Rock The Wolfe (4 page)

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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

BOOK: Rock The Wolfe
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As they’d sat together, they’d talked a little more. She’d learned he was three years younger, so at least she couldn’t be categorized as a cougar. They shared similar middle-class upbringings, were both the only child, and had no traumatic events that scarred them for life.

Yet she sensed more going on in those complicated depths. She searched for any reason why his group had broken up. The articles gave the standard “artistic differences” prattle, but he’d spoken of the guys in his group with affection, calling them friends, especially his bassist, Kevin Keyes. So what could have happened?

Kerri clicked back to the images, which brought her to a Tumblr account dedicated to Wolfe. It hadn’t been updated in almost a year, but the concert photos were amazing. Sexy charisma oozed from every shot. The lighting cast him in a celestial illumination. The shirtless shots were drool-worthy. His sculpted chest completed the perfection. If he wasn’t shirtless, he wore sleeveless T-shirts to show off those tattooed arms. With his legs spread wide and the guitar hung low across his crotch, he played it with a passionate intensity that had her heart lurching in yearning.

Next stop—YouTube. For the next half hour she watched videos. Not just the official ones, but the fan-shot live concert footage and a couple of interviews, too.

Kerri pushed back her chair.
What in hell do I do?
By his own admission, he would be staying with his parents a few weeks, then probably return to his downtown Toronto condo. The kiss proved sparks existed between them. If they kept it up, it would lead to sex, and fairly fast.

Maybe a meaningless summer fling would be the distraction she needed. Why not a rock star? Central casting could not have conjured up a more worthy candidate for the part of a male, hunky bedmate.

So he liked a little flesh on his women. She fit the bill. In spades. Only an addle-pated fool would walk away from this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She thought of the memories they’d make, ones she would no doubt treasure. They would be fuel for her fantasies for the decades ahead. Kerri had no illusions she would fall in love and marry. Once a woman hit her mid-thirties, she was pretty much out of the game, or so some lame-ass poll said in

If the opportunity presented itself, she would not deny the rock star. Sex and lots of it. Kerri’s entire body vibrated with anticipation.

One short-term, hot affair, coming up.




Chapter Five



So much for a walk today

A distant rumble of thunder boomed across the horizon. The rain fell in torrents from the gray, cloudy sky. Wolfe stood on Kerri’s veranda, the hood up on his sweatshirt. He could have called and canceled, but realized he didn’t have her cell number. Cold, stinging rain lashed his cheeks as he waited for her to answer.

She opened the door and a gust of rain-laden wind caught her square in the face. She gasped and then began to laugh. The light, feminine sound cracked through the barrier around his heart. It was if the clouds had parted and the sun shone down on them both.
Jesus, where had that romantic drivel come from?
If it had happened to Janice, she would have screamed and railed on and on about getting wet. Kerri laughed. A sharp difference, and a welcome one.

She stepped back, allowing him to enter. After closing the door, Wolfe bracketed her face with his hands and swiped the cold moisture away from her flushed cheeks. As he lay gentle kisses where the rain had been, he heard a soft moan escape her parted lips.

The slight hold he had on his control slipped away. Capturing the moan with his mouth, he kissed her with hunger he had not known existed within him. The cold, clinging dampness of his clothes dissipated as the heat level grew between them. He backed her against the wall and let his hands explore her ample curves, her generous tits, and her shapely ass. He clasped the fleshy globes of her rear and brought her tight against his stiff cock. Rotating his hips, he let her feel everything that pulsed and vibrated through his entire body.

For the first time in months, he felt alive. Potent. Emotions he had not had in ages, and a few he could not identify, rocked him hard.

The depth of her response ramped up his desire even more. Kerri rubbed against him, her breath hitching in short gasps in between the desperate kisses.

He pulled back and then cupped her breasts, his thumbs stroking her nipples into hard peaks.

“Is it terrible I brought condoms?” he whispered.

“Oh, God. No. Not terrible. I like a man who plans for every contingency.”

Laughing, he leaned in and kissed her. “Where? Upstairs?”

“I have a fire going in there.”

She pointed to the living room. Sex in front of a fire.

