Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6) (19 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6)
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To her intense embarrassment, he stood and waited while she did her business, and assisted her when she was done. She hid her face in her hands as he cleaned her up.

“Calum,” she whispered, mortified.

He clucked at her. “None of that, lass. I’m here to care for you.”

After dinner, he took out the clyster apparatus.

“Please, no,” Phoebe begged. “I’ll be good. I’ll ring the bell from now on.”

“Shh, lass. It’s for your own good. Even Doctor Shepherd approved. So it’s once a week from now on.” He grinned at her and she whimpered. The cleanings didn’t hurt, they were just her least favorite part of Calum’s care. Other than a few soft groans as the water flowed into her, she obeyed quietly. Her husband seemed to enjoy fussing with the apparatus and her bottom hole so much, she resigned herself to submit to his ministrations. Calum even gathered her into his lap while they waited for the mixture to do its work.

As much as she hated depending on him, she did feel closer to him more than ever. It worried her, though. Would he grow tired of doting on her, and turn bitter? What would she do if he decided she was too much work, and sent her away?

She shut her eyes against the thought and a few tears slipped out.

Calum noticed, and kissed them away. “What are you thinking, lass?”

“Why are you doing all this for me?”

“I’m the type of man who takes care of those he treasures. It’s the way I’m made. It would hurt me if I couldn’t care for you, and had to watch you suffer.” He looked so sad when he said it, she nodded and pressed her face into his neck.


The next day she was bored, and tired, strangely enough. Her legs muscles ached from the exercises and her arms were tired from walking with the poles. Besides that, she woke at dawn and stayed up as late as she could, knitting a new pattern for Mrs. Martin’s store. The income would be welcome, even if she planned to hand it over to her husband to make up for her not earning her way. But by afternoon, Phoebe found herself nodding off over her sewing.

“Whoa, lass.” Giant hands caught her body as she started to fall forward. Her knitting needles clattered to the floor and her husband collected them.

“Perhaps it’s time to take a break.” Setting her sewing aside, he pulled her into his arms. “You sleepy?” She hugged him, resting her face on his broad chest.

“A little,” she admitted.

“Does my Phoebekins need a wee nap?” He stroked tendrils of hair from her forehead.

“No, Calum,” she said, even as she yawned.

The next thing she knew, she was up in his arms.

“I think you do, love.” Carrying her, Calum strode through the lodge and into the bedroom.

“I can’t sleep during the day!” she protested.

“Just for a bit. Your body is adjusting to the exercises; you’re getting stronger but it’s wearing you out.” He laid her on the bed.


“Shhh.” He undid her shoe and pulled off her stockings. “I won’t let you sleep too long. You nearly fell into your sewing kit. Some rest will do my Phoebe good.”

“I don’t need to sleep during the day. I’m not a baby.”

“You are to me. Perhaps I’ll put you down for a nap every day, after making you a cup of hot milk.”

“This is ridiculous.” She tried to push up, but his hand on her chest easily flattened her.

“Now, now,” he said in the bossy voice that made her cunny clench. “Be good and mind. You know what happens to naughty Phoebes?”

“They get spanked.”

“On their bare bums. And then made to sit facing the corner.”

She stopped arguing, and sank back in the bed. She was very tired, and the bed felt so good.

Calum fussed over her, drawing the covers up to her chin. “Stay here and rest until I come for you. What do you say?”

“Yes, Calum.”

“Good lass.” He kissed her forehead, and left her in the gentle darkness’ embrace.

When Phoebe woke, she had to admit, she felt much better. The door was slightly open, and she could see Calum wasn’t about. She rose and cast about for her poles to take her to the chair, and remembered he had carried her in. If she went slowly, she could stagger over to the table and use a chair to leverage her further. It would put weight on her foot, but it would be like her limping before.

And what Calum didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

Her plan worked; she got her poles, and used them to propel herself to the door. The sun was low in the sky. Rubbing her tired face, she padded to the hearth and started pulling out a pot and skillet to make a meal. He couldn’t scold her if he came home and food was on the table. It would give him a welcome break.

Halfway through a yawn, she felt the heavy iron skillet lifted clean out of her hands.

