
Read Robert Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Vampire/ Paranormal/ Wereshifters

BOOK: Robert
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A Total-E-Bound Publication


ISBN #978-0-85715-863-5

©Copyright Sam Crescent 2012

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright January 2012

Edited by Rebecca Hill

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a

This story contains 95 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 5 pages.

The Valentines


Sam Crescent

Book one in The Valentines Series
A war is about to begin.

Sophie Ford has a secret. Fear for herself and her friend has her running to the Vampire Council in search of protection.

And she is bonded to a vampire.

Robert Valentine knows Sophie is hiding something, but what? She tempts him as no little human ever has in his whole life. He is the eldest son of the most powerful family in the world. Forces they cannot control are fighting against them. Time is running out. Sophie's secret is about to be exposed. Is there time to save the ones they love? Can Robert and Sophie move on and survive the war that is about to begin?


I would like to dedicate this entire series to my sister, Emma. Not only has she supported me in my decision to write, she joins me in my long obsession with vampires. Emma, I love you very much and without your love and support The Valentines wouldn’t have been written.


The Council of Vampires, somewhere in Beyer West

“You will allow this match to go through.”

Robert Valentine glanced over at his father—head of the Valentine Corporation and leader of his family—feeling bewildered and angry.

“It is just another human family on the verge—”

“I don’t care,” his father yelled at him across the room.

Robert watched his mother flinch. His three brothers turned away, not wanting their father’s wrath directed at them. Robert understood. These were perilous times and his father had no room in his life for arguments. His two sisters were not even allowed access to the Council’s chambers. Instead, old traditions said they must remain outside at all times. One day, Robert wished to banish the old ways and start afresh. Rose and Dawn were equally affected by what happened in this place as he was.

Robert looked at his father. He respected him but there were times when he despised the way in which the man worked. The laws that governed their society were archaic. If they didn’t change their ways soon, Robert believed it would get them all killed.

“What have they offered?” Robert asked, trying to take some interest in the situation, since it was likely to affect his future. At the moment he had no power to change the outcome of tonight’s events.

His father nodded to the guards to open the connecting door leading out to the human visiting room. This allowed humans a place to sit and wait, and offered protection against the abuses of the outside world. Vampire protection, among the humans, was considered a last resort, and only the most degraded and those without pride accepted such an alliance.

A man and a woman entered the great hall. There was nothing fantastic about their appearance. They were dressed in business suits, neat and tidy, and he noted that they appeared to be in their late fifties. One of them carried a folder, which was odd. He assumed the folder contained information, but the Council usually had all the information it needed about human visitors petitioning for help. Beyer West might be a small town, but it was a Valentine-run town. His father was pedantic in his dealings with the human public. Every deal and alliance must be well-documented and sealed away for future reference.

“Mr and Mrs Ford, allow me to introduce my oldest son, Robert Valentine.”

Robert acknowledged the couple, bowing, as was the protocol among his family. He kept his attention on the Council and his own family, though. He knew of the Fords from his own company dealings. They were a prosperous family who should have no need of the Valentines’ services. Only last week Robert had checked the profit margins for the town’s most affluent families. It all seemed rather odd to him.

The couple glanced nervously around them.

“We need the kind of protection you are notorious for offering,” Mrs Ford said.

Robert noticed that Mr Ford was scratching his head and felt like doing the same. How could this company need their help? Last time he checked, Mrs Ford stayed at home with the children while her husband ran the company. Robert couldn’t think of a single reason why they would be at the Council.

“We are not a security company, Mrs Ford.”

“I’m aware of that, but we can meet the price that you have set.” She handed over the file. “We’ve stumbled into some financial difficulty and we would also like assistance with this.”

Robert Valentine opened the folder. An A4 picture of a beautiful young woman stared up at him, an innocent and carefree smile shining from deep within her.

“Pretty girl,” he complimented her.

“That is Sophie. My only daughter and not a girl but a woman of twenty-one,” Mr Ford corrected him.

“With all due respect, Mr Ford, I’m more than five hundred years old. To me, she is a child,” Robert snapped, looking up to glare at the couple.

He couldn’t deny the intrigue he felt about the girl, just from the picture he’d seen, but she was still a child. Her picture and family situation should not concern him or his family. Why did he suddenly have a bad vibe about the whole meeting? Robert glanced back at the file. The innocence clearly expressed in her beautiful features said that this girl hadn’t yet been tainted by the real world. He felt a tug at his heart, knowing that within months the smile would be gone, replaced by a frown and wary features. That was just part of life, but something within him didn’t want this girl to be affected by it.

This meeting was getting odder by the second.

Mr Ford retreated, leaving his wife to deal with the proceedings.

“The protection you offer is that no harm will come to the family, as well as you supplying money to cover our debts?” she asked.

His father nodded.

“The deal would be between Sophie and me,” Robert interrupted. He found that he wished to see the real-life vision of the girl in the photo. To witness her innocence himself and to see her reaction to him. Would she be as affected by him as he was by her?

“Sophie is outside.” Mrs Ford nodded at her husband to go and collect their daughter.

Five minutes later a small, plump blonde entered—or rather was pulled by the elbow into the room, one of their security guards holding her as her father walked in front.

“Get your hands off me,” the girl snapped, trying to shrug off the guard’s hold. After a few seconds of struggling, the guard left her at her parents’ side. Her father reached out to take hold of the same elbow the guard had been holding.

Robert could see the fear on her delicate face. He could imagine that being in a room full of the most dangerous vampires in the world might be a little scary. After all, they could kill them all within seconds and no one would ever know what had happened to them. It upset him to see that the wary look he had predicted was already present in her eyes. Even now she held a world of knowledge that she had no business knowing.

The Valentine family was extremely powerful. No one questioned them. They were a family to be reckoned with. It must have taken guts to come here begging for help.

Sophie pulled out of her father’s grip. She might be frightened but the little wild-cat had fire. He liked it. Robert felt the beginnings of a stirring in his groin. It would seem that his body liked her, too. He watched her, his eyes straying to every move she made, as she shifted away from her family to stand near him. She kept her eyes on the other creatures present. She knew the threat in the room, and it wasn’t him or her parents—it was the mature vampire sitting further along the table.

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