Rocky Mountain Rebel (19 page)

Read Rocky Mountain Rebel Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Western, #Fiction

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Rebel
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He laid his mouth over hers and kissed her. Used his tongue on her lips until she cracked them apart and he could slip inside. Gentle. Delicate. Still intoxicating enough that their breathing grew ragged and his body hardened.

He left her lips and glided lower, pressing another kiss to the throbbing pulse in her neck, drawing a finger down the neckline of her dress to one breast.

Vicki stared with wide eyes. “No padding this time either, I swear.”

God, that she could joke? He wanted to wrap her up and protect her, and instead she was already forging ahead, dealing with what life had handed her. Damn brave, so much to admire.

So he followed her lead and teased right back. “Then you’d better prove it. Let’s get that pretty dress off you. I want to hit second base properly this time.”

Vicki shot upright, reaching behind her for the zipper.

“Not so fast. That’s my job.”

Getting a woman out of her clothes for the first time wasn’t something to be rushed. Joel kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair. Letting her set the pace so he didn’t take it too far, too fast. Vicki moaned into his mouth and pressed against him, eager in her response.

Joel caught the back of her head in one hand, twisting her hair to the side to expose the long zipper. He tugged downward until the shoulders of her dress loosened off and allowed the neckline to gape open.

Her bra was in the way, but there was still a lovely amount of bare flesh before him.

“You gonna stare down my top all night or take off my clothes?” Vicki teased.


Zipper dealt with, Joel stroked from her neck outward, pushing aside fabric. He leaned over and kissed the newly exposed skin.

He repeated the motion on the other side, only this time when the material slipped from her shoulder, her top fell away, leaving her naked from the waist up except for the bra.

Vicki hesitated for a moment. “It’s nothing fancy—”

“Your tits? They don’t need to be fancy to turn me on.”

She shook her head. “Joker.”

He had to touch. Teasing her skin until she arched against his hands, little whimpers of need escaping from the back of her throat.

Joel paused. Once he got started, he wasn’t going to be able to stop. So he planned ahead. Jerked his shirt free from his jeans and tore off both layers at the same time, discarding them to the side.

Vicki smiled, approval in her eyes. “Nice floor show so far. Don’t stop.”

“This is about you.” Joel leaned forward, the heat of her skin brushing his as he reached behind her and undid her bra.


He peeled the final layer away and the urge to cover herself arrived. It didn’t matter that he stared as if he were starving, heat and desire clear in his eyes. She’d never been naked in front of a man before, and Vicki clutched the bedding under her fingers to keep her hands in one place.

“Beautiful.” Joel closed in, and she was sure he’d go straight for her breasts. She ached to have him touch her, the heavy sensation of want strange and yet perfect.

Only he moved forward until their entire upper bodies connected. Skin to skin, mouths together for another air-sucking kiss. Stars floated before her eyes as she took advantage of his nearness to run her hands over his naked shoulders.

The twist of his tongue playing with hers wasn’t enough to distract her from the heady sensation of her breasts compressed to his wall of a chest. His fingertips on her shoulder spread electric pulses to her core as he inched lower, shifting sideways far enough that he could wrap his big hand over her breast.

Oh God, it felt good. “Don’t stop.”

“You have no idea…” His lips left hers and moved downward. Vicki took a deep breath in anticipation as he traced patterns on her collarbone with his tongue. The cooler room air hit the moisture and she shivered. Waiting. Wanting.

Another kiss, this time to the top of her breast. He still held her cradled in his palm and actually seeing his tongue sneak out to make contact with her nipple was overwhelming.

When he wrapped his lips around the peak, Vicki swore. Such a strange connection, that his lips tugging on her breast could create the same tug lower in her body. She smoothed her fingers through his hair, keeping him in place, loving the attention and the incredible pleasure.

When he switched to the other side, she wasn’t sure she was going to last. “How can that feel so unbelievably good?”

“Hmm.” Joel sucked harder then popped off the tip, leaving it shiny with moisture and achingly hard. “Don’t try to figure it out, just enjoy.”

Back and forth, as if he couldn’t decide which side he liked better. Enjoying his caresses was one thing, but even his focused attention on her breasts wasn’t enough. Vicki squirmed, looking for more pressure, something to counter the ache between her legs.

Joel pulled off, a light chuckle escaping him. “You’re wiggling like a worm on a hook.”

“Nice visual, but…oh
, Joel. I want more.”

He laid her back on the bed and rose over her. “Hang in there, we’ve got all the time in the world.”

“If you take that long, I’m going to change into some kind of zombie creature.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” Joel smoothed his hands down to her naked waist, his gaze following his touch. When he stripped off her dress, he took her panties as well, and in less time than she thought possible she was flat-out butt-naked.

She’d been watching his face as he’d moved, and she was glad of it. There was no faking the hunger she saw. The pleasure he experienced as her body was revealed. His obvious desire was exactly what her soul needed after the chaos of the day.

Joel lifted his gaze to hers, shaking his head lightly. “I’m in heaven. You’re so damn beautiful.”

Vicki’s cheeks heated at his compliment. “Touch me,” she whispered.


He worked his way down her body, and for the first time in her life pleasure overwhelmed her. Joel used not only his hands but his mouth and seemingly his entire body. Unexpected, and oh so good. Like the sweet rasp of the stubble on his jaw as he rubbed against her belly. His tongue stroking the underside of her breast. The subtle caress of his forearm along her rib cage. She squeezed her eyes shut to concentrate on not jumping off the bed every time he fondled a new section of skin.

But when he pressed her legs apart, she involuntarily shot upright.