“Kerri. I haven’t had sex in months. Many months. I will warn you, I want my cock pounding you hard and fast. I need it. I want it. I’m greedy as fuck when it comes to sex, but I also give back. Forgive me, but I need to take you right now.”

She kissed him as her hand trailed down his chest. His muscles clenched at her touch. She brushed her fingers across his erection, causing him to flinch at the contact. He wondered if he would last. It wouldn’t take much to make him come.

“It’s been a bit of a drought for me, too, though you wouldn’t know it. I’m so wet and not from the rain. I’ve been wet since we met.”

Okay, that almost made him shoot his wad right there. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her into the room and started to undress her. Off came the T-shirt and sweats. For as long as he could remember, from the moment he had his first hard-on all those years ago, he had always preferred a woman with a soft, lush body. He loved to lose himself in her warm, welcoming flesh. A little extra, something to grab on to. Kerri had just enough. She bit her lower lip. He could see the self-conscious worry in her beautiful blue-gray eyes.

He trailed his hand over her slightly rounded stomach, then moved back up to cup the heft of her breast.

“You’re so beautiful. I don’t much care for thin women, though I’ve dated women of all sizes. I prefer a voluptuous shape. You fulfill every desire I have, baby.”

Wolfe lowered the strap on her bra and freed one of her breasts. He leaned down and clamped his mouth on the pebbled nipple. Kerri’s sigh turned into a husky moan as she clasped the back of his head and kept him there, kept him sucking and licking. Her skin, though pale, had a luminescence he found beautiful. But as much as he wanted to explore every curve, he needed to be inside her.

He removed her bra and panties, then stripped himself of his clothes. He let her look her fill. Her gaze lingered on his hardened cock. She glanced back at him and smiled.

“Talk about beautiful. You’re perfection. In all ways.”

He kissed her. Hard. Deep. With everything he had. His hands trembled; his breathing was ragged. Christ, he could blow any moment.

As he lowered Kerri to the throw rug in front of the fire, he contemplated placing her on her hands and knees.
. He ripped open the condom package and rolled the rubber on his rock-hard prick.

He brushed his hand between her swollen folds. Goddamn, she
wet as hell. With a slick, fast glide, he slid his cock into her. So tight. He held still a moment to let her get used to him, and for him to try and regain a little control on his lust. On the next exhale of breath, he pulled out and then thrust back in.

After that, he couldn’t remember much. He had described in his journal about the musical nirvana. For the first time in his life, he experienced a sexual one. Wolfe pounded away, pumping fast and hard as he promised. Kerri melted all around him. She grabbed his ass, pulling him in deeper, as if that were possible.

In her sexy, hoarse voice, she urged him on. “Harder. Faster. Fuck me. Make me come.”


Besides their husky groans, the snapping and crackling of the fire and the rain pounding on the roof added to the richness of the experience, background music for the best lovemaking he had the pleasure to be part of.
He never called it that.

The thunder moved closer. The rumbles rattled the single-pane windows and ramped up the intensity of his thrusts. Perspiration rolled down his forehead and dropped on Kerri, mixing with her own. He watched her. She seemed to be as lost as he was. Her nails scored his flesh and he loved it.
Scratch me all to hell

With a piercing cry, she climaxed, shaking and shuddering under him. Her inner muscles clutched him tight and that was all it took. Teeth clenched, neck muscles straining, he came—hard. At the exact moment his cum blasted into the rubber, a crack of lightning tore across the horizon, filling the dim room with a bright flash of white illumination. The thunder rolled, loud and ominous, as he gathered her in his embrace, and together they rode out the ecstasy. Sweet Jesus. This couldn’t be real. The reason this ripped every other sex memory to shreds had to be the fact it had been so long since he had a good fuck. Yeah. That was it. Nothing else.

No way in hell had his soul just shattered.




Kerri trembled in his arms as wave after wave rolled through her body. She’d never climaxed like that. Ever. This was supposed to be meaningless. Detached sex with a near stranger. Wolfe held her close, her face buried in his neck. The musky odor of sexy male invaded her nostrils. His warm breath fanned her cheek as he struggled to regain his breath. With great effort, she fought to recover hers.

