Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6) (18 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6)
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He wouldn’t know,
she thought. She’d just take it out for a few hours.

Calum was gone until late in the day, and quiet when he returned, sitting in his great chair and staring at the fire until she called him for dinner. More and more, Phoebe noticed her husband slipping into a melancholy mood. She left him alone, wracking her brain for a way to draw him out.

“You’re grouchy today.” She teased his foot under the table. “You’re all growly.”

He grunted and spooned more stew into his bowl. She frowned, hoping she hadn’t offended him, but he didn’t seem annoyed. Just distant.

She kept her plan. “You know big growly bears go into hibernation in the winter. Are you going to do that here, or in a cave?”

He raised an unruly brow at her, but a smile lurked somewhere in his face.

She rose to clear the bowls, and he caught her. “Bears can sleep for months if they eat well enough in the fall. I’ll be set for winter if I have something sweet to eat.” His bearded scraped the sensitive skin where her neck and shoulder met. “A wee Phoebe.”

“Birds don’t sleep in the winter,” she said, trying to twist away from his tickling kiss.

“This one does.” He let her go, and grabbed the bear fur, draping it over his head. Pretending to growl and lumber about like a black bear, he chased her around the lodge.

Phoebe scurried about the lodge, overjoyed that she’d brought her husband out of his gloom. They played for a few minutes before he tackled her.

“You caught me,” she said, breathless with excitement. “Now what are you going to do?”

“Eat you.” He lifted her onto the table and burrowed under her skirts while she squirmed with happiness.

He stopped and backed out to frown at her. “Phoebe, where’s your plug?”

The color left her face as she realized she’d forgotten to replace the offending object.

“You took it out.”

She hopped off the table, pushing her skirts down. “It was only meant to be for a little bit, but then I forgot…”

“Did you need to use the outhouse?”

She shook her head.

He crossed his arms over his great chest in a menacing post, but there was a smile lurking in the corner of his mouth. Her breath came in pants as she stared up at him. She’d poked the bear, and now she’d just have to face the consequences.

If only he didn’t look so pleased about it.

Reaching down, he took her hand and pulled her close to him.

“Naughty Phoebes get their bottoms punished inside and out,” he repeated what seemed to be his favorite phrase. His big hands cupped her bottom and kneaded the two fleshy globes. Despite herself, she leaned against him and moaned at the sensation. His touch on her bottom seemed to go straight to her cunny, which clenched expectantly.

He chuckled. “Feel good?”

She pressed her face to his chest, not wanting to answer. A few weeks ago, she couldn’t have imagined being touched so intimately, especially not by a big, handsome Scot who cooed her name as he stroked her skin. And now his fingers bit into the crevice of her bottom and she was quivering inside; he had trained her well.

“Did you do your bindings today?”

She had to think. “The morning ones. I forgot the afternoon ones, along with the plug.”

He clucked in mock disapproval. “What am I to do with you? You’ve earned triple punishment tonight.”

She sagged against him. “Please be gentle.”

He caught her chin. “Always.” He waited for her to nod before releasing her. “Now go get your plug, naughty girl.” He sent her off with a swat to her bum.

When she returned, he’d cleared the table and was warming water near the hearth. He motioned her to strip and ordered her to stand near the fire.

“Another bath?”

“Do as you’re told. Unless you want a spanking before as well as after.”

“No, Calum.”

He soaped up her pussy and shaved her smooth before instructing her to kneel on all fours on a blanket on the floor.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to clean you out. You’ll have a nice clean bottom for me to plug.”

He’d probed her with his finger and washcloth before, she relaxed. Then she saw the strange metallic apparatus he was setting up on the table: a cylindrical tube that fed into a long, narrow nozzle.

“What’s that?”

“A way to deliver your clyster. See this warm water? I’ll put this nozzle in your bottom and all of it will flow to your bum. Then I’ll plug you up tight and leave it for a little while, and then help you to the chamber pot.”

“What?” she squeaked, coming up and scrambling away on her knees. She knew she looked ridiculous but couldn’t bear to think of submitting to such a humiliating punishment. “Calum, no.”

