Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (21 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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The next morning Aaron gathered his belongings, which wasn’t much and stuffed his pack. He grabbed his cloak, staff, swords, and exited the room to find Sarik waiting outside his door.

“Good morning," Aaron said.

“Morning," Sarik replied. “I’d like to start training today.”

There was such enthusiasm in Sarik’s eyes Aaron hoped he wouldn’t disappoint him.

“Good. Me too. Do they have a place that we could use?” Aaron asked, in a place this big how could they not.

Sarik smiled clearly excited, “Oh yes. There is an entire courtyard devoted to the martial arts that the guards and guests can use to exercise.”

Aaron’s stomach let out a loud growl. He was famished. “Breakfast?” Sarik nodded. “Lead the way.”

Sarik led him through the palace to the kitchens where they were able to get some food and eat in one of the smaller dinning halls near the kitchens. They were soon joined by rest of the crew.

“Aaron has agreed to start training us today,” he said excitedly to the others who, to Aaron’s surprise looked pleased by this news.

“As I said I’ve never trained anyone before, but I’ll do my best to pass on the knowledge that my grandfather instilled in me.” Aaron said evenly. They all nodded including Verona and finished their food.

They soon came to the training grounds, which were easily the size of two football fields. The racks of practice weapons along the walls reminded Aaron of the sparring room back home, only on a much grander scale. There was a section of practice dummies, stumps for uneven footing, walls for climbing, and much more. Prince Cyrus took the conditioning of his soldiers seriously. There were a few groups already here, but they walked over to clear spot for general training and were joined by Vaughn who looked at Aaron’s backpack and said. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Doesn’t hurt to be prepared.” Aaron said. “Regardless of what is found in the Prince’s archives I will be leaving soon.”

Vaughn looked the most surprised by this. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you meant to leave so quickly. I think it’s only fair that the Prince is aware of your intentions.”

“I would appreciate it if you could tell him," Aaron said earnestly. “I mean no disrespect to him and I am grateful for his hospitality, but I can’t afford to loiter anywhere for very long until we find Colind. My presence here puts everyone at risk and I won’t risk the lives of the innocent if I can avoid it.”

Verona stood between them, “I’m ready when you are, but I urge you to be patient. I suspect we haven’t learned all that we could to aid us in our journey.”

“Thank you Verona.” Aaron said and then turned to address the rest of the group. “I appreciate all your help in getting me this far, but I urge you to consider carefully before deciding to come on this journey to Shandara. While I am of the house Alenzar’seth, I am not Reymius.” He said looking at them each in turn and what he saw staring back at him were men, resolute of purpose. They really were going to come with him.

“You’d think he was trying to get rid of us," Braden said glancing at his brother Eric.

“It’s ok Aaron," said Garret. “We’re well aware of the dangers, probably more so than you, but we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to leave with our heads held high.”

“Now are we going to stand here talking or train?” Eric asked.

Aaron surrendered, Garret was right. They had more knowledge of what awaited them than he did, but he needed to say what he did and give them a way to leave. He hoped this journey would not end with some or even all of them dead.

“Ok let’s line up," Aaron said and they warmed up loosening their muscles and Aaron began with some of the slower forms.

“The most important rule when doing any of these forms is to not think beyond the next move. Push all thoughts away. Breath and body must become one. Even the most basic of moves is worthy of all your attention.” Aaron said pacing up and down the lines. “Each move leads to the next through the natural progression. These forms are used to strengthen your ability to focus your mind. Your mind is the most important weapon and the key for surviving an encounter with an Elitesman.” Aaron stopped surveying them and a few passer-byes stopped in their tracks at the mention of the Elitesmen.

“That is why you’re here right?” Aaron said. “The Elitesmen are shrouded in mystery, you’ve told me. Very skilled to be sure, but they are men just the same.” They stared idly back at him and Aaron could tell they were not convinced.

“Men!” He barked. “Flesh and blood the same as you or I. Men with weaknesses just like you or I. No one," he paused. “No one is infallible. Any strength can be used against an opponent. Eric and Sarik come forward.” He couldn’t have picked men who were more on the opposite sides of the size spectrum. Sarik was all wiry and speed, while Eric was tall heavily muscled and strong as an ox.

