Rock Bay 2 - Letting Go (14 page)

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Authors: M. J. O'Shea

BOOK: Rock Bay 2 - Letting Go
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Mason laughed softly. “I can’t believe you’re being so nice about this. I was ready for you to bite my head off and hang up. I just wanted to apologize and here we are talking about going on another date?”

“I’m willing to try if you are.” Drew realized just then that he was grinning like a fool. All was not lost with Mason.

“Very willing. Listen, why don’t you come down here one night this week? I’ll make it up to you by cooking you dinner. I’m a pretty good cook.”

“Yeah?” The idea of a cozy dinner in Mason’s apartment made Drew’s chest tighten with a fierce combination of nerves and happiness. “I can do dinner.”

Drew was pretty sure he heard Mason sigh with relief. “Okay, how ’bout tomorrow at eight? I’ll make pasta, I promise I’ll be my normal-ish self and not a psycho, and we can hang out for a little while and just make everything nice and casual.”

“I think we can do that.”

hung up the phone with a sigh of relief. Drew still wanted him, he was actually
instead of freaking out or just being cold and everything could possibly still be okay with him and his preppy guy. He started mentally planning the dinner, what he’d wear, how it would be to kiss him. Mason took that last thought from his head. After Saturday, he couldn’t assume there would be any kissing. He could hope, though, and fantasize and dream. He wandered in toward his bedroom to get the light pajama bottoms he always wore in the spring and summer. He was about to head into his bathroom for a shower when his cell rang.

“Hey, Loogs, what’s up?”
“Hey.” Logan sounded
“What’s wrong? You sound like… oh, Jesus,

your parents are okay, aren’t they?”


“Yeah. They’re fine. It’s Carrie. We broke up.”

Mason was speechless for a second. “What? You two have been together since the dorms freshman year. What happened?”

“Columbia happened. She got into grad school there and has enough credits to graduate a semester early.”

“Seriously? She dumped you because she got into a school and is going after Christmas? That’s like months away!”

“No, she’s going in August. She’s going to finish her undergrad credits over the summer at her parents’ house, and she’s gone.”

“But you guys live together.”

“Not anymore. She packed up her shit this afternoon.”
“Dude, I’m really sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

“I thought I was gonna marry her, Mase. I had a ring. I just….”

Mason felt so bad for his old friend. He didn’t know what to do. All the girls that Logan had dated in high school had kind of rolled off of his back. He’d never taken any of them very seriously. It was hard to hear him so drained and depressed.

“Listen, what’s your schedule like this summer? Are you working at that baseball camp again?”

“Nah. I didn’t feel like it. I don’t really have any plans for this summer. I’m not taking class.”

“Then why don’t you come here? I know it’s not the big city, but we can hang out when I’m not at work, and I have some cool friends.”

“I do love your foldout couch.”
Mason laughed. “When does class get out?”

“Last week. Maybe I will come down. Find myself a summer job or something so I’m not in your hair constantly. Give me a few days to get this place packed up and in storage. I’m not going to stay here anymore. Every damn room reminds me of Carrie. I’ll be there maybe Saturday or Sunday?”

“That works. I have Sunday off, miraculously. We can hang out and get you settled.” It was the right thing to do. At least he hoped it was. And Mason had missed Logan a lot. It’s hard to go nearly cold turkey from someone you spent every day with from toddlerhood on.

“So, I’ll give you a call later this week to check up?”
“Yeah. Does this help at all?”
“I think so. It’ll be a change of scene for a

few months at least.”




Chapter Eleven


was nervous. Really nervous. The last time he’d gone out with Drew, he’d been too annoyed with Todd to have a chance to get so nervous. Plus, he’d not done anything moronic at that point. He needed to make an impression with Drew, now that he had a second chance. And Drew was due in,
oh shit
, twenty minutes. His pesto cream was warming on the oven, the pasta was ready to boil as soon as Drew got there, the vegetables steamed and seasoned, dessert was in the freezer, and wine was chilled. Mason had never had his shit together more with a dinner, but it didn’t matter. Freak out central.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone chimed a few moments later.