He placed his hands on her thighs and stroked down to her knees. “Yes?”

“You’re not gonna…?”

He opened her, lifting her knees into the air and inserting himself as a barrier so she couldn’t close her legs. Couldn’t hide.

“Of course I’m going to touch you here as well.” Another slide of his hands, this time to her core. He stared intently, and as his thumbs slipped along her labia, Vicki shuddered with the pleasure of it.

It wasn’t only him stroking her. His fingers nudging her clit, playing gently at the sensitive skin of her sex. It was all of it together. Watching, feeling, listening. His moans of approval, the sounds of pleasure that escaped her no matter how much she tried to contain them.

He lowered his head and covered her with his mouth.

When he’d used his hands to make her orgasm the other day, the difference had astonished her. How much richer and more powerful it was to have someone else take her over.

This was another step up the scale of pleasure. He slipped his tongue between her folds, teasing, tasting. Bringing her to the edge fast. All it took was him licking her clit and she trembled, ready to go over.

.” His name snuck out even though the last thing she wanted was to distract him.

She didn’t need to worry. His concentration was absolute. She was the one losing it as her orgasm slammed in and broke, jolting her body with a wave of pleasure.

Joel hummed his approval but didn’t stop. He moved away from her clit for a moment as he continued to play. He lifted her hips into the air and ate greedily, as if she were better than anything he’d ever tasted. Vicki caught his hair in her hands and clung, not sure if she wanted to drag him away or hold him in place until she’d experienced that incredible sensation all over.

The decision was wrenched from her as he covered her clit and sucked, pleasure flashing like a bright light from head to toe and shaking her boneless. This orgasm caught her by surprise, more focused and tight as desire took her mind and spun her in circles. She stroked his hair as he eased away, gentling his touch, every stroke of his clever tongue setting off mini-aftershocks.

Joel slipped off the bed, caressing her naked skin lightly as he crawled from between her legs. She protested, but he smiled. “I’m not going anywhere. Just try to get me to leave.”

Chapter Fifteen


He popped open the button on his pants, and Vicki rolled so she could enjoy the view. Everything about him turned her on. The muscular spread of his chest, his narrower waist. That trail of hair leading downwards being revealed more and more as he lost his jeans and stripped off his briefs.

She pressed up on her elbows, scared and intrigued at the same time. Both of them finally naked, and unless she was mistaken, there was only one way this was ending.

Joel stroked his hard-on, a slow motion over the thick length. Every time he pulled his hand back to his body, the head of his cock thrust out from his fist, dark coloured and almost dangerous looking. Vicki tore her eyes off his hands, glancing up and over the whole huge package, wondering if she’d bit off more than she could chew this time.

The expression in his eyes saved her from getting scared. Patience was there along with the hunger, his gaze lingering on her pussy, her breasts, her face. Just long enough at each spot to make her want to preen.

The side of his mouth curled into this sexy smile. “You’re looking mighty relaxed. Like the barn cats when they’ve had a good hunting session in the hayloft.”

Vicki laughed out loud. “Some of your comparisons need a little work, but the rest of you is very talented. And gorgeous. God, Joel, why are you standing way over there?”

She shifted upright, smiling at the way his gaze automatically swung to her breasts. Strange how now that this was a sexual situation she wanted, his fascination with her chest turned her on instead of squicking her out like when strangers did it.

He leaned over without looking away, grabbing his jeans. “Slide back on the bed and make room for me.”

Now was time for regrets in terms of her sleeping arrangements. The delicate undersized couch-slash-bed was great for her. Not so great to imagine fooling around vigourously with a man Joel’s size. “Maybe we should use the floor.”

He dug into his wallet and pulled out a condom. “You might be right, but let’s try this first.”

He sat on the bed and tore open the package.

Vicki knelt behind him and peered over his shoulder, her naked chest to his heated skin. “Can I put that on you?”

His cock jerked. “Darling, if you want a chance in hell of me lasting, don’t go putting images into my head right now of your hands on my cock.”

She smiled and kissed his neck. Pressed tight to his back as she ran her fingers over his shoulder and down to his chest. Basically took every opportunity she got to savour her first chance to be totally naked with a guy.

“It’s better than I thought,” she confessed, watching him roll on the condom, fascinated with how easy Joel made this.

He adjusted his hips farther back on the bed and reached for her. “What’s better?”

Joel had her by the waist and determinedly guided her where he wanted her. She ended up straddling his thighs, face to face with him. “Sex.”

“Glad to hear it.” He caught her around the back of the neck and drew her in for more kisses.

Each time she thought she knew what to expect, and each time he surprised her. He controlled her, taking charge and keeping her exactly where he wanted. She draped her arms over his shoulders and went along for the ride, the fire in her body rising back up.

A soft brush against her mound made her jerk, but his hand at her neck kept her from escaping his lips. Slow, even circles pressed over her clit and the dual sensations had her squirming for more.

He let her go, breathing heavily as he looked into her face. “You still good?”

Maybe moaning wasn’t a suitable response, but his talented finger or fingers, whatever he was using on her sex, had turned her mind to mush.

Then the teasing stopped as Joel lifted her slightly, hands firm on her hips, lining them up so her sex ground against his erection. “Come on, darling. Let’s get you good and heated up.”

“I’m hot already,” she protested, but he didn’t stop, rocking her over his length. She reached down with one hand to explore, touching herself, brushing her fingertips over his cock. She was somewhat embarrassed to find she was so wet, and every motion coated him more.

She stroked the side of his erection and Joel shook his head. “Troublemaker. You need to concentrate on what you’re feeling, not on making me go off like a firework out of schedule.”

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