“Phoebe.” Calum took the pan and set it on the table, guiding her to chair before looming over her. “What are you doing? I told you to stay in bed.”

“I woke up,” she protested, before another yawn overtook her.

“What did I tell you?”

“But… I need to help you. I can cook dinner.”

“There’s plenty of beans in the pot, and cornpone.”

“Then I can do something else—like sweep or scrub the floor.”

He raised a brow.

“I’m sick of being an invalid,” she cried.


One word was enough to silence her, but she pouted.

“What did I say?”

“To stay off my foot. And to stay in bed until you came.”

“That’s right. You were exhausted, lass. I know you’re strong, but your muscles are getting used in new ways. Even these—” He indicated her poles. “—will wear you out.”

Her back was sore from bearing her weight differently, now that she thought of it.

“You need rest to heal. Instead, you push yourself to the limit, and could get sick. And then where will we be?”

“I’m sorry.” She leaned forward and put her arms around his waist, squeezing him close. She hated the scolding more than the punishment.

“I’m not, lass.” The smile in his voice made her look up. “You know what I said would happen if you stood without permission.”

Biting her lip, she nodded. He grinned down at her before sitting down on his great chair and motioning to his lap. “You know what to do.”

She crawled over his legs, and lifted her skirts with one hand, pulling down her drawers with the other to bare her cheeks to him.

He took his time before he started, and during the wait, she let her head hang resignedly to the floor, knowing better than to let down her dress. Sometimes, she figured he just liked to have her wait, so he could enjoy the sight of her bare bum.

“After punishment, you’re going to sit facing the corner, and think about what you’ve done. You’re healing now, and it’s a time to depend on me.”

“But I don’t want to.”

“Well, you must. Everyone must depend on someone sometime.” His hand started kneading her flesh, getting it warm for his punishing palm.

“You don’t depend on me.”

“You’re wrong, lass. I do.”


“You’ll figure it out, soon enough,” he said. Then he ran his hand between her legs, lightly touching her plump lower lips.

“Very nice,” he purred, and she knew she was wet for him. Every spanking, no matter how harsh, left her aching in more ways than one. “Because you left the bed, your punishment is a spanking and then a plug in your naughty hole.”


“You’re lucky I don’t put you straight to bed without any supper. Instead, you’ll enjoy a nice, easy afternoon off, with your bottom hole getting stretched for me.”

His fingers drifted between her legs again, making her suck in her breath. “Soaked.” He chuckled, and she closed her eyes at how obvious her arousal was at just the thought of him playing with her bum.

“Spread your legs, Phoebe. I want to see your cunny turn pink as I turn your bottom cheeks red.”

She obeyed, and felt him push her skirts up higher.

His hand smacked down, covering most of one cheek. With a little grunt, she shifted on his knees. He wasn’t using full force, but it was enough for her to know this wasn’t going to be a pleasurable spanking. A pause, and Phoebe could imagine him admiring the sight of his handprint on her pale skin before he added its twin on her other cheek.

Calum painted her bottom with hand prints, ten on each cheek before he started massaging away the subtle soreness. Her spankings were never meant to hurt her, only remind her who was in control. From the wet slicking down her thighs, Phoebe knew he could tell she liked it when her husband was in control.

As usual, a warm glow spread through her, fueling her submissive side. She felt small and cared for, even loved. It didn’t make sense to her that a smack on her bottom awoke those feelings, but it did.

“There we are.” Calum’s fingers found her lower lips and squelched a little in the wet arousal. “Reach back, Phoebekins, and part your cheeks for me.”

Phoebe hadn’t cried out at all during the spanking, only breathed hard through the intense moments, but now she whimpered, knowing what was to come. The flesh of her bum was hot as she gripped each lobe and parted them.

“That’s right. Show me your naughty hole.” Calum’s words only added to the humiliation. Phoebe leaned forward and pressed her face into the rug, feeling her face heat up as hot as her bum cheeks.

Calum’s wet fingers went straight to her little pucker, coating her crack with her own juices. One of his fingers probed a little and she clenched automatically, though she didn’t stop holding herself open for him.

