided smiling broadly glancing at Eric and Braden who laughed in earnest. “I turn my back for a few minutes.” He said to them shaking his head. “Come Aaron we should take our ease this night. There is a cask of Rexelian Ale that has our name on it.” Verona said patting him on the shoulder.

“She has one of those travel crystals. I think she was feeling me out for information," Aaron said. “Oh would you stop," he said when they erupted in another bout of laughter. “It felt more like I was being interviewed. Weighed and measured.” And with that the rest of them started laughing uncontrollably so that he had no choice but to join in.

“Well if thats true I wished more beautiful princesses would interview me," said Braden chuckling.

As they walked away Aaron kept glancing back at the spot where Sarah vanished hoping that she would return, but she didn’t. They found a table and began drinking and telling stories into the night. There were many toasts given in honor of Shandara to which Verona would give Aaron a nod and a wink. Those who knew who he was would raise their glasses in his direction much to the ignorance of the crowd. There was a single mournful toast of silence for the fall of the house Alenzar’seth which felt surreal to Aaron. The celebration in it’s entirety stopped and silenced set in. After a few minutes the celebration picked back up, but Aaron couldn’t help but wonder what had his ancestors done to warrant such respect. Throughout the remainder of the night Aaron’s thoughts returned to Sarah and the way she looked at him with those blue eyes. He found himself remembering the soft curve of her full lips on his and wondered if he would ever see her again? What would he say to her if he did anyway? Daughter of the High King.

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