“Yes, lass. You took the plug out against my express instructions. This will stretch you out and clean you. And you’ll cooperate the whole way through, unless you want me to tie you up and give you two. One to clean, and an extra one to rinse you out and teach you to mind the first time.”

“Calum… please, you can’t do this.” Her voice dropped to a horrified whisper. “It’ll be so messy.”

“Let me worry about that. You’re my wee Phoebe; it’s my job and pleasure to clean you up.” He finished his preparations and crooked his finger at her. “Now come here.”


In the end, she submitted, kneeling on the cloth, cheek to the floor. Calum set the nozzle in her bottom and let the water flow it. Like every time he’d played with her bumhole, the sensation wasn’t painful, just humiliating. After a certain point, she felt full and uncomfortable. “Please, Calum, that’s enough.”

“A little bit more, sweetheart. Let me take care of you.”

She moaned, hiding her face in the crook of her arms until he finished, removing the nozzle and plugging the hole. She whimpered when he rose.

“Stay like that for a few minutes, now.”

A few minutes seemed an eternity. If she moved, the liquid sloshed and bubbled in her insides, making her feel like she was going to burst.

“How much longer?”

“Patience. Wait until I say.” Calum bustled about the lodge as if it was normal to have his naked wife kneeling on the floor, shifting with discomfort. “This is how I’m going to keep you clean, when the doctor puts the cast on you.”

Phoebe raised her head. “What?”

“Do you remember what the doctor said? After the bindings and the exercises, you’ll be limber enough for him to put your foot straight and set it in a cast. You won’t be able to do much for a few weeks.”

She didn’t remember, but that afternoon had been a blur. “But, what will I do then? I can’t just sit and leave you to do all the work…” She already was leaning on his help too much. If she couldn’t cook or clean, what use was she to him?

Calum knelt beside her, stroking her bottom and side. “It’s all right. It’ll be winter, and there won’t be many chores.”

“But what about laundry and making meals?”

“I’ll be doing all of that, as well as caring for my wee Phoebe. You’ll lean on me for everything, from the moment you wake up to when I tuck you in at night.” He sounded delighted at the prospect. She would’ve protested, but he told her she was ready, the clyster had been in long enough to do its work.

She buried her face in her hands as he helped her over the large chamber pot, and thought she might die of mortification when he cleaned her up afterwards. Her face was burning as Calum had her soak in a shallow bath while he tidied the lodge, then gave her a proper washing and rub down. He didn’t seem to notice her shame at all.

Afterwards, he settled her over his knees, head down and bum up, a position she knew well. He played for a while, squeezing her cheeks, fingers playing around her bottom hole.

“One day I’ll put my cock right here. And you’ll love it.” He showed her the new plug he’d made her, a slightly larger one, before sliding it in. She did have to admit she felt cleaner, and the plug fit just fine. Calum’s fingers swirled between her lower lips as he twisted and pulled the plug, rewarding her as he stretched out her bum.

“Soaked,” he announced, and had her lick his fingers. Despite her humiliation, or maybe because of it, her orgasm crashed over her and left her weak and trembling over his knees.

She slid off his lap, facing him on her knees with her mouth slightly parted. Her hand went to his placket.

“What are you doing?”

“Do you want me to please you?” she whispered. She still felt weak and wrung out from the enema and orgasm, but something inside her burned, and wanted—needed—to serve him.

“Aye. I’ll train you to please me.” His grey eyes heated. He grabbed a thick robe and lay it at his feet. “Kneel on this so you don’t hurt your pretty knees.”

Once she was comfortable, he motioned for her to put her hands behind her back. “Push up your breasts for me, lass. Offer yourself to me.” She obeyed and felt powerful when he stared in awe. “That’s it. Now take me out and feel what the sight of you does to me.”

He was large and throbbing in her hand. Calum showed her how to stroke him, then lick up and down the way he liked. She was able to swallow the head of his giant member, but couldn’t get her mouth much further, despite wanting to try.

“I can’t,” she gasped after her third attempt.

“It’s all right, my lass. We have all winter for you to practice.”

Her cheeks pinked at the thought of spending the long, snowy months on her knees before her husband, delicate fingers around his large cock as her mouth worshiped him.

