Rodeo: A Bad Boy Romance (FMX Bros Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Rodeo: A Bad Boy Romance (FMX Bros Book 2)
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Chapter 13

Professor North stepped into the office and looked at the boxes that had been moved to the finished pile. “You are extraordinary, Auggie. I wish my sons had the concentration level you have.” He walked up to me. “August, I hope you consider staying through the holidays, even after the work is finished. Unless, of course, you have family or friends to see.”

“Most of my friends went back home to their families, and my parents and brothers are still in Europe. I will stay as long as you can bear having me.” I smiled. “I’ve grown quite fond of your cooking.”

“Good, it’s settled then. Well, Ethan and I are heading into the city. We have some business at the university. Dalton has gone off on the snowmobile. He gets restless cooped up in the house. Winter has always been hard on him. But I’ve started an impressive fire in the hearth, and I left a pot of homemade cocoa on the stove. Just heat it up.”

“Sounds wonderful. I think I will take a break and sit in front of the fire. A chill always creeps into this room in the afternoon.”

“Yes, this office is always cold in winter and hot in summer. We should be back in several hours.”

The front door closed and the car started up in the driveway as I finished entering one last piece of pottery. I walked to my room and grabbed my book and then headed to the living room. The fire lapped at the ornate fireplace screen. It filled the entire room with glowing warmth.

I sat down on the plush rug in front of the hearth. I’d taken to wearing my fuzzy slippers while working at the computer. They were far more effective at keeping my feet warm than my shoes, and far more comfortable. I pushed off my slippers and stuck my feet closer to the fire. A large picture window filled one wall of the living room, and I stared out at the white landscape. The sky was filled with pale gray clouds, and tiny flecks of snow fell past the window. It was the perfect winter scene. I relaxed back against the seat of the couch and opened my book.

I’d hardly read two pages when the silence of the house was shattered by the front door swinging open. A string of curses followed. I jumped up and walked to the entryway. A small tree seemed to be struggling to squeeze itself through the door. After a few harrowing moments, it popped through and landed wet and exhausted on the tile floor of the entry. Dalton stepped in behind it.

He smiled proudly down at the tree. “It looked smaller out there in the open.”

“For a second, I thought one of the trees had uprooted itself and was trying to push inside for warmth. How will it stand?”

“I’ll have to go down to the basement and get the tree stand and the decorations. We haven’t had a tree in a long time.” There was a distant sadness in his tone, and that boyish quality I’d occasionally glimpsed in his face showed now.

“Well, I think it’s a great idea.” I leaned down and picked up the top of the tree, and we carried it to living room.

“Head to the window. That was where my mom always put the tree.” He leaned the tree up in the corner. “We used to make strings of popcorn to hang on some of the trees surrounding the house so the animals had a treat. Then Ethan and I would lean our elbows on that windowsill and watch the birds and squirrels devour the popcorn.”

“Those are all pleasures we city folk can only dream and read about. Although my mom did once buy a designer bird feeder to hang in the jacaranda shading the pool house. She even had the gardener fill it with bird seed. But then one day she was walking out of the pool house and a pigeon flew off the roof and dove at the bird feeder. She screamed and threw her hat at it. Apparently, only exotic, rare birds were allowed to eat at our bird feeder. She had it taken down.”

Dalton shook his head. “How the heck did you turn out so normal?”

I laughed. “It wasn’t easy. Sometimes it feels as if I’m just sitting on the sidelines watching my family like a spectator. I swear they seem more and more ridiculous with each passing year.”

Dalton stepped toward me. He reached up and pushed a strand of my hair back behind my ear and even though his fingertip barely grazed my skin, it felt as if he’d caressed me. Even after the moment of intimacy we’d had in the dark kitchen, he still seemed to be holding himself back from something as if the sting of my first rejection had stuck with him. “Well, they can’t be all that ridiculous because they definitely did one thing right.” He lowered his hand. “I’m going to go in to take a shower. I smell like wet pine needles and gasoline.”

I laughed. “Is that what it is? I thought you were trying out a new aftershave. I’ll just sit here warming my feet by the fire and then I’ll help you carry the decorations up from the basement.”