“Naughty Phoebe.” He took his finger away, and then she felt the tip of something hard and unyielding at her back entrance. He kept both plug and balm near his great chair, in preparation for moments like this. “Keep open for me, lass. Relax. That’s it.” The plug slid into her a little, before retreating. Calum fucked her ass slowly, opening her up.

She moaned quietly. It felt strange, a little uncomfortable, but not overly so. And the fact that he was stimulating the dirtiest part of her didn’t seem to matter to her body one bit. Her nipples were ruched tightly with hot desire, and her cunny was sopping. She was close to begging him to carry her to the bed, put his cock into her cunny and plow her from behind, hard enough to scrape her nipples against the blankets.

More balm on her bottom, then Phoebe felt Calum press the plug to her again. “All right now, take your plug.”

She took a deep breath, feeling the hard object invade her small entrance.

“What am I doing to you?”

“You’re putting a plug in me?”


“In my bottom hole.”

“And why would I plug your arse, Phoebe?” He spoke in crude parody, like he was the teacher and she was a student at her lessons. She burned with humiliation at the naughty words and the way he dipped the plug in and out of her, stretching her hole.

“Because I disobeyed you and got out of bed before you gave permission.”

“And what do naughty Phoebes get?”

“Spanked. Then a plug to stretch them, so I can please you.”

“That’s right,” he finished, and teasing finished, slipped the whole thing inside. She gasped.

“You all right?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, and he drew her up, pulling down her dress.

“How does it feel, knowing you have a plug in your arse?”

“It’s feels strange,” she whispered.

“It doesn’t hurt though?”


“Good. You’ll spend the rest of the time until dinner plugged for me. No drawers. And if you’re very good, I’ll take it out before I spank you one last time and tuck you in for the night.”

“Calum, please!” The thought of spending all this time not only plugged, but bothered and ready for him, almost had her pleading for his cock in her ass right away.

“You’ll do as I say. And no touching. I’ll be very put out if you touch yourself. So don’t do it; I’ll know.”

And so Phoebe lay in bed, burning for her husband. He came in once to slip his hand between her legs, feeling her wetness.

“Just checking.” His hands squeezed her spanked bum, soothing them. “Are you hot for me, Phoebe bird?”

“Yes, Calum,” she said a bit breathlessly.

He chuckled. “Are you willing to stay that way, knowing it pleases me?”

She nodded, but couldn’t stop her sorrowful look.

He laughed outright and kissed her. “Don’t worry. Calum will take care of his Phoebekins. You were so good, I’m going to give you a treat.”

He sat down and brought her over his knee. His thick thighs were sturdy under her, and he soon had her skirts up. Playing with the plug, he drew it out, only to push it back in. Two fingers sought her little pleasure button.

“Oh, Calum.”

“You’re going to come for me, Phoebe, while I play with your ass.”

She moaned at the thought, but, sure enough, came hard from his fingers dipping into her honey pot and the plug lewdly driving in and out of her.

“How was that, little lass?”

She couldn’t think of anything to say, so she just nodded. He laughed and laid her back down, arranging her on the bed with a pillow under her hips to show off her plugged bum.

When he came back, he brought dinner, but didn’t hand it over.

“Sit in my lap and let me feed you,” he said.

She sighed, but wasn’t really upset about cuddling close to his muscled chest. It was embarrassing to be fed like a child, but, as with every other aspect of caring for her, he seemed to enjoy when she submitted to being his little one, relying utterly on him. She kept shifting, though, to find a comfortable way to sit with the plug, and felt grateful that he hadn’t put her on a hard bench. He fed her slowly, offering bite after bite, and she could feel his cock pressing into the side of her bottom as he spooned dinner into her mouth.

After her stomach was full, she had an idea. He kept her in his lap while he ate, and she wriggled a little.

“Phoebe.” His tone was a warning. “None of that now. You got your reward.”

“What about you?” She ran her hand over his placket, grinning when he caught his breath.

“You want another spanking?”

“Please, Calum, let me serve you.”

Wordlessly, he slung a robe at his feet, and she knew just where he wanted her to settle. But before she could kneel, he stopped her. “Take off your dress,” he said, voice rough. “I want to see you.”

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