Hey, sorry I’m a little early. I’m here if you’re ready.

Mason grinned. Ready, no. Excited. Hell, yes. He nearly ran down the stairs to let Drew in the front door.
Chill out, dork
. He made himself take a few long breaths before he answered the door. Drew was standing there looking just as nervous as Mason felt. Nervous and totally adorable. His jeans were nice, designer probably, and the thin, fitted T-shirt and sweater he had over it showcased gorgeous wide shoulders and…
damn. Quit staring

“Come in. Sorry. My place is on the third floor. It’s a bit of a hike.”
“It’s okay. Lead the way.”

They trailed all the way up to Mason’s thirdfloor apartment, chatting easily like they usually did on the phone. Mason was slightly out of breath from the climb, but at the same time he felt like he could
. His chest had been stopped up since Saturday night. It was going to be okay. He hoped.

“So, this is my place. It’s small, but I love it.” He ushered Drew in through the front door to the green main room that smelled like pesto and warm bread and home.

“This is great. I love the view you have.”

It was one of Mason’s favorite parts. How he could look out his old windows at the ocean and just watch the small waves rolling in.

“Thanks. You know, I was worried that you wouldn’t like it here, that it might be too small or too old—”

“It’s great,” Drew assured him. Then he stepped closer and reached for Mason’s hand. “Thank you for having me over.” Their hands touched, just a tiny bit, fingers brushing together ever so slightly, but it was enough to set fire to Mason’s insides. From a
. Their first real touch ever.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he murmured. “Come have a seat.”
Drew followed him to the tall table he had in the little kitchen nook. He’d set it with a happy tablecloth, pretty, matching dishes, and a few candles. Didn’t want to make it too obvious of a romance scene, but a box of pizza and a few beers wouldn’t cut it either.

“Do you want me to pour the wine?” Drew asked.

Mason had a bottle of white that he’d chilled in an ice bucket. The ID that had gotten him into many bars in Seattle did the trick when it came to wine at the grocery store as well. But it still would be nicer in a few weeks when he didn’t have to feel like he was pulling a fast one.

“Sure, that would be great.” Mason put his tortellini on to boil and got the side dishes out from the oven where they’d been warming.

“Wow, look at all this,” Drew marveled. “Dinner for me is usually a frozen entree, or maybe pizza. Last night I had, what, a muffin and some coffee?”

Mason tsked at him, but smiled so Drew would know he was kidding. “The pasta will be ready in just a few minutes. Do you want me to put some music on?”

Drew shook his head. “Can we just talk?”

“Sure.” Talking sounded perfect. No distractions, no TV, no club, no friends… nothing but them eating and talking. He hadn’t had a date like that in a long,

“So….” Drew gave Mason a shy smile. “I guess I’m better at talking on the phone.”

Mason reached across his little kitchen table and took Drew’s hand. “It’s fine. We’re new, right? Things are bound to be a little awkward.”

“I like it. The youngling giving advice to the guy who should be cooler than he is.”
“I don’t want you to be cooler than you are. I like
. Especially that cute giggle. Don’t ever lose the giggle.”
Drew giggled, just like Mason loved, and then he blushed like he hadn’t meant to do it. Mason couldn’t help reaching up just to touch his face for a minute. It was probably too early for that stuff, first re-do date and all, but it felt like they’d known each other for a long time.
“I’m glad you don’t like cool. I’ve never managed to pull it off. My friends, yeah, but I think I was just in the group by default since I was an athlete. I’m a math geek, really. Not cool.”
“It’s okay, I was the school fairy. Also not cool. We’re good company.” Mason smiled and stood. “Lemme get the tortellini out of the water. It cooks really fast.”
The conversation flowed after that. They shared Mason’s food and a ton of laughs. It was exactly like the first date between them should’ve been instead of that disaster at the bowling alley. Mason was sad when it was time for Drew to go. But it was time. There was no way he was going to ruin such a perfectly sweet night by asking Drew to sleep over. Drew wasn’t like that.
wasn’t like that. Not with someone he thought he could really fall for.