The training session ended with him carrying her to the bed and filling her with his cock. With the large plug in her bottom, she felt stuffed fuller than she’d ever been before and the sensation was overwhelming.

“Please, Calum,” she begged, and got his fingers again before they both climaxed.

“Sleep now, lass.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She squirmed her bottom, still feeling full with the large plug.

“No, lass,” he said firmly. “I’m not forgetting anything.”

She started to whine and he interrupted. “Good Phoebes listen to their elders. Or do you need a spanking? I did promise you one, but you were so good with the clyster.”

“No, thank you, Calum.”

“Good lass. Now go to sleep.”


Sure enough, the next time they went to town, Dr. Shepherd pronounced her foot ready to be wrapped and set in a cast. “We’ll leave it for a few weeks and then remove it to see how your foot responds. It may take a few more casts, and your foot may always have a slight bend, but with continued exercise and massage you should be able to walk much easier.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“My pleasure, Phoebe. Not all my cases turn out so well. It’s nice to have such clear success.

“Not to mention she’s sweeter than all the miners you have to set bones for,” Esther added. “The littlest pain and those men are screaming for laudanum.”

“You have a very brave, very strong woman here,” Dr. Shepherd said to Calum.

“I know.” Once the cast was set, Calum drew Phoebe up, and handed her two long poles he’d carved. “Try these,” he said gruffly. “I’ll walk with you, and steady you if you need it.”

She practiced moving about the big building Dr. Shepherd used as a surgery, swinging herself between the poles. Calum hovered close to her; she knew it was killing him not to just pick her up and carry her, but she made it to the mule on her own.

“Help me up, husband?”

The look of relief on his face was palpable as he scooped her into his arms.

“Stay off that foot now.” Dr. Shepherd and Esther waved them away.

“You heard him,” Calum said as he led the mule down the path behind the barn, away from town. There was no one about, but Phoebe twitched her skirts over her cast foot, just in case.

“You’re to call for me whenever you need help moving about. Other than a few walks and exercises, you’re not to stand. And if I catch you—”

“I know, I know.” She rolled her eyes.

“Phoebe.” His brow raised in warning.

“Calum, you cannot wait on me hand and foot.”

“Oh, yes, I can. I’m going to pick you up in the morning, and settle you into the chair. We’ll do your exercises and eat breakfast. Then I’ll leave you to your sewing for the day. It’ll work a treat, you’ll see.”

She sighed. “I’m going to have to use the chamber pot once in awhile.”

“I know.” He grinned. “I’ll give you a little bell and you’ll ring for me each time so I can help you. You’ll be completely mine.”

“You just can’t resist taking care of me.”

“Watch it, lass. You’re one wince away from me strapping you down to the bed and feeding you all your meals.”


Back at the lodge, he carried her into the house and set her in the chair. After a lunch of tea and bread with honey, he handed her sewing to her and tucked a fur robe around her, finishing with a forehead kiss.

“Now you really are my wee Phoebe. I’ll bathe and feed and swaddle you, just like a bairn.”

“You can’t treat me like a baby.”

“Oh, yes I can. You’re to stay off that foot or else.”

Phoebe sighed. She knew that ‘or else’ meant a spanked bottom.

Still, she protested when he came in from chores and wouldn’t let her stand to help with dinner. “You can’t expect me to lie about and sew for weeks and weeks.”

“I can think of some entertainment for you,” he said with a wolfish grin.

And that was how Phoebe found herself in bed with her husband’s head between her legs, screaming her pleasure until she was hoarse.


The next day, from dawn until dusk, Calum did as he said and took care of her. In the morning, he dressed and carried her to his great chair in front of the fire. He helped her do her stretches and rubbed her legs, then fed her, often cradling her on his lap and taking the spoon from her to be sure she ate enough.

She got a little exercise from the long poles he’d fashioned for her to lean on, but he insisted she only walk with them when he was with her.

The worst was when she needed to relieve herself. The first time, she’d waited until he was out in the yard, then struggled over to the chamber pot. He’d come in and caught her awkwardly trying to squat.

“What have we here?” he scolded her. “Lean on me; let me help you.”

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