Rock Hard (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

Read Rock Hard (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: Tatum Throne

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“You’re trapped.”

Wynn yanked on her right wrist. It was tied to the banister above her head. What the hell? How had he? She openly fumed at Kade. The man was a master at erotic distraction. The nylon strap of his chalk bag was now wrapped around her wrist and the banister.

“Still want the syrup?” he teased.

She looked away as though she had a bad taste in her mouth. “Not so much.”

His deep chuckle sent a thrill dancing through her body. Kade stood just before the stairs. He grabbed his shirt, whipping it over his head in one quick move, tossing it into the hall. Wynn admired the view of Kade’s hard chest.

“You don’t lie very well.”

“Who says I’m lying?”

He grinned, but his smile faded a bit. “I know you, Browynn.”

He came in close and kissed her sweetly. “What are we doing here?”

“We’re playing.”

She knew it was more than just fooling around, and that scared her. Kade played with the hem of her shirt, teasing her belly with his hands. He rolled her shirt up over her head and dropped it over her hand on the banister. Kade groaned as his gaze dropped to her pink lace bra.

Her breasts shimmered with syrup. He leaned down, pressing both hands against a stair, as he kissed her again. His tongue flicked inside her mouth, dominating her in a way no man had ever dared.

Wynn gasped as he broke away suddenly to lick his way over the exposed flesh of her breasts. He bit over the thin fabric covering her nipples, and Wynn arched into his bite. His eyes came up to meet hers, and his natural, charming smile appeared.

“Take off your pants,” she ordered.

“Very demanding, aren’t you?”

Kade stepped back and took a long time unbuttoning the fly of his jeans. He undid the next four with a slow, confident ease of a man that had something a woman desperately wanted. He kept his thick cock buried off to the side and out of her reach. When he peeled away the corners of his jeans, his cock sprang from the corner. He stepped out of his jeans.

His ruddy, red cock was full and heavy at his hips. Wynn reached out and stroked her hand over him. Kade closed his eyes and stroked himself with his big hand, stilling hers.

With his eyes closed and his hand on his cock, she reached for the syrup.

“Keep your eyes closed,” she whispered.

His eyelids fluttered, so she set the syrup on the stair. “Eyes closed.”

She caressed his cock and warned him by tightening her hold, giving him a warning tug on his cock. Kade growled, and the rumble went deep within his chest to vibrate his sex. She reached for the syrup again. Wynn’s gaze was fixed on his throbbing shaft as she tipped the bottle of syrup up over him. He sucked in air roughly through his teeth as the cool syrup made contact with the searing heat of the pulsing head. It swirled around his shaft, following the rigid lines of his bulging veins. The syrup trailed down over his balls and dripped off.


She set the bottle aside and licked out over his cock, sucking the tip of him into her mouth. Wynn dug her nails into his ass as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. She felt his fingers walk around her shoulders to unclasp her bra. He flung it aside. Kade’s hand moved over her breasts, pinching her nipples. He lifted her breasts to rub them over his balls.

She licked her way down and up one time. Kade braced his legs wide with his hands going to the banisters to keep him standing. She released his cock, only to lick her way down to his balls. She took him slow, sucking off all the syrup.

She reached for the syrup again, but his hand locked down on her wrist, stopping her from doing so.

“Your pants are coming off,” he said.


“Trust me.”

She did trust him. That was what scared her. She could see herself easily jumping off a cliff if he promised he’d catch her at the bottom. Kade helped her shimmy out of her jeans. Kade put his hand behind her back and pressed.

“Arch for me.”

She did, letting her head fall back and her breasts pop up. When she was with Kade, she forgot about her breasts being small like ripe oranges. Most men couldn’t get past how small she was. Men didn’t want to fuck a woman barely over five foot. Her nipples were anything but small when she was with Kade. They were peaked into tight, erotic buds, begging to be played with roughly.

She moaned when she felt the cool contact of the syrup splash over her nipples. It dribbled in a fine stream toward her navel. Kade kneeled down between her legs and ran his tongue up over her belly. He licked inside her navel and kissed his way higher. Wynn felt his thick shaft brush against the inside of her thigh.