Mason walked Drew out to his car after dinner was done, and the dishes were cleaned—he thought it was adorable that Drew insisted on staying to help with that part.

“I had a really good time tonight,” Drew said quietly. “Thank you for calling. I’m glad I didn’t miss out on this.”

“Me too, I mean I’m glad I didn’t….” Mason trailed off. And there it was. That dreaded moment where you could either kiss each other or end the date with a somewhat painful hug, or even worse, a handshake. Not happening. Mason stepped forward, hoping Drew would get the hint. Drew smiled and leaned forward as well, until their faces were only centimeters apart.
Thank God.

“Can I see you again?” Drew asked softly. Mason nodded. “Uh-huh.”
“Can I kiss you?” The question was even quieter. Hesitant. Shy.


When their lips touched, it was exactly how Mason had hoped it would be. He trembled and lifted his hand to cup it around Drew’s neck. Drew nipped at Mason’s lip, all soft and sweet and

gentle, and Mason opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Someone moaned. It might have been him, it might have been Drew, it might have been the most perfect kiss that Mason had ever experienced.

They pulled apart slowly, both breathing hard. Mason smiled and rubbed his nose against Drew’s. Yeah, it was an awfully familiar gesture, seeing as how they barely knew each other, but it felt like the right thing to do.

“So, I was thinking we could do something on

Saturday?” Drew asked tentatively.
“Of course. Saturday is perfect.” Mason took
his hand from Drew’s neck and trailed it down his
arm to tangle their fingers together. He didn’t want

to say good night. Before he knew it, he’d leaned forward to kiss Drew again, softer this time, one last taste before good-bye.


“Can I call you tomorrow?” Drew asked.

Mason grinned. What was with all the asking? “Of course. I might call you too. I want to hear

from you, Drew. Please don’t let last weekend scare you off.”

Drew squeezed his fingers. “It didn’t. I’m here, aren’t I?”
“That you are.” Mason laughed. “I don’t want to say good night. But I suppose it’s time. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
Drew nodded. “Yeah. Tomorrow.” Then with one more brush of his lips against Mason’s, he got in his car, waved, and started it. Mason watched Drew’s car until it disappeared around the corner. Then he practically danced his way up the stairs to his apartment.


.” Tally nudged him
with a grin.

Drew tightened his hands around the latte that Lex had greeted him with as soon as he’d walked into the coffee shop and tried not to float off the floor. “I’m not glowing. Don’t be dumb.”

“You’re glowing. Hon, isn’t he glowing?” Tally laughed, and Lex held up his hands.

“I’m so not getting involved. How was your date, though?” They both knew that Drew had gone on another date with Mason the night before.

“Perfect. He kissed me. We’re doing something again on Saturday.”

Lex and Tally grinned at each other. Knowing grins, like they could see the movies that had been playing in Drew’s head all day. “Do you have plans, or do you want to bring him here? We were going to do grilling and board game night,” Lex said.

“As long as the grilling is hot dogs and not me and Mason.” Lex and Tally both gave Drew their most innocent smiles. Yeah right. He shrugged. “I could ask him. Seriously, though, you guys aren’t going to be jerks, are you? I mean, no teasing and shit. We’re still figuring each other out.”

“We won’t. Promise. Can’t say much about Amy, though. She’s a bit of a loose cannon. You know that.”

“True.” Drew decided to ask Mason anyway. It would be fun to hang out with friends they shared and just be silly.

He waited until they were on the phone later that night to ask. Mason had worked the afternoon shift and called Drew as he was on his way home.

“So,” Drew began. “About Saturday night….” “Are you too busy?” Mason sounded so concerned that it made Drew’s heart melt. He

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