I stretched out my legs again. I picked up the book and read the same line several times as the shower started. My mind returned to the sight of Dalton standing in the light of the refrigerator, the feel of my mouth pressed against his bare shoulder, the touch of his hands on my face as he leaned down to kiss me.

It was a fleeting decision, something that was rare for me. But I wanted Dalton North so badly, I ached just thinking about him. I pushed to my feet and walked down the hallway. His bedroom door was ajar and I pushed it open. His snow soaked jeans and shirt were strewn on the floor next to his wet and worn army boots.

I’d never done anything like it before, and it felt almost surreal as I stood in the center of his bedroom listening to the roar of the shower. I’d put up my guard early on, fearful that I would fall for him and leave here brokenhearted. Now I was throwing myself headlong into it. But, suddenly, the risks seemed worth taking. My only real worry was his reaction.

I lifted my sweater off over my head and unhooked my bra. The air in the bedroom was cool and I shivered as I slid off my jeans and panties. I stood completely naked in the center of his bedroom, trembling with nerves.

I pushed open the bathroom door. Condensation clouded the mirror and warm soapy steam filled the air. The wavy glass doors allowed me to see only the outline of his incredible physique. I slid open the shower door. He pulled his head out from the stream of water and opened his eyes. Before he could react, I stepped inside the shower stall.

His chest rose and fell as he looked at me. The bathroom light glinted off his silver dog tags. Water dripped off the ends of his long black hair, and his gaze dropped to take in my body. I felt a split second of terror that he would ask me to leave and then he reached for my arm and pulled me against his hard, naked body. His hand slid behind my neck and warm water cascaded over us as his mouth devoured mine with an urgency that made me dizzy with need. His large, calloused hands caressed my back as his tongue traced my lips and tongue and then his hands slid down to my naked bottom and he pulled me tighter against him. His hungry mouth wandered away from my lips. My head fell back as his tongue ran along my throat. He reached up and pushed my breast against his mouth. I wrapped my fingers in his hair as his tongue traced circles around my nipple. I pushed hard against the pressure of his open mouth, wanting him to take in more of me.

As his hands explored my naked skin, I reached down and took hold of him. He felt hard and thick in my hand. A low groan rolled up from his throat. He lifted his face and his gaze was more heated than the steamy air. The pulsating flow of water seemed to keep rhythm with my heartbeat.

“Let’s go out to the fire.” He lowered his mouth and, even in the warmth of the shower, I shivered as his tongue traced circles around my ear. “I want to taste you . . .  and touch you . . .  until you scream out in ecstasy.”

His words made me weak and defenseless in his hands. We stepped out of the shower. Rivulets of water trickled over the muscular curves of his chest and abdomen. He wrapped a towel around my shoulders and then yanked me against his wet body. The warm, comforting steam condensed to cold moisture as he kissed me long and hard.

We pulled apart just long enough to dry off. Dalton limped to his bed and for the first time I let my gaze drop down to his bad leg. Deep scars ran like railroad tracks down the back of his leg and there were large dents where the muscle had been torn away. A cold tremble rushed through me as I envisioned the agony he must have endured. He caught me looking at it.

“Pretty ugly to look at,” he said quietly.

I looked at him across the room. Black stubble framed a perfectly chiseled chin and his green eyes looked as if someone had painted them in the extraordinary color, a color that seemed to change with every emotion and turn of light. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. “Dalton North, there is absolutely nothing ugly about you.”

The usual cocky, confident grin vanished and he stared at me across the room. “Sugarplum, where the hell have you been these past two years?”

“I’m here now. So, soldier, what are you waiting for?”

He leaned down to his dresser and triumphantly fished out a small foil package. “If I learned one thing in my short stint in the boy scouts, it was to always be prepared.”

“I’ll bet you were adorable in your little uniform.”

“Well, yeah, naturally.”

I followed him down the hallway as he dragged the quilt out to the living room. He spread it out on the floor in front of the fire. In the intimacy of his shower, I’d found confidence that I never knew I had, but standing in the middle of Professor North’s living room, I felt strangely self-conscious. I crossed my arms over my naked breasts but still felt completely exposed and with good reason.