He sucked at her nipples, swallowing the syrup. He lapped at her nipples, twirling them between his tongue and teeth. Wynn grabbed his head, pulling him closer, and he sucked harder. His free hand smoothed up, capturing her other breast. His sticky fingers plucked her nipple into a tight peak.

He broke his mouth away from her breast and kissed his way over her to her other one, biting her nipple into his mouth. Wynn groaned as he sucked hard, bucking her hips up against his cock. He groaned as her wet pussy made contact. She rolled her hips up and down his shaft.

Wynn grabbed his hips to plunge his cock into her pussy, but he stopped her by pulling away. Disappointment spiraled through her body. He gave her a quick kiss and grinned. He released her wrist.

“Get on your knees.”

She hated how easy she was, but right then she didn’t care. She wanted one last time with Kade. She flipped around on the stairs. Wynn gasped as he yanked her hips back. She felt the tip of his cock flex over her pussy. She held perfectly still as Kade entered her in a slow stroke. With him behind, Wynn had no control. Kade’s big hands came around, one headed south to her pussy, the other north to her breasts. She arched into his arms as he kissed his way over her neck.

Kade’s fingers flicked over her clitoris, sending her quickly over the edge. Her pussy contracted hard around his shaft as she bucked hard. He stopped moving his cock as she rode the wild waves of her orgasm out.

“That was nice,” he said.

Both of Kade’s hands moved up over her breasts. He tweaked her nipples, rolling them between his fingers. Wynn wrapped her hands around Kade’s thighs as he started to move again. Kade braced his legs wide as he took her faster. His hands held onto her hips as their bodies slapped together. His lips came to her ear where the heat of his breath seared her skin. He licked out, sucking her lobe into his mouth. A chill rocked through her body as his teeth scraped over her lobe.

“You’re mine, Wynn.”

She was. “Kade...”

“I won’t let anyone else have you.” He growled against her ear. “No one.”

She felt Kade’s sex tightening to steel as he plunged deeper into her wet core. His arms came around her in a tight embrace. A shout exploded from both as his sex unloaded deep inside. She was shaking as he held her within his arms.

It was then that she knew how much this man wanted her. He wasn’t going to be happy when he had to let go of her. Kade helped her to her feet and swung her around in his arms as he pressed her back against the wall.

Her emotions felt raw. She knew she couldn’t stay. It was over the moment she walked out the door.

“We should talk,” Wynn said.

“We shouldn’t.” He kissed her fully. “You overthink things.”

Wynn ran her fingers over his jaw, while her thumb skimmed the cleft in his chin. “Kade...I have to go back to work.”

He frowned. “What happens to us?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “I’ll visit. We can go back to the Upper Gorge sometime.”

Disbelief filtered through his eyes before he shut it down. “Okay, we’ll do it your way.”

He was giving her exactly what she wanted, an out. He stepped back, picking up his jeans. He pulled them on and grabbed his T-shirt. Wynn felt the brush of his cold shoulder.

“I suppose you should get going. It’s a long drive back to Lexington.”

Oh, ouch.
She didn’t want to leave things like this between them, but Kade really wasn’t giving them a chance. Wynn dressed quickly, feeling the chill of his attitude strike her like a cold, bitter wind.

Kade stood in the hallway with his hand braced against the doorframe to the living room. She crossed the distance and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

“Good-bye, Kade. Take care.”

“You, too, Wynn.”

The door shut behind Wynn with a quiet click. She had the urge to run and never look back. She closed her eyes and shook her head.
Why am I running from the best thing that ever happened to me?

Chapter Seventeen


Wynn was running late for her meeting at work. It felt good to be back at her branch of the FS in Lexington.

Work wasn’t enough to distract Wynn from the memory of Kade. Deep down, she felt changed inside and a little bit lost. She trusted Kade completely, and she lied to him to do her job. Then when she had the chance to make it right, she couldn’t. There was no hope for her at all.