“A focused mind will measure your opponent in moments and unravel the pattern of their attack so that you can press your own. Or leave. What is more important, the goal you are working toward or victory over the man who stands in your way? Sometimes a way passed is all that is required. Sarik is wiry and quick and will use his speed to his advantage at every opportunity as well he should. Eric is very strong and will swing whatever weapon he holds with mighty force. Each has their place and it takes a focused mind to survive the encounter.” Aaron gestured to Sarik and Eric to return to the line. “As we travel we will explore the different fighting forms and their applications toward not only self preservation, but the protection of others. Perhaps you may find yourself facing an opponent that you do not wish to harm.” Aaron said and a vision of Bronwyn with the dead black eyes of Tarimus stared back into his eyes. He swallowed the small lump in his throat down. “Believe me it’s not as outlandish as it sounds.”

“What happens when we face someone who is more skilled than us?” Sarik asked.

“I’m glad you said when and not if. Return to the basics. Focus and be in the moment that is the foundation upon which you must build.” Aaron said. “There will always be someone who is quicker, stronger, and more experienced out there in the world. Do not let fear or anger overwhelm you. Those are weapons that can cut as deeply as the sharpest sword or knife.”

The next few hours were filled with practice and sparring. Aaron was surprised by how much he had to teach. It was like everything that Reymius had ever taught him was there in the back of his mind eager to be shared. While he couldn’t forget where he was given the grandeur of the training yard, he couldn’t help but think of the hours spent in the sparing room at his house with his grandfather.

The training yard had steadily filled and as the time passed they had gathered an audience. Most notably was a boy who couldn’t have been more than seventeen years of age dressed in clothes a bit too fine for the training yard. His companions were two rather large body guards that looked to be Eric and Braden’s cousins. The boy’s expression was of someone who smelled something foul under his nose, which stuck up in the air. When he wasn’t watching them, and making hushed comments to his companions, he spared a few venomous looks at Verona, which made Aaron wonder what history was there.

Aaron picked up the rune marked staff. “Let’s talk about weapons for a few minutes. Sometimes the simplest of weapons are the most effective. Expensive swords or flashy axes or anything with a lot of finery can be overly complex and come with as many disadvantages as the advantages they offer in combat. A staff is the most common weapon available to anyone and is one all should have a cursory knowledge of.”

The boy laughed, “A common weapon for common folk will not stand against a trained swordsman.” The boy sneered drawing everyones attention and more than a few raised eyebrows.

Aaron smiled patiently at the boy. “A weapon is only limited to the hand that wields it, regardless of the perceived station of the wielder. A farmer with a stick defending his home will most certainly fight harder than any hired soldier.”

“A trained swordsman is more than a match for any commoner with a stick.” The boy replied.

“I see," Aaron said mildly, “Are you such a trained swordsman? Do you have a name?”

One the body guards stepped boldly forward, “You have the honor of addressing his exalted highness Prince Jopher Zamaridian.”

“Would you be willing to put your theory to the test?” Aaron asked never taking his eyes off the prince.

“You will address his highness by his proper title. Prince Jopher Zamaridian," The guard said harshly placing his hand on his sword and Aaron noticed Eric and Braden shift their position.

Aaron kept his gaze upon the boy prince waiting for an answer. He would be damned if he was going to address this boy by any ‘proper’ title.

After a few moments the boy held up his hand to the guard. “It’s ok. We are guests. I have no issue with putting my theory, as you say, to the test.”

“Good, since I am neither a lord nor a prince or a king I guess I’m as common as they come. Would you care to match your sword against my staff?” Aaron said and noticed Verona shifting his feet. He would not claim any such title regardless of his lineage.

The guard was about to protest, but the prince held up his hand and he reluctantly fell silent.

“A friendly exhibition.” Aaron said and this time he looked at the body guard who fixed him with a hard stare.

“Who will judge this friendly exhibition?” The boy prince asked.