Dalton straightened the blanket and then looked over at me. He laughed. “You don’t need to hide yourself. This house is completely secluded and private. The only thing that might peek in that big window is a bird or a raccoon. And, unless Dad and Ethan turned around without reaching the city, we still have a good hour alone.”

My eyes widened. “Is that a possibility?” I hadn’t given thought to them returning early.

“Can’t think of a reason why they would turn back.” He walked to me with less limp than I’d ever seen. He took hold of my wrists, uncrossed my arms, and held them out to my sides. “You are amazing, Auggie.” His gaze drifted slowly over my body and heat swirled through me. He’d merely looked at me and I ached for him.

He released my hands and I stepped toward him. My fingers moved softly over his smooth chest muscles and then I kissed him as I had done the night before. My lips moved over the naked skin of his chest and the hard ridges of his stomach muscles.

He took hold of my wrist and led me to the blanket. “Lay down,” he commanded. The soft quilt had been warmed by the fire, and it felt luxurious against my naked skin. Dalton stared down at me. His hungry gaze was too much. I needed him.

“Dalton,” I pleaded, “touch me, please.”

With some effort he lowered himself to the ground. His face twisted slightly as he found the best position for his leg. I sat up and looked at him. “I don’t want this to be hard for you.” I sat on my knees and leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the mouth. “Tell me what to do.” I kissed his neck. “I want you to forget the pain, all of it,” I whispered. I pushed his long hair behind his ear. “I want you to feel only me, touching you, kissing you.” I took his bottom lip between my two lips and tugged on it. “I’ll do anything . . . just ask.”

He reached back and pulled some pillows down and leaned back against the couch. I moved to straddle his lap but he shook his head. “First, put another log on the fire,” his voice was low and heavy.

I bit my lip and smiled flirtatiously at him. I crawled on my hands and knees, completely naked and exposed to his gaze. I knew he was watching me and the thought of him staring at me so intimately made me want him that much more. As I reached the fire grate, I got up on my knees and leaned far over the stone hearth to drop the piece of wood inside. “Shit, woman, do you know what you’re doing to me?”

I stayed on my knees, complete exposed and feeling deliciously wicked. My skin glowed red from the heat of the fire as I moved slowly away from the hearth.

A low groan rolled up from his throat. “You don’t even know how fucking bad I want you right now.”

I crawled back to him and leaned down over him. He groaned with pleasure as I dragged my tongue along the hard hot length of him. He took hold of my arms and pulled me up. He reached back for the condom and I straddled his lap. I bent forward and kissed his mouth as his fingers drifted down around my bottom to the moist heat between my thighs. A small cry erupted from my throat as his fingers slid inside of me. I moved up and down with the movement of his hand.

I laced my fingers through his hair and pulled his head back. I kissed him, smothering my faint moans of pleasure against his mouth. He skillfully moved his fingers inside of me, bringing me to the edge where I would die of need if I didn’t have him soon. I lifted slightly up on my knees and stared down at him. Long black lashes shadowed his eyes.

I kissed him again. “Please,” I begged. “I want you, Dalton. Please.”

A gasp escaped my lips as he dragged his long fingers out from between my legs. He gripped my hips hard as he brought me down over the thick, hot length of him. I collapsed my knees to drive him deeper inside of me. My fingers dug into his hard shoulders as I rocked back and forth over him, each movement taking him farther inside of me.

I lowered my face against him.

“No, Auggie, I want to see your face.”

I lifted my head from his shoulder and I closed my eyes as my head spun from the intense feeling of him. His fingers bit into the skin on my hips as I moved back and forth over him with increased urgency. His thrusts quickened and my fingers dug deeper into his shoulders. I screamed out as I went over the edge and into an explosion of sensations that sent body wracking tremors through me and the whole time he drove himself even deeper. His grip on me tightened and he groaned as his body went rigid beneath me and then he slowed. I collapsed into his embrace, and we stayed silent in each other’s arms with only the crackling fire for music. The heat radiated across my naked back as I stayed tucked in his large, protective arms.

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