The elevator mirrors gave her a glimpse of what she didn’t take notice of before she ran out the door that morning. She was a hot mess. She’d tossed her long hair into a ponytail and hadn’t bothered with any sort of makeup. She looked pale and lovesick.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. She needed to snap out of this funk she was in. The elevator dinged, and she stepped out onto the fifth floor. Through the conference room windows, Wynn caught sight of the packed room. She slipped into the back, taking the agenda on the table, and took a spot along the wall next to her coworker, Melissa.

She scanned the agenda to figure out how much she missed. Melissa leaned over. They hadn’t talked since she returned from the Red, two days ago.

“He’s watching you,” she whispered.

“What?” Wynn asked, not even looking up from the paper.

“Over there, across the room on the right. Dark hair.”

A spinning feeling started in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t want to look because she already knew. Wynn looked up into Melissa’s dark face. “Does he have a natural sneer to his lips?”

“Oh, my gosh...he does. It should be illegal for a man to look that good.”

Wynn looked over, and her heart started to race for all the wrong reasons. It was Kade.

Their eyes locked, and time took a nosedive into a black hole. Everything around them faded, and Wynn wasn’t sure if she was still breathing. Kade was in his uniform, minus the tactical equipment that came from working hard in the field. He didn’t look happy with what he was suddenly finding out about her. His gaze swam over her, and it froze when he saw her badge clipped to her belt. She wasn’t in uniform today.

“ you know him?” Melissa asked.

How was she going to get out of there without being noticed? “I do.”

“He looks like he wants to eat you for dinner and spank you for dessert.”

She needed to get out of there, but she couldn’t leave without making a scene. So she decided to wait until the meeting broke, and then she’d sprint for the door.

She leaned closer to Melissa. “When the meeting’s over, I’m heading right out. I don’t want to talk to him. I want you to block his path if he tries to follow me, okay?”

They both had a lot of experience in dodging unwanted attention from men. Melissa nodded without question.

“I’ll take him down if I have to.”

Wynn let her gaze track Kade again. He was still watching her, but when their eyes connected, he looked away. “Good. It may come to that.”

Wynn looked to the front of the room where she tuned into her boss, who was going on about policy and procedure.

“I’d like to hand the floor over to Special Agent Kade Gentry. He’s going to be leading the team that hits the pipeline in the Red.”

The paper in Wynn’s hand started to shake. She looked down just then seeing Kade’s name on the agenda. What the hell was going on? Why didn’t she know that Kade was brought in?

“Thank you, Special Agent Anders,” Kade said.

She watched as Kade took a moment to collect his thoughts. She was feeling as shaken as he appeared to be. He then began a presentation on the tactical field operation they would be using to hit the fields in the Red. He was an excellent presenter, and Wynn quickly found herself lost in his voice for reasons other than the material presented.

“We’ll be meeting at the Red River field office at 0500 hours. We hit the field at dawn.” He finished speaking. “Any questions for me?”

Their eyes met across the room and held longer than was appropriate. There were no questions for Kade, so he collected his presentation and came to stand beside her. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall at her side.

“You’re going to talk to me,” he said in a hushed whisper.

“Now’s not a good time,” Wynn said.

Wynn could feel his glower rather than see it. She pretended it didn’t bother her to be on the receiving end of that dark look, but it did. She knew the truth would hurt him deeply.

“You’re going to make time for me.”

She wanted to return his glare, but she couldn’t. “Kade, please don’t do this now.”

Melissa’s eyes went wide with a
what should we do now
look. The only answer Wynn had was to run. Wynn turned to Melissa.

“Distract him,” she whispered.

Just as the meeting broke, Melissa turned to Kade, and Wynn slipped away.

Kade tried to dodge Melissa’s questions, but Mel wasn’t making it easy on him. Wynn headed for the far door without looking back. She bypassed the crowd in front of the elevators and hit the stairs. If she rushed up the landing, he wouldn’t be able to catch up with her. She was five floors below her office when her cell phone chimed. She reached for it. The message was from Melissa.

He got past me. You better run for it!

There was no time to get to her office. She had to go with plan B and take the nearest exit. She pushed open the seventh floor landing door and rushed toward the firing range. She was halfway down the hall when the stairwell door was pushed open.

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