“I will," said a much older voice at the rear of the crowd. Prince Cyrus calmly walked to the front as people made way. “I trust that will be sufficient for you my lord.” The Prince said addressing the boy with a slight bow.

“Of course your grace. I appreciate your taking the time out of your day for this business.” The boy said with a respectful bow.

“I think it will be truly enlightening.” Prince Cyrus answered inclining his head. He nodded to Aaron and both he and the boy took up positions facing each other.

While Jopher’s sword was indeed flashy the boy held it as one at home with the blade. When the Prince signaled, the boy unleashed a barrage of attacks meant to overwhelm an opponent. Aaron allowed the boy to come at him giving ground until he sidestepped and gave the princeling a good kick in the backside, which sent him tumbling forward.

Aaron ignored the snickers from the crowd and calmly waited for the boy to gain his bearings. Jopher attacked again, his moves more precise and calculated. Aaron blocked and parried each attack guiding the boy around in a circle, but he kept coming. The boy was strong and he was skillful with the sword at least in that he wasn’t mistaken, but his fighting was comprised of his arrogance and therefore revealed his weakness. Aaron quickly stepped inside the boys attack and swept his feet out from under him with his staff. He brought the point of the staff to rest upon the boys chest.

“Had enough?” Aaron asked calmly.

The boy spat, signaling to his body guards. Aaron was waiting for this, but he had hoped the boy had some shred of honor. The two body guards charged at the same time and Aaron moved fluidly against them with a leopards grace. The whirl of the rune carved staff humming through the air could be heard as he dealt decisive blows to the body guards sending them sprawling. Aaron spun in time for boy’s attack. Blade met staff only once before Aaron disarmed the boy prince and took his feet from under him again with much more force than the first time and planted the end of the staff none to gently upon boy’s chest. Aaron took a quick glance behind him and was relieved to see that Eric and Braden held the body guards in place.

“Only a person without integrity dishonors the circle.” Aaron said coldly.

The boy feebly struggled to rise, but Aaron held him down.

“Princes and Kings can be born boy, but only men can be made. Come back when you wish to be a man.” Aaron finished releasing the boy, who slowly got up rubbing his chest. Eric and Braden released the bodyguards at the same moment. They eyed Aaron as if weighing whether they should seek retribution, but instead came to the boy’s aid guiding him away.



SARAH NEEDED TO think. Aaron’s almond colored eyes flashed in her mind. So There was a few moments where she felt like she would tell him anything he wanted to know. And when they danced it was as if they were the only two people in the world. She felt the heat rush to her face and could hardly stop thinking about last night.

Most of the men in her life had political motives and would only see the beautiful High Princess, daughter of High King Amorak. Not all the men in her life had been bad though, some were good friends, but none had made her feel like her heart would race out of her chest. The few brief times she had seen Aaron he had threatened to suck her into his wake unbeknownst to him, even now she wouldn’t mind being swept away, her thoughts once again straying to last night. She hoped things wouldn’t change when he learned who she was. Her thoughts drifted to the small town where he revealed he was a descendant of the house of Alenzar’seth the Lords of Shandara, who were, by her father’s account, the sworn enemies of Khamearra.

She wouldn’t hide the truth from herself that each passing moment left her wanting to be close to him.
Oh Aaron, I would have you win my heart.
The more sensible part of her warned of the grave danger that would be certain to come by involving herself with Aaron. Would he even accept her once he learned who she was? She had always stood apart from her family, with her three half brothers always plotting her demise and her mother long dead from an incurable illness. Her father had little time for the daughter he had never wanted in the first place and when he was remarried she was all but forgotten. Sarah brushed those old hurtful thoughts aside and focused on the here and now. She had felt the change in the air when the earth shook and the words whispered in her ears.
One of the old blood has returned.
She had almost exhausted her travel crystal tracking him. It was difficult to believe that Aaron could be of the house Alenzar’seth,
one of the old blood.
They were an ancient family who were aligned with the Hythariam people, who themselves were another matter entirely. The voices in the council chambers droned on as they discussed the very person who occupied her thoughts so much of late. She was in a private alcove where she would normally be able to observe without notice, but that was before she sensed someone close by.

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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