Wolfe let her go and sat back. He stared at her, his gaze intense and questioning. Maybe she had made a mistake. This had been the first time she’d had sex with a man right after meeting him.

“Kerri. I…ah. Fuck. I don’t know what to say except that was incredible.”

A roll of relief settled in her gut. He felt the same. Thank God.

“It’s been a long time for me as well. Nine months, in fact.” She gave him a smile. “I agree. Incredible. Inconceivable even.”

She reached for her clothes and pulled on her sweats. As she struggled with her bra, large, warm hands reached out and assisted her.
. The pads of his fingers, thick with calluses, trailed across her heated and sensitive skin. His touch was magic. Desire flamed to life once again. He cupped her cheek, leaned in, and kissed her. A low growl tore from his throat.

“I want us to see each other while I’m here, Kerri. I think we both need this.”

“How long?”

“A few weeks. I’m staying with my parents. Recovering from a few issues. I don’t really want to go into it today. I like you. A lot. I can use a little companionship. I need the closeness. Do you get what I mean?”

Actually, she did. By the time the school year ended, her nerves balanced on the edge of a knife. Short-term companionship and sex sounded like a plan to her.

She tossed him his sweats. “I get it exactly. Now, since going for a walk is out, why not stay for lunch? I can put on my Nickelback CD.” She gave him a playful wink.

After he put on his sweatpants, he grabbed her around the waist and started tickling her. Her peals of laughter filled the room. Wolfe laughed as well. His carefree smile lit up his face, making him even more handsome.

“You can play it only if it’s ‘All the Right Reasons.’ That album I do like.”

“You tease, so you don’t hate them!”

“No. A little envious of their mega-success maybe but not hate.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Maybe one afternoon we can listen to some of mine.”

Kerri pulled her T-shirt on. “I would like that very much. Is there any way I could coax you into a live acoustic performance? One or two songs?”

He frowned.
Oh, shit
. She’d done it again. Foot-in-mouth disease. He stood and leaned against the wall, gazing out the window. Rain ran down the glass in rivulets. Thunder boomed overhead.

“I haven’t played in months,” he whispered softly.

Kerri stood behind him, her arms encircling his lean body. She splayed her hands on his bare chest as she laid her head against his back. After a moment, he took one of her hands and laced his fingers through hers.

“It’s all right, Wolfe. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

He squeezed her hand and exhaled, continuing to watch the storm raging outside. Kerri had the feeling the tempest out there did not even come close to what churned inside him. He sounded so sad when he’d mentioned he hadn’t played music in so long. How she wanted to protect him, to make everything all right.

So much for keeping things distant and detached. Already he had burrowed into her heart. And soul.




Chapter Six



Wolfe sat at the small kitchen table while Kerri cut up rotisserie chicken. She’d insisted on preparing lunch. After slicing the tomato and cucumber, she placed them on their plates.

“So, you called your mom?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’m sure I’ll get the Spanish Inquisition when I go home. But in a good way, you know?”

Kerri laughed. “Maybe we should have let your mom make us lunch. There’s always Kraft Dinner.”

He snorted. Growing up, every Canadian kid must’ve been served the boxed macaroni with powdered cheese.

“Or there is always cracking open a can of Heinz Spaghetti.”

She turned to face him, her eyes bright with amusement.

“Oh, God. I remember that. When I was a kid, Mom used to work weekends in a clothing store, so it was just my dad and me. We would watch Saturday morning cartoons, and then he would make lunch. My favorite of his was boiled hot dogs and he would make homemade fries. Cooked the potatoes in oil right on the stove.”

“Did your dad steam the buns on a rack over the boiling hot dogs?” He winked.

“Yes!” she cried happily. “Exactly like that. I should’ve made them for our lunch.”

He basked in her joy; it covered him like a warm blanket. The surprise since he’d met her was that in two short days, he’d shared a deep intimacy with Kerri, one that had been absent in the entirety of his failed marriage. The intense sex had been a shock to his system, but this ease in which they could converse—as if they had known each other for years—it rocked him.

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